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Advise!! got my docs, but now they say I owe $500!!


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Almost there I think.....

Seems that the original $500 was never posted. I had cancelled the cc after I paid it off shortly after that.....

#1. How was I even able to secure a cruise without a deposit...?

#2. There have been 6 different occasions that my TA has spoken to RCCL since I made the booking up to yesterday, not once did anyone inform her there was a balance of $500.

#3. How could RCCL even issue tix if there was a balance, that myself nor TA were aware of?


Seems to me IMHO


  • OP made $500 deposit payment prior to transferring reservation to TA, so TA did not call in that payment.
  • The $500 payment continued to show on RCCL invoices but RCCL recently discovered (9/18) that they (RCCL) do not have the $500 credit card payment. Perhaps this is a credit card issue. When paying off credit card, was the $500 charge on the statement? Was the $500 ever paid to the credit card company before closing the account.
  • Seems that when senior discount was applied to the reservation (9/16) is when RCCL discovered that $500 never posted to the reservation. So reason why prior invoices showed no balance due, and documents were issued is because RCCL thought that reservation was full paid, and on 9/16 they discovered (according to them) that $500 is still owing on the reservation.

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This sounds like an RCL problem. They have a lot of them recently. However, to your particular problem.


I would advise to find the CC they claim it was returned to first and check it. You'll know once you find the CC that you made the initital deposit direct to RCL as that is the one they claim the made the refund to.


It cannot have been refunded to the TA as she didn't have the original booking.


Is the booking number the original one that you were given when you booked directly with RCL? If your TA was given a different booking number then RCL did make a new booking back when you transfered to your TA and your deposit should have been refunded to your CC.


If after all is said and done, you can't get this resolved, put it aside, have a good cruise and when you return RCL will talk to you as it is then after the fact and you can deal with the "upper" echelons.

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i had a small issue with RC, a TA and the fuel charge...long story but i had 5 invoices from the TA with one amount then they said they changed it, blah blah.


My TA said too bad. I called resolutions..actually I think I called/email someone in Adam G's office...i told them my TA would NOT deal with it and i had PROOF that i was charged one amount on 5 invoices after RC allegedly told my TA to charge me more.


In a nutshell, i faxed the stuff and won.


Now...merchants ALL have copies of CC charges/credits and they have ALL the numbers SOMEPLACE! (i worked in retail 20 years, there IS a way for them to find the entire number but will most likely NOT give it to you.) Merchants need the entire number in case of a dispute.


You have to try and remember all the CCs you closed and get on the phone!


i would not be surrendering over 500 bucks....if the TA fouled up, don't they have some sort of insurance for this?? if RC fouled up, start faxing them piles of paper...


(i guess the good thing with a local TA-at least mine is that she calls in CC payments to RC, BUT they imprint the card (old school imprinters) for their records and give me a copy of THAT, plus the 9000 page long invoice. i also always somehow manage to get RCCL to email me the pdf file with all the payments/obc and good stuff. And since i have 700 bucks OBC for november (thanks to a resident or Sr discount) you can be sure that page is traveling with me!)


i would not be raising the white flag, and there must be SOMEONE there who has a brain! (i got 2 C&A reps this week that were rocket scientists!)

good luck

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There is one other thing that makes no sense.


You say you owe $500 - you have $450 OBC - TA says OBC is being used to pay $500 - that leaves a balance owing of $50. TA is not getting an extra $50, you are. (I'm not saying any of the remarks made by you or your TA or RCL are or aren't true.) I'm just doing the math. The other thing - if your OBC which is not out of your pocket is being used to pay most of these $500 you arn't out any cash at this time.


I would definitely be delving into this a lot further when returning from the cruise. Too many scenarios jump to mind with this situation, none of which are going to be dealt with here.

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Obviously this is not my post, & don't want to steal OP's thunder, but if it will help anyone, OP stated along the way somewhere that the TA said RCCL waved off the extra $50 - huh?! Anyway TA said RCCL agreed for her (the TA) to send a check for $450 to RCCL to full pay the $500 bill, since she (the TA) had to deal with all of this mess - huh?! TA advised OP, her (the TA) check to RCCL would be in lieu of the $450 OBC that OP was supposed to receive from TA - convenient for TA - especially if the whole thing is bogus & TA never really had to send in any $450!


Anyway, DH & I have learned an excellent travel tip from all of this. We always take with us copies of our credit card statements showing all payments - hotels, transfers, cruises, air, etc. Feeling that upon arrival if we were advised that we had not full paid, we could provide proof. Now we will also carry all of the statements inbetween, showing no credits posted.


Of course, if we are still given the option of pay now or no service, we will pay & fight it later - can't win that argument, unless you are willing to give up your trip.


Happy cruising everyone & just as importantly, happy cruising paperwork!

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I have to say, the RCCL booking system is quirky. That's the only way to put it. I have seen some weird things lately. Like one cruise that had final payment back in June and said $0 due - NOW says "Amount Owed Negative $157 I called 2 reps at RCCL for an explanation, they denied it existed. I took a screen shot of it and called RCCL and asked for Resolutions Department who said "Ohhh yeah, I see your email. I have no explanation for that" :cool:


Has your TA said yet that you DO OWE the $500????? I know RCCL is saying that, but your TA isn't, right? So it is up to her to make this right.


That is how the new system is for the OBC as of September ?(I forget the date) If you get a price drop on your cabin, etc. and your cruise is paid off you get it as OBC.

On my new invoice I have a balance due, -280 because my cabin just dropped in price. It's my OBC.

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You are all so great with your wonderful advise etc...like I said before, its a lesson learned....there are several possibilities of how this may have all occurred, but still makes me go...hmmmmmmm...??? too.:confused:

My next 2 trips for next year I booked directly with RCCL and will NOT be transferring over to anyone! :eek:...AND I will keep records of every transaction too! oh my! Thanks again all you wonderful cc'ers! xx


It is a heard lesson to learn when this happens. :( You are not the only one who has gone through this. That is why I started doing all of my own travel arrangements.

Start a folder for each one. :)

Every step that you take when you do your own reservations and payments with RCCL or any cruise line, request an invoice be emailed to you.

If you do not receive it in a days time, call and request it again until you receive it.

Put it in the folder.

Every charge you put on a card for payment, check your charge card statement and make a copy of it. Put it in the folder with your invoices. ;)

It will save you from going through this again.

Have a great cruise. :D

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I have been struggling with all this and still have that feeling like many of you that something is very wrong. I don't think I can do much before I leave on this cruise, but as soon as I get back I shall be talking to RCCL.They should talk to me after the cruise right?? especially as I have 2 more cruises booked with them directly..

I have asked my TA for copies of every transaction made including the one from yesterday that took away all my OBC!! Have not had anything yet! but surely better get them! what a nerve-wracking and stressful w/end!!

Thank you all again for every comment/post it has helped me a lot and also knowing I have friends out there as a resource etc...:)

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Alexis, even though we have a wonderful TA, I do wonder how everything is kept straight when doing a b2b with payments involved. I can see the possibility of a payment going to wrong portion of your b2b. One would have to state, 1. Booking #, 2. payment Amount,3. Verify all transactions made.

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I have been struggling with all this and still have that feeling like many of you that something is very wrong. I don't think I can do much before I leave on this cruise, but as soon as I get back I shall be talking to RCCL.They should talk to me after the cruise right?? especially as I have 2 more cruises booked with them directly..

I have asked my TA for copies of every transaction made including the one from yesterday that took away all my OBC!! Have not had anything yet! but surely better get them! what a nerve-wracking and stressful w/end!!

Thank you all again for every comment/post it has helped me a lot and also knowing I have friends out there as a resource etc...:)



Enjoy your cruise :)

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Alexis, even though we have a wonderful TA, I do wonder how everything is kept straight when doing a b2b with payments involved. I can see the possibility of a payment going to wrong portion of your b2b. One would have to state, 1. Booking #, 2. payment Amount,3. Verify all transactions made.


I have done many B2B's and everything is kept separate at my TA's office, separate bookings so separate files no different then have two cruises booked so no chance of them getting mixed up at least the way my TA does it.

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That is how the new system is for the OBC as of September ?(I forget the date) If you get a price drop on your cabin, etc. and your cruise is paid off you get it as OBC.

On my new invoice I have a balance due, -280 because my cabin just dropped in price. It's my OBC.


they do wacky stuff to "plug" the invoices to show the totals...the pdf they emailed me shows the 600 as price gty obc, but the docs/my cruises thing shows all sorts of crazy math used to get to the figure i actually paid. i WILL be taking that pdf confirmation i got from c&a...


OP, good luck, have fun and let us know what happens.....

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I will keep you all posted with any new developments....

Positive is that I didn't have to really "front" any more $$, and get to go on my cruise..

Negative is I lost my TA's OBC she had given me...so in a way it was money I never really had so guess its all even...but still will be digging deeper after I get back and can actually talk with RCCL!!

I always try to see that cup half full, instead of half empty...

AND I intend to have a wonderful cruise!! :D

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sheilb4 - I feel terrible for you......



I switched to an online ta in 2005 and have not switched to another since then....even though the obc offered from other ta's have been much more for cruises we have taken since then.


I think this ta owes you big time. If they are in my local area and I can do anything for you, please let me know.


I am a worrywart big time and this experience you are going thru right now would have me flipping out. I think you are amazing that you can look at the big picture (going on the cruise) and not sweat the stuff you can't control.


After the cruise, I would definately follow up with rccl and the ta....the ta especially owes you an explanation (that makes sense) and copies of your payments...you should be able to get them as they document everything....or should.


Hope you have a great cruise.....

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If you have to get this straighten out today I would just pay the $500 if you don't you may not be going. I had a problem and it did get resolved by RCCL unfortunately not with the TA, (you know what I now think of the TA), but it took 6 months to recover my money. Goodluck

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I have been struggling with all this and still have that feeling like many of you that something is very wrong. I don't think I can do much before I leave on this cruise, but as soon as I get back I shall be talking to RCCL.They should talk to me after the cruise right?? especially as I have 2 more cruises booked with them directly..

I have asked my TA for copies of every transaction made including the one from yesterday that took away all my OBC!! Have not had anything yet! but surely better get them! what a nerve-wracking and stressful w/end!!

Thank you all again for every comment/post it has helped me a lot and also knowing I have friends out there as a resource etc...:)


Your TA can go into an area of your reservation called "history" It brings up absolutely every single transaction that has ever taken place regarding your booking.

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That is how the new system is for the OBC as of September ?(I forget the date) If you get a price drop on your cabin, etc. and your cruise is paid off you get it as OBC.

On my new invoice I have a balance due, -280 because my cabin just dropped in price. It's my OBC.


Nope, it wasn't OBC. That was the first thing I asked. :(


Oh well.

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TBS, I wouldn't worry about our TA either, as she and her staff have done an excellant job with our cruises and I have never had a worry. Back in 2006 due to heavy seas, we wre alte getting into Seattle and had to sue a Cab rather then rest of our Transfer, when I asked her what we should after returning home, she gave me the Phone # for Princess and Princess ended up crediting our CC for all of the Transfer fees, which amounted to far more then the cab fare to Seattle Intl.

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Kay I have used our TA for over 8 years now. She is an excellant one and am very well aware many have had bad experiences with a TA. In all our Cruises which sadly only number 4, I have never worried about our reservations. If for any reason I were to book a cruise and not use our TA i would book directly with the Cruise lines. She sends me updates on specials, our payments are made directly to the Cruise lines, and a statement is sent to us within the week following a payment. I also check our CC to verify all payments when the bill comes in. Our Cruises prices are what she receives from the agent while I am present in her office.


Even if you don't have your cc records, you still have these (a statement is sent to us within the week following a payment), right? That should show the history.


But, while some people are hinting that the TA is corrupt or RCI is incompetent, think about this:


  • OP needs to check her credit reports to see if she can track down the cc used for deposit. Usually, the refunds are posted to the cc used. Perhaps, RCI posted a refund after the cc was closed. OP may have a $500 credit sitting there that her cc company has not notified her about.
  • One payment was charged to an incorrect cc number. Whether OP's original deposit with RCI, or one of the payments from TA. When the owner of the cc saw it, they protested the charge and it was credited back. Maybe just a transposition of some numbers. The owner is unrelated to OP--they just did what I would do if I saw a $500 charge I didn't make on my cc.
  • Perhaps this didn't go through until there was some additional payment made so the cruise had some deposit associated with it. Otherwise RCI would have (might have) canceled it completely.
  • Sometimes, the wrong cc numbers--some associated with a different client--are used. Their cc was credited with the refund.
  • Maybe RCI posted a refund to an incorrect cc. Someone else may have gotten OP's $500 refund. The credit report would be invaluable in checking this.

OP can check the "statement is sent to us within the week following a payment" to see if there is any reduction in the amounts posted. And if her TA is willing to do the cruising power thing on payment history, more info will be available.

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I have never had any statements per se...just an invoice from the TA co with the payments listed....

I am still waiting for the proof of payment re the transaction of $450 (my OBC) saturday....4.30p on monday and not received yet...or any other transaction info...!!

I asked for scanned/emailed docs of all teh RCCL transactions as well as TA, but still waiting....it should show up soon ...right??!!! :confused:

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Have you thought about talking to the owner of the agency or the boss of your TA?? It sounds like it is time to quit messing with the TA she is not giving you the answers you need or docs you requested. My TA always emails me RCCLs final statement as well as his..


Interesting enough I decide to check my Credit Card as I recieved a significant price drop after final payment and recieving docs. After reading about it being OBC I was a little concerned. It was a lot of money to spend on a 4 day cruise!!! I found it had been credited back to my card.....



Good Luck I hope you get resolution soon and enjoy your cruise.



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I have never had any statements per se...just an invoice from the TA co with the payments listed....

I am still waiting for the proof of payment re the transaction of $450 (my OBC) saturday....4.30p on monday and not received yet...or any other transaction info...!!

I asked for scanned/emailed docs of all teh RCCL transactions as well as TA, but still waiting....it should show up soon ...right??!!! :confused:


Yeah that's scary. If everything was on the up and up, that should have been to you in minutes.


I still think you need to call and ask for resolutions. Tell them your TA is not sending you the documentation you are asking for.

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