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LAFFNVEGAS'S First LIVE From a Princess Ship The Crown


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I am not sure if the Crown Grill was having an off night or if Princess purchased very low quality meats but the three of us with meat all agreed it was probably one of the worst quality of steaks we have had. Sadly it was not what I was expecting. I had thought it would be close to the HAL Pinnacle Grill quality but it definitely was not.


I wasn't overly impressed with the Crown Grill on the Crown Princess in November. I had better food at Sterlings steakhouse on every other Princess ship. To be fair, my meal on HAL's Pinnacle Grill a few years ago on the Oosterdam was my only disappointing meal on HAL - it was equally disappointing.


Chef's Table is a totally different beast and has nothing to do with the quality at the Crown Grill.

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We have enjoyed Sabatini's but just WAY too much food. Our experience with the Crown Grill last year on the Emerald was just the opposite - everything was wonderful & delicious - maybe it's the ship/chef.:confused: On our HAL cruise the Pinnacle Grill was not up to par, IMHO - with food or service.:(


Enjoy Cozumel & have a Margarita or two for us!:D




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Tuesday January 19th, 2010


Good Afternoon from Mohogany Bay at Roatan Honduras.


What is a word the describes something much better than Perfection???


I had originally thought that this was a port that we might not even get off the ship. Then I had done some reading on Cruise Critic about this new port facility at Mahogany Bay. Having been to Grand Turks twice last year I sort of visualized that. OH MY GOSH!!!! It is so much better. I have been to many beaches in our travels and the beauty of the area is just amazing. We did get the chance to sleep in this morning without a wake up call but mostly because we gained an hour of sleep last night. We woke just before we arrived at Roatan to watch the Captain get the enormous ship backed into her slip. Either the Officers on the Bridge dread getting the Crown in here or they love it for the challenge. Having Mini Suite E730 proved to be the perfect location with watching the show of getting in here and seeing everything up close. I cannot wait to view the pictures.


We spent the day on Mahogany Beach under a palm tree, reading, swimming, with caribbean music playing in the back ground and drinking Mojitos of course.:D The beach is so nice with the sand being more packed and easier to walk on. Plus the water is so crystal clear and warm. I know that I have never swam so much as I did today at a beach.

The new facility here has some very nice shops with many more shops that will be opening. The walk over to Mahagany Beach is nice but is far more fun to take the Magical Flying Beach Chair over to the Beach. For just $5.00 per person you can take it back and forth all day. Tom is normally very afraid of heights but he found it a lot of fun and so did I. The view were quite nice from there as well. The Magical Flying Beach Chair is like a ski lift.

We are now back in the cabin relaxing, we both got a bit of sun today and have red noses but nothing too severe because we were wearing sun block. Tom went up to get us some slices of pizza as a snack. I did not want to each much because we have 6:30 reservations at the Crown Grill. I did not even have breakfast this morning but then I am sure my body was still surviving on last night's dinner from Sabatini's.


I do think I have found my new favorite Port of Call. I could easily come back here on every cruise. You can bet the next time we cruise the Western Caribbean it will have to have a port stop in Roatan Honduras or I will not chose it.;)


I think I will sign off for now to do a bit more reading and relaxing before i get ready for dinner.


Signing off from the Beautiful Crown Princess located in true Paradise.:)





Thanks for all your posting. We will be on the Crown in April. Question for you though....we are trying to figure out which mini suite to book regarding which side of the ship to be on. We like to be on the side that the ship dock on so that we can watch the docking and see the island as we are pulling in. Which side is that. We will be going on the same itinereary as you.

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Hi Lisa,


We went to the Crown Grill in October for my special birthday. There were six of us. The meals were good except my husband`s porterhouse steak which was very tough. They exchanged it for a fillet but it spoiled the birthday a bit as we then had to sit while my husband ate his steak after us.


We were given to believe that this was an unusual complaint but reading the posts here, maybe it is not.:(


We had better steaks in the main dining room without the extra charge. We had an all round better experience in Sabatinis.

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We're eaten 3 times in the Crown Grill. Last year on the Ruby, we found the steaks, potatoes, and vegetables to be quite flavorless. In fact, the only part of the meal that we enjoyed was the molten chocolate cake.


We ate in the Crown Grill on the Caribbean Princess last summer and again a few weeks ago on the Crown Princess, and our meals were FABULOUS. The steaks were tender and flavorful, and all the accompaniments were delicious. I have no idea why there was such a difference, but we're definitely looking forward to eating there again when we're on the Crown in February. Hopefully, it will live up to our last 2 experiences!


I have a question about the beach at Mahogany Bay in Roatan. Several people have written on these boards that they had been badly bitten by sand fleas on the beach there. I know that you mentioned that you spent the day on the beach and loved it. Did you have any problem with bug bites? I certainly hope not as I would like to spend some time on the beach there in February, but not if I am going to have a problem with sand fleas.


Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated on your cruise. It's really fun to read your comments. Have fun!



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My experience with Crown Grill is that it is definitely "hit or miss". And that should not be acceptable for an alternative restaurant that you have to pay extra for. :(


I do hope you sent back your steaks. They needed to fix the problems. I was on the Golden in November and we sent back my Mom's entree. She received another meal and they were glad to correct the problem.


I am sorry you had such a poor experience.

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Well--sorry to read about your evening at the Crown Grill--we must have eaten all the good food--do you think??? We were the first in the restaurant with a 6pm reservation--


I had the whole lobster--very good

John had the fillet which was sooooo tender--I can't remember which sauce

I had a shrimp appetizer that was very good and was quite large for an appetizer


We did the Chef's Table a couple of nights ago---it was great !!!! starting with the champagne in the galley with several great appetizers

Lots of wine of various types

Lobster Rissoto was wonderful--We had Beef, pork and veal---all were outstanding

Great presentation for the meats--there were these tree; looking items they had a mignon of each variety--

Anyway it was great !!!

We received our photos last night at our cabin.

I would definitely recommend this evening to everyone who loves great food and conversation

This was our 3rd Chef's Table


I do wonder why no complaints to the waiter/Matre D--it could have easily been taken care of.


I believe that Scampi is not the type of shrimp size--Scampi is the term for how the dish was prepared.


Hope you have a great dinner tonight--whereever you dine on the ship.



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I'm sorry you had a bad experience at the Crown Grill. We ate there on New Years eve and it was wonderful. I had the Thai shrimp and the sauce was so good, I dipped my lobster meat in it.


I did like the Smores cake better on the Caribbean Princess though.


I think you should at least request that they take the charge off of your bill.

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Wednesday January 20, 2010

Hola and Buenos Tardes!!! from Cozumel Mexico.

As I have said before this cruising thing is really hard work and sure wears me out.

Today we really had no plans here in Cozumel and we planned to just play it by ear. First off we were not sure where we would dock. We have only been to Cozumel twice the first was in 2002 where we docked closer to town, then in 2005 we docked at the newer docks that you had to take a taxi into town. We are at the docks that are a bit farther from town. When we were last here there were a few shops but not a whole lot. Now there is really a lot of shops and restaurants. They have actually developed a nice area that one really does not have to take the tax into town which we didn't. We did a lot of shopping and definitely not a Rip Off International which has several shops here. There are a few nice jewelry stores with some nice quality silver. I was able to pick up a few nices pieces of jewelry, we bought our son a shirt and Tom got a couple as well. Then there are the Liquor Stores....they love to give you lots of samples of Tequila. I think they count on giving you plenty of samples so that you will buy. Well we did, this was the most Liquor/Tequila we have eve bought but still under the limit. I do like the better Anejo Tequila and one that has a nice smooth flavor so I had to do a lot of sampling to find it.

One of our favorite places in Mazatlan Mexico when we do the Mexican Riviera is Poncho's in the Golden Zone so we were thrilled to fine that they have Poncho's Backyard which is part of Poncho's right here near the pier. It is very nice restaurant with live music and a great view of the ships although could not really see the Crown but rather the Carnival Legend. After lunch we came back to the ship and I sat out on the balcony reading till I fell asleep. I look forward to hearing about Michelle's excursion tonight. She did the Dolphin Trainer for the day. This is something I have always wanted to do, oh well maybe next time.


Today's weather was actually quite breezy here in Cozumel and more cloudy than blue skies so it made it a bit cooler than the previous two days but certainly far warmer than back home from 99% of the ship.

It is now about 5:00 PM and the gangway is still down and they have paged several times for three people in cabin (floor name)716.

OK the Captain says we will be leaving shortly and he will be tooting the horn at that Carnival Ship to our left as we back out. So sounds like we might have a nice show of the horns coming up shortly. I always look forward to that.

I guess I will quit writing for now.

Signing off from Cozumel Mexico on the Beautiful Crown Princess.



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:)Just a quick note to answer a few of you. Unfortunately we did not say anything in the Crown Grill about how terrible all of our entrees were. We probably should have but i think Frank and Michelle are a lot like us that we just did nto want to be the complaining type. I figured if my Ribeye was bad and the guys Porterhouse was bad that it was just plaine the quality of the meat they ordered for the week but we just got a call from CC members Tom and Sherry and who knows we may end up back there Friday night :D We just will not order steak Tom said he wants Lobster.

ponygirl and to the others you asked about what i am reading right now I am 1/3 the way thru Sandra Brown's Smash Cut and I am also reading a series of cute comical mysteries by Stephanie Bond.

OK Got to get ready for dinner.


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One of our favorite places in Mazatlan Mexico when we do the Mexican Riviera is Poncho's in the Golden Zone so we were thrilled to fine that they have Poncho's Backyard which is part of Poncho's right here near the pier. It is very nice restaurant with live music and a great view of the ships although could not really see the Crown but rather the Carnival Legend.


I LOVE Poncho's!! I have eaten at both the one in Mazatlan and the one in Cozumel and did not realize they are owned by the same folks. Thanks for sharing that. Makes me wish I was drinking a Poncho's margarita right now! :D

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Wednesday Evening January 20, 2010

Good Evening from the Crown Princess.

Just where has this week gone???? Truthfully there are still so many places I have wanted to explore and things I wanted to do and it is looking like I will not get a chance to do everything.

Tonight I believe was called a Chef's Dinner in the main dining room, I was a bit afraid it was going to be like HAL and they would have the silly singing and dancing but thankfully NOT. It was slightly better but my biggest problem was that I had such a large lunch at Ponchos that I was not that hungry. Tom did not see anything he wanted on the Chef's menu so he ordered the Fried Chicken off the alternative menu. I feel so bad for Tom he honestly has not had a good main entree all week. The fried chicken he ordered looked just like it came from a Hungry Man's Swanson dinner that had been left too long in the oven. Seriously, it was extremely dry which you could tell looking at it. With the exception of the Pizzaria that has been the only good food he has had. Mind you Tom is a bit of a picky eater. He has said that if Tom and Sherry want to go to the Crown Grill on Friday he would order the Lobster which he loves Lobster. So it will be that or the one thing we are not sure of and probably need to ask is if he can dine in the alternative dining rooms such as Michelangelo or Da Vinci since we are assigned to the Botticelli?

After dinner tonight the four of us went to the Comedian Troy Thirdgill in the Explorer's Lounge. OMG I have not laughed so hard in a long time, there were times I was laughing and crying he was so funny. He was definitely the best comedian I have seen on a ship. If he is on a ship you are on he is definitely a must see show. After that Frank and Michelle headed back to their cabin and I wanted to see what was going on in Skywalkers. I had not see it yet and wanted to check it out. Here it is 10:00 PM and not a person in there. Which brings me to two things I wanted to mention. First not sure I have mentioned this, the seas have been so very calm all week. It seems in the past that every time we have been in the Caribbean we have had gale force winds and 12 foot swells. This cruise I felt like we were on the Las Vegas Strip the seas have been so calm until tonight.This is fine with me I like to feel we are on a ship and it makes for some good sleeping. The other thing I wanted to mention which is probably why there was nothing going on up at Skywalkers. Looking at the passengers on this ship you would swear you were on a Holland America Ship and not a larger Vista Class but the smaller S Class ships that draw a more mature crowd. It is unfortunate that HAL gets the bad rap for having the senior crowd. This ship has a much older crowd than most of the HAL Oosterdam cruises I have done to the Mexican Riviera. Lots of scooters, wheel chairs and walkers.

Tomorrow is our last sea day :( and it will be a busy one. I would like to go back to the Thermal Suite but I will probably only be there an hour. Then at 1:00 PM we meet for the Ultimate Ship Tour that they say takes 3 hours. Now I have read on Cruise Critic that some people did take their cameras but the letter with instructions says specifically that you cannot take pictures so I am debating if I dare bring my camera. The from 5:00PM to 5:45 we have been invited to the captain's Circle Cocktail Party in Club Fusions and dress code is Formal so we will need to get back to our cabins and get dressed up quickly after the Ultimate Ship Tour. This will be interesting in being able to compare it to the HAL VIP parties and cocktail parties HAL use to have for the Medallion holders.

I guess that is all I have to report about this evening, I look forward to telling you about the Ship Tour tomorrow.

Signing off from the Beautiful Crown Princess.

Update from above,,,,,,

It is now Thursday Morning January 21, 2010

So Good morning from the Crown Princess.

After about 15 minutes of attempting to post the above late last night I gave up. The internet connection was so bad it kept kicking me out. I should have quit trying after about 5 minutes. I am already on my 2nd set of internet minutes and this one I am paying for.

Last night the seas stayed a bit rough but nothing bad at all as far as we are concerned. Today it overcast and our balcony window is wet so not sure if it rained or just from the speed of the ship and the sea mist. We actually slept in and because we lost an hour of sleep I got up and looked at the clock on the phone and told Tom, it's almost 9:30 he almost did not believe me lol.

So thought I would update this and attempt to post this now before I get ready for the day ahead.

So signing off once again from the Beautiful Crown Princess.

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Great job, Lisa. I love reading about your day to day adventures. I don't want to seem impertinent but approx. what age category are you and Tom in? 30's 40's 50's only because it is easier to picture the activities. Again, sorry if you feel this question is out of place and only answer if you wish to.




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We will be on the Crown January 30th...It is making me very sad in following this thread to see how fast a week goes.......I'm already dreading the cruise being over!!!!!


We are so used to long cruises...last one was 30 nights. This is just a short winter break and to get a few Princess nights. This will have to hold us until our Spring TA...

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