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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Bit like "Mickey Mouse" watches! Multi billion dollar entity based on one man's encounter with a mouse when he was down on his luck. If Mickey Mouse is a sign of something cheap and nasty I'll take it any day ....
  2. I've just received a rather different sort of survey. The questionnaire I've received asks about my attitude to cost of living impact on the types and costings of holidays I may take. Its quite in depth giving areas for me to write freestyle comments. Two different sections, one for 2023 information and one for 2024. It seems interested in the number and types of holidays and trips I am planning, have already booked, the costing of them and how far in advance I booked. As a Diamond WC member who hasn't cruise Cunard since early 2019 I'm intrigued by the content and timing of this particular survey coming as it does on the day of the release of the 2024 cruises. As it happens I had been looking at the cruises released but with no desire to commit so far out on the normal 15% deposit terms and Queen Anne offering fairly uninspiring itineraries and no single cabins chose to not book at this point in time. I can only assume this search triggered the sending of the survey.
  3. The questionnaire was leading to automatic cancellations by the cruise lines as the questions were very generic. Entire linked bookings were cancelled due to someone answering yes to any one of them, even people in other households who had passed the questionnaire were finding themselves cancelled. This could have been for the common cold or even a longstanding cough from non respiratory illnesses. Since the removal of the offer of FCC by P&O in September many were in this situation and these unfortunates were unable to make insurance claims in the UK as the events were uninsurable. Under pressure from insurers, ABTA and campaigners the questionnaire was quietly dropped at 10.00am on Monday 5th. As the sister company to P&O it would appear Cunard have adopted the same policy. UK travel agents were notified of the change late last week but the websites have not announced the change with any fanfare. There were other amendments regarding limitations on travellers with certain medical requirements which should be showing as well. Meanwhile the hundreds of passengers previously affected who have lost their money are hopefully now getting some recompense rather than fighting cruise line, insurer or through the UK courts.
  4. How much are they charging now per day, please?
  5. That doesn't sound right. I called and bought my wifi over the telephone and it was discounted. It most certainly wasn't a gift - I asked for a receipt for business purposes. The internet was £210 for the 14 days and I received my discount and paid £189. Perhaps you should check again if you have the time.
  6. I've been advised its pot luck for these fly cruises. We like to have the Epicurean Christmas dinner special which on all previous sailings on Azura and Britannia have come up as a special separate bookable event about 10 days before sailing. When we received the email asking which of the two dinner times for Christmas day we wanted I called P&O and asked about the "special". I was informed it most likely wouldn't appear as a special event and to enquire onboard. In the conversation I was told that on ex UK cruises it is mainly higher grade PC members and suites who manage to snaffle the reservations due to their earlier boarding times, however it is more pot luck on arrival in the Caribbean depending on your flight arrival time - we are on the second Gatwick flight of the day so have been warned we may be unlucky! I booked my wifi by telephone at the same time. Discount was applied but it has not appeared in my cruise personaliser although I was told it would. Regarding Limelight I have booked two trips, our traditional Eric & Ern in week 1 and John Partridge at the end of the cruise for 29 December. The latter is only on 3 nights, ie 27-29 December. There will apparently be another act from 23-26 December but I'm told it is a surprise and only bookable onboard. I visualise a long queue at reception if the app doesn't like everyone trying to book on boarding.
  7. I'm on Britannia for Christmas sailing 16th December and have been told apart from Limelight no bookings in advance. I think it's pretty standard as my family are on Aurora 9th December and the same applies to them.
  8. Have a great time. When you come back drop by and tell us all about it, we love a good ending !
  9. Fabulous news ! I'm delighted for you. Have a great time.
  10. No must admit I wouldn't be keen either, hence my reluctance to use social media.
  11. My intention in using BBC South was to get P&O to speak to someone and hopefully explain their case. Using the local outlet is intentional as with all that's going on nationally it will be difficult to get interest at this time. Being based in Southampton as well P&O are of big local interest to BBC and other media outlets loccally so I felt to get attention quickly - seems to be essential now so many are being drawn into things - this would be best. If they choose to do something on the issue I can emphasise the need for national interest.
  12. We absolutely loved the Edge class. Didn't have one of the infinity balconies but one of the real balconies (sunset view). The ship is ultra modern, very glossy. The MDRs (4) are all themed meaning you can eat Greek one night, French the next, steak another and Italian another. We had the premium drinks package as an upgrade for having this cabin so can't comment price wise. Like all American lines PAYG for drinks is expensive. We also used OBC to buy the prrmium dining, we had the 5 meals package and all four restaurants offered superb and unique food - I particularly loved Eden and Le Petit which is an interactive computerised experience. The whole experience feels classy. Still get night turn down and chocolate (yes, I know, I know). Our overall fly cruise package was around £400pp dearer than using Azura during the summer and £250 more than my Regal Princess cruise in July which was a very similar itinerary. The Edge was all inclusive as was Regal, so not much difference for what we got. You can of course spend a fortune. The only "complaint" I'd make is that there are no outside front public areas as the suite area takes the front upper deck. It didn't spoil anything for us but I am an ardent loyal Cunard cruiser so am used to some areas not being available to all. Think Retreat with it's own swimming pool for the area I refer to. I waxed lyrical at the time about the tender experience, I still love it and can't wait to go again! Yes, from outside they look odd, but everything about the ship inside has the wow factor. Absolutely no hesitation in saying it's an amazing experience and if there are to be UK sailings it will very much be my new choice alongside the Queens. I stick with P&O for my Caribbean trips but the itineraries out of Southampton are becoming much the same and sad to say don't excite. If the Apex one's are samey the ship will certainly draw me to her over the offerings on Britannia, Arvia and Ventura. Not elegant like the Queens but certainly lots of excitement and modern glamour. As you can tell I'm over excited at this news!!
  13. I'm glad I've not booked anything for 2024. I've just had an email from Celebrity to say Apex is going to be based in Southampton from May 2024 and on sale from next month Now that's me very much looking elsewhere ... those cynics that said P&O were rushing everyone might actually have been on the right track this time.
  14. Apparently didn't go into QE and QV which are basically Arcadia in other clothing. The "new" wifi on them isn't ver good either. Assumedly those two are being kept so if they didn't qualify not much hope for poor Aurora and Arcadia.
  15. I chose BBC because I've worked with them before on two very major issues previously, one on rail travel and one on care for the vulnerable. They were very thorough but even handed. If a story proves to be newsworthy locally they often investigate it and put on to national news and their website. They are not alarmist or looking for scandal in my experience, certainly not looking for the sort of people the newspapers seek out.
  16. Not a normal Southampton code, first one I've seen commencing 02380 ... Look up BBC South Today .. Have a look here and see what you think. You'll need the travel correspondent although the guy who answered was very helpful and on the board. He knows he spoke to megabear2 from this board as well.
  17. Which date and ship is that please? I have no children so no idea when half term is!
  18. We paid £399 each plus £76 each to reserve the seats - total £475pp for our December Christmas cruise this year. I've not priced for 2023.
  19. It is. Brain's a bit addled today - too much going on!
  20. It should appear at the top of your My P&O if you sign in as if looking to purchase a cruise - at least mine does.
  21. Do you have anything from the insurers yet? I believe they were going to chase the claims team. Which department sent the letter any names on it. Have Holiday Extras actioned your inlaws claim? If so what section of the policy are they claiming under? Another couple refused boarding yesterday have been told no claim possible in their circumstances - cough being treated by GP. Am I to take it your inlaws were both well if they were accepted in the first place? Could they ask P&O the rationale behind their cancellation? Assumedly they would have travelled without you if P&O hadn't randomly cancelled their cruise without asking? The email address for Paul Ludlow is the executive office one I've already provided. Thanks for saying you'll speak to BBC. I am not allowed to post the details here or indeed my email address. I will find a way, never fear. There must be some sort of messaging service for CC members - any ideas folks???
  22. I've bitten the bullet! Just spoken to BBC Southampton. Explained what I've been doing for past 10 months and why. Told them about number being refused boarding and directed them to the pages on here. After reading the cases from yesterday I've been asked if anyone affected would be happy to speak with them. They are going to investigate and try to speak to P&O. To all the people affected who read these boards this will be your one opportunity to speak about your experience with a major news outlet. It is not for me to say what to do but I have at least opened the door.
  23. I've bitten the bullet! Just spoken to BBC Southampton. Explained what I've been doing for past 10 months and why. Told them about number being refused boarding and directed them to the pages on here. After reading the cases from yesterday I've been asked if anyone affected would be happy to speak with them. They are going to investigate and try to speak to P&O. To all the people affected who read these boards this will be your one opportunity to speak about your experience with a major news outlet. It is not for me to say what to do but I have at least opened the door.
  24. I think that one of our members Kopchadder wrote to him last week but no reply so far. If I don't get my contact as promised I'm going to go to the BBC locally - being only 25 miles from Southampton there's a lot of interest in the ships down here. My experience is local stories go national if it's important. If I manage to get this FB group I'm thinking of I'm hoping to have more evidence of what's going on. Remember we might be dealing with the tip of the iceberg, there's Cunard as well and for all I know other cruise lines.
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