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First time ever and officially SCARED


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Since you are sailing the Victory, look into a room at the Sheraton Old San Juan. It is just steps away from the Dock that Victory uses. I would suggest getting your passports asap. You can sail with Birth Cert and photo ID, but a passport just makes it easier. Also look at the tours offered by the cruise line. Yes you can get them cheaper off the ship, but for a first cruise with lots of ports it would be less stressfull on you. San juan airport is a zoo on Sunday after your cruise, so don't pick a flight to early in the day, if you can swing it, stay over a day and fly out on Monday. Read some of the reviews from past cruisers, but be warned some will scare the heck out of you, just try to get an average ideal of what to expect. Some are cronic compainers. Read thru all the ports of calls that your ship visits. There is alot of good info on these boards. Ask any ? and someone will have the answer.


Happy cruising.

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Just a few more tips for you...


first and foremost check, double check, and triple check that you have the required ID for boarding...either ID and birth certificate or passport. I swear I check mine at least 5 times on the drive to the airport, LOL


Also make sure you bring lots of $1 bills. you will need to tip the porters who take your luggage, plus for room service tips. Everywhere you go, if anyone does anything for you, they pretty much expect a tip. Also remember the gratuities are $10 pp per day and they are charged to your sail and sign card. You can adjust these as necessary but we usually wind up tipping even more as our service has always been great.


If it were me, I would make at least one day a short day on the island and spend the afternoon lounging by the pool on the ship. It will be very quiet and you'll feel like you have the ship to yourselves. Don't try to do everything...you will be back as cruising is addicting!!


You can order multiple dishes at dinner and I completely recommend going to the dining room vs buffet eating. Some people get all worked up about it but its really a nice relaxing atmosphere and its fantastic to have someone waiting on you!


ITA w/the others-- fly in a day early for sure. Head to the port early and you will probably be one of the first ones on. We usually try to get there between 10:30 and 11:00. The port area will be very busy and some what chaotic when dropping off your luggage but don't let it stress you. it will all work out.


Go w/the attitude that you are going to have a great time and don't let the little things ruin your vacation. And dont be afraid to speak up if something isn't to your liking but don't be ridiculous either, ha ha


Have fun; you'll do great!!!

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theres no such thing as too much cruise ! To be honest, your in for a very, very great time ! Esspicaly as a travel virgin, you have truly picked a great itenanary and just try to be back to the ship 30 mins before the all aboard time and you will be fine. However if I may say, as great as this cruise is and is definitly on my list, the only reason I havnt done it yet is the lack of sea days, and maybe picking a voyage with one or two more seadays would have been better, but nonetheless you have a great trip and experience set up!!! Nothing to worry about !!!! As the folks in the Caribbean would say, 'every little thing is gonna be allright ! " :)

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The southern route out of San Juan is my favorite cruise. I have done it twice and will do it again next summer. I would recommend flying in the day before your cruise so that you don't have to worry about anything going wrong with your flights going to San Juan and you will have a chanc to relax before boarding the ship. If you could find a hotel in Old San Juan that would be great because the OSJ is a great place to walk around. Sailing out of OSJ is like getting a bonus island thrown into the cruise mix.


The Southern route offers a lot of great islands to visit. I would recommend checking out the Ports of Call section of Cruise Critic and also join the roll call for your cruise. You might be able to find some less expensive alternatives to ships excursions if cost is a factor. If cost is not a big factor sticking to ship's excursions will help your alleviate fears of missing the ship. I have stuck with ship excursions just for the convenience factor and have never had a problem. I try to balance cost with activities I know I will enjoy.


St Thomas - a great place to go snorkeling, to a beach, shop, or sightsee. I have done an island tour, gone parasailing and have done 2 different snorkel trips.


Dominica - definitely pick an excursion (independent or through the ship) otherwise it is not really worth getting off the ship. It is a nice island and worth doing some excursion. I have done the Dominca Favorites which goes to Trafalgar Falls and the Emerald Pool. Last time I did river tubing which was a total blast.


Barbados - I have done an island tour and the 5 Star Catamaran and turtle swim which I loved so much I am doing it again next summer


St Lucia - I have done the Rain Forest Aerial Tram (neat) and the Land and Sea tour to Soufriere (a good excursion)


St Kitts - has a nice port area. I have done the Ski Safari Zipline tour which was a blast.


St Martin - my first visit there will be next summer. It looks like there is a lot you can do not too far from the ship. I am still researching that port and hope to have some water activity time


If you do start to become overwhelmed by the number of ports you can always make one day a ship day and kick back and relax. The ship will feel less crowded because most people will be off the ship. The spa often will have discounts on port days to drum up business because so many people do disembark for the day.


Enjoy your cruise you should have lots of fun.

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My hubby and I are going on the same cruise as you and we are the same age and we are first timers!! I've gotten over the scared part and now am just reallllllllly excited for it to get here!! It is going to be so much fun! Just relax and go with the flow (at least that's what I'm telling myself!) :D

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Ok so I am a 25 year old single mom who works and goes to school full time. I have decided to do something crazy... lol I have never seen the ocean, never been on a plain, and have FOR SURE never been on a cruise. I booked the 4/11/2010 Southern Caribbean cruise on Carnival Victory.


St. Thomas



St. Lucia

St. Kitts

St. Maarteen


My boyfriend and I are going and this is a new expierence for us both. My biggest concern... MISSING THE BOAT!.. lol I am scared to wander off too far. Is this to much cruise for my first time???? Oh goodness








this was our first cruise also no problems easy port just ask the question u need too have fun this is by far our favorite port to leave from we have done this 3 times


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Wait until you see how clear and blue the water is. I was 28 when I first saw it. I grew up around a lot of rivers and lakes, but nothing prepared me for the first sight of Caribbean waters.

We sail primarily out of Galveston and to this day I still cannot wait to wake up the first morning on the ship and look out at the blue water.


Take the advise on here that works best for you. Remember, you don't have to do everything and you don't have to be off the ship the entire time at port. We like to get back a little early to avoid that last minute line that always forms just before leaving port.


One thing I didn't see mentioned before is that there is a clock just before you exit the ship at port and make sure your watch has that time on it. That is the time the ship sails on.


Have a great time!!!

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Try this link for First time Cruisers on this board:



And be sure to check the reviews for your ship, some are way over the top, like the ones that say it is PERFECT and the ones that say it was the WORST experience ever! HEre is the Victory:



ALso, the ports of call board will help you with your excursions:



Before you ask a question, try a search, most likely, it has been asked before, but don't worry if you have more questions.


Good luck!

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first and foremost check, double check, and triple check that you have the required ID for boarding...either ID and birth certificate or passport. I swear I check mine at least 5 times on the drive to the airport, LOL


Just a thought. This has been debated many times on CC and everyone has their own opinion. However, I recommend that you take the time and money to order a passport. Although you don't need one (since you are traveling a closed circuit with both ends being the same port in the US), it is a good thing to have. If you or your travel companion have any medical emergency and have to leave the ship anywhere but St Thomas, then you would need a passport for travel back to the US, travel between islands (e.g. if you wanted to miss one night and catch up with the ship the next day) and also for general identification, possibly, with a hospital. Some will take your BC, but some many not. Also, your passport is a photo ID and it will speed up your assistance if you have to visit any US Embassy and will make things easier to wire money from the states should you need to get additional funds while out of the country.


No, you don't need it and thousands travel comfortably without problems every year on cruises without one, but I think it adds peace of mind and security, much like traveler's insurance.

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Ok so I am a 25 year old single mom who works and goes to school full time. I have decided to do something crazy... lol I have never seen the ocean, never been on a plain, and have FOR SURE never been on a cruise. I booked the 4/11/2010 Southern Caribbean cruise on Carnival Victory.


St. Thomas



St. Lucia

St. Kitts

St. Maarteen


My boyfriend and I are going and this is a new expierence for us both. My biggest concern... MISSING THE BOAT!.. lol I am scared to wander off too far. Is this to much cruise for my first time???? Oh goodness


No, it's not too much of a cruise. Why ease into it? Jump in and swim! And remember this ... listen to your gut. There is nothing wrong with being neurotic about missing the boat. If it makes you feel better to get there super early and wait, then get there super early and wait. As for wandering off, again, listen to your gut. If it makes you feel better to keep in view of the ship, keep in view of the ship. If it makes you feel better to take ship's excursions, then take ship's excursions. And if you get off the ship and you don't like the vibe, just get back on the ship. No biggie. This is a big, exciting experience so try to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed and you'll do fine. And then on your next cruise, you'll be a little more adventurous. ;)

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In addition to what everyone else says, I'll throw in my two cents worth...


St. Thomas - one of the major shopping ports. It's all good here.


Dominca - they're serious about ecotourism. Rafting, inner tubing, ziplining, hiking, and the aerial tram give you plenty to consider.


Barbados - if it's a weekday, visit the Mount Gay Rum visitor center. Otherwise, spend $20 for a bottle of their Extra Old (12-yr) rum in the port's shopping center. Best rum you'll probably ever drink. Security will usually take it when you return to the ship, and give it back the last night. Maybe take a sheet of tiny bubble-wrap so you can package it in your checked bag for the trip home.


St. Lucia - I second the motion for the Land and Sea to Soufriere tour. Bring your camera! I think this is the most beautiful island on your itinerary.


St. Kitts - we took the train ride. Fun, not sure it was the best choice, but it was fun.


St. Maarteen - I hear the America's Cup sailboat race is the best tour, but I enjoy taking a taxi to the bar at the end of the airport runway. Search youtube for St. Marten jet to see videos of planes coming in.


In addition to what others said, take twice the cash you think you'll need, and half the clothes. Formal night is fun, and your BF can rent a tux onboard if you really want to spiff him up. We also enjoy the art auctions - even if you don't buy, you can learn a lot. Eat in the main dining room every night - way cool if you are new to it. You can order multiple appetizers or entrees. Try the escargot.


Don't plan on sleeping much. Get up for the sunrise. Visit the spa or gym. Enjoy the night's entertainment. You can nap when you get home!


For photos on the ports you're visiting, take a look at my web site and click Southern Caribbean or one of the Eastern Caribbean links...

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Ok so I am a 25 year old single mom who works and goes to school full time. I have decided to do something crazy... lol I have never seen the ocean, never been on a plain, and have FOR SURE never been on a cruise. I booked the 4/11/2010 Southern Caribbean cruise on Carnival Victory.


St. Thomas



St. Lucia

St. Kitts

St. Maarteen


My boyfriend and I are going and this is a new expierence for us both. My biggest concern... MISSING THE BOAT!.. lol I am scared to wander off too far. Is this to much cruise for my first time???? Oh goodness


You will have a great time! Your itinerary is very port intensive, which can be tiring, so schedule some relaxation time. St. Maarten is a very user-friendly port that you can do on your own. When you step off the ship, there is a ferry that will take you across the small bay to the town. The beach is right there as well as a quaint little town with shops and restaurants.

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You have planned a fun filled cruise with many ports. I think after the cruise you will need a few days to relax, but you will come back addicted to cruising. You don't have to do an excursion in every port and from what you posted you aren't planning to. If you read the ports of call boards, you can get some ideas of things to do and if you don't want to do anything but go to a beach, you can do that.


For example, in St Maarten, there is a beach right near the ship. All you need to do is take the water taxi and when you get off, it's right there. A cruise can be as busy or as relaxing as you want to make it. I found though, when I was young, I wanted to do everything and that's why I said you need a few days to relax after.


I know you will enjoy your cruise and so will your BF. Happy sailing!

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I understand your worries--they are natural. It's almost like "this is too good to be true" and something's going to foul it up. But, that's unlikely.


When I went on my first cruise, I felt fortunate to get to go. I was so surprised when I met people on the ship who were on their 2nd or 3rd or 4th cruise. I had figured it would be a once in a lifetime experience. However, cruising can be addictive. Everything about it is good. The price is reasonable, all things considered. You can take it easy, you can get involved in the ship's activities, you can eat all the new foods you've never tried before, or you can relax and eat burgers and pizza and just veg out. Your biggest worry on the ship will be deciding if you want to go to the show, the casino, the bar, the deck party or just go to bed!


The one thing I haven't seen anyone mention (unless I overlooked it) is Magen's Bay in St. Thomas. We love to go there.


You will have a wonderful time!

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You will fall in love with the sea and the concept of cruising!!!


The airplane ride is always freaky for first time fliers. You just have to go with the flow and if no one else around you is panicing or freaking out, NO worries!!!!!! The noises the plane makes landing can be scary, but the plane has to stop and stop fast!!!!!


Remember, the food will always be there and make the best of the ship and walk around and check everything out...and make time to walk or exercise each day because of all the food you will eat!!!!!! zyou'll want to fit into your clothes when you go home and not go on a crash diet!

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THANKYOU all sooooo much! I feel alot better about it now. My newest worry is on which islands should be my "lay on the beach all day" islands and which should be my few shore excurshions. I think i am definatly booking through the ship for the first time around that way i can see how it all works. We want this to be a relaxing semi romantic time with a few fun shore activities... so far i am thinking about


St thomas- hang out on our own and shop/beach

Dominca- vist the falls and emerald pool

Barbados-snorkling perhpas

St. Lucia- i definatly want to do an island tour with the best views because its a BEAUTIFUL looking place

St. Kitts- no idea

St. Marteen- nooo clue.. maybe beach day??



So see nothing really set in stone... uggh i'm so terrible at making choices and unfortunatly (only in a time like this) my BF is the type that is like "whatever you want hunny.. It doesnt matter ... i just want to be somewhere with you".... USUALLY this melts me away.... now it angers me cause HE NEEDS TO CHOOSE TOO!!!!

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Welcome to Cruising and C/C you are going to really have FUN! :) Your starting out right by coming here and asking questions. IMHO no question is stupid or dumb if the person asking learns something. And if it's already been ask before, who cares you'll get different answers from different people. Your getting good advise on here fly in a day early if possible and get your passport it make traveling so much easier. And you'll need it in the future for your next Cruise! Now my 2 cents on Dominca....be out side when arriving it is a beautiful island. We were there in April '09 and had a pod of dolphins escort us in! :D We did the champagne reef snorkle and it was amazing! Most of all relax and have FUN!

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From my experience, in Barbardos, we took a bus tour - it gave us a nice view of much of the island - the Atlantic shore was beautiful. We booked it through our ship (although we were on the Destiny at the time) and thoroughly enjoyed the tour. I think it was about 4 1/5 hours.


For Domenica - we took a tour that took us to Emerald Falls. The falls is a pretty good hike through the rain forest, but at your age -I imagine it'll be simple for you to do. We were very fortunate that we got a great tour guide - who told us so many interesting facts about the island.


Just enjoy your time... don't try to do to much - and just relax.

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This ones port intensive and most first timers try to do everything.


You will run yourself ragged.


I know we did on our first cruise.




I think every first timer runs yourself ragged. it sounds like you are well on your way to having a great time.


My first cruise was on RCI Vision of the seas, before I got to the port I had never seen a cruise ship before. my first thought was wow this thing is huge. I have lived in towns with fewer people than this ship holds.

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I think every first timer runs yourself ragged.



Not me. My first time, somebody else picked the ship and I showed up knowing nothing. It wasn't until after the first one that I learned the joys of doing extensive research/reading...

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In St. Martin, as someone else already suggested, give the Americas Cup Races a look see. They use actual boats that were used in previous races. You are the crew and do the work, they even have someone responsible for passing out beverages. It's amazing how FAST these boats actually go. It's one of my favorite excursions ever.


After that is over, there is a nice little beach bar right there for just laying out, jet skiing or whatever. They even had a neat little sign showing the days wind chill....it was 85.

Have a great cruise and when this one is over, start planning your next cruise



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Ok so I am a 25 year old single mom who works and goes to school full time. I have decided to do something crazy... lol I have never seen the ocean, never been on a plain, and have FOR SURE never been on a cruise. I booked the 4/11/2010 Southern Caribbean cruise on Carnival Victory.


St. Thomas



St. Lucia

St. Kitts

St. Maarteen


My boyfriend and I are going and this is a new expierence for us both. My biggest concern... MISSING THE BOAT!.. lol I am scared to wander off too far. Is this to much cruise for my first time???? Oh goodness


Nothing to be scared of, however, if you do feel that way make sure you fly into San Juan the day before your cruise. Also, book your excursions through Carnival. If anything happens, Carnival will wait for their excursions. Lastly, make note of what time to be back on the ship and get there at least 30 minutes early. Now, stop worrying and enjoy the next 3 months. By the way, we will be going to St Maarten, St Kitts and St Lucia next week. Can't wait. :D

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