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Review: Liberty West Carrib 11-21/11-28


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No, no time travel involved. Creating this as a placeholder/commitment to doing the review. Plus to get some pre-cruise info out there (like what our plans are and we can see how well they matched up with reality) and to practice getting pictures out here.


Background: Wife and I are in the mid40's. We've taking one cruise together 15 or so years ago on Carnival and enjoyed it. This time we're going with kids. I expect it will be a different experience. :) Kids are 13, 10 and 9 (girl, boy, boy).


Since this is over Thanksgiving we let our family know we were doing this and welcomed any and all that wanted to join us. To our surprise many did so we're going with a group. Not sure how that's all going to work in with ports and such as there is a large age difference between our kids and our parents but I'm not going to worry about it.


We've had a nice Roll-Call going and I'm looking forward to meeting them and letting our kids meet.




We were originally going to fly down and back until we realized we'd be trying to fly back the weekend after Thanksgiving. Prices went from $60 per person going down to $300 per person coming back. Ouch. I crunched some numbers looking at different options and came to the conclusion that we'd save about $1,000 by driving down. Basically trading time for money. Money is more dear to us right now so driving down it is.


We'll be heading out at 5 am from Chicago tomorrow. I hope to make it to Macon GA by 8pm or so. Then find a hotel, spend the night and up in the morning to head to Miami. Hope to get there by 3-4 pm on Friday. Spend the night in the same hotel with family (the Holiday Inn right by the port). Then off to the ship in the morning!


Cozumel: Spend the day at Paradise Beach. Back to town for shopping and dinner late in the day.


Cayman: Swimming with the stingray with Red Stripe.


Jamaica: Dunn Falls with Peat Taylor.


Then a 2-3 day drive back to Chicago.


Pictures. I have a decent camera and bought an underwater case for it. I have 2 8 gig cards so can take at least 3000 pictures at max quality.


Lets see about getting pictures attached here...






If you want a picture of something off the Liberty or one of the Islands let me know and I'll try to get it.

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Hi 5-to-cruise

Great pictures. I'm scheduled on the Liberity Dec 4, 2010. I would love a really great picture of the ship to use as a background on my computer. I found this really helps keep the excitment building while waiting for the days to go by.

Safe travels to you and your family. Enjoy your cruise. I can't wait to hear all about it.


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Please let us know how the tour went with Peat Taylor. Our family group (11 of us) are scheduled for Dunn River Falls and tubing with him in January. We also are booked on the Carnival Liberty. Also would like feedback on the Carnival kid's clubs. I have grandkids that are in the same age groups as yours. Have a wonderful trip.



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Picture of the ship, review of Peat and the kids club. Got it.


The kids club will be factoring large in our lives on the boat so we'll know a lot about it. I Have the kids taking notebooks where I want them to 'keep a journal'. At the very least I want them to write down 3 things they liked for the day and 3 they did not (someone else here did a great review using that style and I liked it.).



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Will be on the boat with Dawnrae - with teens (boys) so if you see anything we shouldn't miss on our first cruise - please let me know! We will be doing lots of the same excursions as you, only different tour guides.


Would also be interested in best souvenir / t-shirt shop in each port - the boys will need to spend the Christmas cash. I swear it is burning holes in their pockets already & it isn't even here yet!

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Ok, car is packed and the last 'last min' trip to the store has been made. Kids in bed pre-dressed so we can get them up at 5 am and move them right to the car. Donuts have been purchased for an early morning snack. Hmmmm... donuts.


I'll keep in mind the things that were asked for. The rest of you will just have to get whatever I bring back. :)


If I get the chance maybe I'll hop on from Paradise Beach and say 'hi'.


Wish us luck.



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Ok, car is packed and the last 'last min' trip to the store has been made. Kids in bed pre-dressed so we can get them up at 5 am and move them right to the car. Donuts have been purchased for an early morning snack. Hmmmm... donuts.


I'll keep in mind the things that were asked for. The rest of you will just have to get whatever I bring back. :)


If I get the chance maybe I'll hop on from Paradise Beach and say 'hi'.


Wish us luck.




LUCK, have a great time!

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Really looking forward to your review!


We are on the Liberty the end of February for the western itinerary too. We're doing a Captain Marvin stingray tour in Grand Cayman. We've used him before and this will be our son-in-laws first time there.


I'm especially anxious to hear everything you have to say about Peat Taylor in Jamaica. We booked his Dunns River Falls/tubing excursion just based upon favorable reviews from these boards.


We still haven't figured out what we will be doing in Cozumel.


Tell us everything and take photos!

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I was on the liberty in mid october, W Carr...


I've said many times, I did royal dolphin swim in Coz, Nativeway Ray, Reef and Rum beach tour in Coz and Peat Taylor's $50 DRF, tubing tour and shopping tour.


I'll answer anything anyone wants to know.


I have no complaints with anything especially for the prices paid. Nativeway and Peat Taylor were a bargain considering the cost of transportation going independently and the time spent. Nativeway doesn't leave until 9am, I got off the ship at 7am. There were a few tours that left as early as 730am. With Peat Taylor, he met us at the port, but didn't drive or be a guide for DRFs. He met us after DRF, drove and waited for us during tubing. The tubing guide was great, didn't like the tubing all that much. You drive through some poor areas, feel very unsafe. We were told people drink the water we're tubing in. We witnessed some native children brush their teeth from the stream and the water was very cold as it's mountain water.


Again, I felt that was a great bang for the buck, but would spend more if I could do it all over again.In Coz I'd do the mayan ruins booked through the ship. For GC, I'd find a tour that leaves early, do the Rays and Reef only, and do the Royal swim there as they have the turtle farm. If there's any time I'd go to seven mile beach as it's pretty close to the port. For O.R., I'd take a govt taxi to DRF and use the DRF guide. Once it's over, go to one of the many waiting govt taxis and bring me to mystic mt where I'd do either the bobsled or the ziplining. Then taxi it back to the port.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back. After 3 days of driving. Oy.


I have TONS of pictures. I think over 1000 though its hard to tell as I took a few short movies as well. I have to wade though them and pick out the good ones. I'll start trying to do the review on a day by day basis soon.


I am looking forward to sleeping in our own bed!



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Looking forward to your review!


Two questions...

What time did your stingray tour leave?

How was your Peat Taylor experience?


We left our pickup point about 10:00 am and then left for the boat about 10:30.


Peat Taylor: It wasn't quite what I expected but it was good.



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Ok, lets give this a try.


Word of warning. This is a 'review' in the style of 'this is a story about our trip'. I know some people don't like "pictures of people I don't know". This WILL have pictures of people you don't know.


I'll include our trip down to Miami but I'll try to keep it short. Well, as short as >I< can. I can be wordy at times. :) If you don't want to read about this part just skip forward (once I get there) and I'll get to the ship/island stuff.




We're leaving Thursday morning. As we were driving down we had everything packed up the night before with luggage tags attached. Packed up the car as much as we could that night. Picked up some Dunkun Donuts to eat in the morning.


Luggage tags made with packing tape and plastic cable ties.



"The Pile"



The plan is to be on the road at 5:00 am. Woke up at 3 AM and couldn't get back to sleep. Stupid pre-vacation excitement. Kept thinking of all the things I had forgotten to do the night before. Finally just got up at 4:00 and started getting to work.


Woke up the kids, packed up the last min things and on the road at 5:10. Not bad.




GPS is saying we'd arrive about 3 am if we drove straight though. That is SO not going to happen.


Road is empty and we make good time.




Make traditional stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch. There is always one nearby whenever you want to stop for food and the food is decent. And the kids love the store up front though they're not always allowed to buy something.




One of the 'stories' that I'm sure will stick around for a while happened here. As we're eating our youngest points out the window and says 'Look, a moose!'. Everyone looks to see what he's talking about and he reaches over and grabs a chicken tender off Alex's plate and laughs. This became a on going gag as the vacation continued as various people would point and say "Look at ****" and then grab something.


Traffic stays good past Chattanooga. We get caught up in stop and go for 10-15 min from an accident that everyone was looking at. Hit traffic again in Atlanta which was stop and go though downtown and was the worst traffic we had on the drive down.

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Saw something weird in the mountains. A helicopter with a cable dangling was flying nearby. Seemed like he was trying to pick up something but we never made out what it was.





I'm always amazed to find color besides the brown of fall/winter we have in Chicago.



Stopped just to the N of Macon GA for the night.


Kinda a funny story. We tried to stop at a Holiday Inn Express at about 7 pm as everyone was tired from a short nights sleep and a long day's drive. I pulled off on the next HI Express sign which took me onto a road that was in the middle of nowhere. There was a gas station right there and nothing but darkness stretching off into the distance on both sides. Puzzled we pull into the gas station and behind it to left and down a small hill we can see some lights. Moving forward we see a Holiday Inn sign. Success!


We check-in... $70 for the night including a roll away bed and free breakfast in the morning. I kept looking around and all the signs say "Holiday Inn". The 'Express" is conspicuously missing. As we park by our room we see yet another building behind this one further down the hill. I ask at the front desk and it turns out THAT is the Holiday Inn Express... we're at the Holiday Inn that is right next door to it!



Alex gets what he claims as the best burger ever. He's also happy as both him and Nicky get to eat for free... as are we. :)

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I look forward to you review. I am also on the same sailing as Dawnrae and lifewithoutwhine. I am most interested in your experiences with your children. Your cruise very closely mirrors our upcoming holiday. I have read many reviews but what is lacking is a review from someone that had children. I would really like to hear about what worked, and what did not work regarding the kids. We had our first light dusting of snow here in Toronto, I am really looking forward to getting away. The kids are more excited about the cruise then they are about Christmas. Looking forward to your posts. David

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I left out the drama. A few days before we started down Sherry started getting an ear ache. Pain in the ear and hearing things in echo. Things just a little bit loud actually hurt. Went to Dr and they couldn't see anything so day before we went she went to a specialist. He also couldn't see anything so figured she had an infection deep in. She was giving an antibiotic and we hoped for the best.




1. Traffic was great.


2. The books, movies, music worked VERY well with the kids. No major issues.


3. Listening to a cd audio book while driving.




1. Sherry had major issues with her ear on the drive down. :( Lots of pain.


2. I have a pain-stiffness in my right shoulder. Every time I turn my head to the left to check blind spot it hurts. Bleh.

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Woke up at 6:00... alarm went off at 7:00. Got free continental breakfast and packed up the car. On road at 8:30.


We were about 2 hours behind what my tentative schedule was but it was a good stop and we needed it.


On way out we stopped at the gas station to fill up. Next to me was an old car... with wooden doors! I talked to the guy a bit. He said there were only about 330 of the cars left. I can't remember the name... Universal or something like that. I think it looked like this: http://rlv.zcache.com/woodie_car_show_poster-p228322502358293598qzz0_400.jpg


I was bummed I didn't have the kids take a picture of the car before we pulled out.


Still no traffic.



Other side had all lanes blocked off from an accident and was backed up for miles.



We got on the Florida Turnpike. Ok... Florida drivers are crazy! No matter how little space I left between me and the car in front of me cars would slam themselves into it at 80 mph. This was space I'd hesitate to try and parallel park into. It didn't happen once but over and over again. I close enough to notice that all the cars had Florida plates.


Our van has an outside temp monitor in it. I love watching the temp climb up as we head south. 80's in Florida!



Arrived into Miami about 7 PM (local time). Our home for the night!



Our view out the window... we could see the harbor.



Ok, its not Carnival but it did look pretty.



My brother called... his plane was canceled due to leaking fuel. Instead of getting into Miami at a late but still workable 10 pm he got in around 1am. Good thing he was flying down a day early.


We met up with family and went across the street towards the water to a shopping mall and found a place for dinner. Then off to bed for an busy day tomorrow.




1. Free breakfast.


2. No traffic... again!


3. Seeing the old car.


4. Seeing the Holiday Inn finally after 2 long days of driving.


5. Seeing my family!




1. Lots of tolls in Florida on that Turnpike. About $20 worth.


2. Those crazy drivers.

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It was great meeting you and the family on the cruise. Email me when you get a chance - the paper that had your email address on it got ruined. Mine is kathyandemma@gmail.com Emma's is edwardcullenfreek@gmail.com


Need to get our underwater film developed. When I do - will be sure to send you pictures. Think we a got a few cute ones of you guys on the falls.



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Enjoying the review! We sail on the Liberty Jan 30 Western!! Also enjoy your comments of driving down, we drive down to WPalm Beach at least once a year, and we drive straight through. Usually takes 18 hrs have done it in 16. I have friends and a nephew that lives in Chicago, he got to come home for Thanksgiving! Keep up the good review! And Thanks!

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Sat... first day on the Ship!


Up at 8:00... to find the kids and Sherry looking out the window. And what should we see? Two Carnival ships docked!





Also one Royal Caribbean.



Down to breakfast. Not free! $75 for breakfast (I was thinking about this today... I think it was wrong as the boys should have eaten for free. I think we paid for all 5 of us.) Off to pack up.


Packed up we check out... $210 including $12 to park in their back lot. That will bring the average up!


Now we have to kill some time until we head over.


I take a walk with the boys. I had thought about going to a nearby store and picking up a floor fan or two in order to have something to create 'white noise'. We've been sleeping with one at the house for years and I've become used to it. Sherry thinks we'll just be able to use the fan in the bathrooms. I didn't want to go though the hassle of buying them and getting luggage tags on them so I skipped it.


Boys and I went across the street to the ocean.


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They played near the water finding coconuts that had washed ashore. Being boys they set to opening them up.





Nicky actually succeeded.



I'm not sure if it was not a coconut or if it was past its prime but it smelled nasty!


Started the drive over at 11:00. Getting closer and closer to the ships!





We quickly found the terminal and pulled up to drop off the luggage. That done we headed off to park in terminal C... and drove around for a while. Note to others: when you go to park you have to drive PAST the lot and then circle around it back to the other side. Parking is $20 per day so $140 for parking for us. Also note: we had thought about putting the luggage rack on the top of the car. I'm pretty sure we would not have fit with it on. Luckily I forced all the luggage into the car.


We just walked over to the ship from the parking garage dragging our carry on stuff with us. It was already hot and sunny!

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Headed inside to stand inline for customs/passport/luggage check. Everyone stood in one line and the were broken up into two separate lines. A guy would move one of the barriers back and forth to move new people from one line to to the next to keep the lines equal. There were a lot of people but the line moved pretty quickly. I think we were line for about 15 min. The security person checked our Funpass and our Passports. Then though a metal detector and its off to check into Carnival.


Wow, thats a big ship!



We have to fill out a form stating that none of us have a fever, n1h1 or any symptoms that indicate we MIGHT have it or had contact with it. We're then broken up by what room number/floor we're in. Another short line... about 5-10 min and we're ushered in front of a Carnival guy to check us in. He also checks our Funpass AND Passports... I thought the point of the Funpass was so that you didn't need the Passports as much? He created room keys for all of us and off we go to head aboard! Up an escalator and we have the first picture of the trip.



Looking down we can see more of our family standing in line.



One more Passport check and then we punch in our cards for the first time as they take our picture and key it to the cards.


Up to Lido for our first 'free' lunch. Shrimp burrito for me. And my first DoD!


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Headed to room at 1:30. The boys have 6446







and the girls have 6444.



The kids changed into their swimming suits. Out for some splashing in the sun.



Back to room at 3:30 for Muster Drill. We did NOT bring life jackets. Whole thing lasted about 15-20 min. The boys got their wrist bands giving the Muster Station.

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Up to Sail-away! We show the kids what a Sail away is all about.












The assistant cruise director (Shawn?) gets people down to start dancing.

(This is a bit of a test... a small video. Not sure how its going to work out but I have a few more later I'd like to post so...).


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