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Posts posted by pbfp2008

  1. Ok so I have a two questions.


    First my husband and on sail on the Pride in 2 weeks, and we are planning our excursions, any that offer open bars with them?


    Second, are there any can't miss activities while on board?


    Lastly, we are traveling in for the cruise, what time can we start boarding?



    That's three questions.

  2. I try to find a cache at every port I go to. It's a great way to discover interesting areas of the ports! I've cached in the Bahamas, Key West, Cozumel, Catalina, Ensenada, etc.


    Make sure to download the caches to your gps or iphone before you leave - you don't want to incur data charges at the ports (if you're using the iphone app).


    Have fun! :)

    Great teminder to download before leaving the US....thanks.

  3. Never got into the Geo thing, however it looks like something I would enjoy. Don't know much about it, just know it is something to do with a GPS and finding something someone else left......something like that, right?

    People leave containers, or "caches," in different locations and then download those coordinates to geocaching websites. You then use a GPS to locate those caches by the coordinates and hints provided.


    The caches can range in size from large (such as a gallon sized container) to nano (something the size of your fingertip.) They can also be easy or difficult to find depending on the area and terrain. Often, there are samll trinkets in them that you can take and leave something, but generally always a log where you document that you found it.


    It's a great way for my son and I to spend time together and plenty of exercise...and quite fun.

  4. My guess is that you haven't visied a library on a cruise ship. Secondly a terrific ice breaker for a solo, is to ask the person next to you if the book they are reading, is interesting, worthwhile and so on. And frankly one of the many joys of a cruise, is that you can read as much as you want. As for drinking, you can go down to your neighborhood tavern where your friends are anxiously awaiting your arrival so you can begin drinking. You do not need to go on a cruise to go on benders...drinking on cruise ships is very expensive but some people don't care about the expense.

    I agree, visit the libary. My libary at home has free internet and after hearing how much it costs on ships, I'd check out th elibary for free internet. Keep us postedd.

  5. I just heard about this ECO cruising and it sounds really neat. Looks like these ECO cruises do some really neat destinations. Can't really understand how they can call them ECO cruises as they certainly aren't economic and in most cases are pretty expensive. Anyone been on one?

  6. I understand everyone's concern about safety, but if you hired US Navy officers, who are used to working with nuclear engines, it could possibly work. They would have to get rid of the Italian officers since they are not used to working with it.


    And as far as the waste, it could be put in containers and sunk deep in the ocean to remain safe after it's used up.

  7. So here's a couple of questions for you experienced cruisers....


    The two primary motions you will get on a ship is pitch (up and down bow to stern,) and roll (side to side, port to starboard.) I'm assuming for the most part, beds head and foot are in line with the stern/bow. So in your opinion (or facts if there have been any studies.)


    1. Is it more difficult to sleep with the ship pitching or rolling?


    2. Do you think seasickness is worsened depending on whether the ship is pitching or rolling provided you are laying in the bed?

  8. yes, the key west cemetery is also a good stop, its alittle north of the ship.


    some of the tombstones are funny, here is a link




    I would do it between #1 and #2 on my list, its a little out of the way (maybe 3-4 blocks), but still a reasonable distance for walking.



    Ill also add that if you walk all the way down whitehead first, you will go by alot of other historically significant stops (that arent free, but you can look), like the Truman White house, Hemingway house, the lighthouse etc.


    In fact, i would do that, walk all the way down whitehead to southern point, then come back VIA Duval.



    I would second the cemetary recommendation. I have a strange fascination with cemeteries and found this one while my wife and were walking the area. We spent several hours just walking and looking at the different markers and crypts.

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