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Everything posted by Clodia

  1. I am now wary of the " on your own" P and O tours where a bus takes you to a town or beach and picks you up at a pre arranged time to return to the ship. I booked 2 of these in the Canaries on my recent Iona cruise. Both pick up buses were late, leaving people waiting with no seats or shade. One was just late because of traffic, the other broke down and it was nearly an hour before a replacement was sent. The only good thing was that the ship waited for us. But the shine was taken off 2 otherwise enjoyable days out by a hot, tiring wait with nowhere to sit and no shade. I shan't do it again.
  2. The Take That inspired show on Iona was one of the best I've seen on P and O.
  3. The only time I did a "Christmas cruise" was on Oceana about 5 years ago and we were asked to bring Christmas jumpers. I didn't bother as it's always far too warm on the ships to wear a winter jumper. The bright red face is not a good look. Totally agree that it's absurd to combine jumpers with a black tie night.
  4. There is no way I will fly cruise now because of these issues though I've done so prior to the Great Lunacy. Considering the no fly itineraries to the Caribbean now.
  5. I forgot to go down to the bookcase area in Anderson's on my first day. By day 2 the bookcases were virtually bare.
  6. Formal nights can generally be worked out. Usually 2nd night at sea on way down to the Canaries, and penultimate night coming back. That all changed on current Iona cruise because of itinerary change, but I changed my hairdo without problems. Had Costa coffee a lot of mornings and rarely waited more than 5 minutes.
  7. Yes the drinks service works VERY much better this way. I've been served promptly and efficiently every day this cruise. By the way, the goat curry (yes) in the Beach House on Iona is one of the best curries I've ever had!
  8. One thing on Iona that a few people have missed is that the Asian Fusion counter at the Quays does eggs to order at breakfast time: scrambled eggs with or without smoked salmon, poached eggs or omelettes with various fillings. I've been having a cheese omelette cooked to order, with a wholemeal roll, on sea days. Delicious.
  9. I am envious of the OP having Gervase Phinn onboard. I met him when I was a Headteacher at the Secondary Head's annual conference where he was the after dinner speaker. He's funny and sensible. I have At the Captains Table on my kindle and completed reading it yesterday. A few amusing cruise stereotypes expertly portrayed.
  10. And I had one last night. Scrumptious!
  11. Now at Maspolomas in Gran Canaria finishing lunch. This is a 14 night cruise to the Canaries and Madeira which had the homeward itinerary changed due to strikes in Lisbon. We lost the overnight and 2nd day there and Cadiz was replaced by la Coruna with an extra sea day. The first 2 days down here had rain but only moderately rough seas. Then the sun came out on day 3 making it warm enough to sit out on deck. It's 30 degrees here. Feels strange for mid November. Food and entertainment have all been very good. The jazz group in 710 club are outstanding. Epicurean was superb and glad I have another booking. Glass House and Olive Grove good. Sindhu tonight.
  12. On Iona at the moment. Booked Epicurean, Sindhu, Beach House and Chef's Table 2 weeks ahead but didn't do it at midnight. But there's only one of me. I also booked the Limelight both weeks. Next week is Gareth Gates whom I wanted to see ,but I like the food and ambience there so booked La Voix on Tuesday and s/he was actually very funny and enjoyable. Did a booking at Olive Grove for tonight, and also got a couple of sessions at the 710 club. These go very quickly on boarding day, but are worth going to. So far I've only eaten in the MDR once, perfectly acceptable food but I like the variety on Iona. Bought the Deluxe drinks package and finding it better value than the Classic one. It includes doubles of premium spirits and mixers, premium cocktails and large glasses of the nicer wines. A beer drinker might not get such good value.
  13. Very entertaining blog which I finished reading on Iona. Regarding the lifts, after talking to a couple of wheelchair users having problems, a group of us, mainly women travelling solo, are holding lifts and raising awareness, trying to lessen the problems. If the lifts weren't so small I don't think there would be so many issues.
  14. I'm on Iona at the moment using the Deluxe package and finding it better value than the Classic one because it's about quality rather than quantity. You can have premium spirits and mixers, a large glass of my favourite more expensive wine which often means I don't need another, and I'm getting good value with coffee, water. winrs and spirits. If I were a beer drinker, not so good. The premium cocktails are also nicer. Just enjoyed one on my balcony in Tenerife!
  15. I think that's very true. I have an injury at present which will heal but at the moment I struggle a bit with stairs and queues. My physio told me NOT to use a stick as I'd get dependent on it, and with this new rule I'm glad I didn't. I am using the lifts more than usual because of the pain, but I did make a point of walking to my Muster Station from my cabin on Iona on day 1, just to check I could do it unaided.
  16. I was horrified to see the Christmas decorations go up on Iona a couple of days ago, 6 weeks early. Don't even want to think about the C word till I get home from this cruise on the 25th. The Biscay transit was only moderately rough, not like the last Iona cruise and the Ventura one Selbourne was on! There are some people doing back to back and I had lunch with another lady travelling solo yesterday who told me all about it. It's over 30 degrees in Tenerife today and Christmas seems a long way away outside the Atrium. I hope the OP does see the Northern lights and I think it's very likely. I live in the North East and have seen them twice in the last evenings before I boarded Iona last Saturday.
  17. In Southampton now. Barely a breath of wind.
  18. Been to both. More than happy to go to Alesund whenever. The other one, I'd be staying onboard.
  19. I have taken my daughter on 4 Norway or Iceland cruises from when she was 7 to 18. She loved it at all ages, plenty of interest for both younger and older children.
  20. I liked Iona for food choices which is why I am on her again on Saturday. I have booked a lot of speciality dining. Never used the buffet after one try when my bag and jacket were thrown on the floor while I got lunch. The couple sitting there said they had been on the floor when they arrived, not that I believed them. The Quays was OK for breakfast or lunch because tables were close enough to the servery so you could place your jacket and bag down and keep watch while being served. I did have to yell at one young man who fancied taking my table and that seemed to act as a deterrent to other chancers.
  21. Yes I might succumb to a 24 hour purchase during those 4 sea days.
  22. Lisbon is affected by the strike on the next cruise. I board Iona on Saturday and have just had an email from P and O cancelling Cadiz, reducing the call at Lisbon to a day instead of 2, lengthening the Madeira call and changing the date , and including La Coruna. Don't really mind as I've been to all the ports before, but the itinerary change now means 4 straight days at sea before we arrive at the Canaries. I can see that causing some complaints, especially if, as often in November, the seas are rough.
  23. Solo cruisers like me find the buffet impossible. You can get food, then there are no tables, or you can put your jacket on a chair then go for food to find someone else has thrown it on the floor when you reach the table. I gave up years ago.
  24. Definitely an achievement. Hate Arrecife. I'm going to the Canaries on Iona next Saturday and I think I've booked a transfer to some beach or other in Lanzarote, having already done Mountain of Fire twice.
  25. Yes I buy brandy from room service or the shop. However, getting a bottle of something local is what I also like to do. It's good that there's no hassle now.
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