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In many cases it is exactly that. The lines are taking away things that normally were provided to every passenger regardless of the category of the stateroom they had booked. In the past every guest was treated equally when they were not in their stateroom. Now the trend is to give some guests special recognition throughout the ship because of their standing in the loyalty program or the category of stateroom they booked. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing can be debated, but you do need to acknowledge that there has been a trend towards providing some guests more "exclusivity" and special treatment than they received in the past. And not everyone in a suite has paid "thousands" more than passengers in other categories, sometimes not even "hundreds".
Not in the past 10 years, or however long ago it was that they first introduced the CL and special suite check in lines.
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I don't have a dog in this fight, I use a wheelchair frequently so my chair is always where I am =)


However, I do not believe that the lounge chairs should be cordoned off for suite holders. If there is that little concierge pool area like on NCL, fine. But on a vessel with no separate area [other than an adult only area, which I understand many vessels have] there should be no special chairs they should be free for all.

I'm not quite following your logic about why the size/placement of the area makes a difference if it's the principle of the thing.


Reminds me of the story of the guy who went up to a woman and said would you sleep with me for $10 million? After giving it some thought, she said that she would. He then replied would you sleep with me for $100? She said, certainly not, what do you think I am? To which he replied, we've already established that, now we're just haggling over price.

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Actually the free lemonade is still free in the Windjammer(we had it on our last three Jewel cruises and on the Oasis only weeks ago, but never having ordered it in the MDR, I can't be sure whether or not it is now or ever has been offered there) and the concierge lounges haven't been around "forever" unless you think that Radiance class and Voyager class ships have been around that long.

Things have changed and not just because people started talking about it on CC. Whether these changes are for the better or are necessitated by the demands of the people newly introduced to cruising, is a matter for debate. The fact that these changes have occurred isn't a matter of opinion.


Yes still free in Windjammer -- that is why I stated "no longer free in MDR." You don't have to be sure, you can just believe me. It used to be free in MDR and now being charged for.


The demands of people new to cruising have no way of effecting these changes. That is ridiculous. RCCL decided to make the changes to create more profit by being able to sell suites when in the past most were being given away as upgrades. But the perks were always there for some passengers they simply were not discussed so openly.

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Sorry, to upset your Tranquil Waters.... I misunderstood the subject of poster #1..I understood their comment to be about "Suites"...In the future I will note a "Disclaimer" and will ask the Post Police for approval before replying.....Hmmm... Seems I have touched on a "Nerve"...JMHO !!!!


Jealousy ...I think NOT...I AM one of those "Suite" cruisers..And have sailed with RCCL since the early 1980's..I don't need to be treated any differently than anyone else...Enjoy your next cruise and each level you are able to achieve..it's more important to some than others .....


I am thinking that you are the only one getting their nerves touched. :D:D:D


I just happen to have no problem with people who purchase suites getting perks to go with those suites. I am not in the least concerned or jealous of those perks. I purchase the type cabin I am happy and comfortable with for any given cruise - and am not concerned if someone who purchases a more expensive cabin than I have purchased gets amenities to go with that suite.


And I certainly feel no need to insult any suite guest over the issue. :)

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To be honest, neither my husband nor I concern ourselves whether someone has a suite of inside, our enjoyment of cruising comes from the people we meet, places we have seen and the overall cruise experience. We don't concern ourselves with all the perks, although we wouldn't argue if we received a price reduction. :)

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I have no problem with those in suites having reserved areas by the pool and in the theatre. For the price of those cabins, they should be receiving special treatment.


That being said, I just got off the AOS two weeks ago. We did not have a suite and had no problems getting a lounger by the pool at anytime throughout the week. We were also able to get excellent seats in the theatre for the shows we attended. So while there may be some areas reserved for suite guests, there is still plenty of room available for everyone else.

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To be honest, neither my husband nor I concern ourselves whether someone has a suite of inside, our enjoyment of cruising comes from the people we meet, places we have seen and the overall cruise experience. We don't concern ourselves with all the perks, although we wouldn't argue if we received a price reduction. :)


I couldn't agree more. And I will line up for that price reduction as well. :D

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To be honest, neither my husband nor I concern ourselves whether someone has a suite of inside, our enjoyment of cruising comes from the people we meet, places we have seen and the overall cruise experience. We don't concern ourselves with all the perks, although we wouldn't argue if we received a price reduction. :)


Well said!


I keep telling myself I won't ever earn perks if I don't develop some loyalty:D If all my 11 cruisers were on RCCL, I am sure I would be one of 'dem classy' crusiers by now;)

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OMG, and all this time I thought it was Carnival that "attracts some very classless people." Maybe I should pay more attention when on RC. :D



Hmmmmm if its your habit to make smart remarks like that , maybe you shouldn't pay too close attention. You may hear what people really think of you. :)

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Here we go again.


But the section of the MDR-roped off for d and D+ only to have breakfast is-well-what would you call that??

The public venues that close now for a short time to have the Diamond event is-well-what would you call that?


When the D cruisers say they like to mingle with other diamond cruisers only. What in the heck do you call that??


As soon as the labade cabana fiasco started-first thing you read was-Do d and D+ get ones too? Guess it would of been OK then-right??


For years I would read this board and fellow ccers would tell suite guests all they really got was a bigger room for the extra money. Knowing that will not fare well with folks that are used to suites and perks that come with them from other lines and land resorts, this was going to change.


When some talk of a 'class system' come on-Some D and D+ just love being singled out in their own little area.

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This thread is funny. If you can afford a suite on RC or any other cruise line, you probably have your choice of which line you want to go on, so each line has to do something to get your business. Hence, the perks. I don't agree with roped off areas at the pool because in practice, it doesn't work out well, but if you can pay that much for a suite, or if you have paid to cruise so many times that you have access to the CL or whatever, then you deserve it. You also deserve to use your good judgment as to offering your perks to others. Does letting someone use your CL pass really hurt anyone else? I'm pretty sure that if any of us were offered the chance to go in there, we'd jump at it. I know I would! If RC isn't enforcing it, then that's their fault. In the end, if I have a pass to the CL and I give it to someone who goes in and acts like a buffoon, I'll probably lose my privilege. That's my choice. Basically, this comes down to the issue that some people are mad that they aren't getting access to free drinks. Big deal. You know you would go in the CL if you could.

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I guess you never flew 1st class on international flights. You not only get first class seat but you do get to enjoy some fabulous first class lounges before the flight. Cathay Pacific has 2 HUGE lounges in their home port, Hong Kong. The lounges take about a 10th of the airport facilities and include free sit down dinners, free spas, private rooms, huge sitting areas, hundred of computer stations and of course, fabulous bars (all free). The few times I visited the lounges, it was very quiet in there until just before some long haul flights. There were times I felt like I was there alone. So, according to your theory, the lounges took some "valuable" space from you? and thus should not exist? just because nobody used them at times?


As a first class passenger you can use the "special" TSA security line that basically allows you to cut in front of everybody else. Isn't that taking away from you?


In many airports there is a "special" immigration and customs line for first and business class passengers. Isn't that taking away from you?


I don't understand your argument. Somebody pays for a suite will expect "special" treatment and if that involves having the lounge chair reserved, so be it.


It's not taking away from anybody, it's just giving perks to the ones that shelled out thousand$ more than the average Joe Cruiser did.


Oh COME on. First of all, yes, I have been in AA's Admiral Club...albeit once and of course I enjoyed it, along with BMI's lounge.


How in the WORLD can you compare that, or the special lines, to going on a cruise in Feb and sitting wherever I want, to going on a cruise in Nov. and being told, "Sorry, those seats are for suite guests...''


For...the...millionth...time...I have NO PROBLEM with PERKS. You wanna pay $5,000 for the airline seat I paid $200 for? Enjoy your big seat and your shorter line and your lounge. I NEVER HAD THEM TO BEGIN WITH.


AND the people who PAY for those things WILL enjoy them. The roped of seats by the pool THEY ARE NOT USING. And contrary to the person on page 3 who cruised on Adventure and had no problem finding a seat, that's GREAT. My friend and I had two horrible seats under an overhang 10 feet from the towel stand, which is RIGHT outside the solarium door while empty suite chairs stared at us, thinking, "Why, oh why will no one sit on us?"

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Or, in amybeth's case, sneak in without legitimate eligibility and enjoy it.


Boy this REALLY eats you up, doesn't it?!?! I'd love to know what life is like being so perfect and following every single rule 100% of the time, as opposed to maybe having a total of four hours of guilty pleasure on ONE vacation after being OFFERED the lounge card (without, once again, my even MENTIONING it) to get a few free drinks.


PLEASE, everyone on these boards (besides bluegirlum...love ya!) tell me you'd ALL turn that offer down. Some of you may turn the offer down, others will happily take them up on the offer, and the rest of you will take them up on the offer and then run anonymously to the internet to say HOW COULD YOU!?!? I would NEVER do that! Riiiight.


And it isn't like we hid behind a cart and sneaked in without anyone detecting us.


PS it was the Diamond Lounge, not the Concierge Lounge. Give me SOME credit for not being THAT much of a dirt bag! :D So let me clear ONE thing up since things I say are usually twisted around. When I said, "The CL is lovely," I didn't mean because I had been in it. I MEANT it's a LOVELY perk and a LOVELY idea.


PPS, I guess I'll just have to spend $1500, go on five Majesty cruises (you know, for less than the price you'd pay for a suite on any other ship for ONE week) and legitimately go into the Diamond Lounge where I can finally take down my WANTED poster.

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When the D cruisers say they like to mingle with other diamond cruisers only. What in the heck do you call that??
I find that downright weird.


I like to spend time with my own family, or with people who seem to be like me and who share my interests. I couldn't care less whether they've cruised 100 times or whether this is their first time. Just plain weird.

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In many cases it is exactly that. The lines are taking away things that normally were provided to every passenger regardless of the category of the stateroom they had booked. In the past every guest was treated equally when they were not in their stateroom. Now the trend is to give some guests special recognition throughout the ship because of their standing in the loyalty program or the category of stateroom they booked. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing can be debated, but you do need to acknowledge that there has been a trend towards providing some guests more "exclusivity" and special treatment than they received in the past. And not everyone in a suite has paid "thousands" more than passengers in other categories, sometimes not even "hundreds".
Yep, this is exactly what's happening. The cruise line has always marketed its product with a certain ideal: Pay for the room you want, and the rest of the ship -- with a few exceptions like alcohol -- are tossed in as part of the bargain.


Now the cruise line is moving towards a change in that philosophy. They're trying to be VERY VISIBLE in giving more, more, more to the suite passengers, and that's going to alienate the 3/4 (guessing at that number) of the ship that's sailing in lower-category rooms. Add to that the fact that the cruise line isn't being upfront about the shift in their pricing philosophy -- lots of people are going to board without a clue about this.


I've never heard anyone say that suite passengers don't deserve nicer rooms -- that's what they're paying for -- and perks that're given rather "quietly" like special check-in and the concierge lounge don't bother people. But perks all over the ship? That's a massive shift in the basic pricing philosophy, and personally I think it's going to bite Royal Caribbean in the butt.


I know that they WANT us to say, "Oh, I want these things, so I'll pony up more money." Well, I'm the cruiser who COULD pay more, but I WON'T. It would feel like being bullied into buying a larger/more expensive room than I really need. I'm wondering if this summer'll be my last cruise for a while. I'm thinking it might be time for us to look into island vacations instead; we have a few places on a list we've been wanting to visit.

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My husband was just saying the same thing! We are splurging on a suite but we are also getting a balcony room for the girls,,,however he can't get the points for their room even though he is the one footing the bill. The only reason we are getting a suite is to try to build up points quicker. I'm sure after this one we will go back to a regular balcony room and be just as happy!

Also since we have our DD's with us and they will not be staying in a suite I'm sure we will not be using all those perks since we will want our DD's sitting with us!


If your husand is also paying for your DD's airline tickets, he won't get their miles either, will he? RCI (and all of the other cruiselines, plus the hotels & airlines) reward the person in the cabin (room or airline seat), regardless of who paid for it.


We've sailed in everything from an OV to the RS (once in a lifetime unless we win the lottery). I don't even go to the main pool, and I've seen the suite area sitting unoccupied - to me, that's a policy that I would reverse because the seats could sit unused all day long. For the ice show or theater, they will release the seats 5 or 10 minutes prior to the show, so I'm ok with having them be reserved until then.


On Mariner in September we arrived a few minutes before the ice show and all of the suite seats were full (we were in an OS on a DP upgrade, woo hoo). The woman escorting us was actually going to kick some people out of their seats, but we declined her offer since there were plenty of other good seats available.:eek:

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To me standing on deck at 5:30 in the morning watching the sun come up is worth more then any cabin on the ship. I buy what I can afford (maybe sometimes a little more). If I could afford a suite you can be sure I'd be there. But until that day comes (or not), I will enjoy being on the ship no matter what cabin we are in.


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I don't think anyone begrudges those who pay more get more and special consideration, what is new to those of us who have cruised over the last ten years is that it is now more "in your face" than ever before.


People of means always had special perks, it was just more subtle. Once all the passengers got the "run of the ship" regardless of cabin class now areas are being pulled back and roped off and that's what is irritating to some.

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Here we go again.


But the section of the MDR-roped off for d and D+ only to have breakfast is-well-what would you call that??

The public venues that close now for a short time to have the Diamond event is-well-what would you call that?


When the D cruisers say they like to mingle with other diamond cruisers only. What in the heck do you call that??


As soon as the labade cabana fiasco started-first thing you read was-Do d and D+ get ones too? Guess it would of been OK then-right??


For years I would read this board and fellow ccers would tell suite guests all they really got was a bigger room for the extra money. Knowing that will not fare well with folks that are used to suites and perks that come with them from other lines and land resorts, this was going to change.


When some talk of a 'class system' come on-Some D and D+ just love being singled out in their own little area.


When did "some" become "every"? That seems to be what you are implying. You shouldn't tar every D and D+ with the same brush unless you want to expose your own prejudices. All most people are saying is that things have changed on RCI and other lines and not everyone is thrilled with the changes which have taken place in the past few years.:rolleyes:

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PLEASE, everyone on these boards (besides bluegirlum...love ya!) tell me you'd ALL turn that offer down. Some of you may turn the offer down, others will happily take them up on the offer, and the rest of you will take them up on the offer and then run anonymously to the internet to say HOW COULD YOU!?!? I would NEVER do that! Riiiight.


I wouldn't because in my experience, the concierges have been very careful about looking at ID's and then looking you in the eye and greeting you; I'd hate to get thrown out of the lounge. But I do other naughty things so my wanted poster is probably hanging up in other venues ;)

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Boy this REALLY eats you up, doesn't it?!?! I'd love to know what life is like being so perfect and following every single rule 100% of the time, as opposed to maybe having a total of four hours of guilty pleasure on ONE vacation after being OFFERED the lounge card (without, once again, my even MENTIONING it) to get a few free drinks.


PLEASE, everyone on these boards (besides bluegirlum...love ya!) tell me you'd ALL turn that offer down. Some of you may turn the offer down, others will happily take them up on the offer, and the rest of you will take them up on the offer and then run anonymously to the internet to say HOW COULD YOU!?!? I would NEVER do that! Riiiight.


And it isn't like we hid behind a cart and sneaked in without anyone detecting us.


PS it was the Diamond Lounge, not the Concierge Lounge. Give me SOME credit for not being THAT much of a dirt bag! :D So let me clear ONE thing up since things I say are usually twisted around. When I said, "The CL is lovely," I didn't mean because I had been in it. I MEANT it's a LOVELY perk and a LOVELY idea.


PPS, I guess I'll just have to spend $1500, go on five Majesty cruises (you know, for less than the price you'd pay for a suite on any other ship for ONE week) and legitimately go into the Diamond Lounge where I can finally take down my WANTED poster.


The issue I see is coming on to a board such as this and posting about it. Why not just keep it to your self and be done with it? Also, this kind of act is causing many of the cruise lines to cut back. Those lounges are crowded enough with the ones that actually earned the right to be in there. You are just adding to the problem. I guess you don't see that which is sad in it's self but then that is the kind of world that we live in today.

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There seems to be a double standard running through this forum If you pay top buck you shouldn't be given special perks outside the cabins but I have read on numerous threads, the dismay of removing the CL for diamond members or do the perks only vex people if they don't apply to them


I agree. Many of the people upset are Diamond and Diamond Plus that don't like it that the suite guests get something that they don't. Now those same Diamond and Plus are also the sames ones that will gladly haul their rear end over to the priority check in counters and waiting areas prior to boarding while the normal Dick and Jane stand and wait their turn to check in because they are new to Royal Caribbean or are a lowly Gold status with Crown and Anchor. This entire thread is so funny. It's more about jealousy than anything else. Why can't people just worry about themselves and enjoy their cruise? I guess that's too easy.:rolleyes:

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The issue I see is coming on to a board such as this and posting about it. Why not just keep it to your self and be done with it? Also, this kind of act is causing many of the cruise lines to cut back. Those lounges are crowded enough with the ones that actually earned the right to be in there. You are just adding to the problem. I guess you don't see that which is sad in it's self but then that is the kind of world that we live in today.


Maybe it wasn't the best idea to post it, but she did, and I didn't find it egregious. It's a nasty rotten world out there, with people who do all kinds of terrible, awful things, and sneaking into the Diamond lounge is not something on my top 1000.


I know I am due for feedback and I am willing to endure it. Would that we were all perfect, living in a perfect world. That would be a dream, truly.

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