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RSVP to Hawaii Oct 30, 2010

RMS Olympic

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Not because of anything against the ship, though. Hawaii just isn't a burning desire right now, since I've been there (though as a kid), and my significant other has also been there. Plus, I'm really eyeing a trip to Telluride or Whistler to go skiing in the winter so I need to watch my pennies.

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Back to Mexico again, Hobie? :D Hope the rest of 2009 was good for you!


Yep, back to Mexico. After our April cruise on Norwegian Star, I did the same itinerary with Atlantis in October. While onboard, I signed up for next October.

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Yep, back to Mexico. After our April cruise on Norwegian Star, I did the same itinerary with Atlantis in October. While onboard, I signed up for next October.


Cool... I guess with the port right in your backyard almost, it makes it pretty easy!

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Secondly.......be there to support the locals as they sacrifice HRH aka she who's name must not be mentioned be sacrificed to the fire god in the volcano.


Hawaii cruise....Oct 30 to Nov 6th.

I'm goingto fly in on the 28th.....getover the time change and do some sightseeing on the 29th. Then be fresh for boarding on the 30th. As I intend to see as much and experience as much as possible, I dont want to start the cruise haggard and worn out. of course two precruise nights in Honolulu could kill me off before I even get started.

Regardless.......I want to see these lava flows red hot like my libido was when I was young innocent and unsoiled. Hobie reminds me of lava....thats my story and I'm sticking to it.


AND front row seats at the volcano sacrifice? You BETTER believe I want to see THAT!!!


Well, Well, WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ! ! ! ! . . . . Now we see what that conniving Princess Olympia has been up to :eek: :eek:


WE are virtually PUSHED onto this thread and what do WE find ???????????


Irreverence on a Royal scale !


Secondly ? ?, SECONDLY ! ! ! ???????? . . . . . Why, NEVER in my entire Regal career have I ever taken a back seat to any one OR any THING ! ! :mad:


"Young innocent and unsoiled" ? ? ? Not even your mother EVE would believe that claim :p . . . . (Not even pre-apple ! )


Jimnbill, {and everyone else}

Please, oh please do NOT put any credence in anything coming out of Olympia's mouth (or keyboard).

The first contacts have yet to be made with Our Social Secretary AND Protocol Officer.

And, while yes WE do very much enjoy officiating at Sacrifice Ceremonies, NO commitment has in any way been made.

These matters are extremely difficult to arrange, it is sooooooo much more than just finding a Virgin and an Active Volcano.

Why, I don't even know if Our Sacrifice Tiara could be suitably polished in time, and that is just one of the many details. (It has been in storage for so long)

Olympia, knows not of the complicated sufferings it takes to be as Regal as MOIself, or the intricate ordeals of arranging such a truly splendid spectacle.


AND, if she herself doesn't perform satisfactorily at the Eurodam Sail Away Ceremonies who knows what "Volcanic Activity" might await her in the islands (virgin or NOT) :confused:

We know Olympia is so easily confused as to "Sacrificee" and/or "Sacrificer" since she never reads the fine print in her Princess contract.


All this being said, WE do think that Our Royal Presence is long overdue in the islands and what better occasion than a jaunty float about with so many adoring fans.

Our Minister Of Finance has been summoned to investigate the possibilities. :rolleyes:


The Most Volcanic Vixen and Lusciously Leied HRH Tamara, Regina Maris & COTU

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Me thinks the sacrifice tiara is not the only thing that need polishing. The patina elsewhere on HRH is so green from old age that it puts the Statue of Liberty to shame. What she claimes is platinum is low grade copper:p

Maybe a week soaking in a 50 gallon drum of brasso might remove some layers of crust, followed by an intense steel wool rubbing.

So perhaps a hurling over the volcanic cliff wont do..... maybe a wrapping in banana leaves, placed on white hot coals and then a layer of seaweed and finally dirt for about 10 hours will tenderize your demeanor.

In the meantime I picked out my cabin....now for the books to open.

Next its plan out the two night precruise stay in Homo-lulu.

Arrive afternoon.....cocktails at Hulas, dinner, walk around town. Next day some sort of island tour......followed by Waikii beach time, happy hour drinks...dinner....bar hopping before crashing.

Now to find someone who can suggest where in Honolulu to hang out.

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Next its plan out the two night precruise stay in Homo-lulu.

Arrive afternoon.....cocktails at Hulas, dinner, walk around town. Next day some sort of island tour......followed by Waikii beach time, happy hour drinks...dinner....bar hopping before crashing.

Now to find someone who can suggest where in Honolulu to hang out.



I'll e-mail you separately with my suggestions for Waikiki accomodations and at least one cultural activity that I recommend (think Doris Duke). I'm sure you'll find social activites a-plenty to take up the remainder of your pre-cruise time.


Happy New Year from "freezing-off-my-bollocks" San Francisco!!!! :eek: But, thoughts of the Auckland/Sydney Atlantis cruise in 6 weeks keep me warm. ;)



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Me thinks the sacrifice tiara is not the only thing that need polishing. The patina elsewhere on HRH is so green from old age that it puts the Statue of Liberty to shame. What she claimes is platinum is low grade copper:p

Maybe a week soaking in a 50 gallon drum of brasso might remove some layers of crust, followed by an intense steel wool rubbing.

So perhaps a hurling over the volcanic cliff wont do..... maybe a wrapping in banana leaves, placed on white hot coals and then a layer of seaweed and finally dirt for about 10 hours will tenderize your demeanor.




Just remember: this is just the sortta behavour that got you into your first Royal Pickle (or was that Pickle in you ?, we forget the details)

AND we are now thinking of TWO (2) ceremonies for you:

1. The Sail-Away Subservience Ceremony

2. The soon-to-be-scheduled Not-So Virgin Volcano Sacrifice !

This time it is not Thin Ice you are skating upon, but a VERY thin lava flow crust (think of fat falling into very hot oil . . . . SIZZLE !)

These two ceremonies will make quite an entertaining spectacle for the faithful.

Currently We are prone to disallowing the possibility of full redemption at the first of these two negating the necessity for the second.

You do the math.

And all of this over disparaging remarks regarding just one Royal Tiara, when We have so many.

None of this seems worthy of a Royal Thought whilst We should be occupied with spreading Our Magnificence upon the many deserving faithful.


A Most Perturbed HRH

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There seems to be a venerable hotel (perhaps the oldest, like Olympia) front and center on Waikiki quaintly called the Royal Hawaiian.


Any opinions as to whether this establishment would be worthy of MOIself ?


The name seems to imply . . . .



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Dates are valid. I got an e-mail from Cruising with Pride (I'm on their mailing list) announcing the cruise. My TA, Concierge e-mailed me the RSVP booking form to fill out for preparation for when the reservations actually open. Date of the cruise is Oct 30-Nov 6th.

I booked my air on US Scare (Tampa-Phoenix-Honolulu). I'm flying on the 28th to get in early, relax, sight see and see some of the local color.

Much has been said about NCL...I'm going to use it as just a hotel and spend as much time sightseeing as possible.

Looking over the 22 pages of shore excursions on the NCL web sight was an eye opener as many are 4, 6, 7 hours in duration. So much to see as compared to the Caribbean. I can see where a return to Hawaii may result in the future.

I'm very excited....picked out the cabin and advised the TA which to reserve. As the cruise is less than a year away, I expect RSVP to move quickly on selling, and will not wait for the Feb Eurodam cruise to open up the books. Rather e-mail advance notice to alumni and then open to all...quickly.

I hope that the cruise is a sell out.

Happy new Year.

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I'm going to use it as just a hotel and spend as much time sightseeing as possible.

Looking over the 22 pages of shore excursions on the NCL web sight was an eye opener as many are 4, 6, 7 hours in duration. So much to see as compared to the Caribbean.


Please read the many threads about this Hawaiian cruise.

All say book NOTHING through NCL

Book all your own tours and rent-a-cars directly.



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Yeah I have done a Hawaii cruise before, I highly suggest just renting a car and doing your own thing, you'll save a ton of time and money.


Just a note of caution though, with a very port intensive itinerary prepare to be totally worn out by the end of your cruise from all the running around and sightseeing, etc. Our Hawaii cruise was a 14 nighter from LA to Hawaii and back to LA so we had 5 sea days to recover after we left Hawaii.


I love this itinerary though! Overnights in Maui (my favorite island) and Kauai!


I got an e-mail back from RSVP today, they confirmed the dates and said it was not on sale yet but he did give me a price quote of what it would be and I have to say the prices are VERY reasonable, I was quite suprised.

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I understand your comment,,,,,,but to do my own thing would negate the reason I am taking this cruise.

I want to tour and experience the shore sights in a gay group; doing so in Europe was half the fun so I am looking forward to the same in Hawaii.

If I was going to do my own thing, then I could do the trip on a mainstream cruise and save money. ANd believe me, for what I am spending on this one week RSVP cruise, I could do a 14 day on Princess.

Renting a car as a single and not sharing the sights with others.....boring.

Now if I was HRH, then perhaps doing my own royal thing would be adequate....but for me, being a tourist in a group of systas......now dats what I'm talk'in 'bout.....snap snap snap.

Tours...pricey...yeah. But as they say....go big or go home. And on vacay, big is better........:D

So I am all red ta go.......and use Eurodam as an appetizer.

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I really had no interest in Hawaii before...now really excitied.

I can see this being a good intro to see if return visits to specific islands will be in the future.

My TA is reserving my cabin so all I will have to consider is the hotel for a 2 night pre cruise stay.

I figure I will wait on the hotel till I see if the TA makes recommendations or is RSVP sugests anything. I do not expect a hotel package in the offerings, but maybe a suggestion.

The one thing I need to find out is why cruise line hotel packages are not offered to charter cruisers. The hotel packages on the NCL web site are pretty good from what I can see.....

Happy to hear you are going to make the sailing........Maybe Bob and Max.....then there is Peter and Richard,

Yo, Matt and Ralph..........your next on the twist your arm list:D

Homolulu,,,,,,we are coming........anything to get a lei.

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Future plans are unknown. Considering the economy, I would not expect any charters to be planned too far out.

How this 2010 Hawaiian cruise sells may dictate future plans.

like the President of RSVP told me...."its taken them 25 years to get to the 50th state".

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I understand your comment,,,,,,but to do my own thing would negate the reason I am taking this cruise.

I want to tour and experience the shore sights in a gay group; doing so in Europe was half the fun so I am looking forward to the same in Hawaii.

If I was going to do my own thing, then I could do the trip on a mainstream cruise and save money. ANd believe me, for what I am spending on this one week RSVP cruise, I could do a 14 day on Princess.

Renting a car as a single and not sharing the sights with others.....boring.

Now if I was HRH, then perhaps doing my own royal thing would be adequate....but for me, being a tourist in a group of systas......now dats what I'm talk'in 'bout.....snap snap snap.

Tours...pricey...yeah. But as they say....go big or go home. And on vacay, big is better........

So I am all red ta go.......and use Eurodam as an appetizer.


Dearest Sistah,

I am sure that there will be many private tour groups that are not the standard HAL product. RSVP should see to that, but usually acquiesces to HAL's no-compete clause in their contract. (this was one of the good things about PP, their own tours away from the standard hoards)

My TA also usually arranges for his own tours for his people which are always better than the same product from HAL. Cheaper, less rushed, fewer shopping stops, etc. He is always on the RSVP cruises himself and you couldn't ask for a nicer person or better TA. Many of us here on CC use him as he is the 2nd biggest booker with RSVP.

So, there are other options rather than paying too much to HAL for a 1 hour tour of a shopping mall.

Royal Command: Read those threads and reviews !

Your favorite canapé,


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The Hawaii trip is on NCL...not HAL.

My TA is also talking about possible tour offerings. They did them on the Italy trip...and were great.

As far as renting a car...if I had a partner...I would. But driving around alone......boring.

So in the meantime I am looking at NCL's shore excursions. I have also ordered information from the board of tourism. I want to research in depth what the actual sights are about...not what is described in a few sentences by the cruise line. The Hawaii board onCC will also be used.

In the future, gaycharters will be chosen based on itinerary.....see something new. Cruising the same Caribbean islands are not worth the added exspense of a charter.

For instance, the 2011 NieuwAmsterdam RSVP offering.......I can do the same cruise as a single for half the price....to sail to places I have already been...on a duplicate copy of Eurodam.The other optiion is to start doing room shares if I can find a travel partner. But doing the same old same old doesnt seem worth it. So perhaps a land tour.....Macchu Picchu.

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The Hawaii trip is on NCL...not HAL.

My TA is also talking about possible tour offerings. They did them on the Italy trip...and were great.

As far as renting a car...if I had a partner...I would. But driving around alone......boring.

So in the meantime I am looking at NCL's shore excursions. I have also ordered information from the board of tourism. I want to research in depth what the actual sights are about...not what is described in a few sentences by the cruise line. The Hawaii board onCC will also be used.

In the future, gaycharters will be chosen based on itinerary.....see something new. Cruising the same Caribbean islands are not worth the added exspense of a charter.

For instance, the 2011 NieuwAmsterdam RSVP offering.......I can do the same cruise as a single for half the price....to sail to places I have already been...on a duplicate copy of Eurodam.The other optiion is to start doing room shares if I can find a travel partner. But doing the same old same old doesnt seem worth it. So perhaps a land tour.....Macchu Picchu.


I do believe that there have been Gay land based tours of Macchu-Picchu It might even have been RSVP. But don't trust my memory.

This is just to say there might be one again. Sign me up. :D

And sorry about the NCL/HAL dyslectic moment. (actually NCLA ! :p )

There is an OUTSIDE chance you just may be able to have a cruise buddy/Empress for Hawaii. But, my Minister of Finance has not gotten back to me yet AND The Tax Man Cometh ! :(

Agree with you about the itinerary on Neiuw Amsterdam, but for me it is MUCH more about the People than the Places (My Public, My Fans, My Faithful, down to My Ex-communicants, etc.).

But, Even MOIself has had to start paying attention to the $$$$ ! :mad:

We use competing TA's but they are friends and have the same objective: a FUN time for all. So between them, wonderful shore excursions should be available. (Actually I get emailings from your TA also) I think is is very nice what he does for his group bookings, taking one whole section of the ship and decorating the hallways.


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As I am a dowager Empress...who might you be speaking of?

A humble servant like myself can only imagine who you are talking about.....

Just think if you go....NCL upon learning of Royalty booking would surely redecorate your cabin........leopard rugs, flocked wall paper in Royal purple, flamming red velvet bed spreads, chartruese bed linens......everything color coordinated to your eye makeup.

Meow. Hissss. Meow:D:D:D

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As I am a dowager Empress...who might you be speaking of?

A humble servant like myself can only imagine who you are talking about.....

Just think if you go....NCL upon learning of Royalty booking would surely redecorate your cabin........leopard rugs, flocked wall paper in Royal purple, flamming red velvet bed spreads, chartruese bed linens......everything color coordinated to your eye makeup.

Meow. Hissss. Meow


NO Peacock Feathers ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! :confused: :confused:

The Nerve ! :eek:



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I really had no interest in Hawaii before...now really excitied.

I can see this being a good intro to see if return visits to specific islands will be in the future.

The one thing I need to find out is why cruise line hotel packages are not offered to charter cruisers. The hotel packages on the NCL web site are pretty good from what I can see.....

Happy to hear you are going to make the sailing........Maybe Bob and Max.....then there is Peter and Richard,

Yo, Matt and Ralph..........your next on the twist your arm list:D

Homolulu,,,,,,we are coming........anything to get a lei.


Tom-we really did some digging and found some great hotel/air packages from Harrisburg!!! We are looking to arrive 3 or 4 days ahead and found packages that do not require anymore more than the 4 days to get the air rates. Where we are torn is car rental. There is little to no parking in Honolulu, but you need a car to go see anything. (Some city landmarks are easily accesible on public transit.)


Stopped at Max and Bob's new home for a short visit and met some virgin cruisers. Max is hesitant because of the house but Bob definitely sounded interested. we need to work on them. ;) The house is lovely, btw!

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Tom-we really did some digging and found some great hotel/air packages from Harrisburg!!! We are looking to arrive 3 or 4 days ahead and found packages that do not require anymore more than the 4 days to get the air rates. Where we are torn is car rental. There is little to no parking in Honolulu, but you need a car to go see anything. (Some city landmarks are easily accesible on public transit.)


Stopped at Max and Bob's new home for a short visit and met some virgin cruisers. Max is hesitant because of the house but Bob definitely sounded interested. we need to work on them. ;) The house is lovely, btw!


This thread is getting lost-where are you Tom? we're very close to booking

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