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Posts posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. 1 hour ago, A&L_Ont said:

    The quality of the film will show if it yellows over times. Especially, when it cracks like your situation. In the beginning anything was better than nothing, but the product has gotten so much better over time. There is even PPF now that it it has fine/small surface scratches they “heal” with the heat of the sun. 

    Where I go they have large cutter that cuts pattern for specific cars. For other cars they “bulk” wrap from straight sheets of material.

    Photo below is a great example. In the background you can see large cutter. 



    Wow, interesting. I just assumed you were talking about something that was sprayed on.  Shows how much I know about cars.  It must take some skill to get that on smoothly. 

  2. 11 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

    As we were wrapping up Lisa starting getting a lot of notifications on her phone. Today was Owen’s unofficial non school associated photo get together.  It was all out doors, with 7 groups of kids arriving every 30 minutes getting individual photos. The photographer will merge all the students together into one photo.

    Well the rain forecast for tonight changed to late afternoon.  We all had an hour to get ready for a sooner start time. No delays with three quick showers.  Owen was all dressed up and ready to go. 

    Drive up diploma at the school is later this week. 




















    How nice they were able to put together a celebration. Congrats to the graduate.

    • Like 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, jagsfan said:

    I make them the way the lobster rolls in Maine are made. Anywhere in Maine I’ve had them, anyway. 
    Cut boiled shrimp into chunks and mix with a little Mayo, salt and pepper. 
    Toast your split top (New England style)rolls in butter in a frying pan till they’re golden. 
    If I have lettuce on hand, I’ll lay a lettuce leaf in. Then stuff with the shrimp. 
    Connecticut style,  like with lobster,  would be serving it warm with the shrimp just tossed in melted butter. 

    Thank you! (I hit the ha-ha button by mistake)

  4. 6 hours ago, island lady said:


    I make them at home as well!  Almost once a week for lunch. 😋


    Used to make the shrimp sandwiches...but have switched to shrimp rolls ...or actually shrimp wraps using low carb soft tortilla shells.  Prefer them over the heavy bun.  I saute the shrimp with blacken seasoning and butter.  


    Can't get the NE style hot dog buns in Florida...so wraps it is.  😉 

    Okay, now I need to know - what’s a shrimp roll?  Is it just like a lobster roll, but using shrimp instead?

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, mo&fran said:

    Well, this will not be a routine day in lockdown.  We are getting packed for our 50 minute flight from FLL to Nassau. Our driver is picking us up at 1130 , and will be in plenty of time for our 340 takeoff. JetBlue says to arrive 3 hours before an international flight. Our arrival time to check-in for the ship is 530. WE booked a GTY and ended up in 6622,  nice location close to the aft elevators. Tonight we sleep on the ship.

     Our last cruise was on Serenade , ending Feb 10, 2020. It was a B2B, 10 and 11 nights, so we did get 21 days in 2020.

    Have a wonderful cruise!

  6. 49 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:

    Party day today for us.  It's a combination b-day party for me (June 16), b-day party for my daughter (June 22), father's day party for all dads, and neighborhood going away party (since we're outta here on the 25th!).  It was supposed to be in our backyard using the pool but we had a nasty storm roll through last night, with more storms predicted for later today.  If we get lucky, the rain will hold off until after the party ends.  If not, we'll be inside a mostly empty house using rented folding tables and chairs. 😁

    More reasons for your family to celebrate!  Hope it’s a great day for all.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:

    Yesterday was NOT a routine day, it was a very good day.  Micheline is an ovarian cancer survivor who has been in remission for 3 years. She has checkups and gets blood tests done every 6 months.  The couple of days before blood test day are stressful for her, with the lingering fear that the bloodwork will show that the cancer is back.  Once again though, everything came back completely clean.  We're good for another 6 months!  After 5 years, she goes to annual checks instead of 6 months.  We have a friend who is a breast cancer survivor for more than 10 years.  She said that annual check fear diminishes but never goes away.  I'm sure that some of you can relate.


    There was an extra bit of tension this time.  All test results (for any medical tests) are posted online as soon as they are available.  This is great because it reduces the amount of time that you need to wait to get the results (although also means that you will probably see the results before your doctor).  For ovarian cancer, the key blood test is called a CA-125 test.  A few hours after getting blood drawn, she'll get a text message that her results are ready and she'll log in to see the results.  When she logged in this time, they had posted basic metabolic panel test results, but no CA-125 results.  Someone had ordered the wrong test.  They quickly corrected this when she saw her oncologist yesterday, but it meant another day of waiting.  😡 


    I started a tradition a couple of years ago where I have a bottle of champagne chilling in the fridge.  When we get the positive results, we pop the champagne.  🥂

    Congrats on the good news!

  8. 8 hours ago, Tree_skier said:

    Apologies for being absent from this great thread.  Most of the last couple of weeks have been consumed with work.  Finally taking a few days off and took a couple grandkids and DW up into the mountains for couple of days in a cabin at the lake.  Temp down below at home was supposed to be up above 110° so I definitely needed to get out of Dodge.









    Seems like a win-win-win situation. Time with family, beautiful spot, escape the heat. Enjoy!

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


    A very healthy meal 👍


    Do you cook the couscous or you buy it ready made? 


    I'm buying it like this, add 3 spoons of olive oil, some salt and then 400 ml boiled water, cover it and leave it for 5 minutes. Rack it with a fork. Delicious.



    Very similar. It comes dry, like pasta and cooks like pasta as well, about 8-10 minutes in low boiling water or broth. 


    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:


    The Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) is our only source of sweet water.


    Luckily, we had plenty of rain for the last 2 years and the lake was replenished to the point where opening the Degania dam was considered.


    Pity it was so hot -- almost exhausting.

    It looks wonderful! I love a beach/pool resort but would always prefer a cruise.

  11. 4 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

    Yesterday was not a good day here.My daughter who lives very close to me came home from work early and decided to take her family puppy out for a walk.A few minutes into the walk 2 large dogs were running toward her and attacked the puppy.

    It seemed to her like forever before she could grab her dog.She was screaming and the puppy was making noises that she never heard before.Neighbors came out and got the dogs away from her.She took her puppy in the house and then she and her husband brought the puppy to an Animal ER.They were there nearly 4 hours.The puppy is okay .My daughter is emotionally drained.She called my wife very early this morning to tell us .

    Very scary, glad they’re both okay. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Sheal said:

    I think I was in a in a bassinet (could have been a cardboard box for all I know) when my parents made the trek back from my birthplace in San Jose, CA back to RI after the family's first earthquake experience.  No seat belts holding me in either.


    Speaking of pick up trucks, we routinely rode in the back in the mid 70's.  We thought it was so much fun.  Up until about 5 years ago we could still get away with it on Block Island. 

    Curious, what made them choose RI to move to?

    We were from RI but my Dad was being transferred to Camp Pendleton CA by the Army.  

  13. 27 minutes ago, Sheal said:

    My father used to have a few sports cars when we were young (5 or 6).  Our seats were the trunk? of a corvette.  "Go on kids, squeeze into the back".

    In 1959 my parents drove from RI to CA with 2 year old me sitting between them in the front seat, propped up on phone books so I could see out the windows to not get carsick 😬. No seat belts back then. Not excusing it but that’s just they way it was. 

  14. 1 hour ago, mo&fran said:

    I am sure you must be following Birds AOS cruise report.  Bird is doing a much better job than I could next week. I have never posted pictures on CC,  I use my laptop and I do know how to transfer photos between the two,  but can be a PIA to do. 

    I agree Bird is doing a great job and I’m loving the report.  Really makes me want to book something, but I guess I still have some concerns if we were to test positive.  I hope you’ll do a report from your cruise, even if it’s without pictures. Seems that now we’re seeing some trip reports, I can’t get enough! (Followed one of the 1st Celebrity as well)

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