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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Deck 1 Atrium by the Games Room. I was ordering my coffee and it kicked off. I'm actually not happy now. They have just been told they do not have to isolate and the ship cannot make them. They've just been given a Princess Grill deck 8 room and told they may continue as normal as it's now passenger rather than ship responsibility. Frankly I'm quite appalled. They have screamed and shouted and now are being "rewarded" while they are apparently at liberty to spread the illness. Not impressed at all by how this is being handled. I'm now told I can leave the area though.
  2. Yes, it's adjacent to the Quay area, not as far up as the Graces, just before the Cunard building.
  3. Unfortunately I'm witnessing a very unfortunate episode and am not being allowed to leave this area. A couple have unfortunately contracted covid and are involved in a screaming match with the officers who are trying to get them to a doctor and moved to a balcony cabin. I'm sitting drinking my coffee and its getting very unpleasant. They've even shouted at me that it's me and people like me who've made them ill by not wearing a mask. It's become most distasteful. I did have a sense of pity for them to start but now they're shouting about their rights and suing Cunard that has rapidly disappeared.
  4. Cunard have been allowed to block the Mersey before! As the fireworks last year were fairly impromptu and arranged late these will presumably be more in line with the other celebrations.
  5. Yes. It was on display last night for photos and they're just taking it through. I watched the guys preparing the "launch pad" at the front this morning at around 6.00am. Little things are popping up everywhere now. The chefs have just been having a filming session with the cake. It really is a work of art.
  6. A hive of activity down here on Deck 1. Preparations are a buzzing.
  7. Probably my socialist leanings!! To be serious though I just never got round to it and OBC is not really that useful to me.
  8. By the way the 5th photo is the guys fixing the bottle for the naming. Unfortunately tye rainy glass prevented a proper picture - I've been balancing barefoot on a wicker seat somewhat perilously since 5.55am!
  9. Liverpool arrivall!!! Damp and wet ... but undaunted.
  10. Thankfully I don't wear jewellery or collect handbags. I also am not a shareholder so no top ups of OBC from there either. OBC offered is always of very little value to a solo traveller despite the 175% fare and the cruises I do with my husband are generally Caribbean or on other lines.
  11. Very rarely I do I have dims of OBC in the amounts some get. My biggest was last December at £620 for two. As a lone traveller I'm lucky to get £120. Our next one is £340 and that includes welcome back £100.
  12. Sadly we have another medical emergency and are delayed awaiting an ambulance.
  13. Yes, a tour taking in Loch Lomond and various others Lochs, both sea and freshwater. Absolutely beautiful scenery and glorious weather made it even more special.
  14. So all in all not very successful. I recall you mentioning lack of a chair to sit on and this jogged my memory that when traveling with my mother in accessible balcony rooms on QE and QV there was no chair in those rooms either save a dressing table type chair just inside the door. Ive never sailed QM2 inan accessible cabin but wonder whether this is fleet wide below the Grills? Has anyone told you if the Princess/Queen's Grill suites have anything different to offer for those requiring bars, automations etc? Regarding other ships you sailed on last year which i recall.being Aurora, Ventura, QM2 and Iona (the latter of course fairly new) perhaps you could mention when taking the issue further what these considerably older vessels offered that made things easier. It is natural to assume a newer ship will offer better facilities. Chatting to a guy yesterday he mentioned although Queen Anne is a new ship her design is now quite old with the first Pinnacle ship being delivered in 2016. Obviously adapted, made bigger etc but basically an older design. Perhaps it might be interesting to ask on the HAL board if the passengers on the other Pinnacle ships have these problems or whether it's just bad planning and provision by Cunard. Did you get an answer to your other question about the Liverpool celebration arrangements? I have received my pack now and it seems to be that less standing than envisaged may be necessary than we thought. (Letter below).
  15. Good morning, good morning to all. Yesterday was another truly memorable day for me. Apart from the company the Panoramic Lochs trip turned out to be far more than I expected- basically a coach trip around looking at the scenery. This was far more. An hour and a quarter stop in the pretty town, another in a viewing point to see a Glen surrounded by hills and mountains added very much to the day and then a 20 minute ride on a ferry where it was possible to enjoy the spectacular views from the top on a viewing platform. The surrounding scenery was beautiful, the water and sky were bright blue in the brilliant sunlight. Just a lovely serene day despite being in the company of 50 or do fellow passengers from the ship. Definitely another favourite for me. Today I'm ticking off one of the few original remaining items on the list I created 29 years ago as part of my cancer recovery program. The Giant's Causeway. The list grew over the years as I added things at each recovery stage and now because I've been so lucky over the years only a handful of things remain. This therefore is going to be BIG so hopefully the sun will shine, the Irish mist won't roll in and I'll stay dry, not fall over or have any other of my usual mishaps! Have a great day everyone - I'm going too!
  16. An absolutely charming lady and a pleasure to have had her company. I was shocked she told me she was afraid of the sea and thought how brave she was.
  17. She finds it comfortable and friendly with a nice atmosphere apparently. She told me she doesn't like Queen Mary 2 lounge. I asked how she found the light as I'd heard it had very little and her view was it's a little dark but she feels it makes it atmospheric.
  18. A quick catch up from Queen Anne where we've been in Greenock today. Beautiful weather, great times out and about and couldn't help but think of you guys when we sailed away. Jonathan Livingston Seagull was very much alive and well and sends his best Scottish squawks...
  19. Actually on the subject of horse racing I sat with a lady on the coach trip today who told me she had an interest in racing when she bought a newspaper to study the card. We got chatting as a result and it transpired her and her late husband were in a syndicate that owned the Derby winner Motivator a number of years back. We had some really interesting conversation about her view from her Queens Grill suite midships deck 7 - no idea which grade of Q it is - and compared notes on our experience as solo ladies. Very interesting in as much as we both had the same opinions on entertainment etc although she is using the Grills Lounge as her social hub and informed me she really likes it.
  20. Unfortunately not, but enough to enjoy a bottle of champagne or two.
  21. Horrah. Well I'm going to get The Derby at 4.30. Meantime a bonus race.
  22. My inside is very quiet, I hear nothing at all. I'm extremely impressed. I was dubious as my last new ship voyage was Arvia and the noise issues there were absolutely horrendous. This is the total opposite, I sleep like a log.
  23. Well she is dating Queen Camilla's ex so it would be keeping it in the family almost ...
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