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If you are thinking of cruising MSC....STOP and reconsider.Better to take a drive!!


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Hello Czechmate,


I was wondering if you have any knowledge of the Opera. A group and I are going to a Western Caribbean cruise next month. I haven't sailed with MSC and have read what information that's out there good and bad. We're looking forward to the experience.




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Oceanhouse..Hi there

I will not sail with "Opera" until April. In the meantime I am sure that you would enjoy the excellent pictures posted on here by Ernie "eroller" together with his review. Sums up so accurately all that we love about MSC.


Back in 2004 in the Caribbean we were on Lirica and it was superb. Yes there are a few very minor gripes but all the essentials are there in abundance. We expect or hope that Opera will be as good.

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When you refer to the Italian lines of the 70's was one of them Sitmar? That was one great line!! Food, service, what ever you wanted. I wish they were still sailing. I've been on the majority of other lines some great, some not so good, (I've never found a completely bad cruise) but I still yearn for the old days of the Sitmar line. That is why I started looking into MSC. For those of you with good experiences, and who were on Sitmar, how do you feel they compare?


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When you refer to the Italian lines of the 70's was one of them Sitmar? That was one great line!! Food, service, what ever you wanted. I wish they were still sailing. I've been on the majority of other lines some great, some not so good, (I've never found a completely bad cruise) but I still yearn for the old days of the Sitmar line. That is why I started looking into MSC. For those of you with good experiences, and who were on Sitmar, how do you feel they compare?




Hi Larry,

I sailed on Sitmar and loved it. MSC is similar but not quite the same. The ships are very Italian just like Sitmar but the whereas Sitmar was geared almost 100% to American's, MSC is not. That is where the difference comes into play. The entertainment staff and activities on Sitmar were very American and most of the cruise/entertainment staff were American or Canadian (or British or Australian). In other words, English was widely spoken onboard. On MSC the entertainment staff and the types of activities are more Italian or European in nature. You will hear the entertainment staff speak Italian much more than English ... and much of the musical evening entertainment is sung in Italian (which I personally loved!).


Where the experience does have similarities is in the dining room and the ship's themselves. MSC's ships are smaller and more intimate, just like Sitmar. You will also find the dining experience very much like Sitmar with plenty of Italian waiters and menus that feature lots of Italian specialties.


MSC is also traditional in that they still have two sittings for dinner with assigned tables, and even midnight buffets most evenings. There are not constant revenue production announcements and you are not being hounded to buy something 24/7. In this aspect MSC is like going back in time 20 years which is truly inspiring.


So in a nutshell, they are similar yet different! :)


Hope that helps and doesn't confuse things even more.



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I originated this thread.

Our names were mysteriously missing from the passenger list and we were put through extreme duress trying to board. The problem was compounded when we were subjected to abuse by the MSC land agent at embarkation. After boarding I met with the hotel mgr and complained . I asked for an apology from the land agent and for an explanation why we were not on the passenger list. The hotel mgr asked me to submit a written complaint. I did. Several days into the cruise I asked the hotel mgr for the status of my complaint. She wrote me a note saying my complaint had been forwarded to the home office and I could expect a reply in due course.

After the cruise I heard nothing for 2 weeks so I called the US office of MSC and was able to reach the Marketing/Customer Relations unit. They informed me that my written complaint had been lost and asked me to resubmit it. I rewrote it and sent it by email. I got a stonewall response, to wit, no apology as requested and no explanation why our names were not on the passenger list. They just failed to respond.

I haven´t been on any other MSC ship. Although some reviewers say the other ships are decent or even good, I won´t go on another MSC ship because it is clear to me that this company has absolutely no idea how to conduct business. I don´t trust them. They have shown themselves to be incompetent in the manner in which the Armonia was operated and in the manner they handle complaints.

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Hi - well reprehensible though it is I don't believe MSC are alone in this administrative incompetence.

I cruise quite a lot and I have had similar problems with 3 Carnival owned lines and after several YEARS and numerous followup letters I have written/emailed I have so far had NO REPLY!

Thats why I don't cruise them anymore if I have an alternative - I can also say that I emailed MSC twice precruise and have had no reply yet, and I wrote to them onboard and have also not had any reply, nor was the problem addressed.

But that seems to be the nature of cruise lines, not just MSC.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences Mike. Although I am not surprised by them, I am not yet prepared to accept the notion that all cruise lines are inherently unresponsive to legitimate customer complaints. I once had a problem with HAL that carried over post cruise. Their Customer Relations Dept ( or some such unit) fixed it promptly and tactfully. Never in my own history of unsatifactory cruise incidents have I encountered such an indifferent and even crass attitude on the part of management as that of MSC.

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This was my first cruise and it was a pleasurable experience. The entertainment staff on the Lirica worked day and night to make sure we had a great time. (If we chose to participate in the scheduled activities - pool side games, exercises, dance lessons by day/ skits and dancing at night.) This group of mostly Italian young adults were exceptional. If I could hire them, I would. Good natured, happy, industrious and seemed sincere in wanting to help us enjoy our time aboard.


Yes, the food was disappointing. Sometimes good, most times average. But our waiter (Paolo) was very nice and attentive. So was our wine steward, Vladymir. The shows at night were better than most lines according to more experienced passengers. Our cruise was billed "Oldies but Goodies" and the bands included the Duvall's from the early 60's. How fun! And I thought the many nationalitied members of the crew were delightful. Not one rude one there.


Oh..and I was surprised to find the stop in Columbia very nice! Be prepared to buy some fabulous Emeralds.


I would probably take a beach vacation next time...but for a cruise, this was very acceptable.


Jeana from Minnesota

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I have finished reading the saga of the good vs. bad of MSC. What have I taken from it? Many people are not going to like the line if their mindset is on an Americanized cruise line. Is that new to anyone? No. I booked my reservations back in August after reading the many negative reviews about MSC. I had my doubts, but decided to go ahead and experience the cruise. Since then, the Opera (which I will be sailing in March) has been reviewed more and more frequently. Overall, they are very good. The funny thing is, it is the passengers that don't get catered to every beckon call who complain...their philosphy, "the louder I scream, the more attention I get." This never works, but is that ever their intention? Best summed as grumpy, unhappy individuals. Do us all a favor...stay off all the lines so we can enjoy them!


So, does this debate actually help those of us who haven't cruised MSC yet? Nope. We all booked the same cruise, with the same information, and the same intent, with access to the same reviews and message boards. Hopefully all our intentions were to have a good time. And, without the approach of looking for negatives...never a way to enjoy yourself.


The best comparison was stated as comparing a Fiat with a Rolls Royce. Are they in the same category? Do they try to be? No. MSC is known as a BUDGET cruise line. I can't recall any travel agent, any representative of the cruise line, or any past passenger saying MSC is a top-notch, top of the line cruise line. We all knew that going in. It is ridiculous to hear people ranting and raving. The one passenger who keeps going on, and on, and on about how bad their experience was....it's enough. You have shouted, and yelled from the mountain tops. You have complained to the cruise line. Seriously...if I was an MSC rep, I'd ignore you too!


The best way to get something solved is by acting civil, and laying all your cards out on the table. You'd be more satisfied. And, as far as customer service from the cruise line, I have contacted them numerous times, never with a problem. This cruise was a gift, and they rep was more than happy to help me present it. She put a package together so I could give my girlfriend something for Christmas. And, in lieu of receiving my travel documents, I called and asked what they could tell me about shore excursions, as well as other info. What did the do? They copied them, then faxed them to me. Doesn't sound like bad service there...


I don't expect a bad experience. I am looking forward to my cruise on the Opera. Afterwards, if it is sub-par, I'll be sure to keep my yelling subdued, because I knew going in what to expect...a traditional, relaxed cruise taking us back to the less-mainstream cruise days. Happy sailing!


For all you looking for a good review of the opera, check out the other message board on the cruisecritic.com link: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=121769

It was balanced, and was the best I've read thus far.

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I guess that explains a lot to me. I though MSC was less expensive because they were trying to break into the North American market. I didn't realize they were touted as a Italian type Carnival.


So If this is an un-Americanized line..then an "Americanized" line would be more upscale..better food..better service?


I for one like reading the good and bad experiiences of people. I know that some people will never be happy..NEVER. On the other hand I have heard horror stories from nearly every line. I guess it is a matter of how often the horror happens.


I am looking forward to my 3/9 sailing on Lirica, my expectations are low, but I will have a good time. Fact is, if the food is a little lower quality..well that makes it easier to not put on a ton of pounds!! And if the waitstaff treats me like I am a bother..well that will be reflected in the tip. And then I am free to tell people of my experience and NOT book with MSC again.


Gosh..less than 3 weeks..Documents???..surely you jest.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Costa and MSC had ships sailing beteen Rio/São Paolo/Salvador this past season and will continue that itinerary next year as well. Having cruised on both the MSC Armonia and the Costa Victoria I can unequivocally report that Costa offers a far far superior cruise experience.

I disembarked the Costa Victoria on Feb 26. This was a theme cruise so there was loads of music and dance entertainment. But independent of the entertainment the food, service and cabins and lounges were all better on the Victoria.

There is no reason for So Americans to settle for something as mediocre as the Armonia. The cost is about the same so it would be a much smarter choice to go with Costa.

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I was on the MSC Opera last week. The ship is beautiful, service excellent, and experience was wonderful. I would put them on par or better than Royal Carib, and MUCH MUCH better than Carnival.


No one tries to sell you things while you are trying to relax, and there are plenty of quiet areas on the boat.


I wouldn't hesitate to sail on them again!

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One way or another, .. a lot of people think Costa and MSC are equal, or the ships are. But.... Costa is not Italian anymore, only in name. Costa is Americanized and Germanized, with on the back-ground some (old) Italian.

Especially the older ships, Allegra, Europa, Marina.

So,... at the end, MSC is Italian cruising.


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Is the MSC Armonia typical of Italian cruising? What characterizes Italian cruising?

As I previously mentioned I don´t know about the other Costa and MSC ships, only the Costa Victoria and MSC Armonia both of which I recently experienced here in Brasil. Both ships spent the entire season sailing between Rio/S.Paolo/Salvador. The MSC Armonia was a disaster with laughably bad food and service. The Costa Victoria was a fun experience with good food and service and great entertainment.

Now if henri is correct and MSC alone offers Italian cruising, I can only conclude that Italian cruising, as provided aboard the Armonia, equates to laughably bad food and service. Why would any sensible person here in the So American market opt for that when for the same price he could upgrade to the Victoria. That is my point. For So Americans, for whom MSC and Costa are really the only local options, the Costa product is far superior, however one may define it´s nationality.

Italian, American, German (?) ...both of these ships had 2 dinner seatings with nightly shows before or after dinner depending on your seating as do all other non-elite cruiselines. One could go down the entire list of features (including the availability of pasta and pizza) and find that the "cruising" on these ships varies insignificantly from their competition except, of course, for the quality of what is provided.

There were no art auctions on either. I guess that is what defines Italian cruising....unless someone with a modicum of experience and judgment can set me straight. And, oh yeah, on both the captain was called commandante and spoke italian as did many of the other officers.

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I don't want to get off on a rant here...But....and I will also try and not do any flag waving, which I am not ashamed to do, but have to ask; Just what do people mean by Americanized Cruise lines? I frequently get the sense that this means sub-standard. If Celebrity is "Americanized" I think that is a complement. I haven't been on any real high end lines, so perhaps my education is remise.


Darmand has an issue with MSC, that's okay, maybe he has cause to. I have sailed on a number of lines and have heard horror stories from all of them, sometimes pretty serious and I can understand why the customers were upset.


If someone can give me their definition of "Americanized" or "Germanized" for that matter I would really welcome the enlightenment. henri I am not picking on you,t I hear these terms frequently from many sources and just get tired of people speaking as if "Americanized" were akin to a plague. I can nearly see them spit after they say it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sailed on the MSC Lirica several years ago. It was definitely different & ultimately not to my liking. I do have to state that I found the following true TO MY EXPERIENCE also:


"The food was horrendous - little variety, low quality, and badly prepared."... I truly thought the food was Denny's quality or worse. Dinner was indeed primarily pasta & dessert cake & ice cream...every night.

"Waiters were not well trained"... our Italian waiter took the order but the Assistant did the vast majority of the work. I tipped him double what I tipped the waiter.

"The entertainment was mediocre"... It must be hard to entertain when there are guests who only speak/understand so many different languages. - So, what I saw (only attempted 2 shows) looked to me like a high school talent show - and, the "theater" was part of one of the bars...no stage, just a level "dance floor?" w/ chairs...

"There w(as) no library"... The "bookcase" was behind the slot machines & contained one row each of paperback books in English, French, Italian, Spanish & German.

"The management was unresponsive to valid criticism and inept"...I tried to contact the front desk on several occasions & they were closed. Their hours were short (usually 1 hour in the am & 1 hour in the pm ---during my scheduled dinner time). And, finally, if you have a problem w/ smoke/smokers - it was everywhere on the ship (except the dining room which the cruiseline had just halted). When I embarked & went on my "tour" of the vessel - the first thing I saw on the upper deck was dirty dishes on a small plastic deck table & several ashtrays w/ cigarette butts...This was 3 years ago, before the Opera, etc - take the info as you wish. On my cruise I heard numerous "I will never again..." & an equal number of "I love this..." I have to say when I asked what they loved, it was the VALUE.

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I must also add - the other passengers were FUN even though we did not speak the same languages and I loved this diversity. I danced & laughed w/ several Italian, Dutch & German guests ... definitely the highlight of the cruise. Also, while they don't push alcohol - MSC has the most reasonable (or did have) prices around! Would I try MSC again - I would never say never, but for me, the minuses outweighed the pluses. (I was curious about the new ships - thus my being on this thread).

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  • 1 month later...

I recently received an involuntary refund of $600 from MSC. My creditcard issuer charged back this amount to MSC because it agreed that MSC and/or the travel agent (Cruise Value Center in NJ) owed us a refund inasmuch as we were assigned a cabin inferior to one that was originally promised. It was a small, but satisfying victory.

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I guess that explains a lot to me. I though MSC was less expensive because they were trying to break into the North American market. I didn't realize they were touted as a Italian type Carnival.






Wow, this would be a big let down! From what I have read and heard, MSC is anything BUT Carnival! The ships are elegant, the food and service European, there are plenty of deck chairs and people dress for dinner.


I will on the Opera soon and will post a detailed review.



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I am delighted and thrilled for you at this maginificent "victory" on your part.


The most positive aspect is that since you will never sail with MSC again - we very satisfied and extremely happy MSC customers will not encounter you on our cruises. The negativity you have dispalyed is something all would wish to avoid.


Go in peace and be happy with whomever you choose.

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Seagulls, that it the right attitude !!!:D


Darmanad, I like to add to Czechmates words, that you perhaps quickly make a new ( $ 600 -) - NO MSC :eek:- cruise, so you can forget this one and maybe sleep well/better!:(



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Before taking our April 2 transatlantic sailing I read several very negative reviews of MSC . We are now home from perhaps the most enchanting cruise we have ever taken. (After 25+ cruises.) If you like "the fun ships" do NOT take MSC. If you like fabulous food, a gorgeous, immaculate ship, well travelled passengers from all over the world, a very cheerful, helpful staff (except for the front desk) then try MSC. I now wonder if the people writing such venimous reviews are from a different planet than us. Do not compare experiences from years past to today. All cruise lines have had to adjust due to the lowering of the prices they must charge passengers to stay competitive. Princess is not the product she was several years ago, but it is still a great line. NCL destroyed themselves in my eyes when they went to "free style cruising". Unless you are paying $200 to $300 per night for a cruise I feel it is fool hardy to expect perfection from any cruise line. None are perfect, just as no person is perfect. That said we cannot wait to take MSC again.

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