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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Britannia tenders regularly in the Caribbean, I love that. I was hoping Iona and Arvia would have tenders like Celebrity Edge! Guess I was being too optimistic...
  2. Thank you very much for your kind comments. I'm glad I could offer some help to you previously. My aunt has been transferred to a private cardiac unit in central Rome where she remains in a critical condition. I'm told she has now developed pneumonia on top of her other problems. Her sister is being allowed to see her today which is a blessing. We continue to pray and hope for the best. Personally I am shattered and still on the end of yet more incompetence from various sources. For instance a short time ago I took a call from the insurance global assistance team who appear to believe I am still in Rome as my aunt's companion! A bit rich when they categorically refused on Saturday afternoon to allow this to happen. I was then treated to a barrage of questions about the hospital my aunt has moved to despite my explanation that I could not discuss this as my brother in law holds a POA and her sister is in Rome. I was then told that my brother in law was at the dentist so I was required to help. The whole thing is a comedy of errors I'm afraid. My stress levels were high, now after this they're heading off the scale. The only good thing is the abuse on the Princess board can no longer happen. Thanks again for your kind thoughts.
  3. Arvia is definitely scheduled for possible tender ports on her Caribbean schedules in 2023/24. With so many often crowded small ports in that part of the world it will be inevitable she will need to tender at some stage unless she wins the race to be first in port that regularly occurs!
  4. I used The Retreat for a day on my Christmas cruise 2021. I was charged £35 for the day if I recall correctly. They would not at first allow bookings for a single day but pushed a whole voyage package. As we were very low in passenger numbers they relented and offered day tickets. Your key card was necessary to enter. If it was free last month that would appear to be a policy change.
  5. Thank you Wowzz. I see that the topic has now been locked which I'm very relieved about! I hope you miss the naughty step.
  6. Having read the latest spiteful attacks on me I have resorted to reporting one individual for her very personal attacks on me. I am extremely sad to do this as I believe entirely in free speech. I do however draw the line at someone reducing me to tears. Today is an extremely difficult day for me as it is the anniversary of my father's death in very difficult circumstances. Added to the situation in Italy the straw has broken my back.
  7. Thanks for the note. I returned to read her post. Wished I hadn't the following one is so vicious it's reduced me to tears. I don't think I'll return there now and will stick to my golden rule, no social media and friends only.
  8. Thank you all who have offered suggestions such as the card reversal and contact details. I am now going to retire politely from this discussion as it is serving little purpose now that we are moving on. In closing I would say I have made official complaints via the emails people have kindly provided and written to Princess UK at Carnival House, Southampton. There is apparently no telephone department available to Princess customers handling complaints so I cannot use this medium. Ironically I needed to cancel a P&O cruise my aunt and I were booked on for which payment was due on Sunday. They have been exceptional in their offers of help and have contacted me on several occasions to offer suggestions and help. Strangely they are another company in the Carnival stable but apparently with different ethics.
  9. Italy is still in special measures. Following the tragedy covid recked upon them they are extra cautious. They still mask up, have testing stations on every corner and are ultra cautious. I have no argument with their rules, they are what they are. It has been confirmed by my aunt's sister that she has not been allowed through the door of the Civitavecchia hospital. We hope the move to Rome may allow better access but have been told no to raise Hope's.
  10. The telephone had little relevance if Princess had done as I asked and claimed the money on the onboard account which they had an open line of credit and others here have indicated this is normal policy.
  11. To those who asked for updates on the health of my aunt, I have further news and an update from Italy. The insurance company has agreed for my aunt to be moved to a specialist cardiac facility in central Rome. Apparently she was awake for a few minutes while they started the preparations for the move and she mumbled she had been kidnapped. Great news.
  12. I have further news and an update from Italy. The insurance company has agreed for my aunt to be moved to a specialist cardiac facility in central Rome. Apparently she was awake for a few minutes while they started the preparations for the move and she mumbled she had been kidnapped. Great news.
  13. I'm sure you did but as Wowzz just pointed out the two step authorisation is a legal required protection. My aunt has her card to text and telephone for security checks and her telephone was with her.
  14. UK law would not consider court action over an issue such as this. Our banking and financial laws are extremely tight and the two stage authority applies to every bank and card provider to help prevent fraud. It is an extremely robust system, making payments above a fairly small limit are often challenged particularly for international transactions. It was because of this two step authorisation I asked Princess to just charge the card through the onboard account as it was pre authorised but they insisted I do a direct card insertion payment within their card reader. This led to it requiring the pin, which of course led to the code generated. UK credit cards rarely get foreign transactions of this sum and it would be flagged immediately as suspicious.
  15. I called them but due to Princess giving me a 20 minute deadline at that point (and I've not previously mentioned but stated they would call the police if I did not leave the port area) they did not have time to call back to offer assistance. I was actually boarding the plane when the call returned and so I do not know if they would have helped. I can say when called today they responded swiftly and dealt with my problems with the money being from the wrong account.
  16. Thank you, there is no need to apologise, I did get the jist of what you meant and appreciated it. Sometimes we write in haste and mean good but do not think that the other person might read it differently. Some of the things being directed at me are extremely curt and upsetting so I'm probably reacting rather sharply as a result!
  17. Thank you for this. The insurer made us aware of the contents on Monday, unfortunately too late to assist me. It was documents such as this I had hoped Princess family helpline in Southampton would have directed me to. Unfortunately they did not. Anyone reading this document should note they normally only visit if there is no tour company involved which of course Princess are considered to be.
  18. I guess I should have known better. I don't as a rule do any social media, this forum is the only place I comment. Everyone is entitled to a view, that's fine but I can't understand the almost joy some are taking in attacking.
  19. Thank you. I'm afraid my patience on Princess board is wearing thin. Can't help thinking I should have remained here with friends!
  20. Might I suggest you tell Good to Go insurance this as to date many thousands have pounds have been requested and paid. As for assistance to me and your opinions I will not comment bar to say i think you are wrong. I hope you never find yourself in trouble and need help with language barriers. Incidentally the insurers have admitted their global response team made a serious mistake and they should have assisted me or any other one person travelling with my aunt. Incidentally although not the same reference all three bookings were linked. Being blood related doesn't actually enter into this at all. She is and remains a family member to all of us having been married to my husband's uncle for over 60 years.
  21. Thank you for asking. There is no change in her condition. They are continuing to drain fluid from her and she has now been moved to the ICU room. If she remains stable they may move her to a specialist cardiology unit at another hospital. This needs insurance approval which is currently awaited as private hospital care is not allowed under UK/European travel insurance policies.
  22. Absolutely no problem, as I say long and convoluted. Just to clarify the family consists of her sister and her various nieces and nephews, of which I'm one.
  23. You are correct. My aunt's sister is currently in Rome staying with a family friend who was away over the weekend. Unfortunately she has not been allowed to see her sister or have access to her belongings. To be honest access to the telephone or IPad are now irrelevant as it's the GHIC card which is urgently required. Thank you for your words of support, they were appreciated. The issue is so confused it's very difficult to stay on track with it!
  24. The mobile phone is at the hospital with my aunt. It is no longer charged and the charger is in the missing bag. The insurance policy had all ready been activated by myself and Princess doctor. However the supporting documentation and the vital card remain missing. The documents/screenshot etc are on her missing IPad. It should be remembered until a week before she was travelling with someone else. To explain I was on a Celebrity cruise from 15 June to 25 June, arrived UK late 25 June, travelled to my home 150 miles from my aunt due to a rail strike and then drove to join her late evening 26 June. We flew to Majorca on 27 June as part of the package- ironically it was her 83rd birthday that day and this holiday was her celebration of that and her first trip abroad since the death of her husband of 60 years who passed at the beginning of the pandemic. As a result she was dealing with issues alone for the first time. She did have everything in place and organised well.
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