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Ventura - Freedom Dining


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Hi, am new to the P&O forum having strayed from the OV forum. Hubby and I had our first cruise on OV2 last year and had a fabulous introduction to cruising in our beautiful balcony cabin (a nice retreat!) Must admit we tended to eat in The Bistro for our meals and came away thinking that we would try another more formal cruise next time. Am not too keen on set dining times though (have done that in hotels in the past and it has been hit and miss with the people we have shared tables with) and prefer a more flexible approach .......... as long as it isn't like a canteen we're happy.


One thing I have noticed moving between forums (is that the right word?) is that on the OV forum there are loads of anti P&O comments and on the P&O forum there are plenty of anti OV comments --I find it quite sad. At the end of the day it should be a case of "When in Rome ...." - if you don't like casual cruising / casual dining don't go on a casual cruise and if you don't want formal meals and dressing up then don't go on a formal cruise with a formal dress code ! Surely it is that simple and not worth the bickering ! Surely we shouldn't expect a ship (OV or P&0) to change the ship dress code etc etc just to suit them ????? Shouldn't it be the other way round if you want to travel on that ship ??


Anyway, hubby and I want to try a more formal cruise so have been in the pre Christmas sales to find our evening wear. The last time I wore a posh frock was on our wedding day and I normally do NOT 'do' evening dress. On this occasion though we have decided to just 'go with the flow' and enjoy a new experience ............ wish us luck ! (And if we don't like it we wont moan, we'll just do something else next time !)


Happy cruising to everyone on any forum -- we hope that your cruises are everything you would wish for in 2010





Very good comments BUT what are Ocean Villagers supposed to do next year when they are no longer in existence? There will not be any Carnival UK entire casual cruising and this is a massive mistake on Carnival's behalf as they will lose a large number of cruisers. I have nothing against people who want to go with P&O and the formality but I do when they look down on people who go on Ocean Village because they choose to dress casually. We have met some incredibly what P&O would call "decent" people on Ocean Village who choose not to dress up whilst on holiday and therefore choose OV over P&O. Some (and I hasten to add I do not mean all) P&O people need to understand that there are people who could easily afford a luxury cabin on P&O (us for a start) but they do not choose to go with them because they do not want to wear formal wear on any night. Each to their own as you say but sorry P&O is not for us. And before any comments our Household income is over £70k a year, no mortgage, no kids, both in full time employment, so lots of disposable income and we don't own a football shirt or tattoo between us. Next year landbased small Greek island hotel for us after 2 excellent OV voyages this year.

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I don't know why OV cruisers keep sort of justifying why they go on OV. I can't say I have seen any of this snobbery from the formal gang. People who like OV are fine, people who want formal are fine, what I can't stand are those who book formal & keep moaning about having to dress up!! One thing though if you are on a 14 night Caribbean cruise a bloke should wear basically a jacket & tie four times....& in reality you will ''get away'' with eating in the buffet, plenty do, so if you love cruising try Ventura.

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Very good comments BUT what are Ocean Villagers supposed to do next year when they are no longer in existence? There will not be any Carnival UK entire casual cruising and this is a massive mistake on Carnival's behalf as they will lose a large number of cruisers. I have nothing against people who want to go with P&O and the formality but I do when they look down on people who go on Ocean Village because they choose to dress casually. We have met some incredibly what P&O would call "decent" people on Ocean Village who choose not to dress up whilst on holiday and therefore choose OV over P&O. Some (and I hasten to add I do not mean all) P&O people need to understand that there are people who could easily afford a luxury cabin on P&O (us for a start) but they do not choose to go with them because they do not want to wear formal wear on any night. Each to their own as you say but sorry P&O is not for us. And before any comments our Household income is over £70k a year, no mortgage, no kids, both in full time employment, so lots of disposable income and we don't own a football shirt or tattoo between us. Next year landbased small Greek island hotel for us after 2 excellent OV voyages this year.


Believe me I KNOW that there is an issue re no OV2 next year ----- we had the holiday of a life time and are fed up that we can't repeat it. I'd hope that we are the sort of people who would 'muck in' anywhere and go with the flow ........ on P&0 or OV. (Your income and circumstances sound very much like ours)


It isn't the fault of anyone on the P&0 or OV forum that OV folk have nowhere to go but it is the fault of those people at Head Office who made the decisions. :rolleyes: I hope that they read the messages on here !!


I must admit, I am weary of people turning questions re what to eat and wear on a cruise into an anti P&O AND / OR anti OV post................. what we all need to do is write to the powers that be at P&O and ask that they provide cruises and ships that suit all of their customers. I bet that the vast majority of cruisers on BOTH types of cruises are great people who just want to enjoy their well well deserved holiday - there is no right or wrong way to cruise just different ways ........


I hope you have a great holiday Ilovecake ------ and I really do hope that you / we get a casual cruise line back at some point.



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On Ventura, we had originally booked for second sitting, but DH preferred to eat earlier, so we took our dining card which had our table details on and took this to the restaurant manager on embarkation day, and it was easily changed to first sitting.


I would say it depends on availability if you were to switch during the cruise. Fingers crossed you get fabulous dining companions, we have been very lucky in that respect on all of our cruises.


Have a great cruise!




Must admit you and Johnthedog are making us re think --------- I am sure we will have a great cruise ------we are pretty easy going and tend to make the most of any situation (life's too short ...) We have done set dining times and flexible times with tables for 2 in the past in the past in a variety of hotels and were generally ok with both. I suppose I just want it to be perfect and we are a little afraid of the unknown. Decisions, decisions ................



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Must admit you and Johnthedog are making us re think --------- I am sure we will have a great cruise ------we are pretty easy going and tend to make the most of any situation (life's too short ...) We have done set dining times and flexible times with tables for 2 in the past in the past in a variety of hotels and were generally ok with both. I suppose I just want it to be perfect and we are a little afraid of the unknown. Decisions, decisions ................



Go on one of the ships that feature freedom dining so that knocks out the set times & people, never been on Ventura but she has the reputation for being more of a fun ship, Oceana is family friendly too & less formal, Azura ..who actually knows, I hope it's Ventura but more traditional & classy maybe?

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I don't know why OV cruisers keep sort of justifying why they go on OV. I can't say I have seen any of this snobbery from the formal gang. People who like OV are fine, people who want formal are fine, what I can't stand are those who book formal & keep moaning about having to dress up!! One thing though if you are on a 14 night Caribbean cruise a bloke should wear basically a jacket & tie four times....& in reality you will ''get away'' with eating in the buffet, plenty do, so if you love cruising try Ventura.


Hi Johnthedog



Let's start with this comment posted on the P&O board following Matty Barlow's review of Ventura - ."Oh my goodness are you saying Ventura is Like Ocean Village !! We have just booked a 2 week cruise on Ventura for January and assumed it would be in the same class as other P&O / Princess ships. "



This is what I mean! Odious comments implying that Ocean Village is trash! And there are plenty more. Yes I know, I amongst others make comments about the P&O site but it is only because of comments such as these. Another one I read on another site was that they were glad that Ian Hutley (now sadly ex OV) is going back "to where he belongs on P&O", in other words in their opinion Ian Hutley was far too good for Ocean Village passengers. It is this kind of obnoxious "we are better than you are" kind of snobbery that gets on my goat. I don't "envy" anyone who travels on P&O because I believe each to their own. And at least they'll still have a ship to go on next year that suits them.


To Presto

Thankyou and I do hope you enjoy your cruise - let's just hope that someone at Carnival sees sense soon:D

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Hmmm, unfortunate I agree. I don't always think that people mean things as they appear, also people do have pre-conceived ideas about things. I have been branded a snob on the P&O forum for merely saying people should stick to the dress code of the ship. I just think we should choose the brand that suits us, I for one am equally comfortable on OV in casual or Arcadia on a formal night gala dinner.

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Unfortunately Carnival have taken that choice away.


That point appears to be lost on some people here.


Lets just hope the rumours are correct and P&O will offer us an alternative in 2011.


As much as I would like to book a caribbean cruise on Ventura next year I cannot bring myself to comit financially, the thought of formal evenings with a load of people dressed in cheapo george (made from rags) penguin suits fills me with dread, not going to book and flaunt the rules but that means we and many others simply will not book and Carnival will loose customers, more than they estimated initially I guess hence the rumours of a re think.

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Hmmm, unfortunate I agree. I don't always think that people mean things as they appear, also people do have pre-conceived ideas about things. I have been branded a snob on the P&O forum for merely saying people should stick to the dress code of the ship. I just think we should choose the brand that suits us, I for one am equally comfortable on OV in casual or Arcadia on a formal night gala dinner.



Hi, I think you asked a few posts back which OV was going -- basically both :confused: . OV2 has already gone and OV1 will finish next year.


Re the posts about the P&O forum -- must admit I have to agree with Ilovecake -- some of the posts I looed through were very rude about OV folk and they did make me re think using a P&O ship. (That's why I was so thankful to anyone who has replied to me on here for being so friendly and welcoming) Like I said - I bet there are 'friendly cruisers' and some 'not so friendly cruisers' on both ships !


Everyone here seems really nice though so have a great Christmas everyone and happy cruise hunting ! :)

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As much as I would like to book a caribbean cruise on Ventura next year I cannot bring myself to comit financially, the thought of formal evenings with a load of people dressed in cheapo george (made from rags) penguin suits fills me with dread, not going to book and flaunt the rules but that means we and many others simply will not book and Carnival will loose customers, more than they estimated initially I guess hence the rumours of a re think.



I loved Ventura. I would happily go on her again. In retrospect having now had the experience of a two week cruise on P&O ( my Oceana one was only 7 nights) i think i would probably not dress formal for all four nights. The Captains Gala is a must and everyone dresses up. There are many who did not bother after that and they did not look out of place. The one thing that i do find formal nights breed is the infestation of ships photographers. I have never seen so many oportunities to have your photo taken. Whilst i dont have a problem with this, not being able to move without getting in the way of a backdrop or even not being able to get down the atrium stairs because of photos being taken (ships photographers) was annoying. Whilst i was taking a photograph on the stairs i was rudely told to move by a photographer as i was in the way. I soon put her right and made her wait for me to take mine and swiftly found the photo manager to have a go at.

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The Captains Gala is a must and everyone dresses up. There are many who did not bother after that and they did not look out of place.


This is the root of much annoyance from both sides - P&O must clarify the position as if you abide by the rules you should stay in your cabin on formal nights if you dont wish to dress up, these rules are putting many off booking P&O and the apparent disregard of the same rules are annoying people like Johnthedog who rightly state that rules are rules. If you read the threads on this board many P&O regulars are choosing to cruise with the likes of Celebrity and Cunard.


Come on P&O - clarify the position and maybe you could keep us all happy.

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Unfortunately Carnival have taken that choice away.


Yes they have Matty. Looks like we will have to give Ventura a try next year and hide ourselves away on the formal nights.

I agree with JohnthedOg that P&O ought to clarify their policy next year.

Surely, there is sufficient demand for a casual ship for British cruisers, who want to fly to their departure port,with many ports and fewer days at sea a la OV ships.

OV has virtually sold out this year on Caribbean cuises, with less discounting than previous years. We haved missed on our usual January dates and, with family commitments in Feb and March, it looks like we shall be unable to say goodbye to her,unless I can persuade Mrs C to bo on the 22night repo cruise!

Merry Christmas and Happy Cruising to you all!

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An odd situation really because it is a generally held opinion that you can dress casually in the buffet, even a ships senior officer thought so on Arcadia! BUT it doesn't actually say this. Personally I would prefer that the whole ship joined in with the spirit of the evening as a bit of fun as a dressing up game in all areas. I enjoy the formal nights but unlike some, I don't regard it as a class thing where it's a dressing up contest or a chance to sneer at people who don't dress "correctly," it's a bit of fun where EVERYONE looks great irrespective of their age shape or size. Also, unlike some, I don't want to do it frequently either, a couple of times a week is plenty. Is this REALLY too much & would it REALLY spoil your holiday??

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An odd situation really because it is a generally held opinion that you can dress casually in the buffet, even a ships senior officer thought so on Arcadia! BUT it doesn't actually say this. Personally I would prefer that the whole ship joined in with the spirit of the evening as a bit of fun as a dressing up game in all areas. I enjoy the formal nights but unlike some, I don't regard it as a class thing where it's a dressing up contest or a chance to sneer at people who don't dress "correctly," it's a bit of fun where EVERYONE looks great irrespective of their age shape or size. Also, unlike some, I don't want to do it frequently either, a couple of times a week is plenty. Is this REALLY too much & would it REALLY spoil your holiday??


John, Read Matty's quote below re baggage allowance(now 23kg on some transatlantic flights) I just don't see how you get even a lightweight suit and an extra pair of shoes, plus extra dress shirts and still take a reasonable casual wardrobe to the Caribbean.

I shudder to think what state the suit would be in on un packing, and yes, I know there is a laundry service but we found it v. expensive on OV.

I, like you, do not equate dressing up with a class thing, but, unfortunately many contributors to this forum seem to.

Re; "EVERYONE looks great" ,I, for one, would look like the original penguin if I were to wear a dinner suit. (5ft 7in and 12st+), hence I do not possess one and my wife would probably disown me after 42 years of married life.

My wardrobe is very extensive,and I think that I dress really well spending more than most on clothes. But I do not want to wear a a jacket and tie on HOLIDAY!!

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I understand what you are saying, but I am sure you would not look like a penguin, as we are only talking about a jacket, and a bow tie instead of a normal tie, how would that make you look like a penguin. If we were talking about a tailed jacket, then I could understand the comment.:eek:


Re the allowance of 23 kg, they all seem to manage and I understand are very well turned out, most women taking a different dress and shoes for each formal night. Us men only needing an extra jacket and one pair of shoes. When we sail from Southampton, we normally pack on a Wednesday, stay over night in Southampton on Friday, board on Saturday, so by the time we unpack our clothes, they have been in the case approx 3 days, and they are fine. Its knowing how to pack thats the secret.

For me its fine if people don't want to dress up, but I personally would feel out of place wearing casual, on an evening where the majority were dressed in Tux's and the women in evening dresses. I would have to choose another ship, unless like Thomson's you have a choice of Venue to eat, one Formal one Casual, and after the meal nobody is bothered whether those who have eaten in the Formal Restaurant, then change into casual.:D

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May I wish all contributors to this thread a Happy and Prosperous New Year and Happy Cruising.

If we have to go P&O in 2011, I hope we may bump into each other in the Caribbean.

I will be easily recognisable as the chopsy little Yorkshireman,who will be one of the few casually dressed on Formal Nights(it must be my Viking blood, apparently the dress code on the long ships was pretty casual).

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May I wish all contributors to this thread a Happy and Prosperous New Year and Happy Cruising.

If we have to go P&O in 2011, I hope we may bump into each other in the Caribbean.

I will be easily recognisable as the chopsy little Yorkshireman,who will be one of the few casually dressed on Formal Nights(it must be my Viking blood, apparently the dress code on the long ships was pretty casual).


Happy New Year to you when it comes. Sorry but we won't be doing P&O - one last blast is beckoning on OV before I leave in tears :(. Not sure which trip but I am more determined than ever to have one last go. Good luck to you if you go on P&O - I am seeing the looks you will be getting from here.;)

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