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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. But apparently there was ... if people were asking to leave and go home, if people were injured, if Captain Cambey had to make a personal apology it must have been large number upset. I'm interested in what reports we hear about P&Os response now this one is over and hope to goodness those joining today get better.
  2. Now I'm confused! My booking was 25 March 2022 My balance due date is 24 September 2023 My sail date is 22 December 2023 Are you saying I have to sail before March this year? P&O seemed to indicate I needed to transfer before 24 September not 24 March and I could cruise up to 21 December 2024. Is that wrong information, if so no point in me even looking at 2024 holidays and I may as well just get the extras back and write off the £353. As I didn't have a cruise in mind I didn't go into detail but just asked what would happen to everything bar the original requested deposit.
  3. Following our decision to cancel our Arvia Christmas cruise in 2023, my very generous husband has suggested I might like to spend the money on a long solo cruise in 2024 or 2025. We have quite a large lump of money against this cruise lodged with P&O for various reasons, some moved deposits, some compensation from P&O and some cash. Having spoken to P&O I'm informed that if I cancelled I'd only lose £353 which was the required deposit at the time of booking (25 March 2022) and the rest could be converted into FCC with a small cash refund. I would have to spend more than £7,300 on my one move and my £353 would also be able to be transferred. Now the help needed! 1. I have never sailed on Ventura, Aurora or Arcadia and the itineraries I'd be interested in would be on one of them. Financially I wouldn't want to commit to more than around another £1,500 to £2,000 over the £7,300. This limits me to inside cabins or at a push an outside on the shorter cruises. I've sailed inside as a single on Azura, QM2, QV and QE (also had outside deck 1 cabins on the latter). Could those who know the three ships give me their opinions on how I'd most likely fair on a longish cruise on one of these ships? I'm very likely to take a saver to make my money stretch so know its a risk but as it's a one off chance to do this think it might be worth taking. Are these cabins likely to be broom cupboard sized as they are on NCL? I think it will need to be double for single occupancy but just thought I'd ask. 2. With regard to FCC I've been told it is valid until August 2024. Does this mean if I chose a cruise after that date I could not use it or does it mean I need to put it down on a cruise before then? I've usually used my FCC almost immediately its issued so have no experience with expiry dates. 3. There are two continents I've never set foot in which I'd like to visit before my 70th birthday on 25 September 2025, South America and Australia. Therefore the current 2024 and 2025 Aurora South America cruises and sections of the Arcadia world cruises from Australia to Southampton appeal. Question: are flights included on the WC sections? I've done far east sections on Cunard and had to buy flights but the rather confusing website info (!) seems to indicate they may be included on P&O. 4. Hopefully over the last year some of you have grown to know me a bit, I hope. Which itineraries would you think I might like best of the possibilities! Yes, I know it's a how long is a piece of string question but once I go beyond North America or Malaysia I'm in brand new territory and advice would be extremely welcome!! I want to see as many places as possible so port count rather than sea days is important to me. After all if I plod backwards and forwards over the Atlantic on QM2 I might as well look to do something else for this one! Looking forward to your ideas and suggestions!
  4. Good for you. P&O plonk and Fosters beer sadly not something I'd make a fuss about and I wasn't too desperate for a diet coke or orange juice. I was a little cross (along with quite a few more) to not know in advance that the Live Lounge was hosting an hour and a half private party for highest tier Peninsular Club members and could have done without the crowding it caused elsewhere with people looking to spend these vouchers. Unfortunately it was a damp night so the indoor bars were full to overflowing and it was also towards the end of the cruise where quite a lot of wines and beers appeared to be in short supplies. I personally am not too worried about a free drink although I must confess to missing Cunard parties where I could enjoy a very civilised G&T! Joking apart I'm sure many will welcome the return of the parties on P&O which it was indicated to me will hopefully return for all soon. In fairness I rarely attend events on P&O although I did like the Welcome on Board gatherings in the atrium of Britannia and Azura.
  5. Identical 9n Britannia. We never used the vouchers - we had three throught the cruise, one sailaway, one celebration and this one.
  6. Unfortunately. You get a drinks voucher. On our Christmas cruise the highest tier peninsular club member did have a small cocktail party. The rest of us got a free drink voucher for that too.
  7. Before I left on holiday one of my friends was far in advance planning a cruise in August on Arvia for herself, husband and 10 year old daughter. Today she came round and informed me they were not now going as the type of cabins they required were sold out. She then said following all the Christmas problems and publicity she was very glad they'd failed to book. As a result of all the bad vibes they have decided not to undertake their first cruise at all and have booked a land based holiday. Sadly it seems that this unnecessary rubbish in the papers may after all do some damage if this case is anything to go by. Incidentally I notice that quite a large number of the Arvia cruises seem to have the forward and aft cabin sections showing sold out with the cabins sandwiched between them free, this includes my own I'll fated 22 December Christmas cruise. Either this is an indication of these areas being particularly popular with certain cabin types or a move by P&O and t/as to fill them first. Any ideas which is most likely causing this?
  8. Excellent news that your wife is fully recovered and was able to enjoy her cruise. Ironically her case is the point in question, "she had a list of things she could eat" which indicates she had a list of things she couldn't eat as well. While she was very happy with the choice anyone who had the reverse requirements would therefore have been disappointed. Sarcasm aside, I'd actually have been quite happy to live on the few lettuce leaves but they were rather in short supply for a few days!
  9. And plenty of others were happy too but my point is not everyone can eat from such a limited menu without problems. I'm alright Jack appears to becoming the order of the day in some parts of British society, it would be nice if some of these people could acknowledge that just because something is good for them it might not be for others.
  10. Perhaps it's to help ease all the problems they had on the maiden. Assumedly if they can see the number of bookings in advance and where people are going then they hopefully will b able to control the flow in the two MDRs where the trouble has been.
  11. From memory sold out before sailing included Barbados Turtle swim Catcarib and turtles Submarine trip Island tour Curaçao Pretty much everything connected with island tours, Hato caves, 4x4 trips Bonaire Island tour Catamaran cruises Snorkeling trips St Lucia Aerial tram Catamaran and land all day tour Hiking the Pitons 4x4 trip Beach bus - not beach transfers but the reggae bus Seaway tours Antigua Helicopter tour Some beach transfers Catamaran sailing - both full day and half Nelsons dockyard Island tour St Kitts Steel drums Rum and chocolate Transfer to Nevis Beach Club not beach transfer Train and sea tour - the train without sea was available St Vincent Kayaking Mustique day Bequia with lunch full day Schooner cruise with beer Island tour with waterfalls Volcano viewing Grenada Waterfalls Gardens Catamaran Rum and chocolate St Maarten Most of the activity trips to the French side of the island I emphasise these aren't me saying they are the best trips merely they are the ones that always sell out first.
  12. Glad to hear someone was checked. Nothing asked for at Gatwick last month, just asked do you have any covid symptoms. Even the Barbados government form wasn't checked by anyone which seemed weird. Ironically one man sat heavily coughing on the plane was challenged by TUI staff and said he had a long term condition. Funnily enough not a squeak from him on the flight back but plenty of others coughing very loudly.
  13. Every night has 2 vegetarian and 1 vegan option in the MDR, in fact the starters and sweets have a lot of Vs beside them too. Perhaps this could be one of the reasons people are saying their tasteless. Ironically we were hard pushed to make a decent salad in the buffet when we had a late lunch there after a trip, but again lots of things like vegetable lasagne etc in the hot section. The one that made me smile was "Healthy Options" as on the two occasions I looked it seemed to offer boiled eggs and small bowls of quinoa and pomegranate salad and not much else.Mind you judging by the queues poolside for pizza and burgers there wasn't going to be too many worrying that section anyway!
  14. Maybe we've all been spoilt since the restart. Could it be that now the ship's are sailing full or very near to it the queues and waiting are building as a result? Certainly since November time comments and reviews have been showing people are experiencing them on quite a few ships at least in the peak hours.
  15. I'm told Epicurean is rising to £30 but I wasn't told a date however. Interesting you could book meals on Arvia before sailing, we couldn't book anything except the Limelight Club. We were supposedly sailing full but for the first time I can recall there was availability in Epicurean for all but Christmas Day and the last sea day. Even Sindhu appeared to have slots if you dined at 6.00pm or 9.00pm and I've never seen that before. The ability to book prior to boarding was something I missed and hopefully it will come back soon.
  16. The fact remains the number of options have sadly diminished. I'm sure there are still special menus but the inclusion of three vegetarian options on the main menu reduces considerably the choice. Unfortunately certain medications and stomach problems mean quite a large number of vegetables and foodstuffs are banned from our diets, it doesn't mean we are fussy eaters or picky more if we ate them we would be in serious discomfort and pain. I wouldn't die but the effect on blood counts etc would last for several months and increase the amount of blood tests while I become rebalanced. My OH on the other hand would most likely end up in bed for several days with chronic stomach ache. It would be impossible to have a food sheet for things like this and unreasonable to expect one, however if you travel having previously had no problems because of the wider choice it can be problematic.
  17. Epicurean £28 on Britannia in December. You could not book before being onboard so no discount if you had OBC Glasshouse - £7.95 for three tapa style dishes, singly priced from 2.95 to £4.50. Fish and chips if I recall was around £6.00. Walk in lunchtime, use app after 6.00pm or physical queue. Limelight Club: Eric & Ern £25.00pp, John Partridge £25.00pp, Cheryl Baker £25.00pp, Chesney Hawkes £35.00pp. Bookable in advance so discount applied.
  18. Yes, the OBC will be correct. It has been very generous of late. Not sure about best trips, but will let you know which gave been the ones that sell out in recent years.
  19. Which most people may not be aware of. There were several people on my trip who did not realise.
  20. Hello Gem, welcome. Just to say the P&O tours on my recent cruise were mainly sold out on boarding. If you're one of the guys with a massive OBC offering you may be thinking of using it for tours, however even beach trips were hard to come by on some islands. I would consider booking anything before you go if its something you really want to do or see. Cannot speak for Arvia (obviously!) but some of the ports offer very little immediately outside the terminal as the cruise terminals tend to be in more container type areas. Lots of first time cruisers to the Caribbean on our cruise were rather taken aback by St Vincent and Grenada in particular. These are beautiful islands but you will need to move away from the port area. Grenada for instance offers a ferry to the beach but for some obscure reason a lot of people missed it as you had to buy tickets inside the terminal. If you would like any clues on which trips go quickly feel free to ask - certainly every year they never seem to change in popularity stakes!
  21. I had some problems on Britannia cruise just passed. The menus shown here are far better than we were offered. On three occasions our lovely waiter Harish took it upon himself to organise pasta dishes for me to replace the offerings. I appreciate many are vegetarians but three dishes on the main menu made the choice fairly limited with the chicken and steak filling two of the remaining slots and only three others to choose from. Basically you were stuck if you didn't want fish or beef. On one night the chicken was replaced with a different chicken dish which cause some confusion for the waiter. Our waiter however was very generous bringing without being asked extra vegetables and roast potatoes or chips in little bowls every night. There were copious amounts of green beans, broccoli, carrots and peas which together with the veg included on the plates meant quite large meals could be had.
  22. Lucca was available on Princess from La Spezia in July and I believe they use the same companies within Europe as P&O. Ot was extremely popular and sold out on our cruise, understandably because its beautiful. You've probably gathered I'm a huge fan of everything Italian ... Just a word to the OP. Not sure if you have any mobility or fitness measures to consider but Lucca being medieval is a walk uphill. Florence also could entail a fair amount of walking. Portovenere does involve some uphill walking with steps to the church. Pisa is mainly flat unless you decide to climb the bell tower! The coastline around the area you are visiting is rocky with steep cliffs which is why it's so dramatic and world renowned for its natural beauty.
  23. Which area are you cruising and when? If it's the Caribbean ports they have been pretty standard with early arrivals and all onboard by 5.30 except Barbados and St Lucia.
  24. Easy to do yourself as well. I love the little ferry and either the bus or train back.
  25. Yes you need an online form. You complete 72 hours before departure. It is a link direct to Barbados government website. On P&Os useful facts guide there's a guide to filling it out. It's pretty easy but some have had trouble with submitting it, just keep trying it goes eventually!
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