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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. The Sweet Spot specialty corner was German today in the Lido. It always seems to have the longest lines and was the same today. We shared a turkeyBLT and fruit, we have the Cellar Master Dinner tonight. Plenty of desserts at the neighbouring station.
  2. This was last September on Nieuw Amsterdam. The balcony had a metal railing, not glass, so it wasn’t quite as nice as our regular one, but it meant I could go out for fresh air and to chat with fellow prisoners! Pat went ashore on his own, and didn’t take pictures as it was raining.
  3. Good morning, Dailyites! I’m getting to be almost as early as Graham posting, as we get closer and closer to England. It is a lot easier changing times when it is just an hour every other day or so. My stomach still doesn’t quite understand what is going on with mealtimes, though. we are getting emails from DD to announce hospital tests for Pat before his surgery on May 5. Seems to be working out so far, nothing has been scheduled for before we get home. But it’s going to be a rush to get everything done! My memory of Prince George is Covid! I was in isolation by then, and this was my view:
  4. This morning, after breakfast, we stopped at the Dutch Cafe for a coffee. I hadn’t noticed before, but besides the Dutch licorice, they now have “English” - Allsorts, and lovely and soft, so I bought some! Also, Tony asked for and received tiles for us! They got them at the end of the 5-day cruise, but we didn’t, but now we have them. And things are improving! Laundry is back this morning, so 24 hours.
  5. We passed by the Orange Party last night, but didn’t linger. It was very crowded, but Martha said it was a very good party, with Dutch treats and dancing. Orange drinks.
  6. This morning’s Program and state of the sea. Very few whitecaps. The ship is very stable, and the Captain seems to be avoiding the worst of the weather.
  7. Last night’s menu. We ate in Rudi’s Sel de Mer, we had asked Khay, our Cellar Master, if she might be able to take some time some evening to join us there, and last night worked for her, before the Orange Party. We had fun. The highlight, of course was the Salsburger Nockerl. Our waiter brought us two, which was much too much!
  8. No, we haven’t. But I guess we should. It is going to be a problem to decide when to put in our last bag before we disembark. We have a bag in now, we’ll see how soon it comes back. Have to wonder if they’re short handed. The ship is pretty full.
  9. My daughter says our plants grow in spite of me, not because of me!
  10. Internet seems to be poor this morning. Program for today, and our location. Ireland has appeared on the map! The sea is pretty much as it was yesterday, perhaps a little calmer. Yesterday I didn’t go out on the verandah to take my picture, but today I did.
  11. I’m early today, as we move closer to Europe, I see Rich is closer! The internet is being really slow so I will see if this posts. Best wishes to all!
  12. Dinner tonight. I waited to post the menu as it seems to be clearer when I photograph the actual menu rather than a screenshot of the menu on Navigator. Not too exciting, I had Caesar salad and the sole, Pat had Caesar salad, French onion soup and the banana crisp. He said the crisp was good and hot, for a change. And our laundry came back in a day and a half - a record. Others have been waiting 3 or 4 days.
  13. No banana fritters for tea, maybe they had them at the Rijstaffel. We had scones, cupcakes, and coconut rice balls. The spice tea bags were lovely.
  14. Also here on Rotterdam, we were told we could only use our HIA excursion credit for airport transfers if they included a tour.
  15. The Captain gave an update on the TV to let us know what we have been doing and what we will be doing in the future in an attempt to avoid any bad weather.
  16. Just realized - we disembark a week from today. I noticed because in checking the Navigator, I saw we missed the “Wednesday Brunch” which I didn’t know existed! However we did go to the Indonesian tea, and while Tony and Martha go to the Rijstaffel, we will go to dinner in Club Orange.
  17. The Sweet Spot special display was French today. I had just a nice piece of Brie, and some calamari, as we will be going to the Indonesian tea later.
  18. The Mariner reception went well. After the Captain, I think Joska, the seeing-eye dog, was the most popular one there. Captain and Joska Even Karlijn, the Cruise and Travel Director, got down for a kiss from Joska
  19. Good morning, Dailyites, thanks to all posting. Hope JazzyV’s knee improves. It’s scary having a problem close to a cruise. I know! I’m still wondering if we should have cancelled. But there’s no turning back now. I think we are in for some of that weather that is altering Rich’s itinerary. I don’t know how we’re going to avoid it, though. We should hear more at noon in the Captain’s talk.
  20. According to Karlijn’s recent announcement, it’s a lecture on Dutch baking and how it changed the world.
  21. IMG_3252.MOV Tony’s bar bill from the Throwback Happy Hour the other day, and Martha took a video of our showman bartender. It’s taking forever to upload the video, so I hope you can see it. Finally! But it seems to have moved to the top of my post, and I’m afraid to move it!
  22. Well , things have certainly changed today. We must still be on the edge of that weather system, but there are whitecaps, the windows are spattered and people are doing their laps indoors. Our room is creaking and banging, Tony says theirs, more midships, is not. It seems we are somewhat north of the Azores. The program for the day. Plus we have the Mariner reception at 11.
  23. Talking to a lady in the elevator this morning, she said she liked his voice, also the female piano player had done an amazing opera aria.
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