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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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Grumpy and Slinkie - - I am glad that you enjoyed your day at Santarem. When we were on the Amazon Cruise some of the people at our table took that same tour you did, and said it was not very interesting. Now-maybe that was because we were at low water level and you are at high water level. It is to bad you couldn't go up further into the Amazon. Some of the other ports are much better then Santarem and the further up the river you go the more interesting it gets. We have enjoyed reading your posts and will miss not having them to look forward to after you are back in Florida. Take care of Slinkie and I hope you don't have too much duty to pay on your purchases. Penny

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I'll forgive you on the 9th of May as I sail down the Hudson River onboard Prinsemdam!(with Dutch Gin in hand)!



Please don't forget to look up Tom Cassidy who is also on your crossing!



On the old ROTTERDAM.... New Year's Eve 1994... the Ocean Bar's bar tender Gary Miguel was 'persuaded' by a few of us to try some Young Genever.... several shots in fact. The next day I walked into the bar and asked Gary for a Grolsch and genever. The poor guy told me no way would he ever TOUCH a genever bottle again never mind drink it!!!!!


Heavens! It is ten years since I was on board the old ROTTERDAM... steaming towards Lauderdale at the end of my own world cruise. I still have one of the baggage lables..... joined Ft Lauderdale 20th December 1994 - Disembarked 18th April- 1995. Four months! I stretched out the cruise by making the Christmas cruise to the Caribbean first. Rather than attempt to fly back to Bermuda with nine pieces of baggage, I did an overnight in Lauderdale then next day joined QE2 for a two day cruise up to Bermuda. Well, she IS a ferry !!! :-)


I still have fond memories of that world cruise. It was the ultimate cruise. That is what makes the world cruise so special. Of course is does have to be a Holland America world cruise. ;-)



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Me, too, Grumpy & Slinkie! Thank you so much for the hours you've spent telling us of your amazing, fantastic journey.


But I cannot help but burst into song as you wind down these last few days. So indulge me while I sing .................


The party's over

It's time to call it a day

They've burst your pretty balloon

And taken the moon away

It's time to wind up the masquerade

Just make your mind up the piper must be paid


The party's over

The candles flicker and dim

You danced and dreamed through the night

It seemed to be right just being with him

Now you must wake up, all dreams must end

Take off your makeup, the party's over

It's all over, my friend


The party's over

It's time to call it a day

'they've burst your pretty balloon and taken the moon away'

Now you must wake up, all dreams must end

Take off your makeup, the party's over

It's all over, my friend


14 ...... Safe home, my friends.

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Truth is, while on a cruise, I hate to do such mundane things as sit at a computer typing. (After all, I do this every day at home! I do usually check my personal e-mails though, just to make sure nothing is going on that needs my urgent attention, and to let everyone know that the ship has not sunk ;) .)


One thing about the World Cruise is the large number of sea days. I just did 12 days and could not get into puters for more than a quick email check. But for an extend cruise with lots of sea days, I could see myself doing a "Grumpy"... writting a little at a time and then cut and pasting it online. :p


A sidenote: RSSC Mariner has not upgraded to WiFi yet, so you had to use their puters. One thing I forgot to bring was a USB flash memory stick so I could not transfer text from my Powerbook to their puters :mad: HAL looks to have all their ships with WiFi, so even if you had to take a laptop to a Wifi area that would not be a big deal.

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Please don't forget to look up Tom Cassidy who is also on your crossing!

I'll second that. Rotterdam, please tell him that Doug Newman says hello.


I still have one of the baggage lables..... joined Ft Lauderdale 20th December 1994 - Disembarked 18th April- 1995.

Funny you should bring that up... My grandparents were actually aboard with you during the Panama Canal segment! My parents and I saw the ship in NYC that year, though my grandparents boarded at FLL.


So they were on the ship with you, and I saw her while you were aboard! I never knew this.


I suppose it is quite possible that you met them then, though of course you would not know who they are (and they do not recall having ever met you, though they know your paintings).

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Prinsemdam -


Stephen - you lucky man - Rotterdam V's Ocean Bar is my all time favorite...I'd pull a chair up to the window have a cocktail & watch the sea go by. Genever is hard to find - probably for everyone's safety. Last time I had Genever onboard was on the old Westerdam(ex Homeric) in that ships Ocean Bar. The bottle actually belonged to the Captain & he graciously shared a few drinks with me. I usually have it with cola or straight up. I would of loved a World Cruise onboard Rotterdam V. I still have my ticket, brochure, menus etc from my 1978 & 1981 cruises. I look forward to being onboard her again when she is restored.


Grumpy - By the way - my Dad always says the Dutch aren't cheap - they just have deep pockets.

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Good evening all the cc members.


After reading your thread---GRUMPY---I decided this very morning --I am going-----

Indeed this morning I got the information,this afternoon -- I booked!--

What a life with internet,you even met your partner there I read.


And now I realise I should not met you and your wife.

I am boarding in /at ?? Ford Lauderdale and you are LEAVING?


You are not going to New York???


I think you earn -----for all your PR.

Even in the Netherlands we are reading your thread.


I had to cancel a cruise on 1* april by illness,but now I am happy to join the Prinsendam.

I am curious are ther still some passengers left on board??They have not closed booking yet.

Grumpy THANKS for your posssitive story's .


Perhaps I see yo on the parkingplace,you leaving with a lot of luggage.

I have to do a lot of work, to pack, but I like this impulsif decisions.

You too I have read.


Bye -bye ,see you and Slinky somewhere at one of the seas.



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Prinsemdam -



Grumpy - By the way - my Dad always says the Dutch aren't cheap - they just have deep pockets.


Take care I am Dutch !!!!!

The jenever is not so expensive in Holland but strong,when I find a bottle in the cupboard I'll take it with me to the cc meeting. I don't like it.(jenever)

I am boarding in Ford Lauderdale,so I hope I get it on board as a present.


TELL me Is that possible??


See/mail you



PS where can I write my name for the cc .?

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Thanks much for sharing your adventures with us!


In retrospect, is there anything that you would change about your around-the-world experience, ie: would you have preferred to stay longer in certain ports and avoided others, taken more or different excursions, etc?

And given that money were not an issue, would you do it again or is this a once in a lifetime experience for you?

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I can't believe your world cruise will be ending this week. It seems like yesterday I started reading your posts. You really have a way with words.

I hope you brought your sister, Lynnaldo a few trinkets along the way. She deserves something for holding down the fort. I look forward to reading about the rest of your cruise.



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Grumpy: Thanks for all your wonderful posts!


Last night I found out that a classmate from junior college and her husband have been on the Prisendam and wonder if you have met them: Linda and John, from North Carolina--I apologize that I don't have their last name! If you know who they are, please pass on to Linda our best regards and hope she and her DH have had as much fun as you and Slinky have had. My DW's first name is Virginia-that should help Linda place us.


We are looking forward to our brief sojourn on the Pinsendam in about 3 months!

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Is this some of your art work on the Zaandam posted on this website

Yes, that's his!


Wonderful, isn't it?




What, you think you're the first person to say that to me ;) ?


Actually, I understand the urge, since I'm a big "Seinfeld" fan too. (Actually this is a big joke in my family.) Just wish they could have given the name "Newman" to a more flattering character ;) .

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Take care I am Dutch !!!!!

The jenever is not so expensive in Holland but strong,when I find a bottle in the cupboard I'll take it with me to the cc meeting. I don't like it.(jenever)

I am boarding in Ford Lauderdale,so I hope I get it on board as a present.


TELL me Is that possible??


See/mail you



PS where can I write my name for the cc .?






I woudl suggest that someone ask Phem Kuipers, the GRM to put up a notice in the lobby asking CC'ers to 'sign up'. Failing that... you should all hang out at the Ocean Bar at noon every day.:rolleyes:



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I am boarding in Ford Lauderdale,so I hope I get it on board as a present.


TELL me Is that possible??


See/mail you







It is not usually permitted to bring onboard alcohol or rocket fuel (jenever) in your carry-on baggage. Beer and wine excepted. If you wish to bring a bottle on board it must be packed in your suitcase. If you make certain that it is carefully packed to avoid breakage.... and avoid walking around in a tux smelling like a distillery... you should be OK.


Goede Reise!



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Well - we ALMOST got Flat Grumpy and Slinkie in each port last week - it poured in St. Lucia (although the sun was shining on the other side of the island in the Pitons) so no photo there and we never had a chance to take a photo in San Juan. But the rest were taken and I will post them as soon as I can figure out how. We did get some VERY strange looks taking the photos but who cares....if they don't know who Grumpy and Slinkie are, that is their loss - :p . I am glad that others picked up the thread and are continuing your "Flat" world tour #2. Had a good cruise - but RCCL can't compete with HAL - not a bad cruise at all - just average - but we had a great time not doing much at all which is what we went for. Now searching for the next cruise for fall. Mucho thanks, again, for sharing the world with us Grumpy and Slinkie. I have relived places I have been and you have peaked my interest to try other new places that we hadn't considered before. Glad to hear that you intend to keep this thread going for awhile after you get home. Oh oh - what is that I feel? I think it is the Prinsendam heading back to FLL - with all you have bought, I think that end of Florida is sinking a bit from the weight of all your goods! Welcome back to the USA guys! :cool: Cindie

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I forgot - that Senior thing going on again - when we got home our latest Mariner mag was here - with photos of some of the guests on the World Tour with Grumpy and Slinkie - I was SO disappointed the there wasn't a G&S photo included - if HAL folks are reading these boards, they should know how important G&S are to us!

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Well, it has been a long time a coming, but here she is!


Six weeks from start to finish. The scene shows the old NIEUW AMSTERDAM outbound from Rotterdam c.1958. Astern is the STATENDAM and the MAASDAM.. at far right, entering the Rijnhaven is the MUIDERKERK. The big building just past te bows opf the Nw AMSTERDAM is the old HAL Head Office... now Hotel New York... great place to stay.


Once the paint is dry it will be pack and shipped to Holland for framing and will be installed on board PRINSENDAm when she comes into Amsterdam at the end of June.


Sorry about the poor quality of the photo. :( The painting measures 26" x 72" and I couldn't get the lighting to balance evenly on the painting.... left side looks green and the right side too red. I didn't paint it that way!!!!:rolleyes:


I don't know if anyone in this group remembers the old Nieuw Amsterdam? She was HAL's wondership... built 1938 and scrapped in 1974. A real beauty!


I visited the ship many time in Bermuda when I was a kid. One of my best memories of the ship was sitting in the dining room... age 12, having lunch with the Cruise Director, Robert 'Bob' Smith.... my first introduction to Dutch green pea soup. Bob had been CD on the ship since 1938... except for the war years and he stayed with the ship to the end. Bob was a real life hero. He was Cruise Director on the MORRO CASTLE when she burned off Asbury Park in 1934. Saved many lives on that fateful night. I had already read the book and he gave my his account of the fire.


Anyhow.... now this is finished I can get back to work on the paintings for the NOORDAM.






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Well, it has been a long time a coming, but here she is!


Six weeks from start to finish. The scene shows the old NIEUW AMSTERDAM outbound from Rotterdam c.1958. Astern is the STATENDAM and the MAASDAM.. at far right, entering the Rijnhaven is the MUIDERKERK. The big building just past te bows opf the Nw AMSTERDAM is the old HAL Head Office... now Hotel New York... great place to stay.


Once the paint is dry it will be pack and shipped to Holland for framing and will be installed on board PRINSENDAm when she comes into Amsterdam at the end of June.


Sorry about the poor quality of the photo. :( The painting measures 26" x 72" and I couldn't get the lighting to balance evenly on the painting.... left side looks green and the right side too red. I didn't paint it that way!!!!:rolleyes:


I don't know if anyone in this group remembers the old Nieuw Amsterdam? She was HAL's wondership... built 1938 and scrapped in 1974. A real beauty!


I visited the ship many time in Bermuda when I was a kid. One of my best memories of the ship was sitting in the dining room... age 12, having lunch with the Cruise Director, Robert 'Bob' Smith.... my first introduction to Dutch green pea soup. Bob had been CD on the ship since 1938... except for the war years and he stayed with the ship to the end. Bob was a real life hero. He was Cruise Director on the MORRO CASTLE when she burned off Asbury Park in 1934. Saved many lives on that fateful night. I had already read the book and he gave my his account of the fire.


Anyhow.... now this is finished I can get back to work on the paintings for the NOORDAM.





Absolutely Wonderful!!!! I sure hope you charge HAL and arm and a leg for your beautiful paintings! They look priceless! :)
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