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Everything posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. Well, it just reached 82 degrees-totally crazy for the Seattle area. We've had .25 inches of rain since the 1st of September, according to one website I just checked. Maybe on Friday we'll get enough rain to measure. And the smoky haze continues. It's so nice outside but it's hard to breathe I end up staying inside most of the time.
  2. Thanks for understanding. And agree about the smokersโ€™ tables. Wish they were located about 2 decks higher. Will look for you on a future cruise with my breakfast in hand ๐Ÿ™‚.
  3. Good guess on supernova. Never heard of France being โ€œthe Hexagonโ€. I hope youโ€™re still feeling ok. More trivia later??
  4. Afternoon trivia time-although probably late night for you. Because of its six-sided shape, what country is known as "the Hexagon"? What is the explosion of a star called? What is the chemical symbol for copper? I'll check in later with answers. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  5. First of all, I want to say I'm enjoying your reports. That said, I've been debating whether to comment about the tables outside the Lido buffet. That is also our favorite place to have breakfast. I was a little disappointed when you mentioned that you spent all morning there after finishing your meal. I might have been giving you the evil eye if there weren't other tables available. I can understand enjoying the area after the breakfast hours are over. Not trying to be snarky so I hope this doesn't offend-just wanted to offer another view of the situation. Thanks.
  6. @kazuJacqui, you left out a photo of Patrick's torch being lit ๐Ÿ˜. That was a wonderful excursion. Crazy weather-it's supposed to reach 80 degrees tomorrow with no rain in sight for several more days. Very odd for Seattle. Today is also National Chili Day. And I'm starting my birthday week celebration today too. Time is flying by!
  7. I just saw a FB post from Sheri and Terry-met them on the S. Pacific cruise. Did you see them before your isolation? Hope you can find a good movie today.
  8. It's 12. The turntable makes one complete round every 10 seconds. So if you want your coffee mug handle to be in the right spot use increments of 10. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  9. Well rats, Kathi. I am glad you were able to board the ship even if now you are bored on the ship. How about a simple trivia question for you? How many rotations does a microwave turntable make in 2 minutes? Hopefully the negative test will arrive quickly.
  10. I go to the Princess website and look for a cruise to the same area and approximate date. There is a tab for a flight quote and then you can put in the exact date and departure and return cities for your flight. It gives you a fair idea of what the cost might be.
  11. Well, rats! It will be getting quite dark by then, won't it?
  12. Have a fantastic cruise-it sounds like a great adventure. And can't wait for the trivia!
  13. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I've wondered about river cruises and now I'm ready to book. You presented it well.
  14. @Cruising-alongYes to the million emails yesterday. I wondered what changed! @Quartzsite CruiserI thought it was interesting that your elevator photo showed Floor 118 on 10-18 of 2018.
  15. Thanks for continuing to add the link to your blog-I appreciate not having to search for it.
  16. Thanks for the photos of today's port. We'll be there in February-can't wait. So far, barely a sore arm and no other reaction to yesterday's new booster. I'm very thankful since I have to get the house ready for the grandsons' visit starting tomorrow. It will be a busy weekend!
  17. A minor miracle occurred today-our income tax refund finally arrived. It included an $80 interest payment which we'll have to claim next year. It's a very overcast, humid (97%) day in the Seattle area- a bit different from all the sun lately. But still no rain! And around here the area between the street and the sidewalk is known as the parking strip or sometimes the planting strip.
  18. @Quartzsite CruiserYou could be a Seattleite. Birks and socks is the official footwear of Seattle-and mine too.
  19. The caterpillar looks similar to those of the swallowtail butterfly but those are greener.
  20. Another thing to consider is whether there is availability to upgrade. I called to ask about adding Club Orange to our Alaska cruise for Sept. 2023 and it wasn't available. The person suggested that I call back in a few months to see if anything had opened.
  21. I think airlines are having fun putting us all in a tizzy. Our layover in London has now shortened to 1 hour and 10 minutes and it includes going through another security check. Last October it was a mess and took forever. Hopefully things have improved. Good luck to us all. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  22. Thank you for all the photos of Florence and Pisa. We will be taking the train from Rome to Florence, plus a bus tour to Pisa, before our Island Princess cruise back to Ft. Lauderdale in November. I was looking forward to this before but the photos have really amped up my excitement. We also added on a 10-day cruise after arriving in FLL and will then fly to Atlanta to spend Christmas with DS and DDIL, celebrate our 53rd anniversary 2 days later, their anniversary 3 days after that and finally a flight back to Seattle. Phew! Have a great week and welcome to Fall.
  23. Every time something comes up as 9-11, I remember getting ready for work (West Coast time) and having the tv on. When I see 9-11 on a digital clock I remember. I canโ€™t believe I missed Sewing Machine day yesterday. Our convention ended late Friday evening and my friends and I flew to Kansas City, MO yesterday so we could visit the Missouri Star Quilt Company stores in Hamilton-quilting capital of the US. Glad they have free shipping when you meet the minimum spend. My suitcase would really be overweight otherwise. Fabric is heavy! Take care everyone.
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