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Everything posted by Beagleluv6107

  1. By 2:30, I was already in my room. DH got a shower, but I decided to go to the Lido and sit on the edge of the pool while the kids swam for a while. I was back in my cabin when we started sailing off and took quite a few cool pics. Looks like it was about to rain. Perfect timing because we were headed to the MDR.
  2. We had just enough time to get back and gather up our stuff and get back on our shuttle boat. I snapped a few cool pics of 4 ships in port at the same time. Our little Legend looks like a baby. Haha I read other reviews about this excursion and I understand why some folk’s complained. We are an easy-going bunch, and this really worked for us. I knew we weren’t going to get a long time with the dolphins nor were we actually going to swim with them. I don’t think we had great expectations and we were pleasantly surprised. It might have been nice to have 1 more hour at the beach BUT… we really didn’t need it. The kids had a wonderful time with the dolphins and jumping around on the inflatables. We did get 2 beautiful boat rides to and from Blue Lagoon Island and lunch. Overall, we really enjoyed ourselves.
  3. We were all done and on our way by 11:20. We decided to buy the picture package and split it between the 6 adults. It was $130 and there were over 30 pics. The kids went to play in the water park with all the inflatables and I found the bar. No surprise there. I delivered a beer to DH and headed back over to the Dolphin encounter to take videos and pictures. I’m sure I stood there for 45 minutes. When I got back everyone was having a fun time in the water. The boys sent me for a bucket of beer. I should have seen that coming. When you’re the dry one, you are the bartender. So…. They didn’t exactly have buckets. This Bag-O-Beers consisting of 6 Coors Light Bottles cost me $45. By the time the kids got to climb on almost everything, it was time for a quick bite to eat. The line was a little long and I was afraid we’d be cut short, but it worked out perfect. They had hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, jerk chicken, and rice & beans. DH got a hot dog and piece of chicken. The pic is terrible because this man gets so annoyed with me trying a snap food pics. He needs to understand I do extremely important work here with my reviews and everyone needs to see these plates! 😁 Here's mine. The food was nothing to rave about but when you worked up a hunger kissing dolphins, it was decent.
  4. We were at Blue Lagoon Island by 9:30. The kids played in the water, and we took some group pictures while we waited. Here's a picture before the crowd arrived. Everyone that goes out to these inflatables had to wear a life vest regardless of age. Our scheduled “dolphin time” was 10:30am. When it was time to head over to see our Dolphins, I didn’t take my camera, phone, or shoes. I regret that. Walking over to the enclosure you can see all the action. I could have taken so many great pictures if I had been prepared. Here's a picture after another group came along. I think our time was only about 50 minutes start to finish but the look on the kids’ faces was so priceless. We got to be in the water as a group and we had 8 people total. Here's our fella Clifton and his trainer Justin. We got to rub Clifton's belly and dance with him. Then we each got a hug and kiss. That was hilarious. When I gave him a kiss, he didn’t move so I went back for smooch number #2. He did a few tricks for us. When our trainer Justin found out we had a birthday that day, he sent Clifton to the bottom. Clifton came back with a present and gave it one of the twins. It was a little stone. Very cool.
  5. The head honcho in charge AKA Grammy hustled us slow pokes off the ship before 9. She wanted to make sure we didn’t mess this up for the twins by being late. We walked right off the ship and onto another boat. It was a lovely boat ride.
  6. Day 5 – Nassau Welcome to a very warm and sunny Nassau! We were up and moving by 7am. We had big plans so no laying around. Today was the twins 8th birthday and we were taking them to see some dolphins. We booked the excursion through Carnival. It was called the Dolphin Encounter, Waterpark, Beach, and Lunch for $123 PP. I think I had a few dollars left in onboard credit and used it up when I booked back in November. I had a “real” drink in my hand and sat with all my coffee drinkers by 8am. 😉 I quickly got a burrito and took it to the room so I could pack up my backpack for the day. Everyone that was going on the excursion hit the buffet.
  7. Hey Kellyann, Thank you so much for the kind words. I really loved the Legend for just that reason. It was easy to navigate around and nothing ever felt crowded. I hope you have great time in October!!!
  8. For dinner, I had the Roasted Broccoli and Cheese Soup and the Iceberg Salad. DH had the Shrimp Cocktail, Caesar Salad, and the Grilled Pork Chop. After dinner, DH and I wandered around and then he went back to the cabin. All the days were catching up to him and he didn’t feel good. I went to the Love and Marriage show by myself and guess what??? My squad was there. ❤️ They didn’t bother to text, but they should have known me better. I’m not missing out!! I always say the show can be hilarious if you have a funny CD and Cam is funny. He had some good couples to work with this time. I laughed my butt off. Lucky for us, they brought back the Quest Show. I don’t remember the new name of it or where it was held but we went. We did not play but we laughed and laughed. Obviously, I cannot tell you what I saw. Tee-hee. Fortunately for me, my brain has the ability to block out traumatic sights. By the time I got up to the pizza line, all my friends were in the front. My birthday girl had her pizza pie and only wanted half. Thanks Babe, you are a life saver. I did not feel like standing in line. Ohhhhh and I spied some cookies to the side of the pizza station. Score!!! Here’s me hiding in the bathroom so I don’t disturb a very loudly snoring Husband. Up Next – Beagle Smooches a Dolphin!
  9. We sat up top this time and got some fresh air on our faces. This was the day we should have taken the twins on the water slides since we were already wet. But we forgot all about it and got showered as soon as we got back on board. Here’s two random pics I have no idea why I took them. Back in the cabin by 2:20
  10. By 11:48, I was parched. I went in search of a cold beer. 1st timers that find out they you can’t use the Cheers package get super-duper annoyed with the drink situation. Having to use the S&S card is convenient for not needing cash though and I was able to buy my beer and a round for DH and Jay. On my way to the tiny tiki bar, I ran into Presley and Uriel working their butts off out in the heat. They both said they would be happy to get back inside to the Red Frog Pub. Hubby declined any lunch, so I went off with the girls to check it out. I forgot my phone and my camera. Someone said to try the broccoli salad and the jerk chicken. I did and both were delicious! Here’s one of my favorite pictures I took the entire trip. We left about 2 to head back to the tender.
  11. Our friends had went early and saved some loungers for us in the back and out of the way. It was the perfect spot. One friend went out and did some snorkeling. It was a little rough. I took a bunch of pictures and then eventually got in the water. You don’t absolutely have to wear water shoes, but it is rocky. I would recommend them if you plan to get in the water.
  12. Day 4 – Princess Cays Good morning and welcome to Princess Cays! This would be our first time here. (Well, DH and me that is) Some of the squad had already been here. In fact, the one couple got engaged in 2018. Awe!! ❤️ We were up before 8. By the looks of my picture, I was at the Red Frog getting a Tito’s and OJ by 8:45. We all grabbed whatever food and ate right there at our spot on the Lido. Today I had a burrito. I really don’t like to get the eggs in it but it’s the only way you’re going to melt the cheese. It was good. I think we all met around 10am to catch a tender ride. The twins liked the boat ride.
  13. Hey tcmagnum, Yes, under the Cheers program, milkshakes are included. It doesn't count toward the 15 limit so you could probably get as many as you want. I imagine they are "filling" so you wouldn't more than one in a day tho. Thanks for following along! 😎
  14. Thanks so much Crusin Karen! I appreciate you following along. My dad was in the 82nd Airborne but in 1959.
  15. We made our way to the Mega Deck Party, but I forgot to take any pictures. Well… I snapped 1 pic of my drink. DH and I decided to skip the pizza and before 11pm we ran to the deli. He got a Rueben, and I got a Chicken Wrap. Nae followed us right into our cabin and said, “Oh no it’s not bed time, you gotta go to the club, it’s just us girls tonight”. Well… you might guess what happened next. My arm got twisted and I said OK… knowing full well I needed to eat that wrap and sleep. I know this because while I was at the Mega Deck party… I attempted to follow the line dancing. Not good folks. Not good. Here’s his Rueben, you can see he has absolutely no patience with me taking food pics. Here is my beloved wrap that I had to leave in the fridge for later. So, I found myself back in this dag-gone CLUB, but I didn’t last very long. When none of the girls were watching, I did an Irish Exit. All I could think about was my delicious wrap waiting for me. BUT First…. I happened to notice I was at 14 so might as well pop in the Casino Bar real quick and make it 15. I went to the Casino Bar because if I would have tried to order at the Club Bar, it would have been at least 45 minutes. Now that I'm a regular here 😲 all I can say is the service is terrible. Every night so far! I grabbed my drink and then rushed back into the cabin to eat! That wrap was worth the wait!!! Up Next – Princess Cays
  16. After dinner, we headed back to the Pub. Presley was there to greet us. By this time, he didn’t need to see our Folio numbers. He had all of our numbers memorized. Wow, impressive! Props to Presley. Our dear friend that turned 40 was there and we told Presley why we were on the cruise. A half hour later he brought her cupcakes. That was so sweet!!! They looked amazing too.
  17. For dinner, I had the Lentil, Pumpkin and Chorizo Soup with a BBQ pork slider. Hubby had the Chicken Noodle Soup, a Stuffed Mushroom and Veal Parmesan.
  18. What a treat it was to see Elvis❤️ Both of them 😉 I made a quick stop in the cabin and took this pic. DH and I hung out doing not much of anything. I took this picture somewhere… I think I was in the casino bar. Then a few more pics to show the water was calming down.
  19. None of my pals text me for lunch so by the time I made it back, they had all eaten. It was just as well. I had heard a rumor Elvis was on board, so I wanted to go check him out. They all turned their nose up to that, even Grammy!! Humph! No worries, I went by myself. Elvis and his son AKA Elvis were doing a show in the Night Club. OH Boy… me and this “CLUB!!!” I just can’t stay out of this place. The son was singing when I arrived, but the dad was going around taking pictures with everyone. I got mine. Thank you, Sir!! I watched both sing and then got out of there by 2:45.
  20. I took a few random ship pics on my way back to the cabin to nap. The twins went swimming and hot tubbed while most of the gang finally enjoyed warm temps on the Lido. Once I got up and moving again, I went looking for Serenity. I surely found it. No one will bother me here!
  21. Day 3 – Second Sea Day Thanks to the events of the prior evening, I was knocked out cold until 7:30. DH went up to get coffee and sit on the Lido. I took a few pictures from the balcony and then got my act together. I was on the Lido with the gang by 8:45. I ordered a Tito’s and OJ and DH had a Bloody Mary. My window washer came back to finish the job. We got to see some workers knocking out a pane of glass in the roof. That was fascinating. This did nothing to fix the issue of the roof not closing. Bummer! We got the alert that our table was ready for Sea Day Brunch around 9:15. On this day, I was smart and ordered the Brunch Burger. It was fantastic! DH had a couple eggs, hashbrowns, ham, and bacon.
  22. Awe thanks so much d-train! It was a blast start to finish. I hope you get to sail soon!
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