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Mt Washington

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Everything posted by Mt Washington

  1. I am disappointed I won't get to see Tomas on my trip Oct 22. He is so delightful and full of energy. I met him on our June Baltic trip. Good for him, a promotion.
  2. Thank you so much for posting the daily activities. I just saw what I was looking for -- They call it tour de cycle. That's spin. Yeah and it's at 8:30. I guess it's not everyday, but that's fine.
  3. You are absolutely correct about the itinerary. I didn't pick up on that. I appreciate seeing the daily activities. I see Pilates is at 9. Waiting to see if there will be spin classes.
  4. This was itinerary June 3 for 14 days. Sun didn't go down until almost 11 pm. Wonderful trip.
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