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Posts posted by sarahecohen

  1. oh my my my, Sarah we gotta talk later on, lol




    Lol, I was there, how cool is that?!?!


    Oh my my my on myself!!


    After a red-eye flight from Vegas to Ft Lauderdale, working straight through the day, sleeping 10 hours after that, then working again today while sick... I gotta tell you, it takes its toll on me!


    Turns out that the catamaran excursion in Grand Turk does indeed go to the drop-off... but the good thing is that its 15-20 feet before the drop-off and if you want to avoid it, just don't swim near it lol! :D

  2. I am not sure how this will play out in Grand Turk, since they take us to a drop off. I am sure I will be close to a heart attack there, but I guess time will tell =/



    Gambee you're mixing excursions up. The one we decided on is the catamaran that goes to one site, which is the 15-20 feet water. It sails along the wall for viewing, but doesn't stop there. A more expensive one goes to two sites, including the drop off but isn't a cat. No worries!!! :)

  3. Thank you so much for the picture' date=' that it's me. :) I always wanted a picture of us in the balcony but my son was not there at that moment. :(


    I really appreciate to all the persons, who support Gambee in his thread. Let's continue traveling with us, in this great adventure. Yayyyyyyy it was great, and we also met very nice CC members.[/quote']


    Hi Mom! How are you? Hope all is well, I am so happy you and "Gambee" had a wonderful time on your adventures! Can't wait to hear all about them.

  4. All aboard with you Gman. Looking forward to great pictures of your flip-flops, feet on lounge-chair shots, Moms half finished drinks and secret reflection of Gambee on a glass. So Hitchcock!!

    BTW Just got an e-mail from RCCL that C&A members can book Quantum on May 28.

    I recommend all new Gambee followers to read his previous reviews, especially of the Allure.


    OMG lol this made me giggle out loud! Don't forget the shots of acts of clumsiness (coffee on white pants, drinks spilled on tables) and weather observations! :p haha it just wouldn't be a Gambee review without them, am I right?!?

  5. Well, the review started off great, but now you've lost me. First, posters here quoting you with pics included over and over is tedious. I don't really need to see pics of the model ships three or four times in one thread or the same map of Bermuda over and over. Of course you cannot control what others do. I really wish people would learn to say what they want without quoting entire posts including photos over and over. Now, you want to personally address each poster and those posters are quoting your personal posts to them on top of it. One example is the recent post by capp. I am referring to post #127. It couldn't get any worse. Sorry, thanks anyway.



  6. Just WOW! Amazing review Gambee. Thank you for taking the time to put this all together. :)


    I'll agree, NCL owes you a free cruise for this Breakaway review.


    Thanks also to Sarah for her contribution.


    You're welcome! He and I were texting and he told me that he had it all written, so I volunteered to edit for him. A few weeks later, he sent it off to me and I casually opened it, expecting a few pages... the thing was like 20+ pages! :eek:


    It took a while, but I kept on thinking about the smile on his face knowing that I was helping him, and all the smiles on everyone's faces when they read it. Honestly, all I did was re-organize words/sentences/checked for grammar/spelling.... all editorial. The writing/style is all him. He is very impressive for English being his second language.


    I've read some good reviews here on CC but, none as good as this. Gambee, you have officially become my "go to" reviewer on theses boards. Awesome pics and detail--i just can't say enough about it. I'll be looking for you on FB too! Thanks for your time and effort on this!!! It clearly shows shows!:D


    His reviews are very thorough and detailed and it shows. I had the honor of meeting him back in April when he was kind enough to drive up from Miami to the hotel I was staying at to clean the sensor on my camera so my review for Silhouette wouldn't be ruined.


    I agree with others that he is quickly becoming a legend on these boards :)



    I agree 100%. I have the pleasure of being his friend in real life, and let me tell you, I have never EVER met someone as nice, kind, and a joy to be around. That may sound weird to say, but I know he and I will be friends for life. Sometimes he needs a little nudging to realize how GOOD he is at this stuff!! I am trying to get him to do a professional online blog so he can quit the service industry and start making money doing what he LOVES! But, change can be scary and that would be a BIG change.


    "Gambee" you are much loved on this board, and you are much loved in "real" life too :) I can't wait for the Breeze!!!!


    But anyway, back to this review, which is lovely and I just can't wait to read more and more of...

  7. Ok so after testing different ways to reply, I think this more my way. It just did not feel right to not reply. If you take the effort to post, I should take the same effort to respond. Responding this way is much, much easier than my previous way. I apologize for all the responses that I tacked up at the beginning. From now on I will do it like this. It is so much better, and I don't have to deal with multiple windows on my browser. Not to mention deleting smilies and such.


    Please forgive me for replying the way I did before, it was just not right.






    Another very important thing!


    Many thanks go to Sarahecohen for editing everything that you saw posted already. From now on she will not be editing the review, but everything you read until now was professionally edited by her. It took her over 6 hours out of her time to do it, thank you so very much Sarah :).





    I think this is the best, happy medium inbetween what you did before for previous reviews and what you started to do in the review earlier in the day.


    Also, no problem. It was my pleasure. Honestly, that's what best friends are for! :) You just so happen to be lucky to have one that is a writer/editor! :D:p

  8. So I will do this review a little different, in the past reviews I have answered all posts independently. But I have noticed that I dedicated so much time to that and then I neglect the review slightly. I will try to respond to most of them, but if they are in the same context I will address them together. I sure hope that is ok with everyone.


    I will however answer all questions independently, as each question is different from the other ones.


    Of course that does not mean that I don't expect you to post ;), I love when you folks post as it gives me the motivation that I need to continue strong. This is a long and extensive process, I am just trying to lighten my load a little.


    Hope you all understand :)



    What you said goes! Honestly, at this point, you are so well known here that if you just said "Hey all, in order for me to continue going, I need 10 pictures of your breakfast" and lo and behold, you'll get 10 pics of breakfast foods in hours.




    Once at the beach, we met the Sea Urchin man who had lots of shells and sea urchins he had found. He told us about the great qualities of eating a sea urchin and asked if any men would like to eat one. Crickets. No one wanted to.


    LOL! I'll tell you one thing, if it were my boyfriend there, he would have JUMPED on that offer! He loves eating ANYTHING and trying new foods. He probably would have shot his hand up in the air and jumped up! I'm surprised K didn't take up an opportunity to get something inside his stomach! :)

  10. Great review so far! I love it! My boyfriend and I are sailing the Allure in November (sooo long from now!). I would have wanted earlier, but he works at a bank and had to schedule his vacation days ONE YEAR ahead of time. Poo.


    Anyway, K reminds me so much of my boyfriend! He too is a bottomless pitt! I wonder where all that food goes to, and he barely gains any weight. So jealous. I convinced him to choose the Allure because of all the food options! :P

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