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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. Please page down a page to bottom of page 2 and you’ll find answers and reading galore on your questions. Thread titled “ what do people really wear on Vista. No need for another thread on this inflammatory subject. Last post 12/13.
  2. Did you not notice his dazzling assortment of highly artistic shoes he wears? 😂. He travels with about 30 different pairs of them.
  3. Unless on vacation, overwhelming odds it’ll be Peter the Shoe. That’s kind of becoming his regular domain.
  4. Hank; I generally agree with all you’ve said. However, here is the major glitch in the process. Oceania’s tour descriptions look exactly the same today as they did in 2015. Attractions close, and/or other events occur, but the tour descriptions never change. Part of this is because tours are advertised a year plus in advance. The other part seems to be the Regional VPs , whose people actually book the tours, aren’t getting the tour descriptions updated. It’s not uncommon, when arranging private tours with the actual tour operators, to have them tell you certain sites have been shut down for renovations for several years and not scheduled for reopening until X years out. Meanwhile, Oceania is advertising going to those exact sites. Absolutely, people get upset. Correcting the problem will take time, thus money, which isn’t something NCLH has a lot of currently. We did all private tours in the Vista this past June in the Med and Israel. People on O tours complained repeatedly about this issue. The issue is not limited to Asia.
  5. As I posted above, the current issue is the idiotic plan of allowing people to book tours with the funny money (SM credits) with no skin in the game. Then the old 3-1 rule kicks in at FP and chaos occurs, especially with the more expensive tours. It would have been better to not allow SM credits to be used until after FP. Separate the wheat from the chaff. The lookie loos rarely spent their personal money early, but funny money is different. This current new Oceania plan reduces the amount of funny money they can spend, thus making the trip cost go up. Not the best solution , imo.
  6. We have never cruised Oceania exclusively. We have two OLife cruises booked into early 2025, I believe. We have no intention to book any of the remaining available SM cruises. When Oceania finally gets around to releasing new cruises/itineries in March or April we’ll look at the total package and costs at that time. I firmly believe the new SM program will continue to evolve between now and the new Release. The defined program then will probably be different than what’s in effect now or with this new change. Since we’re not booking anything new, and definitely not converting our O’Life cruises to SM, all these changes are just noise for us and don’t matter. Ask me in April.
  7. Simply More was merely a price increase. All this wrangling is just over the actual cost of that increase. Every sale changes the math. This current pricing means the credit will pay for a couple lower priced tours each. Whoopee. Back to my Roll Call to book the better tours. We don’t need Mother Oceania to hold our hands to go ashore . Problems are already arising from people using the funny/monopole credits. Only months away from another policy change requiring cruisers to make Final Payment before you can spend the Monopoly money. Too many people spending the funny money, tying up excursions months in advance, and then cancelling the cruise. When they do it on the expensive tours it jams up the system. Oceania should have figured that out before rolling out SM.
  8. Highly doubt that Oceania would know that. They’d probably have you utilize your favorite search engine yourself to locate such information. Oceania has worldwide regional managers that put together and coordinate the tours for their areas. Highly doubtful you’ll get much assistance or knowledge dialing 1-800 and talking to anyone there. That’s beyond the clerks pay grade.
  9. Oceania only packages and resells tour, that are already available , at the destinations visited. Except for the private islands, they aren’t actually in the shore excursion business. If , in the case, the visited islands don’t have handicap accessible buses, then Oceania can’t offer them. Visiting hillside villages on volcano islands will produce steep terrain, multiple stairways, and difficult trekking. I have no solution to the situation except perhaps cruisers should consider local conditions of ports visited before signing up for a cruise instead of afterwards .
  10. Actually it can be. I believe the answer depends upon what the butler/cabin steward opts to do. I believe a lot of people come to this site wanting/expecting some corporate/military “ one size fits all “ answer. What they get is a multitude of answers based primarily on the company personnel involved. Easy example is the interpretation and enforcement of any assumptions on dress codes. It depends. If you want a one size fits all answer: Join the Navy! Oceania will probably disappoint you.
  11. We typically share, when available, and rarely have a poor time. Have met many people we continue to sail with. Only rarely is the conversation strained. Typically when it is, it is with table mates that right off the bat t make it plain they dislike sharing.
  12. We were fortunate on the Vista in June in a 10th Deck PH. Don’t remember any creaking noises other than maybe my knees. The paper thin walls where you could hear everything your neighbors said were a different issue.
  13. Additionally, if O allows one to swap out provided wines for one you like better, does that extend to those wives? Asking for Bob’s friend! 🤔
  14. Which cruise line? Oceania Vista didn’t start cruising until April/May 2023.
  15. In the Marine fight song “ the shores of Tripoli’ rings out an illustrious history of the force. Much like the pirates that saw their final demise there, I believe the clock is ticking on how long the pirates and rebels along the Red Sea will be tolerated before they’re dealt with harshly.
  16. 8065 or 8063 are your best selections.
  17. To answer the OP’s original question. It is best to avoid PH suites on the starboard side of the ship that sits above about the middle of Terrace Cafe through Waves Grill. The reason is a combination of carts being rolled through the Terrace at most hours of the night along with incessant chair dragging very early morning in Waves. Notice the poster #2 was on the port side of the ship where it is quieter. From the aft of the ship on starboard, the first three PH3 cabins aren’t so bad. I wouldn’t venture forward of those until after Waves.
  18. Definitions. If you tore down a Burger King and built a McDonalds some would signify change. Others, not so much. Point taken. 🥂
  19. A genuine question for you. Does the addition of a strictly Americanized restaurant ( Ember) actually symbolize Change? Perhaps there may be differences of opinion on that subject, especially considering the highly Americanized menus of the other venues.
  20. Albeit this being true, the OP was expressly questioning when the dining venues were open for wine and beer packages. Afternoon Tea, even though dinner for some, doesn’t qualify.
  21. Outstanding, as it should have been. We had Peter the Shoe as CD, so questionable performance should be expected.
  22. Concerning La Reserve: I make no declaration of being a typical or average Oceania passenger. I have eaten all of the La Reserve course at least twice ( including Dom Perignon) and some three times. My actual favorite has been discontinued. It disappoints me that Oceania doesn’t create more new menus on an ongoing basis. The Dom dinner first appeared in early 2019. Here we are about to enter 2024 with the exact same food and wines. Until they create a new menu, with wines, I probably won’t eat in La Reserve again until a new menu is introduced. Not holding my breath. Second, we have previously enjoyed the nights that the bar in La Reserve is open. Often new wines, not on the regular wine by the glass menu, along with finger foods is all we want for dinner. We don’t mind paying for those upscale wines! However, the Marina rarely advertised when the La Reserve bar would be open. One had to physically walk bye to see what was happening there on any given night. It was NEVER advertised in Currents on our March Marina cruise. Why? The price increases for the dinners are rather shocking. My personal opinion is that Oceania is allowing La Reserve to slowly fade away. Taking out the physical venue on Marina is therefore not surprising. Sad actually. With merely a yearly change of food and wine menus, the venue could be a long term success. Oceania doesn’t embrace change. See current Specialty Restaurants menu vs 2013 menus.
  23. Privee seats 10, not 24. If they repeat the La Reserve booking procedure used on the Vista, they are effectively killing it slowly.
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