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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. That is amazing! I, and probably everyone I know, have only seen them from a safe distance. How marvelous nature is!
  2. Financially the stair lift would be feasible, but I have a feeling her family is going to push for her to come home. They talked her into spending May, June, and half of July up there, and they have wanted her to move back for years. She has always said Jacksonville’s her home. I want her to be as happy as possible and with no pressure from anyone.
  3. My friend Ginny update: Her hip is fractured, not broken, and the orthopedist will not operate because he doesn’t think she’d survive general anesthesia. She will be 4 weeks in a nursing home and then 4 more in rehab. We’re hoping she can get into River Garden, Hebrew Home for the Aged that has nursing care as well as rehab. I was there for 3 weeks of rehab after my hip replacement. Nowadays they wake you up after that surgery and tell you to go home, you’re done. The sad thing is that Ginny has always been strong and independent, but she will not be able to get upstairs to her bedroom after 8 weeks of mostly being in bed. Maybe she’ll surprise us, but I think her life will permanently change. It would have changed anyway, because the scans they did yesterday showed masses in her spine and lungs. No symptoms of problems, but she has always refused colonoscopies and only goes to the eye doctor and occasionally to her primary. 98 is a good age to have stayed active socially and always upbeat. I have never heard her take offense from a perceived slight or give offense to anybody. I think that’s her secret for a happy life. She is still upbeat according to her closest friend, who updated us. Thank you, friends, for caring. mimi
  4. Being aware of the possibility of fear will protect you from it. Plus your determination to put this behind you. I’m glad you’re making such good progress!
  5. Every time gas ever goes down over the years, I want to empty the gas tank so I can fill it with “cheap” gas. Funny how my mind rationalizes things!
  6. Thank you so much for sharing. I really know little about Singapore other than strict rules! I would love to have visited when I was much more mobile than I am now. Thanks to your photos, I feel like I’ve seen some of the best parts.
  7. My orthopedist and his wife liked the plant growing by the door of their new country club home. It flourished over two or three years. Then they had visitors that included a teenager, who promptly asked “They let you grow pot here?”
  8. We haven’t heard a word. Our source is not responding to calls, texts, or emails. I’m thinking she’s at the hospital with Ginny. Thanks for asking. We’re all worried and trying to be patient.
  9. I walk like a chicken, always looking down. I’ve been a klutz all my life, and have a patch on the bedroom wall to prove it.
  10. I got some sad news a few minutes ago. Ny dear 98 year old friend Ginny got back yesterday from Pennsylvania where she was staying with her daughter. Her daughter was recovering from surgery and Ginny flew up to take care of her. She was there more than a month, and enjoyed the grands and great grands. Photos were posted on Facebook of Ginny in a backyard water balloon fight. Last night, home in her own bed, she got up to go to the bathroom and forgot she left her suitcase between her bed and the bathroom. Yep! She tripped over it and broke where the ball fits into her hip socket. The orthopedic group and other doctors are trying to decide what to do. At her age, surgery is especially risky, but Ginny has been trotting up and down stairs, dancing any time there’s music, and enjoying life in general. Her only signs of age are macular degeneration and having a harder time reading the dice. We are not ready to lose Ginny. And really not ready to have her lose her zest for life. Please send up a prayer that she won’t lose her quality of life and can heal from this. Mimi
  11. Happy Birthday Down Under, @aussielozzie18! I hope it was a good one since my today is your yesterday!! or am I confused?
  12. We’re you able to pick up a slice and eat it without losing any of the toppings? it looks like mozzarella, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms..what else? it has me wanting pizza!
  13. Where do I find the status? My email saying my request has been accepted doesn’t mention status like pending or expired.
  14. We bought at our neighborhood Shell yesterday because regular went down to 4.19. It was a “quick, fill up before it goes up again purchase”. Today it was 4.09!
  15. Something from many years ago just popped into my head. We were heading south on the NJ Turnpike when some semi drivers decided to drive side by side bling all the southbound lanes. This was in the CB days. A young guy in a convertible decided to pass them on the shoulder. Of course, the truck driver in the right lane swerved just enough to make him change his mind. We could hear the truck drivers commenting on and laughing at the cowardly convertible driver. We were in a van driven by my friend’s elderly father, with her little Italian mom riding shotgun. We suffered until we got to the Delaware Memorial Bridge, where the turnpike widened for the toll booths and we were able to escape. As we passed the semi we’d been stuck behind, Mrs F flipped the driver off. We heard him on the CB saying “Did you see that old woman shaking her fist at me?” He was laughing. Mrs F was so angry she ordered her husband to get behind that truck again and ram it. That would have been a David and Goliath fight with Goliath winning!!!! She fumed all the way to Florida about that driver not recognizing a bird being shot at him.
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