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Harry Peterson

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Everything posted by Harry Peterson

  1. Moving on...........anyone old enough to remember either of these? Those Kunzle cakes were good!
  2. Just to add some detail here, bearing in mind that this was one person’s recollection of what was said. But if this is really the way the conversation went, hardly surprising that she was upset. Non-white people are frequently asked: ‘But where are you really from?’ and I’m not surprised they feel offended, given that most of them were born and bred in the UK! Here is the full exchange, as detailed by Ngozi Fulani, chief executive of Sistah Space, between Ms Fulani and Lady Susan Hussey, who has resigned as an honorary Lady of the Household, at Buckingham Palace: Lady SH: “Where are you from?” Ms Fulani: “Sistah Space.” SH: “No where do you come from? Ms Fulani: “We’re based in Hackney.” SH: “No, what part of Africa are YOU from?” Ms Fulani: “I don’t know, they didn’t leave any records.” SH: “Well, you must know where you’re from, I spent time in France. Where are you from?” Ms Fulani: “Here, UK” SH: “No, but what Nationality are you?” Ms Fulani: “I am born here and am British.” SH: “No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?” Ms Fulani: “‘My people’, lady, what is this?” SH: “Oh I can see I am going to have a challenge getting you to say where you’re from. When did you first come here?” Ms Fulani: “Lady! I am a British national, my parents came here in the 50’s when…” SH: “Oh, I knew we’d get there in the end, you’re Caribbean!” Ms Fulani: “No lady, I am of African heritage, Caribbean descent and British nationality.” SH: “Oh so you’re from….”
  3. I really do sympathise, particularly as you live on your own. Do you keep a mobile with you at all times, just in case, or even a MedicAlert type device? Almost certainly you’d never need to use it, but it might provide some personal reassurance. I think the antibiotic problems are primarily with those needed for children. You always sound very sensible and level headed, so maybe no climbing 50 foot ladders to check the roof tiles while the strikes are on? Matthew Parris suggested the other day that the government should hold out on the railwaymen, who are hardly underpaid for what they do and can fairly easily be replaced, but give way on the health services, where the pay is poor and it’s very difficult to recruit. Sounds a sensible proposition. He’s usually on the mark. Sadly, we’re paying the price now for years of neglect, and expecting medical NHS staff to work for a pittance, even having to pay for their own training.
  4. That’s horrendous, Michelle. What an absolute nightmare for you. I do hope he gets some today. Exactly the same situation here with antibiotics, and similar reports across the country. Constant government assurances that there’s no shortage don’t help either - they must think people are stupid.
  5. We’re equally old fashioned, but it’s notable that young people tend not to bother much with cards these days - perhaps unsurprising as there are so many other ways to keep in touch that just didn’t exist 30 years ago. We’ve had a fair few cards through Royal Mail so far, and it is nice to hear from old neighbours and other friends across the country. Round the village, most people deliver their own cards, as we do - was a bit surprised to see an old work colleague and his wife delivering one from the next village three miles down the road though!
  6. Anyone else feeling they’re not the sort of customer that P&O are looking for any more? 😉
  7. With you entirely, Avril, though I might perhaps take it one stage further. I’m not remotely interested in any of the ’Royal Family’. It’s unelected, outdated, extraordinarily expensive, and far too big, with far too many hangers on. It has precious little constitutional significance, and the only reason most people give for keeping it is that it’s traditional and that it brings in tourists! Happy to go with the slimmed down Dutch or Swedish versions though, if necessary.
  8. Probably just the two of us then! The British Press has a lot to answer for, and it never learns. I’m thoroughly fed up with its constant direction of the course the country takes.
  9. Does that somehow excuse Clarkson from a vile attack on this woman? https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/hco/hate-crime/what-is-hate-crime/ It’ll be interesting to see whether he’s considered to have committed a criminal offence and prosecuted. He’s no better than the equally vile Katy Hopkins, both pandering to the very worst aspects of what’s left of British society.
  10. Maybe, but they’ve got absolutely no chance of a fair hearing in the UK because almost the entire media is actively campaigning against them. There might be the odd exception, but it’s close to 100%. Then you get this from that unpleasant idiot Jeremy Clarkson: "At night, I'm unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she [Meghan] is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant 'Shame!' and throw lumps of excrement at her.” I’ve no particularly view either way, but I do believe in fairness, and all this stuff in the media smacks more of racism than fairness.
  11. Right. The Christmas Radio Times has arrived, and a traditionally large 1.9 kilo tin of Quality Street from Amazon. That’s the essentials of Christmas sorted then. Anyone else as pleased as we are to see an unexpected one-off feature length return of The Detectorists for Boxing Day? Almost certainly the highspot of Christmas TV amongst all the usual dross. Sadly, Netflix won’t be showing Tim Minchin’s Matilda the Musical in the UK until next summer (everywhere else in the world on Christmas Day!), so one disappointed wife unless I sort out a VPN to connect to Netflix US! We saw the stage version in London when it opened and my wife took the grandchildren just before Covid hit - amazing if you get the chance to see it at the cinema, perhaps with younger members of the family.
  12. That’s not good. Have you got everything you need? Presumably you’re well used to this, living where you do?
  13. I've never watched Strictly in my entire life, Wowzz. Just don't see the appeal. But the public can change its mind, and indeed very much seems to have done.
  14. That’s a minefield, ownership of hedges and where boundaries lie! You were lucky there were documents establishing it - frequently extremely difficult.
  15. Tenners all round, Zap? How very kind of you. I’ve sent my bank details, as requested. Odd - it’s the fifth request today…….
  16. You’re just the man, then! I’ve always assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that since MM doesn’t have web access enabled it’s safe to use unsupported versions, particularly with a virus checker and Malwarebytes running in the background. Is it still at risk?
  17. Used to do exactly the same, Avril - ever since we were first married. Every penny mattered, and we allowed ourselves only so much a week for housekeeping, and so much a week each for 'spends'. £4.25 a week for housekeeping in the early 70s but we ate well enough, admittedly largely on cheese, eggs and baked beans. Cheese on toast was good, egg on cheese on toast better, and egg on beans on toast, with beans, a real treat. Can of Sainsbury's minced beef formed the basis of an excellent Sunday lunch. Once you've started down that route it's difficult to stop, particularly as the children grow up and there's only one income! The switch to Microsoft Money just simplified it, but the technique's the same - tight control of outgoings to match the income. We've still got all the old account books!
  18. Goodness - someone else! It’s not exactly the sort of thing that crops up in everyday conversation, but those using it tend to be fanatical about it in online forums. You might recall the occasional scare when it stopped working after an update, but nobody ever seemed to come up with a replacement that does what MM does so well.
  19. Very few have, I imagine, though in this family it’s become a bit of a joke. I found, and still find, it invaluable in tracking personal finances, and persuaded both children to use it too as an excellent budgetary aid. Our son still uses it but our daughter gave it up after a few months. Mine goes back to 1998 when finances were tight after daughter went to university. It became essential to help avoid overdrafts, and the habit stuck. Son and I both dread the inevitable day when it will cease to run after a Windows update. It’s a fancy front end to what’s essentially a complex spreadsheet containing every bank account and financial asset or liability you choose to put into it. Works extremely well, and very versatile in its interrogation capabilities. Quite a few online aficionados, who all freak and fret on every major Windows update! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Money
  20. Bit random this one, but just curious to know whether there any other saddos like me still using Microsoft Money? Been using it since 1998, through numerous versions of Windows from 95 to 10, and it’s been faultless as a financial record. Anyone remember it? Or still using it?
  21. Have a really great time - and no calamities this time! You deserve it! 😀
  22. Exactly, Avril. Though I’m now even more worried about the pampas grass we had at the last house! I’ll be looking that one up shortly. We set fire to it in the traditional way and nearly took the house with it. Maybe that sent out yet another signal. I’m now looking carefully at our outside Christmas lights in case they’re flashing morse code!
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