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Live from the Caribbean Princess 10/17-10/23


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We lost Newport!


It's 8:20 and I am sitting in the Internet Cafe looking at the gloomy weather outside. At 7 AM the Captain announced that due to the weather we would be unable to dock (Is that the right word?) into Newport because it wasn't safe for the tenders. Of course it is disappointing, but understandable as it's really rough out there; white caps, rain, gusts up to 50 knots.


There is another thread about the cruise before ours that discusses pianos crashing through walls, liquor bottles everywhere, etc. They must have cleaned it up very quickly as I have seen no evidence of damage.


This cruise hasn't gotten off to the best start, besides missing Newport we are dealing with the sage of the missing luggage. We saw our bags get loaded onto the baggage carts at the pier, but so far we have only received 2 out of 3. It's 95% of my husbands clothes that we are missing. I packed his tux into my bag, but his dress shoes are in the lost bag. He will look so dashing tonight in his white dinner jacket, and sneakers (He wears a size 15 shoe-I don't think Princess has shoes that will fit him).


I will write more later regarding my impression of the ship. It's beginning to look like I will have plenty of time on my hands.

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We lost Newport!


It's 8:20 and I am sitting in the Internet Cafe looking at the gloomy weather outside. At 7 AM the Captain announced that due to the weather we would be unable to dock (Is that the right word?) into Newport because it wasn't safe for the tenders. Of course it is disappointing, but understandable as it's really rough out there; white caps, rain, gusts up to 50 knots.


There is another thread about the cruise before ours that discusses pianos crashing through walls, liquor bottles everywhere, etc. They must have cleaned it up very quickly as I have seen no evidence of damage.


This cruise hasn't gotten off to the best start, besides missing Newport we are dealing with the sage of the missing luggage. We saw our bags get loaded onto the baggage carts at the pier, but so far we have only received 2 out of 3. It's 95% of my husbands clothes that we are missing. I packed his tux into my bag, but his dress shoes are in the lost bag. He will look so dashing tonight in his white dinner jacket, and sneakers (He wears a size 15 shoe-I don't think Princess has shoes that will fit him).


I will write more later regarding my impression of the ship. It's beginning to look like I will have plenty of time on my hands.

Laura, I am sure you two will cut quite a dashing couple tonight. Look at it this way, Marty will set a new fashion trend - white tux with running shoes!!!


Seriously, I do hope you find your lost bag. They usually find them - probably in someone else's cabin and the tag was damaged/lost.


Just checked the bridgecam - looks like you are rocking and rolling. Take care and have a great cruise.





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We have gale force winds of 70 knots an hour! The ship is rocking and rolling and at time it shudders. It's kind of scary. However, the Captain seems to have everything under control. I am watching the waves, and they are rather amazing. If I was in any type of craft smaller than the CP I would be terrified.


They have cancelled the production show for tonight as it's just too unsafe for the dancers. The good news is that I haven't heard of any injuries, and most passengers seem to be unaffected by seasickness (I am basing that on the number of people that are in the public areas).


OMG, a wave that came up to the window just rolled by.


No word on the luggage. The pursers desk said for us to buy DH what we needed for him to get by. The only problem they don't have anything that fits him. At 6'8" he is a hard man to fit.


It's 5:30. Guess I better go back to the cabin and see how successful I am in putting on make up. :)

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Sorry you have been hit with the double whammy of rough seas and lost luggage. We were on last week's cruise and were fortunate to enjoy each of the ports. Our last sea day was windy and stormy, much like you are currently experiencing. Indeed, there was a piano that was upended in the Explorers Lounge, and the shops' merchandise took quite a beating. The spa and fitness center were closed due to the overflow from the pool and hot tubs. Our ship listed due to the high wind, and this unexpected tilt was the cause of the damage. Those who were in the Horizon Court at the time can attest to the movement of dishes, glasses and furniture. The ship actually rode very well in the rough seas. The fact that you saw no evidence of the mess and the damage is a testament to the efforts of the onboard staff. Wishing you calmer seas and improving weather. Hopefully your missing luggage has finally appeared.

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I am also on the ship and the captain has been great keep us informed about the conditions. Winds are 80.6 mph which is 70 knots according to conversion table. Waves are big and we are rocking and rolling. Shows cancelled except for movies and comedians. Princess is doing a great job of keeping us safe and entertained even though we missed Newport. I don;t see anyone complaining and upset. Hope to make Boston.

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The missing luggage appeared this morning. We got no explanation as to where it's been, but since everything was there we are not complaining.


We actually got into port 2 hours early, and woke to sunny skies. It was a perfect fall day. We took a tour to Marblehead and Salem which was very interesting and informative.


More good news. The weather forecast for the rest of the week is mostly sunny.


The Captain announced this evening that the ship did sustain some damage yesterday, and we were delayed in leaving Boston while some repairs were made. There will be additional repairs made while at sea, and at Bar Harbor tomorrow.


I promised my impression of the Caribbean Princess. She looks like a new ship, probably due to her recent dry dock. The staff are very professional, and the ship appears well run. The horrible weather of yesterday not withstanding I am having a great time, and will write a full review after I get home.


DH is calling. Hopefully I will have a little more free time tomorrow to write more.

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Even though overcast most of the day, and a bit chilly we had a wonderful day in Bar Harbor. I was suprised how quickly the tenders moved. Although the line just to get tender tickets seemed daulting, it moved quickly, and once you got your ticket the wait was only 10-15 minutes to board. The tender ride was another 10 minutes.


Thanks to information I had gleened on other threads (Especially the excellent thread started by KCSungirl a few weeks ago) I knew where to have lunch. DH had the clam chowder and I had the corn chowder with lobster (And they don't skimp on the lobster either!). We each had a piece of blueberry pie-DH washed his down with a glass of local brew (Blueberry Ale) and I had tea. All together it came to $34.22 plus tip. A little pricy for lunch, but hey, it's a vacation and it was excellent.


We took another ship's tour. This one was a boat tour around the Cranberry Islands, with a short stop at Little Cranberry Island. Our guide was excellent with interesting tibits about life on the islands today, and some great stories about life during the Gilded Age. After the boat ride we took a bus to the top of Cadillac Mountain. What a view! We could see the Caribbean Princess in all of her majastic glory in the harbor. Even from the top of a mountain she looks huge. For such a large ship I think they handle the crowds very well. I have read reviews and threads in which people have complained about long lines, especially to the Anytime Dining rooms. Hint; if you go to the dining room on deck 6 and the line is long (As it was last night at 8:00), try skipping on down to the dining room on deck 5. We did and encountered no line. Same decor and same food.


DH and I have tried something new for us on this cruise; the Thermal Suite in the Lotus Spa (Cost is $159 for a couple on a 7-day cruise). As far as I am concerned the jury is still out if I think it's worth it. I must admit that today when we got back to the ship somewhat chilled it was nice to lie on the heated tile loungers. My DH on the other hand LOVES it. He is always asking me "Want to go to the spa?" In fact he is still up there even as I write this.


Another new experience was dinner at the Crown Grill. We did this the first night we boarded. I thought I had read somewhere on this board that if you went the first night the cover charge was only $15, instead of the normal $25. Not true, it was $25, but worth the extra charge.


Tomorrow's forcast is for sunny skies and chilly (46 degrees).


Have to go to bed now. We have to set our clocks forward 1-hour tonight, and I have to get my beauty sleep.:)

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We are also on this ship and the damage is still under repairs. Decks 15 and 16 port side front pool about ¾ is not accessible due to structure damage due to the 80 mph winds. Walking down the halls there are many heavily dented areas next to cabins that were not there before. The captain has kept us well informed and let us know his every move during the storm. When he had to make a turn to prevent more damage he would let us know to be prepared and elevator service stopped. We could not ask for a better captain. The cruise director that day at sea immediately came up with activities and had them out at the cabins by 9:30 am Sunday morning that we missed Newport. We are arriving late in Halifax but we do not know why so instead of 9 we are arriving at 10 am. We also arrived late to Bar Harbor and instead of 7 we arrived at 8:15ish and then had to wait for tender preparation, however we were off the ship by 9 to arrive at Bar Harbor at 9:30 to catch our 10 am Ollie's trolley tour to Acadia Park. Weather has been blue skies and sun and in high 40's low 50's (for Boston).


The piano did crash and get heavily damaged according to the crew members during the last cruise.

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Just a note... the previous cruise (10/10) also arrived late (10:00) in Halifax. No real explanation that I can recall. It worked out great for our Cruise Critic tour with YourCabs, as we went to Peggy's Cove later in the day and missed a lot of the crowds.


BTW... if you are looking for a good private tour in St John... look for a taxi driver from "Hokie Tours" named Phillip (out front of big tent). Great guy, local, nice van and honest rate. He drove four of us for two hours, and showed us reversing falls, parks, highlights etc. Great time and very interesting.

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Glad the captain is keeping you all informed on the status of the ship. I just hope the repairs do not delay my boarding for this Sat. I know you all would appreciate more time on the ship but I am sooo ready for this vacation.


If you could, please update us if the ship will be delayed coming into NY. TIA, and have a great cruise.

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WE are back and had a somewhat rough ride back from Halifax, but not quite the rocking of the beginning of the cruise. We left Halifax late (about 2 1/2 - 3 hours) due to a lobster line caught in the propeller. We were given a talk by the Captain about the weather ahead of us. There was a lot of wind again (I don't think as strong as the 70 knot but strong gale winds) Many of the shops and Vines had all breakable items off the shelves. I spoke to one of the crew members at Vines and she said many bottles broke during the Oct 10-17 cruise so this time they weren't taking any chances.

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Home safe


Tried to write while on board, but DH kept pouting that I wasn't spending enough time with him...Men!


Anyway, I heard that sadly there was a serious injury from our storm at the beginning of the cruise. A woman fell, breaking a bone in her leg. Adding insult to injury her bill from the medical bay was $2000. We overheard her DH gripping up a storm Friday about the bill. Also, the rumor mill has it that nearly a 1/3 of the passengers suffered various degrees of seasickness last Sunday.


Friday (Our official sea day) was rather interesting. Seems tempers were running high from a few that were mad that the captain even attempted to go into a storm (They thought he should have waited in New York until the weather was clear), others were complaining that he should have tried to go to Newport, and a few others were upset how chilly Halifax was. Anyway, the Horizon Court, and neighboring Cafe Caribe were packed Friday at breakfast time. The decks were closed (Again) so there was no place for the overflow to go. Making matters worst were there were tables for 6 that were empty sans one solitary diner, who refused to "Allow" anyone to sit at "Their" table. Seems they were "Holding" the table for a group of friends who were still in their cabin(s), but had sent one person up to reserve them a table. I thought fights were going to break out as people were yelling and threatening. It was disgraceful! A ships officer finally showed up and he put a stop to the reserving of spaces (He was threatened with lawsuits, but he came back with threats to be banned from Princess-That shut them all up).


Need to start a load of laundry, but will return to write about Saint John, New Brunswick (My favorite day of the cruise) & Halifax, N.S.


I will say that overall I enjoyed myself, and would go back to New England/Canada, and will sail on Princess again. In fact while on board I booked another cruise with them....to Hawaii.

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Had a wonderful day in Saint John. We had booked another ship's tour; this one was a trip to St. Martins, a fishing village on the Bay of Fundy with stops at the Reversing Falls and the Old City Market. First up our guide took us to the Reversing Falls Park, which is just outside the downtown area. We saw the Falls at low tide, which meant that the water was flowing in the proper direction. Then it was on to St. Martins, about an hour drive away. Our guide kept us entertained with stories about past & present New Brunswick so the time passed quickly. At Saint Martins we stopped at a bayside restaurant for a light lunch of seafood chowder (scallops, lobster & whitefish in a cream based broth-Delicious!), and then we had about an hour to explore the coastline for wishing rocks, and to inspect the sea caves. Then we took a short drive for a photo op to take a picture of 2 covered bridges (New Brunswick has 69 covered bridges). According to the guide this is the only place in the world to take a picture that you can get two covered bridges in the same frame. Back to Saint John for a trip to the City Market, a indoor market that has a mix of produce stands, a fish market, wine shop, deli, flea market, etc. And finally it was back to the Reversing Falls to watch the water flow in the opposite direction. Having the opportunity to watch the water flow in both directions was amazing, we also got to see a harbor seal miles upstream from the bay.


That night we saw a production show; Caribbean Caliente, which was good, and after dinner we went to see "The bad boy of magic" James Michael in the Explorers Lounge. Both my DH and I laughed and laughed at his act, but a word of warning-He is not suitable for young children.


Also, I have read a number of reviews and posts in which people have complained about not being able to get a seat at a production show, even if they arrived 30-minutes before the show. They were only showing Caribbean Caliente twice; once at 7:00 and again at 8:30. I can't speak for the 8:30 show, but at 6:50 there were plenty of good seats still available, and even at 7:00 there were seats available. Maybe not 8 seats together, or in the best location, but available.


The weather was perfect, nary a cloud in the sky, and temperatures near 50. It was the best weather we had all week.:)

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Halifax, Nova Scotia was our final port, and day six of our cruise. We did have a ship's tour planned (Historic Pub Tour), but it didn't start until 3PM. We had tossed the idea around of going to Peggy's Cove, but all the morning tours were filled by time we had finally made up our mind to go. We discussed getting a taxi ($135 for 3 hours to Peggy's Cove. $45 an hour around the city) as well as the double decker hop on/hop off buses ($49 for an all day pass). In the end we decided to walk down the Harbor Walk and see if we saw something interesting.


The day was overcast and chilly, very chilly. The cruise terminal is at one end of the Harbor Walk, with the casino anchoring the other end. About half way down the walk we came to a pavilion from which you could take a Harbor "Duck" tour. For those that are not familiar, a Duck can go on both the land and water. On the ship the tour was $49, by booking it at the pavilion the cost was $24.95 each, plus tax (The sales tax is 18% in Canada-It's how they pay for their health care), so for the two of us the final cost was $56.50, which was a considerable savings over the ship's price. Once again we were blessed with a knowledgable guide, a young woman who has lived in Nova Scotia her entire life. The tour is 30 minutes land & 30 minutes water. For the land portion it was up the hill for a quick turn around the Citadel, passed a few buildings that survived the 1917 explosion (Including the famous & freaky image of Father someone or the other who was sitting by a window when the Mont Blanc exploded; the window did not shatter, but captured the image of the priest's head), and of course the Alexander Keith brewery. Then it was on to the harbor where a few sights were pointed out to us. Then it was back to the ship for a quick bite to eat before our pub crawl.


The pub crawl was a blast! There was about 45 of us. We had 2 guides dressed in kilts that led us to three different pubs. At each pub there was a trio that played mostly Gallic songs. In between pubs we had a piper who played the bagpipes as we walked from pub to pub. At each pub we got a sample glass of ale (Probably about 6 ozs), and you could buy additional beer. I am not a beer drinker, but this was enjoyable and something different.


Back at the ship we got ready for the second formal night & the Captain's Circle Cocktail Party. We went to the third party (There were that many Captain's Circle members on board). I guess the Captain was tired by the time of our party as he was a no-show. Later, he came on the PA for the announcement that we would be delayed leaving Halifax because of lobster lines that were entangled around our propeller. That announcement was met mostly with laughter, but his next announcement, that our final day he was expecting rough seas was met with groans. Luckily, while it was a little rough it was nothing compared to our first day.


Our final day we spent mostly at the Thermal Suite & the hot tubs by the Lotus Spa pool.


On Saturday we waited in the Crown Grill for our color disembarkion tag to be called. Only 20 minutes later than scheduled our color was called. We got our bags and very quickly went through immigration to our waiting coach that took us back to the Baltimore Travel Plaza. Then it was another 1 1/2 hour drive home, and our vacation was officially over.

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