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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. Charlie was admitted as a trauma. X-rays are okay except they are waiting for a specialist to read the shoulder one. He sounds good anyway.
  2. Years ago I told Charlie he should write a thank you note to whoever invented vodka! That has kept me going😊You can’t beat a good cocktail
  3. We took Charlie to the emergency room. He wasn’t feeling any better, arm and leg were giving him problems. He think his arm was broken but have not heard any news yet. Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. We really could use a little less drama!
  4. Our trip to AC ended up with Charlie falling in the shower. He got lightheaded and just went down. He is sore and black and blue and getting him home is going to be fun. My daughter is down here and is coming over in the morning to drive home with us. Hopefully, he will just need rest. I have to say security was great, they were up here in five minutes and got him on his feet. No more trips for us.
  5. I am going to have to get to Michigan somewhere along the line. Charlie has so many doctor’s appointments it is hard to schedule things.
  6. Just spoke to my Michigan friend, things are not looking good. They told her husband maybe six months. My heart hurts.
  7. We did a B2B on Harmony and the ship never felt right to me. We had been on Allure and Oasis and loved both of them. Just don’t know what it was about Harmony.
  8. Thank you, my friend just messaged me that it is stage 4 esophageal cancer spread to the liver. I wish I could be in Michigan with them😒
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