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Posts posted by ljandgb

  1. rcaruso, you got it! My 10th grade history teacher got me interested in this. We went to the Louvre for the standard highlights, but I broke off from the group so I could seek it out and fangirl over it. It’s the very first set of publicly posted standardized laws. There’s a set of cards there that translates it for you, telling you how much remuneration you get if a slave or wife is maimed or killed and other various laws.  😬


    An upside was this part of the Louvre was empty. I had the whole room to myself. 

    This one’s for you, Mrs. Rathburn!


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  2. Agree with above.  You could even skip both and instead drive south and visit one of the many "secret" hotsprings that dot the country.  I have no affiliation with this blog, it's just the first one that came up under my google search but it will give you an idea of what's out there.  Most people would also say that south coast scenery is better than the Golden Circle.  It may also be less crowded as most of your cruise ship will be thinking the same as you and head towards the GC and BL.



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  3. Daisi got it!  That is supposedly the actual plane that made that first flight.


    The Portuguese history of exploration really fascinated me.  With their country looking out into the Atlantic, they really seemed to just head out into the world so much earlier than the rest of Europe.  It was the Portuguese who were responsible for fine-tuning  the system and equipment that was used on seagoing ships to determine latitude and longitude and the Portuguese again who adjusted it to take into account altitude so they could navigate in the air.  According to our guide, that system is essentially still in use in aircraft today, assuming as a backup to GPS, etc.


    As a former US Navy officer, I have a particular interest in these sorts of things.


    Interesting aside - the Portuguese got out into the world so much earlier than most.  They made it to England in the 1300's and by 1373 had established a "perpetual friendship" treaty with them. It is the longest standing treaty in Europe.  Portugal also made it further up the coast to Norway where they developed a taste for salt cod.  Portugal is now the main market for Norway's cod.  


    Can you tell Portugal just continued to surprise me?  LOL


    Wild card...

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  4. No idea, still.


    Notamermaid, if you know, go ahead and say.  


    Funny aside - I was in training, stationed in Japan on a ship that spent most of it's time out to sea, went back to training, and then had a set of twins for the entire '90's, and didn't reenter regular life until 2000.  I pretty much missed most major news and pop culture events of that decade, including the break up of both Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.  While intellectually I know they happened, it did not occur to me that that sign was obsolete.  

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