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perfect match

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Posts posted by perfect match




    Dear TripAdvisor Member,


    Congratulations! One of your photos has been selected to represent St George's Visitor Information Center on TripAdvisor websites around the world.


    Thank you for uploading your photo. Since St George's Visitor Information Center didn't already have an official photo on TripAdvisor, your photo will help travelers see what it looks like.


    We appreciate your important contributions to the community and hope you'll continue sharing your travel photos and reviews.


    Thank you.



    -The TripAdvisor Content Team


    Yep, you're famous! Of course, all of us readers here already knew that! :cool:


    Actually since I have 2 cameras, I already have 2 chargers. So I think I'll just put one of them in my suitcase and leave it there all the time. I'm never charging 2 cameras at the same time at home anyhow. Now, if I could just find that second one now... :p


    I have a bunch of things I leave packed in my suitcases too...snorkeling stuff, my over the door hanger thingymabob filled with all the trial sized goodies, water shoes and so on. I decided to do that a few cruises back and works great. :)




    LOL :p


    There you go. Now go find that second charger and put it in the suitcase with the rest of your travel stuff. Knowing what a planner you are, I figured you probably had a stash like that already, and as usual you did not disappoint.

  2. The most in one go for me has been 7 sea days.

    However, we have had 5 sea days, then 3 ports, followed by 5 sea days 2 ports and 2 sea days both have been on Transpacifics. I do enjoy sea days though.


    We were on this cruise with Joe, it was our 1st TA and we booked it, in part, because of the stop in Bermuda which broke up the consecutive sea days to two prior to Bermuda, then 2 days in Bermuda and then 4 sea days. I was concerned about the 4 in a row.....I was wrong...I loved it and could easily have "endured" a few more....hence we now have reservations for the Reflection TA next April which has 7 sea days in a row and I have no "reservations" about our reservation!!!! :D


    Thanks for the input on sea days. I always come home from our more port intensive shorter cruises totally exhausted since I seem to forget I'm not 18 any more so I jam in as much activity as I possibly can. Perhaps a few more sea days would build in some rest and relaxation time so I might come more rested than I usually do. We are workIng our way up to longer cruises, so I expect we will try a TA eventually. :D

  3. Glad you loved the review and I will definitely keep them coming to the best of my ability. (I feel like just going ahead and packing my charger now!!!)


    Have you thought about buying a spare charger and putting it in a piece of luggage you know you will take on every cruise and just leaving it there? That is one wayto be sure you will never forget your charger again. :eek:


    Not that I would ever forget anything like that! :D Seriously, I have a whole collection of cruise supplies that I just keep packed so I don't forget them. Works like a charm, and leaves me free to concentrate on the rest of my planning without having to worry that I might forget any necessities.

  4. After leaving the Azores we had another day at sea - our 7th . And it was starting to get monotonous . Another day at sea , overcast and rainy , rough seas , another clock change tonight , same cabin , more sleep and another meal . It was beginning to feel like Groundhog Day ! And then it happened ! Waking up after an afternoon nap and parting the curtains we were blinded by the light ( revved up like a deuce , another runner in the night - Manfred Mann's Earth Band ) . The skies had cleared and the sun had returned ( Here comes the sun ? ) . I felt like singing ! But everybody who has heard me sing , only has 1 request - STOP ( in the name of love ? ) !! So we settled for drying things .


    Love the song references. Funny, people seem to say the same things to me when I start to sing. :eek:


    What I really am here to comment on is the 7 sea days. We have yet to have more than 2 in a row. When we first started cruising, I thought 2 sea days in a row would be too much, but I quickly found out that I really like 2 sea days! I'm not sure how either DH or I would handle 7 days. I expect I would either love ot or hate it. I guess we will just have to schedule a longer cruise so we can find out. :D



    (Kendra just messaged me saying she talked my oldest son-that hasn't cruised with us since he was in his teens and he's now 28-into cruising with us on the Breakaway and she informed me we will be going in October. :eek: If I have my say, I'll chose September...just saying). <---scared about the weather being too cool then. Should I start researching and planning yet? LOL


    YES! Let the planning begin! :D


    I've been hoping you would end up on the BA. Good job, Kendra! :cool:


    Kim, Kendra may not always show it, but I'm seeing some rather definitive signs here that she has inherited your planning gene. :p

  6. We went back to Qsine a second time when they had a 30% off night just before our cruise ended . There was a lot of other food choices which we had wanted to try . :) :D


    How brave of you two to face that abundance of food again!


    Sorry you had inclement weather in the Azores, but it looks like you and your group were able to make the best of it. Nice to see there is a dive shop. I'm sure you knew I would notice that. :cool:

  7. Wow! That is one impressive system of photo organization!


    I don't come home with anywhere near as many photos as you do. I think I've maxed out at about 1000, which is a bit overwhelming for me. I think I'm going to need a whole lot more folders-and sub folders before I can even come close to being as organized as you are. I can only imagine how much time all that organization takes. Makes me appreciate your reviews even more than I already do! Thanks again for doing them.

  8. Thanks for a great review, ADPMOM! I have been very busy taking notes on your tips. We aren't sailing for a while, so I am trying to learn as much as I can about the ship before we sail. We will be sailing in 10327, so a slightly different cabin location but still similar enough that your cabin pictures gave me a good feel for what I can expect our view to be. I think we are going to love it! :D

  9. I loved your review, Kim, as usual. I will have to keep checking up on you to see what you decide to do next, because I'm sure I'll want to follow along wherever you decide to go. As for your decision about sailing again on the Dawn, I think if you give yourself some time and then go back and re-read what you've written, you will find you've already answered your question as to what you really want to do. The good thing about you is that no matter what you decide, you'll have a great time doing it, and that's the best part of all.

  10. Great review, Kim! As you usually do, you have me wanting to sail on a ship I had no plans to sail on and to a destination that wasn't on the top of my list of places I wanted to go. Well, Bermuda was somewhere on my radar, but certainly not at the top of my list. Now, I'm going to be looking at cruises that stop in Bermuda, preferably for several days!


    I'll be back tomorrow to read your recap. :D

  11. Ok, next up is our final full day on the ship. I have to get the pictures together for that and I will return some time tomorrow. Don't worry...it's almost over and you can go back to your regularly scheduled programming. :p :D


    I don't want to go back to my regularly scheduled programming! I'm having way more fun following along on your cruise! :D


    I loved the pictures from your jet ski and motorboat day in Bermuda. I am glad everything worked out for you in spite of the problems you encountered at the start of your day.


    Looking forward to your final day on the ship. :cool:

  12. Another member of the OCD planners group checking in here. The fact that we plan so much alike is one of the things that got me hooked on the first one of your reviews that I read. I've followed you ever since because you have helped me refine my planning style, and I have benefitted a great deal from the research you've done bu settinng me up with the right information to do my own research. I'll be back tomorrow for the next installment. :D

  13. Thanks for sharing. I thought you pass by the statue of liberty on this cruise. :confused: I don't think I seen it in the video or did I miss


    Kim, have you watched the BA on the NY webcams? There are two of them. Portny webcam is located across the river from where the NCL ships dock, and ny harbor webcam is located where you will see the ships pass the Statue of Liberty. The views are amazing!


    I am looking forward to Bermuda tomorrow! :D

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