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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. My daughter teaches with another teacher who is married to a dentist. She is going to her daughter’s wedding soon, I told her to be on the lookout for any single dentists!
  2. Don’t feel too bad Greg. Our friend ordered golf clubs online, price was right, first clue! Anyway, never got them.
  3. Charlie’s father died on September 10, 2001. We were planning his funeral on the 11th and couldn’t believe what was happening. The day he was buried Staten Island was on lockdown because of threats. It just made everything so much worse.
  4. I survived but I also had a cute little eight year old give me excellent instructions!
  5. I will let you know. I really wanted to go as we have friends from Long Island going with their kids and grandkids. I figured if anything happened I would have somebody with us. If you went I would feel better! I will talk to him tonight as time is short. The next few cruises also look pretty reasonable.
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