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Can you still order as much food as you want??


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I think that's where the misconception is... One of my best female friends who weighs 110 soaking wet could easily outeat my brother and father and has on many occasions. My brother is a large guy, about 280... so according to your ignorant and rude assumptions he would be considered a heifer. He would easily need a much lower quota than my friend. So if the cruise lines judged books by the cover, like you, their food quotas would be way out of wack. They may need another system.


Lol, sorry, heifer wasn't meant to be derogatory. Unless someone is 6'20", 300lbs is considered obese. I should have used that term, as it is scientific.

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I don't think that it is about how much you eat but how wastefull you are. I see no problem with someone eating everything they order (I love the french toast) but to order something just because you can and not eat it is wrong.


It also causes the servers and the cooks extra work.

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I have never ordered multiple orders of the same thing, just because I thought the servings were not adequate, or because I particularly like a single item on the menu, ie; lobster tails. I prefer to order one item from each offered course. I like the idea of a different taste/food experience per course. On Carnival there is so much variety, that most people should find something from each course that is acceptable and or edible. That being said;.. I have no problem with anyone else feeling differently than me. I do however, not like to see food being wasted. Therefore, unless you know that you love lobster tails, dont order two or three unless you know that you will eat them, regardless of whether they are overcooked or not.

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If I've "accidently" ordered too much, can I ask for a take out bag to take back to my cabin for a snack later??? ( and If you're only eating lobsters and butter and other protein, you could probably pack away a lot of food without even gaining any weight or feeling too full - it's when you add all the potatoes and other carbs that you feel so full!) But I agree, you should only order what you think you will eat - if you're still hungry you can always order more!! :)



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Lol, sorry, heifer wasn't meant to be derogatory. Unless someone is 6'20", 300lbs is considered obese. I should have used that term, as it is scientific.



I am assuming you meant 6 feet, 2 inches... which you are quite close. He is actually 6'1". My point was that because someone is overweight doesn't mean they eat more than a person who is considered average, like you clearly assumed and then labeled them in what you describe as a non-derogatory way. Actually, we just went to lunch today. Out of the 3 females at the table and himself, he was the one who couldn't finish his plate and had to bring it home as not to waste. Hence the problem with people today... so quick to assume and label. Thanks for the use of the scientific term... It makes you sound much more pc and a tad less devoid of manners.


So to the original poster... order what you want and as much as you would like to eat or feel content with. You paid your money for the cruise like everyone else did. People do it all the time... you won't be the only one.

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Everyone made a really good point!

Part of the fun thing of a cruise is that you can try new things and be treated like royality and given as much food as you want. I will for sure only order what I can eat..and try to work out at least a little.. because my last cruise I gained 13 lbs:eek:

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On some of the ships we have been on, if I wanted say two lobster tails, I have mentioned to our server that I did not want the sides and the tails came out on one plate with just one set of sides.


I tried my first escargot on a CCL ship and did not eat it. On next ship I decided I needed to try it again in case I was just missing something, did so, and sent it back again. :eek: Won't order again, but it was a great opportunity for me to "broaden my horizons"...


Order what you like. That is part of the fun. Just be sure you can hold most of it! (unless it is escargot for me)


Have fun!


Some special requests are accomodated at the waitor's station, such as the request with lobster, minus the shrimps. In that case, the kitchen offers the plate in it's original form. The waitor then discards the shrimp from the serving station, then he/she brings you the plate.


It's important to know because the above does not reveal that you're not being wasteful, despite the contrary of what most people would think.


Either way, enjoy your food. I'm definitely guilty of not finishing everything on my plate. :)

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Why not be wasteful? Where does the unused/uncooked food from a cruise go? There are no homeless charities at sea are there?


The unused and uncooked food is also given to the employees. 90% of food waste on a ship comes from the passengers over ordering and then not eating it. Also the unused and uncooked foods are inventoried and the next time they order, they order less of those items.

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If items interest me very often will order two starters and two entrees and very often soup and salad.


Will eat at least half of everything and do not feel like a glutton.


I do order everything at one time to make life easier on the waiter.


Only time that will change is if I order only one entree and do not care for it.


Never seem to be a problem with any of the waiters on the 15+ cruises we have been on.


And I am not overweight. Will not do this on land or overeat at a buffet (well sometimes I do) but on a cruise I enjoy myself.

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I wouldn't recommend ordering an extra meal just for a taste. Keep in mind, every entree automatically comes with the normal side dishes as well.


BTW..16 tails for three? This kind of abuse is going to make these kind of things go away.



Exactly! Please don't be wasteful and order a complete entree just to sample. I would think that the chef would gladly prepare a sample size? This is why Cruise Confidential should be required reading for EVERY cruise passenger. :D:D:D

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If you think you can finish it, go right ahead. Personally, I'm usually doing good to finish some bread, 1 starter, an entree and dessert. Not necessarily because I can't eat that much but because the food is richer than I'm used to eating and I just can't eat one more bite of that particular item. I am all for trying something new just to see if I like it. Last time, I tried escargot and loved it!


Myself, I probably wouldn't ask for a plate cover for an entree that I couldn't finish, but I would consider it for dessert just because it's at the end of the meal and would seem less awkward to ask.

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The unused and uncooked food is also given to the employees. 90% of food waste on a ship comes from the passengers over ordering and then not eating it. Also the unused and uncooked foods are inventoried and the next time they order, they order less of those items.


That is for food that doesn't leave the galley. If food is ordered, delivered to the guest, and not eaten, it is wasted, plain and simple. It might go to feed the fishes, but it is probably not the healthiest diet for them...

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Why not be wasteful? Where does the unused/uncooked food from a cruise go? There are no homeless charities at sea are there?



From the Behind the Fun Tour it gets ground up and fed to the fish! :eek:


On our last cruise our waiter discouraged ordering multiples by serving plates one at a time. It made for long dinner and when one person at the table ordered two items everyone else was ready for dessert while the other person was eating their 2nd entree. Very embarassing and a rule set by the Matri 'd.

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On our last cruise our waiter discouraged ordering multiples by serving plates one at a time. It made for long dinner and when one person at the table ordered two items everyone else was ready for dessert while the other person was eating their 2nd entree. Very embarassing and a rule set by the Matri 'd.


I've seen them do it both ways. I prefer one entree at a time. I hate when they try to put two plates in front of you.


I'm also a quick eater, so I know I'm never a hold up. But I've never seen it delay the course unless I had a slow waiter.

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From the Behind the Fun Tour it gets ground up and fed to the fish! :eek:


On our last cruise our waiter discouraged ordering multiples by serving plates one at a time. It made for long dinner and when one person at the table ordered two items everyone else was ready for dessert while the other person was eating their 2nd entree. Very embarassing and a rule set by the Matri 'd.


Right now I'm working on a Project [within the company that I work for] to feed the homeless and the 10% of the population, in L.A. [who are seniors and children] and are living below the poverty line, right here in this big city.

I can't wrap my head around anyone who would order food [anywhere] only to waste it.

I realize that we, who are lucky enough to be going on cruises don't want to "address" my first paragraph, while packing for a cruise but it's my [no, "our"] reality and I have to try and put it aside for the week that I will be watching the glutony and the waste.

Sorry! :(

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Right now I'm working on a Project [within the company that I work for] to feed the homeless and the 10% of the population, in L.A. [who are seniors and children] and are living below the poverty line, right here in this big city.


I can't wrap my head around anyone who would order food [anywhere] only to waste it.


I realize that we, who are lucky enough to be going on cruises don't want to "address" my first paragraph, while packing for a cruise but it's my [no, "our"] reality and I have to try and put it aside for the week that I will be watching the glutony and the waste.


Sorry! :(


An aside, but for Christmas this year, my husband and I gave each other this present: a contribution to Second Harvest, now known as Feeding America. If their website statistics are accurate, 1,500 folks got a meal through our contribution.


I have no problems at all with folks who eat extra desserts, entrees, etc. But I really do find it disgusting when folks just order because they can, and leave a plateful of food behind.

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An aside, but for Christmas this year, my husband and I gave each other this present: a contribution to Second Harvest, now known as Feeding America. If their website statistics are accurate, 1,500 folks got a meal through our contribution.


I have no problems at all with folks who eat extra desserts, entrees, etc. But I really do find it disgusting when folks just order because they can, and leave a plateful of food behind.


Good job..you're an angel! :) I love to cruise and my appetite excellerates while on the ocean.....but I hate it when I walk by a table and see the food that is left behind.

Mind you, I could care less what people put on their plate [it's none of my business] it's just all the food not eaten that makes me crazy! :(

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Reading through a lot of these comments has left me scratching my head. :confused:


I've never had a waiter that discouraged ordering multiple meals - if I even had an inkling that something sounded good, the waiter told me to order it AND something else. Yes, there's been meals I've tried and didn't like. How else am I to discover I didn't like it? Order it on land and pay for a meal I didn't like? Does no one expand their palates on a cruise? I don't order multiples if I'm truly not that hungry, but if they have 2 of my favourite entrees that night, for darn sure I'm ordering them both! If not for this policy, I would never have discovered I like beef wellington, the now-defunct mushroom ragout and escargot.


Carnival mass pre-plates their meals - if I want another steak, but can't eat another helping of potatoes and veggies, is that my fault that they've already plated it? They're going to make 800 of whatever anyways, regardless if I order it or not; it's already made; it'll already go to waste whether or not someone at my table orders seconds or not. It often gets shared so everyone can try it!


My DH is a Red Seal chef - believe me, it's not just cruiselines that pre-plate meals, and have food to go waste. Been to a wedding? They usually allow 10% more plates than guests... and they go to waste quite often.


To the OP - order as much as you like/want. My first cruise I was about 115 lbs soaking wet (I'm 5'4", and am about 15 lbs heavier now, lol) - the waiter's eyes were bugging out at the amount of food I can put away. :)

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Very embarassing and a rule set by the Matri 'd.


That is embarassing? Ha I would not be embarressed by that at all..maybe if someone did it every single night..it would be kind of odd? I still would not think of them badly or anything..I guess that is just me:rolleyes:

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right here in this big city.


I can't wrap my head around anyone who would order food [anywhere] only to waste it.


I think people are starting to miss the point of this topic..

I was just wondering if you could still order multiple things (which I found out you can) in case I am still hungary or I do not like what I am eating (sorry but I will not eat something I don't like) call me wasteful but that is the fun in the cruise because this one week I can be treated like royality. I don't understand why some people have to blow the topic way off.:mad:

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I think people are starting to miss the point of this topic..

I was just wondering if you could still order multiple things (which I found out you can) in case I am still hungary or I do not like what I am eating (sorry but I will not eat something I don't like) call me wasteful but that is the fun in the cruise because this one week I can be treated like royality. I don't understand why some people have to blow the topic way off.:mad:


Don't worry about it. You asked a valid question, in my opinion, and just wanted an answer. This happens sometimes on here. Do not feel badly about your question. Sometimes I have to just stop reading as advised on here by some if things get out of hand. We are all different and have various opinions and attitudes, both good and bad, so again I say, don't worry about it. If anyone has offended, just wonder what they really look like behind the screen... and let it go!


Have a great cruise AND enjoy your food! :)

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This is just ridiculous!!! Y'all must be 300 lbs each


That's what I thought! WOW!:eek:


I remember one outing with our motorcycle club we went to a seafood restaurant near Orlando where you could get all the lobster you could eat one at a time and a modest sized woman ate 15 good sized lobsters!

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It seems that since Carnival quit using that guest chefs menu's (Georges Blanc ???? or who ever) The selection has gotten much better, the sides are better and the portions are much larger.


I had prime rib on the last night of my Dream Cruise and it was 1" thick and covered 3/4 of my plate.


That's good to hear. I don't need bigger portions, just a change from Blanc. I thought it went downhill badly.

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