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Everything posted by Jamman54

  1. Here are some of the appetizers. The jumbo shrimp cocktail….. Tuna tartare….. Lobster bisque….. Stuffed mushrooms….. Patti had the lobster tail with a baked potato….. I had the spice rubbed ribeye with mashed potatoes and sautéed mushrooms….. For dessert Jim had the chocolate sphere, and the rest of us had the apple torte….. It was a great meal! At this point I had come down with the cruise crud and I wasn’t feeling so well, so Patti and I went back to the cabin. She had some medicine for me which began helping right away. The laundry that Patti sent out this morning has been returned….. Here is today’s Cheers tally: Patti (4), Jeff (15), for a total of (19). That’s (+7) for today, and now we are (+1) for the cruise. Yep, I was able to max out today, even though I wasn’t feeling well towards the end of the day. Hopefully, Patti’s medicine chest will keep me in the game tomorrow! Coming up next: This Tribe cruise is coming to a close, but the shenanigans keep on coming!
  2. I played blackjack for a couple of hours losing $100, but it was all the free play money. I was feeling hungry so I went to Sea Dogs and grabbed a couple of Chorizo’s with mustard and peppers, and took them back to the Tides Bar. Suresh kept the Cruisers coming, and at some point Sid joined me. He grabbed something from Big Chicken, and we had a couple more drinks there. We then made our way down to the Watering Hole for some Watermelon Crushes. Sid tried to take the infamous mirror shots, but the mirrors were filthy! These pictures are courtesy of Sid….. After a couple of drinks here, we move inside to the Pig & Anchor Bar. Who do I find hanging out and drinking with Heather, Peter, Amy, and Megan? Patti! You go girl! We had a couple of drinks and then went back to the cabin where I took a nap. When I woke up the sun was just setting…… Tonight we’re having dinner with Pat & Jim at Fahrenheit 555….. Table setting….. Here are Patti and I…… The Chefs are hard at work….. Bread plates…. I don’t remember what the amuse bouche was, but it was pretty good….. To be continued…..
  3. Afterwards, I went to the casino to pick up our free play that we had won, and sat down to play some blackjack. Patti went to check out the Towel Folding demonstration. There were quite a few people there…… Patti got herself a nice seat with a table along the glass up on Deck 7 for the $5,000 Jackpot Bingo….. Unfortunately, she did not win. She made her way back to the cabin where she found today’s towel animal….. Patti hung out on the balcony for a while taking in the afternoon sea views….. To be continued…..
  4. Today “The Wave” Morning show is being held in Piano Bar 88. At 10am I met Patti, Pat, and Jim there….. The hosts for today’s show are Lee and Louis….. They are joined by Zee from Effy, and later on by Paul the Fitness Instructor….. To be continued…..
  5. I made my way up to the Red Frog Tiki Bar for some bloody Mary’s, while Patti checked out Build-A-Bear…… To be continued…….
  6. Day # 6 - (January 19th) - Fun Day at Sea # 2. We were up at 7am to a warm, partly cloudy day. The seas are fairly calm. Here are the views from our balcony as the Carnival Celebration heads back to Miami….. Here are today’s Fun Times….. Patti put two bags of laundry together, and then went up to the Marketplace for some breakfast. I went to Bar 820 for a coffee. Took a peek outside at the smoking section….. I went back to the cabin and in the mailbox was our debarkation information. Already? We still have two days to go! I worked on pictures until 9am, and then I met Patti down at Celebration Central to pick up her bingo package that we won last night at Deal or No Deal. We won a $25 package, but Patti likes the $48 package so we just pay for the difference….. To be continued…..
  7. Good morning Cruise Critic and Tribe families! Today Patti and I have a family event to attend and tomorrow is the Super Bowl, so I won't be posting anything new until Monday. Have a great weekend! I hope that your favorite team wins or your numbers come in! 😁
  8. He takes it right down to the end and walks away with the amount in his case, $125. The next contestant is Paul C…… He chooses Case #17, and begins to open cases starting with #1. He also knocks out the $1000 case fairly quickly….. He plays it down for several rounds and then takes the $175 offer….. So how did we do? We won two (2) $30 casino free plays, and a $25 bingo package for a total of $85 or a $35 net win. Not bad! We then went up to the Marketplace for a bite to eat. Here are our plates….. Afterwards, we went back to the cabin for the night. Here is today’s Cheers recap: Patti (2), Jeff (4), for a total of (6). This makes us (-6) for today and the cruise. We have to pick it up the rest of the way! Coming up next: The bad news is that we’re heading back to Miami. The good news is that it’s going to take us two days to get there!
  9. At 6:30pm we made our way down to Celebration Central to get our cards for the 7:30pm Deal or No Deal show….. We enjoy this show and will usually go to it every cruise. We get the 3 for $50 package, and most times we will break even or win a little bit. But I look at it as being a raffle ticket for having two shots at being the onstage contestant. I was onstage one time and I didn’t do well, so I’m looking for redemption. We have our cards and out drinks, so let the games begin! As always, there is a huge crowd here tonight….. Since there are two shows tonight, Louis Clare will host the first show, and Lee Mason will host the 9:30pm show….. Lee sits at our table and takes pictures of Louis Clare’s performance….. The first contestant selected is Jennifer W. but she sends her husband Jeff up to play for her….. He selects Case #7 and begins to open cases. The $1000 is knocked off the board pretty quickly….. To be continued……
  10. He was on our Celebration cruise last April. He performed at Noon on the last sea day as well, but he was in the Grand Spectrum and it was packed!
  11. We are sailing by Marriott’s Frenchman’s Cove….. We are now sailing by the Westin Beach Resort….. We are leaving St. Thomas behind….. To be continued…..
  12. We are sailing past the Sunshine and out to sea. Her aft needs a little touch up! The Nieuw Statendam is on the move as well….. A couple of tour boats pass by….. There are some beautiful homes up on the hills….. To be continued……
  13. Actually those helmets are pretty heavy, so it's their weight that keeps them down on your shoulders. Once you are in the water they don't feel heavy at all.
  14. Once we were dropped off, Pat, Jim, and Patti went to explore the shops. I took Patti’s beach bag and went back to the ship. Once I changed, I went to Guy’s for a couple of Plain Jane’s, and took them back to the Tides Bar where Suresh was tending Bar. Patti stayed out for about an hour or so, and then made her way back to the ship….. She went and got a sandwich and fries from the Deli, then went back to the cabin to relax on the balcony. I had a couple of Cruisers with Suresh when Sid dropped by to chat. He went back to his cabin to get the duck and sticker he had found, and wanted to give to Patti. I had one more drink with Sid before heading back to the cabin for sail away and then a nap. Patti was so happy with the duck and sticker. Thanks Sid! The Carnival Celebration was first to sail at 4pm….. We say goodbye to the Nieuw Statendam….. Patti looks up towards Paradise Point….. We are now sailing past the Carnival Sunshine…… To be continued……
  15. We ordered another bucket of beer and drinks and spent the rest of the morning enjoying the beach….. I’m still enjoying the water…… These items can be rented….. Patti was using a leaf as a coaster. Very resourceful! Our server Michelle and me….. We stayed until 12:30pm. We paid our bill, and made our way to the exit. There, the safari truck and driver that we had this morning was there to take us back. In twenty minutes we were back at the Havensight Mall. The Nieuw Statendam and the Carnival Sunshine had joined us in port since we had left….. To be continued…..
  16. Every time we’re at Coki Beach I look over at Coral World and just smile, as it brings back some great memories. See those white specs on the lower platform? Those are the helmets used for the helmet dives….. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m feeling a little nostalgic right now. I’m going to take you back to March of 2010 when we were on the fairly new Carnival Dream. I booked my boys and me on the Helmet Dive excursion at Coral World. Patti didn’t want to partake, but she was enjoying the exhibits. The following pictures were part of the package, so no, Patti was not floating around taking them. Lol. Ryan was wearing helmet #4, Kevin was #5, and I was #7. Enjoy! Once you climb down the ladder into the water, you follow a trail. The water is about twenty foot deep. There are divers and guides all around you for safety. I want to say that you’re down there for twenty minutes to a half hour. Also included are these stock photos of the trail…… I hope you enjoyed the flashback. Coral World still offers the Helmet Dives if you are interested. To be continued…..
  17. We like both but prefer Coki. It's just a completely different vibe. Magen's Bay has a small fee, and Coki is free. Even though Magen's Bay beach is a mile long, when multiple ships are in it can get pretty crowded, and the bar & restaurant there has trouble keeping up. Coki Beach is about half the size, can get crowded, but has more amenities. The snorkeling is much better at Coki if you like that sort of thing, and you can rent equipment. Lastly, Coral World is right next door to Coki Beach so you can combine the visits if you choose. Fees apply at Coral World. Hope this helps.
  18. Patti’s looking towards our end of the beach. Can you see me in the water? This end of the beach is very rocky making it very good for snorkeling or diving….. You can rent your equipment here….. Patti heads back to our end of the beach….. I’m still enjoying the water….. Our first round of drinks has arrived! To be continued…..
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