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Everything posted by Beagleluv6107

  1. Wow, she's amazing! DD Stands for Daredevil Daughter! 😆😆
  2. It was elegant night and that meant... Crab Cakes! Whoo hoo. I’d been looking forward to Crab Cakes for months. I also had the Stuffed Mushrooms but they were ice cold. DH had the Crab Cake, New England Clam Chowder, and the Filet. After dinner, I grabbed a Cosmo from the sports bar, and we made our way back into the Pub for the Mash Up Band. A better picture of the band this time. Before I knew it, it was 11pm and we were headed back to the club. Here’s a picture of some crazy masks behind the Club bar and a few random shots of the dance floor. Man, I am really eating my words about “The Club.” We danced and danced. I think my watch said 16,000 steps for the day. That’s a lot of dancing considering I didn’t do much during the day. DH headed off to order our pizza and I ran down to the Casino bar for my 15th. Hmmm... by the time I got into the cabin, a little was missing. LOL Pic taken at 12:51am. Shameful!😱 Up Next – Let’s Do the Whole Thing Over Again!
  3. On my way back to my room, I grabbed a burger. No one could fault me, I only had pie for breakfast. There was absolutely no line. In fact, this is when it occurred to me that there hadn’t been much of a line for anything so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way! I went back to my cabin to enjoy my masterpiece. Still looks a little rough out there according to my TV pic of the water slides. Again, I still can’t believe I wasn’t seasick. One of my "partners in crime" from the club the night before said she was feeling a tad seasick. It couldn’t be those 15 drinks, could it? Nah… it was the motion of the ocean. Teehee, she did put a seasick patch behind her ear and kept a fresh one on the rest of the cruise. At some point DH found me… or I found him, and we went down to the Pub. It still wasn’t very nice on the Lido, so we said we’d meet the gang there. When we walked in, our server from the night before Presley came up and asked if we wanted our usuals. I blushed… it’s only Day 2 and someone knows my usual? I’m ashamed and proud at the same time. I said no, I’m just having a beer. He said “Well, don’t you want to sit with your friends?” Now the Pub is not that big but somehow our friends were sitting at a table off to the side and Presley knew that and we didn’t. 😲 He would come to impress us several more times on this cruise. Even Nae showed up at the Pub! We lost our bet! They did sports trivia first and then started Karaoke. I think Angie was the first up and she set the bar high. The only good singer after her was young guy named Tommy doing My Girl. Wow, he was Amazing. It was fun though and I love, love, love that no matter how bad a singer is, the crowd cheers them on. We sat there just hanging out until dinner. I’m the beer and DH is the cranberry, and someone had a margarita. I think this other drink pic is mine, but it’s blurry. Those beers must have kicked in. Oh wait, this pic is from 4:30 and you can see it’s still rocky out there. Let’s blame my bad camera skills on the ship rocking.
  4. We went off to the MDR for some brunch. I’m not sure why I bothered to take a picture, we didn’t have a water view. They used to have cooked salmon and for some reason that is what I thought I ordered. Yuck, I got the raw stuff. I couldn’t eat it. Jay to the rescue again. He ate it. I did get the Banana cream pie and it was terrific. They don’t serve it with the butterscotch ice cream now and that was disappointing, but I made it work. DH ordered the Huevos Rancheros, but I forgot a pic. He liked it. I always knew he would. He didn’t even eat the tortilla and was too full. He said it ruined most of his morning/mid-afternoon. I wasn’t stuffed at all since I only had a piece of pie with no ice cream ☹ We headed back to the room, but it wasn’t fixed up yet. Here’s my neighbor and one of my best buds Nae. She left that on her door till the next day. After last night's "Clubbing", we never expected her to leave her cabin till mid-day. In fact, I think some of us placed bets that she wouldn’t come out until sea day #2. DH hopped in the shower and then headed off to find his friends. I took a few pics of the rough seas. I still can’t believe I didn’t feel bad. I did a little journaling and then there was a knock at the door. It was Yudi. He came to clean, so I left him to it. Oh it would be so nice if I could take Yudi home and just walk out and leave him to it. teehee I went for a walk and took a few ship pics. I found the boys hanging out in the Atrium, so I hung out with them for a little while. The walking towel creature came around, so I got up and took a pic with him/her/it. I was still in my sweatpants and slippers, so I’ll spare you that picture.
  5. Day 2 – Our First Sea Day DH got me up some time after 7am. I think I took one look outside and crawled right back into that bed!! It was way too early, and it looked crappy outside. Nothing to rush out the door about. He left around 8 to go find some coffee and sit on the Lido. I took a few pics and got it together by 8:30. I went straight to the Red Frog for a bloody Mary. You know "hair of the dog" and all that. Ugh, it didn’t work. It tasted very much like horseradish, and I gave most of it away to my buddy Jay. I am not a quitter though, so I got a Tito’s and OJ. That hit the spot! Nobody was really around at the time. It’s hard to tell in this pic how the pool water was rolling about. The seas were a bit rough out this morning. I am the most seasick person around and I didn’t feel bad at all. I’m not sure why. I'd like to think the Legend is just a great ship that can take rough seas very well. We watched the window cleaner swoosh his brush all around and never go back and rinse. ODD!!!
  6. Hey bigdog1958, I still can't believe they have not fixed that roof. How can they expect to sail from Baltimore in the winter like that?? Very disappointing! I'm glad I didn't know until I boarded.
  7. Hey Pe4all, I hope you give the Legend a try. I loved the ship! Congrats to your DD. That's awesome. I'm glad she did it. What did she think... would she do it again?
  8. luvs2beachit, Thank you so much for following along. I sure do love writing them 😁
  9. Hey gd_at-sea, I am so excited you'll be boarding the Legend soon. It's a great ship. We loved it!
  10. Awe thanks so much for following along atticusthegreat 😀
  11. Thanks AKR2011. So far, not much but party pics but I do have some "substance" coming up soon. 😊
  12. Hey WingNut, We sure do. Ugh! Thanks for following along. I hope you get to sail on the Legend soon!
  13. After dinner, we worked our way down to the sports bar about 7:15. The Cowboys/49ers game was on and there was a nice crowd but not overly packed. I expected it to be a crowded mess and was pleasantly surprised. Eventually, everyone in our little gang got a seat. After the game, we moseyed 5 steps over to the Red Frog Pub to listen to the Mash Up Band. This is the only picture I took and doesn't really show the band at all. They played a decent mix of songs and did some fun mash-ups which is why I guess they named themselves the Mash Up Band. 😊 When their set was over, someone suggested we all go to The Club. 😲 Does anyone recall me saying that I have never been in the club and never intend to go? Yup, that was me running my mouth earlier in this review. Boy, did I eat those words. I think I was on 14 so it’s perfectly understandable how I got conned into this plan. Then to my horror, my arm was twisted to go out on the dance floor. Yikes. The boys were up on the second floor looking down taking pictures. Yes indeed, there is evidence of this craziness. It serves me right for shooting my mouth off. These pics are not of me but just in case my dear readers have never seen the inside of The Club… here ya go. At some point I hit 15. Dancing like a fool is thirsty work. And hitting 15 causes hunger pangs so off to the Pizza line we went!! It was almost 1am when we got back to the cabin. Shameful!!!! Do not tell my mother-in-Law! Up Next – First Sea Day
  14. We made our way to the MDR. DH changed his mind about the NFL game and came with us. Our group was too big for 1 table, so we had a table of 8 at #100. The other group was at #210 but right next to us. Don’t ask me what this pig is for or why it's sitting at our table. I had the Smoked Poblano and Corn Soup with a Quesadilla. DH had Caesar Salad, Roasted Vegetable Ricotta Lasagna and Pollo Parmigiana Dell Cucina. The ship magician came to see us this first night. He blew us all away. I’ve never seen anything like it. The twins were as amazed as I was. For his final trick he asked me to think of a card…any card. I picked the 2 of clubs… 5 seconds later he handed me that card. I leapt out of my chair like it was on fire. How’d he know that guys??? Seriously, this man actually IS Magic!!!!!
  15. Ok, where did I leave off. Ah yes, we had just arrived at the Red Frog Pub on Deck 2. Our bartender Uriel told me he had the coldest beer on the ship. It was almost a lil frozen so it was spilling over and he had to give me a glass. They don’t have Corona Light for DH, so he settled for a Tito’s and cranberry. One friend ended up getting a Carnival Glass Mug for $1.50 and didn’t want it so we took it. I went back to room around 4:30. You can see how dreary it was. I met Yudi our cabin steward. He was sweet and asked if I needed anything. I was good. I’m not sure why I was inclined to take a picture of our phone but here ya go. Our luggage had arrived by then, so I did a little unpacking. I also had to do a little of my own cleaning after I noticed this… The former guest’s lip balm and lots of dust on the shelves. 😳 I did what needed to be done and got back to the Pub. All my pals we waiting for me. Dinner had changed from 6pm to 5:30.
  16. Hey Corrie, I'm not sure. Since we cruised in January with an open roof the pool wasn't used very often. On port days we were in the MDR by 5:30. Luckily, you'll be cruising in the summer with nice, sunny, long days so it is probably open late like most ships. Thanks for following along! Have a great time. We did... even in January!!
  17. Thanks Jamman! We had a blast. Can't wait to tell ya'll the next part of the story. 😎
  18. Hey TxTeach, Thanks for following along. I really liked the Legend. They layout is great. We were at capacity and I never noticed.
  19. Our friends had grabbed lunch and were sitting on the Lido, so we went to meet them, and this is when I found out about the roof…. After all my research, I did not know that the Legend’s roof was broken. 😮About 9 ft is stuck open and it was now pouring rain outside and in the hole. The PanMan might as well not show up for his set since no one could hangout on the Lido. It certainly would not matter if they showed an NFL Playoff game! How the gang ate out there, I do not know but I was not having any part of it. We grabbed our first Funships and hauled “it” inside to find warmth. We ended up at the Red Frog Pub. This is the perfect crowd. Haha
  20. Day 1 – Embarkation Day We were up and moving by 7am. Our friends with the twins came and picked us up at 11am. We had a check in time of 12:30 and they had 1pm. Unfortunately, someone put a wrong address in the GPS, and we ended up in downtown Baltimore. Thank heavens that was not me! I remembered that we should see the ship while driving Interstate 95. I’m sorry I didn’t speak up sooner. I watched 12:30 come and go with a look of disgust on my spoiled rotten face. But wait… what’s this I finally see. Yeah, it’s a Fun Ship in the distance. We eventually pulled in at 12:48 but oh crap, there were 4 lanes of cars just sitting at a standstill. In hindsight, it was nice to sit in the car versus standing in line outside in the chilly damp air. We unloaded the luggage at 1:34 and parked the van just as it started to rain. I had came prepared and pulled out one of those adorable little umbrellas I bought off Amazon for less than 10 bucks. It would not work… at all. It went right in the trashcan outside in the parking lot. Everything after that was a breeze and I took my 1st step on board at 2pm We went right to do our Muster Drill. Well, I made a quick pit stop to the restroom and came out and DH tells me he did my muster for me. Apparently, he was asked if I was with him, and he said yes, she’s right in there and they marked me down as complete. Wow, it does not get any easier than that!! I didn’t even have to show up. Later that afternoon, when I logged into the Hub app, the screen showed I needed to watch the video, so I did that. Here’s a random pic as I was walking away. After the easiest Muster Drill Ever, we went to the room to drop off our backpacks. Vacation has officially started!
  21. Funfetti Cheesecake on Embarkation Day and a Milkshake are the only “Must Do’s” on my list of things to accomplish this time. I should have put a lot more thought into that and wrote a list. On the Saturday before we left, we took my infamous MIL out to Hibachi for her 82nd birthday. She had a blast. I think we had 2 tables for a total of 16. We took it easy and went to bed at 10pm. Big Big Day tomorrow!! Before I finally get to the POINT and start my review, I’d like to say thank you to all the members that take the time to do a review. And a big Thank You to some of my all-time Favorites… Jamman54, TxTeach, Saint Greg, SID_9169, Megan, JRL81, Mitsugirly, Pirate4me2, IntrepidFromDC, Jimbo5544 and Wildra! I read every word of your hilarious reviews! Ok, let’s get down to business. Next up – Embarkation is Finally Here!!!
  22. What is up CC Family?? Beagle is back with another LEGENDary cruise review. I am thrilled to be writing again because it feels like I just wrapped up my MAGICal Bermuda trip report from August. This trip is all thanks to one of my Besties turning 40. Thanks for having a birthday you young whipper snapper. I can say it like that because I turned 50 a few months ago. Believe me, I act and sound 50 unless I’m on a ship and then all of a sudden, I’m 21 again. Speaking of me turning 50, I wanted to share my adventure with you all. I went Sky Diving. My dad was a Paratrooper in the Army way back when and I have always wanted to give it a try. I wish that he had been alive for me to tell the tale, but I have you all so thanks for indulging me real quick. Here is a pic of my Pop – Handsome Devil back then, wasn’t he? Ok, here’s me loading up. Then off we go… I wasn’t nervous until they said 2000 feet, we will pull the door. That unnerved me a little. I had that picture of my Dad tucked into my shirt over my heart so I tapped it and said, “Ok Pop, one last jump just me and you.” Well then, I started to tear up and fog up my goggles, so I had to end the sentimental stuff right then and there. Next thing ya know I was airborne. It was incredible. I loved every second. Here’s a picture of me and my tandem instructor. We stuck the landing perfectly. Ok, thanks for letting me share my bday story with ya’ll. I do not FB, so CC is all that I have. Now… onto why I am on this sailing. Like I said, my buddy is turning 40 so we have a great group going. 17 of us total. The youngest are 8-year-old twins and the oldest is close to 70. I don’t have my dear MIL on this one but don’t worry, she is booked for our next adventure and cannot wait. She will be 82 soon and is ready to dance circles around me in the club at 1am. That’s only funny because I would never be in the club at 1am but I will hire someone to make sure the sweet old gal stays upright. Teehee just kidding. This cruise is close to home for us so no FLYING. Hallelujah, considering all the hassle for poor, weary travelers in the 6 weeks leading up to our sailing. Also, no testing and all that mess. Wow, I won’t know how to act during embarkation without 10 extra things to worry about. Yeah Us! About 10 days before the cruise is when the FAA outage occurred, and it was the first time I appreciated that we were going out of Baltimore. I had not been looking forward to being cold so let’s see how that goes. 6 days before departure and Dallas beat Tampa Bay in the Wild Card Playoffs. That meant the divisional round Dalles / San Francisco would be scheduled for Sunday, Debarkation Day at 6:30. That is completely messing up our dinner in the MDR. We are big MDR Lovers. Probably because we never go out to dinner here at home. DH insisted that “he” would be in the sports bar for the entire game and that’s that. Hopefully, they show the game on the Lido where we would have more room. I fully expect that sports bar to be jam packed with other NFL Lovers. My intention was to go to dinner and get 2 appetizers and then check on him. I could always grab him a sandwich at the deli. I’ll keep you posted on that. The weather is expected to be miserable on departure day. Not this bad But rainy, cool, and dreary. I’ll be happy to sail off! I like to make a list of things I keep forgetting to do like getting that free milkshake on my Cheers program. Speaking of Cheers, has anyone noticed the pricing? Whew! $990 for the two of us this cruise and think we paid around $870 on the Mardi Gras 12/21. We did pay for the Wi-Fi before they raised the prices. This was for 2 of us using the Value Plan.
  23. Hey Jeff, I couldn't wait for this review! You and Patti look fantastic as ever! Looking forward to seeing how the rest of your Amber Cove day goes. Those Presidente's snuck up on me last time and I needed that #11 to drive me back to the ship! 😜 Thank you both so much for taking us along for the ride!!
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