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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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The Artist v. The Chief Officer.



From Slinkie & Grumpy: "Stephen, did you and Andre argue about that again, yesterday?"



You bet I did!!!!! I hate to wait for the right moment and then I was able to strike. Andre and I was having coffee in the Lido. He was talking about the 13 days in drydock and the he made a comment about blue paint 'overspray' which had landed up on some of his teak decks. At that exact point I was able to make my strike. I quickly said, "Well, if that dam blue paint line was one deck lower that wouldn't have happened!"


Yesterday's score: Artist 1, Chief Officer Nil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My preference is for the paint line in the lower position. It then bears a family resemblance to the bow paintlines on the old STATENDAM and ROTTERDAM.


One day either I will get out a big roller and paint the ship or Andre will get a blue marker and colour in my painting!!!!


I have another PRINSENDAM painting planned. I will bow to pressure and and paint it the way the ship looks... rust and all! ;-)



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It's not his - it's about him of course, but it's not Stephen's site. Nonetheless there are some very nice photos of his paintings there, and for that it's definitely worth looking at!


Sorry Prinsendam....its was a faux pas....but I hope I had the right intentions......


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From Slinkie & Grumpy: "Stephen, did you and Andre argue about that again, yesterday?"


The Painter v. The Chief Officer



You bet I did!!!!! I hate to wait for the right moment and then I was able to strike. Andre and I was having coffee in the Lido. He was talking about the 13 days in drydock and the he made a comment about blue paint 'overspray' which had landed up on some of his teak decks. At that exact point I was able to make my strike. I quickly said, "Well, if that dam blue paint line was one deck lower that wouldn't have happened!"


Yesterday's score: Painter 1, Chief Officer Nil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My preference is for the paint line in the lower position. It then bears a family resemblance to the bow paintlines on the old STATENDAM and ROTTERDAM.


One day either I will get out a big roller and paint the ship or Andre will get a blue marker and colour in my painting!!!!


I have another PRINSENDAM painting planned. I will bow to pressure and and paint it the way the ship looks... rust and all! ;-)



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Thanks for mentioning the Website. Yes, as Doug pointed out it is not my webpage. It is called the 'Unofficial HAL Homepage' and is run by Hans Segboer. Great site if you are interested in anythin Holland America.


Hans Segboer, BTW, arrived in New York from Rotterdam on board the old ROTTERDAM... on her maiden voyage 1959... aged about 9 or 10.



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Doug, Liz, Jennie, Jig, Claudia, Ruth, Denis....


Many thanks for your kind and warm welcome to CC! Please don't believe half of what Doud said!



Ruth, that was not me misbehaving on the final cruise of the old Rotterdam. Must have been my double. :rolleyes:



Jig, Captain Bos will be cruising down under on the STATENDAM later this year. He is joining right after Christmas.


Looking forward to having STATENDAM down here. It is always nice to cruise from Sydney... and avoid 15,000 miles in a jumbo jet!



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The Prinsendam paintings.....


The story of the five paintings made for Prinsendam began long before the ship was taken over by HAL.


I started work on the series in 2001. As the Prinsendam was going to be refitted in a US shipyard instead of in Europe, VFD, the interior architects instructed me to ' have the paintings mounted onto fireproof aluminium panels and framed to our EXACT specifications and shipped to the shipyard in the USA'.


First I had to find a framer who could make the mouldingsto the exact shape and finish specified by VFD. I found the one and only framer who could hand make the frames, a Dutch fellow, up at Bondi Junction, not far from where I live in Randwick.


It took him a few months to make the frames. I also found a restorer who could mount the canvas. Anyhow, by January 2002, the paintings were framed, crated and ready for shipping.


SEABOURN SUN was due in Sydney on her world cruise, but rather than put the paintings on board, it was decided to put them on board AMSTERDAM a week later. AMSTERDAM would put them ashore in Lauderdale at the end of the world cruise.


Sounds nice and simple doesn't it? Well, a few days before PRINSENDAM was due to complete her refit, someone went looking for the paintings. They could not be found in the warehouse. The Chief Engineer remember they were being shipped on AMSTERDAM so they sent a message to the ship asking where the painting were. They were indeed aboard AMSTERDAM.... in ALASKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worse, someone had decided to dismantle the crates... to use the timber... so new crtaes had to be made and the paintings shipped back to Florida to put on board PRINSENDAM.


Now, had the paintings arrived at the ship as planned, Andre woudl have seeen the painting of the PRDM and painted his ship 'correctly'.


Ah, these things happen!



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Grumpy thanks for clearing up the Length of your Marriage to Slinkie!!

Now where in the heck did you two come up with your names on here???:rolleyes:

That should be a interesting story .........I'm sure of it!!


I found this webcam for Melbourne. It seems like it gives you a closer look-see of the port.


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Prinsendam (Stephen),


Thanks for telling us the story of the paintings and you are far too modest. Did you do any of the paintings on the Maasdam? I will be looking at them more closely this time in July. I hope you received my email with the 2 photos.




You are very kind. Yes I do love Melbourne but I also love Sydney and best of all Australia. We are very lucky to be living in the land of downunder. I count my blessings every day.


I am looking forward to meeting up with Slinkie and Grumpy tomorrow. I also love Hong Kong but my favourite hotel is the Intercontinental which used to be the Regent, right on the Harbour. We used to love watching the planes take off and land when the airport was at Kai Tac. I will certainly give them some tips on where to shop!!



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Yes, I have five paintings on board MAASDAM.. all five MAASDAMs. A sixth painting that was made for the ship ended in Carnival's Head Office.


I have painted a set for each HAL ship since STATENDAM in 1993. It started off as a commission to make one single painting of the new STATENDAM. To date I have completed something like 70 pieces for HAL... fourteen years work!


I am putting the complete collection together and hope to have a book out by the end of the year. There should be 80 illustration altogether, puls some additional pen & ink sketches.


Will keep you advised.


Great chatting with you yesterday. Many thanks for the photos. BTW, they did not get bounced by Hotmail.... they were sitting in my Junk Mail Folder as it did not recognise your address.





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Its been wonderful sailing with you around the world!!!!!


Grumpy - just as a warning - Hong Kong is very dangerous shopping territory - you can bargain...on jewelry.........


Be thankful - on the 2003 QE2 WC a man & his wife had the 2 top suites on the ship - one they used themselves & the other was for the shopping & when the kids came to visit!!!!!!


Enjoy enjoy enjoy & of course...BON VOYAGE

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Hi Rotterdam,



Mr & Mrs Rosenberg are the 'tennants' of the two penthouses on EVERY QE2 world cruise!!!!!


The extra penthouse is for friends etc who are flown in to join them for a week or two during the cruise.


I understand that Cunard built two penthouses into the Queen Mary 2 especially for the Rosenburgs. Unfortunately Mr Rosenburg likes to smoke... in Queen's Grill and the Grills on QM2 are strictly non-smoking, so the Rosemburgs will not stp fooot on the Mary!


Mr Rosenburg could double for King George V. Always impeccably dressed. Jacket and tie, even for breakfast. But then, I guess Mrs Rosenburg is not the one doing the laundry!



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Grumpy - just as a warning - Hong Kong is very dangerous shopping territory - you can bargain...on jewelry.........


The "shopping paradise" reputation there (still no sales tax, fierce competition, latest design, etc.) is not holding too well nowadays with the fakes, scams and rushes everywhere, particularly in the tourists area. I born and grow up there but only buy expensive items from the most reputable stores now.

It has so much to offer day and night that your two-days visit there shall give you a taste of how dynamic yet noisy this place is. Still, it is relatively safe and friendly and... good foods.

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Wow, more very interesting reading! I am so enjoying all of this! :)


Slinkie and Grumpy, do tell my friend Jennie (AussieGal) hello from me! We met in Tahiti last March. Jennie and Peter are very nice, and good fun!


Or, Jennie, please say hello to Slinkie and Grumpy for me! We miss them on Floataway! Grumpy still has his stool waiting for him in the lounge, and Slinkie has lots of shopping stories to tell! ;) :D And send a pic to me, if you get one!

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I just need to thank Atseadaze and Annieeee for their description of the carwash pants and also thank Nita for the picture! No it makes sense that they look like the thingies that woosh around the car to dry it toward the end.


I have to confess I had never heard of these, but they look really neat and I think I have to get shopping!!! Thanks.:)

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Stephen -


I could not recall Mr & Mrs Rosenbergs name....the Chart Room is my favorite watering hole onboard QE2.


I was on the NY to LA portion of the 2003 World Cruise & each evening after dinner I had my after dinner drink at the bar in the Chart Room - served by the wonderful Vicky(redhead that dates the butcher onboard). I felt like the town drunk as I was the only one sitting at the bar.


Each evening the Rosenbergs sat behind me at a table that always had a "Reserved" sign on it. and yes each evening he would have a smoke or two. They are a handsome couple - she was always beautifully dressed(as much as he was handsomely suited). We never spoke but it was sort of a habit that the three of us were the only ones in that area of the Chart Room each evening.


Even though I never really met them it was interesting to be sailing(even for a short period) with people like the Rosenbergs. I really love the QE2 & the Rosenbergs are part of the atmosphere. Wonderful.


Stephen - thank you once again for sharing your talents...I've been sailing since the 1970s & love the ocean liners of the 1900's. With many sailngs onboard HAL I would purposely look at the artwork onboard & make sure I covered the stairwells(I go to sea for the ocean, beautiful air, the stars & being rocked to sleep - I miss a porthole that opens).


I (along with many others) look forward to your book....full moon , smoothe seas to you!

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Dear Rotterdam,


Vicky is fine and doing well!


We saw her on the December crossing... still in Chartrooom Bar. I preferred that bar when it was Midship Bar. Remember? They could close those big dark curtains and no one would ever know who was sitting at the bar!!!! :rolleyes:


For two years in a row Ruth and I have sat at a table next to the Rosenburgs up in Queen's Grill on the crossing. We nod once in a while but have never spoken. It would be inappropriate to speak... we have never been introduced!


My favourite bar tender is Brian Workman. Brian was on the old QUEEN OF BERMUDA back in the 60's and knows Bermuda well so we have much to talk about.


Yes, I love QE2, but not as much as the old ROTTERDAM! I clocked up 340 days on board before she was retired. What a shame.. she was perfect in every respect.


Meanwhile.... PRINSENDAM is in Melbourne today. I trust everyone is having a good time.


For discussion.... has everyone looked at PRINSENDAMs world cruise 2006? Any comments on the itinerary? Fekko tells me they purposely left out the Pacific & Far East because the AMSTERDAM will be covering that area on her October Orient cruise.


Rotterdam.... am glad you like the paintings. It makes the effort worth while knowing that the work is appreciated. More to come! I've still got 700 litres of HAL blue left!



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Your pictures are awesome. We look at them every chance we can and have admired your artistic talent for years. What an honor to be able to write to you!

We are sailing on the 2006 World Cruise, and although it is a thrill to be going, we think that we prefer the 2005 itinerary. We chose 2006 as we will both be celebrating our 60th. birthdays that year and we thought it was a wonderful way to celebrate 6 decades. Two special treats will be the total solar exlipse on March 29 and the transit through the Suez Canal on March 25.


We can only hope that our experience will be as wonderful as the one Grumpy and Slinkie are having, and that we are able to be as eloquent as they have been.

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Grumpy and Slinkie


I just stumbled onto this site and your postings of the world cruise, and I have to tell you how excited I am to read your accounts of your adventure. My little sister is an ACD on board the Prisendam right now. Her name is Elizabeth (I think they might call her Lizzy), I'm not sure if you have met her yet. I love reading all about your experience on board and in the ports. Elizabeth has tried to keep us up to date with what is going on, but she doesn't always have the ability or time to email, so reading your posts has been WONDERFUL. I read that a couple other families of crew onboard are reading your posts too. Know how wonderful it is for the families of the crew to be able to hear all that is going on, and from a passengers point of view. You two are incredible for keeping us all informed!!! Thank you! I hope you are enjoying Australia, I hear it is beautiful!!!! Enjoy!

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Hi sjs79,


The families of the 4 ACDs aboard are pretty well represented now. I'm Jen's Mum, and JohnnyI's Mum also reads this thread. Is there anyone from Emily's family out there?


Grumpy and Slinky, thanks again from me for your wonderful adventure blog. It is especially exciting to read for someone with family aboard. :)

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Dear Stephen -


The Rotterdam V is my favorite also(hence my CC name) I had 4 cruises on her & loved every minute. I grew to love the QE2..I thought the FRANCE more beautiful & any Italian ship the most fun! Glad to hear Vicky is soing well - she introduced me to Makers Mark Manhattans & my life hasn't been the same since!


Oh yes those curtains......they also kept the dawn out of site!!!!!!!


HAL always made a point of the art onboard their ships....I hope people take a moment & appreciate all of it. I make a point of seeing as much as I can - I love it all. The current Volendam is a favorite as is the new Amsterdam...I would trade it all for a cruise on the old Niew Amsterdam..now that is a SHIP!


I did see the 2006 world cruise...interesting. Since I have yet to circumnavigate the globe, I would choose a full world cruise. Especially after meeting many WC'ers on QE2 - its a colorful group!



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Your Devoted Voyageurs Here!

Travel & Adventure on the high seas - (Around the world, no less ...)

Love & Romance -(reassuring us all that it is never too late!)

Host Doug for introducing " Prinsendam the Person "...

Prinsendam/ aka/ Stephen J Card for his beautiful art (and alerting us to the up-coming book which all of us following here will surely want first editions of..)



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Yes, I love QE2, but not as much as the old ROTTERDAM! I clocked up 340 days on board before she was retired. What a shame.. she was perfect in every respect.

Clearly, you were never in the Ladies' Room on Upper Promenade! (It was very tiny.) Couldn't turn around in one stall; the other was smaller. Ladies in elegant gowns did not have it easy.

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Hi Ruth,


It was cramped over on the other side as well!


I remember a cabin I had up on Boat deck... the bathroom was a bit tight. One day I had left the towel rail switched on. (For those that never sailed in the old ROTTERDAM, the towel rails were heated to dry wet towels and keep them nice and warm.) Well, I had just some out of the shower and was brushing my pearls, bent over and, as Forrest Gump would say, burned the buttocks!!!! Oh it wasn't bad but I was a bit more careful from then on.



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Grumpy & Slinkie -


Thanks for the most recent installment - still loving every minute of it.... :)


I do have a question for Stephen (Prinsendam) and hope no one minds, we've had the pleasure of enjoying your work for years. We usually always take the stairs while onboard and stop to look at each and everyone. Welcome!


I was on the maiden voyage (well, the U.S. maiden) of the Noordam III and we just completed her final 9-day voyage, Rome to Lisbon. I asked the crew and a few of the Officers what was to become of the artwork and most was being shipped back to Seattle and may end up on the next Noordam.


I was extremely interested in obtaining one of the paintings, but to no avail. Do you know if they will be displayed on the Noordam IV when she is completed? I simply love the Noordam III and will miss her tremendously.

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Prinsendam/Stephen: I have just ordered "Curnarder" and can't wait for it to arrive.


Please know how much I enjoy your work. When I cruise with HAL, first thing I do after getting settled in is go looking for the paintings. As a collection they surely must be the finest group of marine paintings in the world. You should be very proud.


Please start a thread on CC when your book is published and please let us know who the publilsher will be and the US distributor if you can.


I have often wondered why you and HAL do not make prints of your work availablle on board the ships. No need to answer this. I'm sure you have good reasons, but it would be nice for the passengers if prints were available.


Very best to you. I hope you will be painting for many many more years.

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