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MITSUGIRLY BREAKAWAY's 1 last time for the year-review/pictorial


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Well since we ARE the only cruise ship here, it has to be coming to us.




Yep, I just knew it.




The kids were patiently waiting on their balconies.





Kendra had visitors.




Kolin was excited...don't ya think?





I love this selfie that Kenny & Michelle took. It shows how happy they are and how happy they are to be in Bermuda.






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Everyone was watching the squad. They parked, they opened the doors in the back, people got out...and then Patrick caught my attention.








I never did see if anyone got in the squad, but the next time I looked down, I noticed people coming off the ship. "Let's Go!" I yelled to the kids and we all headed out, down the hall and dinged ourselves off the ship and onto this gorgeous land that didn't rock.


We stopped to take a few pictures:






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We had originally decided to take the ferry and head over to St George, then the HOHO bus to St David's beaches, then the bus over to Hamilton to go to the Harbour Lights.


However, we decided we really wanted a full day in St George, so instead, we were just going to head over to Horseshoe Bay BUT do it right this time like I wanted to last time. Last time the plans were to take the #7 bus to Warwick and walk our way back to Horseshoe and we were put on the wrong bus. I was going to get it right this time around.


Also, I thought with this being the first day here and Kenny being so sick for 2 days and already getting a bad impression of cruising, I figured we had better do an "easier" day first to get him accustomed to the place (versus a ferry, to another bus, to a bus, to another bus and then a ferry back making for a very long day of riding). We'd break him in slowly. One bus there, one bus back.


We walked to the bus stop, with our tickets already purchased. We were the first there and we took a seat to wait for the bus. We waited and people came. We waited some more and more people came. This bus stop was getting packed and our seats where no longer considered the "front row" and people were standing in front of us, in the street, and surrounding us. Yikes! Something told me that even though we were the very first at the bus stop, this was not going to matter to any of these people and it was going to be a "who ever can get on the bus first gets it" type of deal.


It was weird that this time around, there wasn't anyone standing there to help you out (or put you on the right or wrong bus) like last time. Everyone was left wondering what to do, if they were in the right place, what bus to catch, when they would show up, how they would know and so on. At this point I felt like a pro and knew exactly what we were doing...and that was NOT getting on the "Special" or "Horseshoe Bay" bus!


The bus finally came and we managed to swing in from the side and I managed to get the munchkins up in the bus then stood sideways so that the rest of my family could go in and blocked the raid of people trying to come in from the other side of me. I'm sorry we were the absolute first there at the bus stop when no one was around. We were getting on this bus, even if we were forced to stand.


I remembered to say my "Good Morning Sir" and politely ask if he could let us know when we got to Warwick Long Bay. He smiled and said he would. This was a much better experience than the last time with the nasty bus driver.


The bus filled up and the driver stopped the crowd to let them know there was another bus on the way shortly and he had to leave some seats open for the locals along the way. He left 5 seats available for them. We pulled out at 12:33pm.




Then off we went. This driver was CRAZY! LOL Was I in New York again? Notice Kendra's bf not only sitting but holding on as well. LOL Poor Brayden got stuck in a middle seat in the very back, which is sitting up on a platform really high and his seat was not attached. Every time this bus driver slammed on his brakes, Brayden went flying. Although he thought it was fun, I was a little worried and trying to hold him down.




I taught my kids manors and to respect others and they told me once we were seated that if a local got on and there weren't any seats left, they would happily give up their seat. This is their country and we are here visiting. They make me proud.


I pretty much knew my way to Horseshoe Bay and I knew when we were coming up on the split in the road. I knew we were getting close. I seen us pass Horseshoe and knew that we needed off at the second Warwick stop, not the one with the parking lot.


The bus driver stopped, we thanked him and told him to have a good day and we were off. He pointed in the direction that we needed to start walking to get to the entrance.




We arrived at the entrance at 1:09. I'm sure I was smiling from ear to ear to know we actually finally made it here.




Sakari stopped to take a picture.



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Along the path to the beach we found a smashed crab. It was completely flattened in a perfect crab shape.








Man this was a beautiful beach!





We picked our spot, put our things down... and then everyone started laughing. I turned to see this...




Kenny is goofy. He's game for anything. He's the life of the party and everyone loves him. He's the first one to take a dare and the last one standing. This time, he'd be standing with his toenails painted. LOL His girlfriend was painting hers the night before and decided she would paint his to match hers. He thought everyone would get a kick out of it so he agreed.




We all headed down to the beach after we managed to bring ourselves back to reality and control our laughter.




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The waves were huge. Kendra squealed with excitement. She loves this and loves riding the waves.








Could someone tell Kolin you don't do cannon balls in the ocean. That's a wave, not the deep in. When that wave goes back out, you are going to be left sitting on your butt in the sand.





I can't believe Kendra's boyfriend actually got out in the water at least chest high. He's normally a scaredy cat and if he sees a fish...he'll run. He was out in the water for about 20 minutes before he said "Look at that huge fish". He said it was silver with black on it. Then he went running out of the water. He looked down at his hand and he was bleeding! He said "It bit me!" I have no idea what fish he seen, but he wasn't going back out in the water, I did know that.




The kids riding the waves:



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The kids had a blast riding the waves. Even the munchkins. This would be the first cruise we have ever went on that we did not bring Sakari's puddle jumper. I was really nervous, but made sure that we had our eyes on her at all times and someone always near her in the water. With 2 brothers and a sister always near by, I felt a little more at ease.













I just loved the areas that had the pink crushed shells in it.




At 1:31pm, we decided to move on to the next beach. I knew there were a lot more to see and didn't want to get caught up at just one beach. So we packed up and started moving in the direction I knew was Horseshoe.

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Jobsons Bay


Approximately 8 minutes later, we arrived at Jobsons Bay. I figured this would be a good place to let the kids swim and not worry so much because the waves were gentle.




Of course the area was a little more crowded than Warwick, I'm sure because it was a lot more family friendly and gentle.


Then kids were off and ready for some more swimming.




This was a rather interesting stairway.





I decided to snorkel a little and see if there was anything out there.





I always love this coral because it reminds me of Cheerios.










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Snorkeling provided absolutely nothing in my opinion




I did see 1 parrot fish, but it zoomed off super fast and the kids did not get to see it. Darn. I know all the pictures I have seen in the past show tons of the huge parrot fish in these coves along here. I really wanted to show them to Kenny since he's never seen them before. Kolin has seen plenty of them in the Caribbean, but they were not as big as the ones I have seen here in Bermuda.


Of course the climbing begins with the kids...and momma starts to worry. All the boys have done since seeing the beaches is ask about jumping off the cliffs into the water. Of course I try to fib and say it's not allowed and you can't climb on the rocks. But, of course they see others doing it and they knew I wasn't telling the truth. Darnit.




I try to keep myself occupied by taking more pictures, but it's not keeping my mind off of it.




They come back down and decide if they can't find a place to jump off the cliffs, they'd just jump off the rocks below.












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I continued taking pictures of the area with my water spotted lens :rolleyes: that I forgot to put Rain-X on suggested by other members on here (grrr) and the boys continued to have fun giving me a heart attack.







We took one last dip and then decided to move on.




We packed up at 1:54 and headed on down toward Stonehole Bay.

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We arrived at Stonehole Bay just 4 minutes later and decided not to stay here.


The kids did run down for a minute and I stayed behind to save some walking.





Then off we went:




I'm not sure how I stayed up above while they ran to the beach but yet I managed to fall behind on the path.


I guess it was because I was still taking pictures as we walked along.












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They had some cut out paths to walk in. I'm not sure this is helpful or not. You sometimes have to pick your entire foot/leg up and bring it around to take a step in front of you because sometimes they get pretty narrow.





It was definitely a pretty view from up here and would only get better.









Once we were pretty high up, the kids wanted pictures.



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I was trying to capture the view from above looking at the previous beaches we just visited all in the same picture.




My boys will do anything to scare me. Get away from that ledge.





Sakari struggled to try to follow her big brothers as I yelled for her to get back here and yelled at them to stop going next to the edge because she wanted to follow. All I ever get from her is "I'm a big girl mommy!" Yea...well big girls fall too. I was about to have a heart attack being up there and here I thought Brayden would be the one to give me it.


I distracted her by telling her "Oh my, would you look how beautiful it is right here? Let me take your picture here Sakari, it's so pretty in the background." Hey, whatever works in a 7 year olds brain right?




Notice there's no shoes on those feet above. About this point everyone started screaming. Ants were all over us and crawling all over their feet. I did everything I could to get them off and get her shoes on while still shooing them off. They were everywhere.





We quickly started walking and I was taking more pictures along the way while trying to console Sakari and her ant bites.





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It was so pretty up here. Everyone was right on this board, the view is a do not miss.








We were still getting ate up with ants everywhere. You couldn't stop for more than a few seconds before a few were crawling on you. It was very annoying.











It looks like we have some campers or some homeless people. I'm not sure which one. I know there's a camping area at Warwick, but we are a little ways from there and this was the only tent that I seen along the way. Anyone know?





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We had to stop here again for me to readjust Sakari's water shoes. She felt like there were ants inside of it and the minute we stopped, they were back to crawling up our legs. :( Sigh. I'm not sure how the people in the tent were keeping them off. I can't even imagine!




This walk took approximately 17 minutes at "our pace" so time could very depending on how many stops you take in order to get pictures. :D


The next beach we would come to would be Chaplin Bay. After the long walk and getting ate up with ants, we figured we would stop here to swim for awhile and make sure all the ants were off of us.

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Great job in navigating the bus crowd. I'm glad you were able to get the whole family on the correct bus together, even if it did turn out to be a rough ride.


That picture of Kenny was funny. I thought at first that his toes were bleeding! Glad that wasn't the case.


I would have loved to swim in the waves at the first beach you went to. :cool: At the other beach, I would have been right there with the boys jumping off the rocks into the water - but ONLY after I checked to see how deep the water I would be jumping into would be.


Not happy to hear about all of your ant bites. Hope they didn't continue to bother you for the rest of your cruise. If I manage to get there I will plan on bringing some ant repellent.


Can't wait to hear about the rest of your time in Bermuda. :D

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Great job in navigating the bus crowd. I'm glad you were able to get the whole family on the correct bus together, even if it did turn out to be a rough ride.


That picture of Kenny was funny. I thought at first that his toes were bleeding! Glad that wasn't the case.


I would have loved to swim in the waves at the first beach you went to. :cool: At the other beach, I would have been right there with the boys jumping off the rocks into the water - but ONLY after I checked to see how deep the water I would be jumping into would be.


Not happy to hear about all of your ant bites. Hope they didn't continue to bother you for the rest of your cruise. If I manage to get there I will plan on bringing some ant repellent.


Can't wait to hear about the rest of your time in Bermuda. :D



Thanks. I'm not so sure "navigation" was the word I'd call it, but rightfully taking what was mine. :p :D


Kennys toes bleeding...I never thought of that. :eek: I'm glad that wasn't the case too.


I jumped off into the water last time we were here. That was enough for me. With my record, I'd end up breaking something. :p


The ants were terrible everywhere we went. Is it ant season or something? We didn't encounter this last time.

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We arrived here around 2:19 and decided to stay awhile since we were ate up with ants and hot and needed a break. I knew we were getting closer to Horseshoe, so wanted to stop before that to spend some time in the ocean where it was not crowded.








It was very pretty and just like Warwick, not many people there.









The munchkins were having a blast. Brayden has gotten better at swimming and with him being taller than Sakari, that helps a lot too.






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The big kids went out to brave the crashing waves.





I think the waves won




They all had their plan of attack. Kenny would race it back, Courtney would just plug her nose and hope for the best, Kolin would just dive into the water to keep it from knocking him over, and Kendra well she's just going to assume the fetal position and hope for the best.





Kolin looks like he's on a surf board.





They were definitely having a blast.



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Meanwhile, I'm out taking pictures of water spots...





Billy assumed his normal position in the sand:








The hubby decided to wonder out at some point. He was out in the waves at Warwick, but he has issues with his ears (had what they assume was an injury to his ears back when he was younger and he no longer has an eardrum and is prone to infections easily) and the waves at Warwick got in there and he was hurting. But, decided he was going to rough this one out and get back in again.







The waves crashing on the rocks were just beautiful.





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We started walking and taking more pictures. We did run across another beach, but according to all the maps I've seen and everything I've read, there's no name for this beach??? So we call it noname beach.













The boys back to being barefoot again and complaining of the ants biting them so they didn't stay in place for long anywhere we went.








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Coming around the corner along the path is the opening to Horseshoe:





I absolutely loved the sand around this area away from the beach. It reminded me of sand dunes















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This would be considered the "non-crowded" section of the beach. Yes, there were a few people wondering around, but plenty of space to spread out and enjoy yourself.




We ALL started heading toward the "Baby Bay" area where we spent most of our time when we were here in June.


Notice Brayden in the picture?




Notice Brayden NOT in the picture.




Still no Brayden in the picture...





You better believe Sakari is with us...




We were getting closer to the big rocks that separate Horseshoe Bay from Baby Bay






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