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    NMB, SC
  • Interests
    cruising, crafting, reading
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Some place warm

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  1. Guess I'm a new-bee as our 1st cruise was in 1991
  2. Just now I was attempting to check fares for cruises to Panama Canal and Caribbean for March 2025. All of the cruises show UNAVAILABLE. Anyone else encountered this?
  3. Kathi myself, my best friend and my daughter will be on this cruise too. I'll actually be on the Rotterdam for 28 days doing a B2B2B. I'm hoping at some point to get to meet you as I have always enjoyed your thoughtful and knowledgeable posts here on CC. So far the weather in FLL looks wonderful.
  4. Agree with what @mgtravelsalot said about the main dining room as you should not have any problem being seated at a shared table. If you do CO or one of the specialty restaurants probably not so much so.
  5. Were you under the impression that those of us who gave additional tips did not also provide praise for the wonderful service we were provided? If so, not true!
  6. @HappyInVan if you are going to keep score, count me as one! I have in the past and will continue in the future to leave the auto tips in place and then tip extra to the deserving.
  7. Along with what @Haljo1935 stated you can always take advantage of price reductions afterwards. We almost always book close to a year in advance and have never regretted it.
  8. Oh Kathi your news is just WONDERFUL! It takes a bit of time to regain one's strength after all you have been through. Keep following doctor's orders and given time you will feel better and better and a cruise is just the right medicine for you.
  9. @kwhear435 Any new information? We'd love this story to have a happy ending.
  10. Anyone know if the Rotterdam doors are magnetic? You'd think I'd know since I spend 21 days on her last year but at that time I didn't care.
  11. Two more questions then: 1-What happens if one doesn't have a have a smart phone with them? 2-Does this mean one has to take their phone on tour with them?
  12. Is HAL still providing paper Tour Tickets that are delivered to one's stateroom? TIA
  13. Really miss the Snickers cake! 😕
  14. Hey Mary Ann & Bill if you would be so kind as to face north and blow real hard those of us landlocked in the states would appreciate some of the warm weather you are experiencing, 🤭
  15. I surely do not want to seem rude or insult anyone, but folks we are talking about $1 a day here. Okay if there are two people in a stateroom it is $2 a day. Neither amount is going to make or break anyone with enough resources to take a cruise. I consider the situation similar to Port Charges. If they go up after booking one pays the additional cost and if they go down HAL refunds the difference. I'm certainly not going to spend my time, worth far more than $1 a day, worrying about this.
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