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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. Well, that’s embarrassing! I know he’s in Rhode Island. I know his photos are of Rhode Island. So how come my brain didn’t pass that on to the rest of me???
  2. You got me a baby back ribs, corn on the cob, and cheesy potatoes! I want to come back as one of your grandchildren!
  3. NH beach? We got to see the sand sculptures a few years ago. Remarkable. Y’all get a lot of use out of your limited beach.
  4. That’s what my DD said about the Merlot that I had for a few years. I thought it was ok. She wouldn’t drink it.
  5. Your radishes are beautiful. A few years ago I learned how good roasted radishes are. A completely different taste! Raw or roasted, I love them.
  6. And there’s a good reason for banning feeding gators marshmallows. Gators love them and look for more. Just about every retention pond in Florida has at least one gator. Just about every subdivision in Florida has at least one retention pond. And Florida has tons of creeks with multiple gators. The good news is that they drown their victims quickly. When they reach a certain size, they are relocated. When they attack even a small dog, they are executed. No second chances. The meat ends up Gator tail on menus. Fresh gator toil is better than frozen!
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