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Anyone do Disney before or after your cruise?


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We are sailing on the Freedom (Port Canaveral) in a couple of months and decided to add on a few days at Disney post cruise. We have our hotel, which is across from downtown disney. Last year we did WDW for vacay, but unfortunately, dh got very ill while we were there. Prior to his illness, I found myself running ragged through the parks with DH, 4 yo. She loved it, but it was a bit much. Since this time we are going post cruise, spending 3 days (just 2 at the parks), I'm torn where we should go. I want DH to be able to truly enjoy himself, as well as dd and myself. I'm torn about Magic Kingdom - again, but of course that's the most beloved park of DD's. I'm thinking Animal Kingdom might be nice since it's right up our alley. I don't want to go crazy, we probably may be a little tired from the cruise, or not! Hopefully we'll be completely relaxed. So, basically what I want to know is what 2 parks we should do without running ourselves ragged and everyone really enjoying themselves. Of course there's always park hopper options. But, we don't want to overdoit like before. Any advice on this would be really appreciated. Thank you!:)

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I find Animal Kingdom very hot and the most tiring of the parks. Can you do Magic Kingdom both days or Magic Kingdom and maybe one of the waterparks? We usually do a one week visit to Orlando and visit the parks only 3 or 4 days.


Alternatively, can you switch the order and do the parks before the cruise?

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We also enjoy Epcot with the kids. Rent a stroller for DD and go to Soaring, Land of Imagination, the aquarium, The world, and all the countries where you can enjoy a character meal in Norway (I think) with your daughter. We have enjoyed a nice glass of wine in France, a beer in England, etc. There are still rides and charcters in Epcot but I don't think you will run yourself ragged as you would at the other parks

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Beware of Epcot with smaller kids....they sometimes find it quite boring, as there aren't the "rides" and excitement of the Magic Kingdom, or even the "glitz" of MGM.....


You don't have to be "on the go" every minute...plan to take breaks and use your hotel's amenities....

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If possible, you might want to consider doing Disney before your cruise...


I did Disney after a cruise many years ago, and found it very tiring. Don't you want to do all your running around first, then relax on the cruise? Also, I could eat to my heart's content on the cruise, then found it weird seeing prices on menus when eating in the various theme parks. :p

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We are going to Disney before our cruise next week. We are going to do 2 parks in one day. :eek: It is not as bad as it sounds. We are planning on going to the Animal Kingdom in the morning and Magic Kingdom in the afternoon/evening. We take our time in the parks so we aren't tired. We know that we can't do entire park in one day. My kids picked the parks they wanted to go to. We go to Disney every other year and this trip is a bonus for us since we leave from Port Canaveral.

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I love the water parks, but even though they are shorter days, I find I am just as tired from being in the water all day.


For that age, I agree that Magic Kingdom is a must do. To make it more manageable, have everyone choose 2 attractions and just focus on those. Anything else is bonus!


I also love the Animal Kingdom and consider it one the easier parks for our family. We love leisurely strolling through the animal areas and there are two major shows to enjoy.


Many people swear by that midday break - leaving around 1 to go swim or nap at your hotel and returning to the parks in the evening. Others go early and leave early or go late and leave late - do what works for you!

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We love doing WDW although we haven't yet done it before/after a cruise. Epcot is my favorite, but agree that kids as young as yours might be bored. My DS (2 yrs) LOVES Animal kingdom and it's a must for us. So, I would probably do either 2 days at MK or one each with MK and Animal Kingdom. The waterparks are great fun (have spent tons of time at two of them), but if I only had 2 days, I'd pick another "real" park. Save the waterpark for when you have a full week there. But, whatever you choose you'll have FUN! Oh - and agree to have your kids pick what they HAVE to do - you can also go on Disney's website and pull a map and find out which ones have Fast Passes. We plan our day based on that, including a few nice hours in the afternoon to go back to our hotel and NAP! Saves on meltdowns. :D

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A little advice from an obsessive Disney planner. Magic Kingdom would be a must for us. Nothing compares and the kids love it. Your 4 y.o. is at my favorite Disney stage. All the characters will be there to see and all the favorite classic rides. My second choice would be Hollywood Studios. That park has Playhouse Disney, Cars, Little Mermaid, Toy Story. There are some fun shows to keep kids' attention and plently of characters to see. It's not hugs, so walking is kept to a minimum (ok, as much as it can be at Disney). Animal Kingdom is a fun park, but a lot of the attractions are scary for kids and the shows may not keep their attention long enough. There is a lot of walking too. Feel free to pm me for more specific info. We've gone at least yearly since the kids were 1 &3, and now they are 8,10 and 3.

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I'm actually planning a quick trip to Disney after my cruise at the end of July. We will just do two parks, Magic Kingdom and Disney Hollywood Studios. I have a list of top rides for each park, so I don't plan to go too crazy. If you can manage to get to the Magic Kingdom 30-40 minutes before rope drop, you can pretty much ride many of the "hot" attractions before 11:30.

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Yeah for a 4 year old, you can't beat Magic Kingdom with a stick. ;) And instead of "running ragged" - you could take breaks and come in and out of the park -- no need to drive yourself crazy.


We always stay at a Disney resort. And we always stay at a close Disney resort so our schedule looks something like this....

Wake up

--breakfast with the characters in the park

--ride the rides

--have lunch

--if the kids are still ok, we stay, if the park is getting really hot/crowded/kids are getting cranky then we head back to the resort for a little downtime at the resort pool

--get ready for dinner -- character meal back at a the park (hopper passes help with this) -- kids are relaxed

--after dinner we are heading into the parks when many are heading out and we ride the rides until the kids can handle it comfortably


I can say that for my younger kids, their #2 park was Disney Studios


I am not a big 15 hours in the park riding 100 rides with a circle plan in hand kind of mom ;) - my kids don't need that kind of memory. They would be melted piles of sobbing goo if I attempted that.

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wow, these are very helpful tips, thanks everyone!


We booked our Disney trip last night (at first, we had booked hotel through RCCI and then cancelled it after researching that perhaps that wasn't a good idea). Now, I'm super happy!! After we leave the ship, we'll be off the WDW's Yacht Club! YEAH! Haven't stayed there before (only have done Disney twice before), but I think it may be something we will really enjoy. If anyone has input on that, i'm all ears.


I think our game plan is to do one day Magic Kingdom, one day Hollywood Studios and one day Epcot. I think it will be great. Hopefully everyone stays healthy and I think we will have a very good time. Crossing fingers that the weather and crowds won't be a repeat of last year. Last early May, we went and the avg. temps were about 95, 96 and up! It was unseasonably hot. Also, the crowds were OUTRAGEOUS! My inlaws (who go to WDW at least twice a year) ensured us it wouldn't be crowded in early May. Okay, it was beyond packed. I know, I know, you can't predict it all. We'll just find out. We are going at the end of April. Fingers crossed it will all work out.


The one last thing that I have to do is to book a car from the pier to WDW. So far, I've found that I should call a car service (maybe Mears) and do self-assist disembarkation the morning. If anyone has any input on that as well, I'd love to hear.


I'm super excited for this trip, especially since our last few vacations haven't been so great. You can't win 'em all, I know. But, I have a feeling we are going to love Freedom and I hope that Disney is all that I am hoping it will be for us!


Thanks again for your input everyone, keep the comments coming!

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I would do Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Those were our boys favourite parks. There were 4 and 5 when we went last.


I'd also recommend switching dates so that you cruise after you do Disney. Disney is tiring...doing your cruise last should send you home relaxed and feeling like you've had a vacation!

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Last year we did a four day Disney trip with the kids. On the last day it was so hot and the kids were crabby and the parks were super crowded so I threw up my hands and said lets go to Universal studios and walk around that area. We ended up going into universal studios and it was a vacation lol. The park was not crowded and the air conditioned rides and waiting areas were a relief for my four year old and husband and the kids loved the rides. We ended up doing Magic Kingdom the next day before we had to get to the airport and once again we did it in under four hours since it was not crowded.

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We went last week in April 2007 and it was NICE.


Anyway, we used Florida Towncar Service (cheaper than Mears) and at the time, Florida TownCar was one of the few that were bringing car seats with their town cars, I think they stopped that practice. I still like using them though. Never had any issues and have used them many many times.


I remember that the Flower show was there when we were there so everything was all done up in flowers. You'll have to see if the same will be on your trip. Everywhere we went, we saw flowers. The princesses in flowers. The characters in flowers. Flowers everywhere.


The weather was PERFECT!!!!!

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We went last week in April 2007 and it was NICE.


Anyway, we used Florida Towncar Service (cheaper than Mears) and at the time, Florida TownCar was one of the few that were bringing car seats with their town cars, I think they stopped that practice. I still like using them though. Never had any issues and have used them many many times.


I remember that the Flower show was there when we were there so everything was all done up in flowers. You'll have to see if the same will be on your trip. Everywhere we went, we saw flowers. The princesses in flowers. The characters in flowers. Flowers everywhere.


The weather was PERFECT!!!!!



Thank you!! That is GREAT about your weather!!!:) I'm crossing my fingers it will be pleasant and not 100 degrees!!!:D Thanks for the info on Florida Town Car. I'll definitely check them out. Can't wait!

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A little advice from an obsessive Disney planner. Magic Kingdom would be a must for us. Nothing compares and the kids love it. Your 4 y.o. is at my favorite Disney stage. All the characters will be there to see and all the favorite classic rides. My second choice would be Hollywood Studios. That park has Playhouse Disney, Cars, Little Mermaid, Toy Story. There are some fun shows to keep kids' attention and plently of characters to see. It's not hugs, so walking is kept to a minimum (ok, as much as it can be at Disney). Animal Kingdom is a fun park, but a lot of the attractions are scary for kids and the shows may not keep their attention long enough. There is a lot of walking too. Feel free to pm me for more specific info. We've gone at least yearly since the kids were 1 &3, and now they are 8,10 and 3.


I agree with your choices. We did WDW before a cruise so it wasn't that bad for us. If I were doing it after with a 4 y.o. I would do Hollywood Studios (more down time - see the shows) and Magic Kingdom (a must with a 4 y.o.) I would pre-plan meals at the parks we decide to go to by making reservations at either a character breakfast or lunch at each park. This allows the kids some downtime and still have the Disney atmosphere as well as getting the characters autographs. No line waiting either if you make your reservations ahead of time.

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If you gave your exact dates I could be more helpful...but, here's what I can tell you....


Yacht Club is a GREAT hotel. Not sure you will be able to pull your kid out of the water. There is waiter service for the pool and there are usually Disney staff there in the afternoons leading activities.


Staying at the Yacht club you will be a 10 minute walk max from the back door to Epcot. In practical terms, this means that if you have a Park Hopper you can do some interesting things.


You will definitely be there during the Flower show at Epcot.


You can walk through Epcot to get to the Epcot monorail (the back gate is near the bridge over to Paris) where you and DH can sample beverages on the way if you wish (yards and half yards of ale to go at the British Pub, not to mention all of the bars will make any drink to go).


Note that until the days get really long, Animal Kingdom closes fairly early. If you will be there without a car, you should also know that you will have to take the bus to Animal Kingdom and it is a little further away from the other parks (though not bad, just plan on the bus).


Because you will only be at the park a couple of days, do what Michelle said in terms of popping in and out of the parks AND be sure to make use of extra magic hours. The schedule for extra magic hours is here:




Excellent Disney Planning Sites include (these are the main two I use and others can be found at links from these sites):



This site has all the ways to save money and plan well for the parks including links to current prices for all types of passes and the advantages and disadvantages of each.



This site has schedules for all festivals and entertainment at the various parks. I think that Atlanta Rhythm Section may be one of the bands playing at Epcot while you are there.


If you have not already told your DD you are going to Disney, consider not doing it and letting it be a surprise. We did this last summer and it was an amazing experience for her. (She is 6, but has already been to Disney at least a half dozen times since we used to drive down to my parents house all the time--school makes it more difficult now--and spend Fall Break, Spring Break, a couple of visits in the summer at Disney.) This was, however, very magical. She fell asleep in the car and woke up pulling into the Grand Floridian. Then, in the lobby, we were asked if they could give her a magical moment and bring her gratis to the Wonderland Tea Party just starting. Really great.


DD really has also enjoyed the pirate cruise for kids--did the one that leaves from the Grand Floridian and the one from the Yacht Club:



Also, there are options for kids to do art at each of the countries and many of the other venues at Epcot, tons of characters doing greetings (e.g. Aladdin and Jasmine in Morocco) and you can get a passport book that they can put stickers in and get passport stamps at the different countries (though you do have to buy the passport book). Some kids may not enjoy Epcot, but our DD has always from a young age.


Finally, DO have a stroller (either your own or a rental...I recommend the double stroller for bigger kids as they can curl up in it for a comfy nap). We have a rule that she has to ride when moving from place to place around the parks (makes your life easier in terms of managing the kiddo AND in terms of fatigue and cranky factors). If you are using your own, it makes getting to and from monorails to various places easier too. Especially if you do night time Extra Magic Hours.


Have a GREAT TIME!!!


BTW, I grew up in Florida and have been going to Disney since just after it opened...can you tell? LOL!:)

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If you can I'd do Disney 1st. I'm no cruise expert as I'm going on my 1st one, but I have done Disney 4 times and LOVE it but it is tiring LOL. We are going to be staying at 2 days at Disneys Carribean beach resort and going to Sea World before our cruise. I wonder how long/how much it'll cost to get from Disney to Port Canaveral. I should look into that soon..

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If you gave your exact dates I could be more helpful...but, here's what I can tell you....


Yacht Club is a GREAT hotel. Not sure you will be able to pull your kid out of the water. There is waiter service for the pool and there are usually Disney staff there in the afternoons leading activities.


Staying at the Yacht club you will be a 10 minute walk max from the back door to Epcot. In practical terms, this means that if you have a Park Hopper you can do some interesting things.


You will definitely be there during the Flower show at Epcot.


You can walk through Epcot to get to the Epcot monorail (the back gate is near the bridge over to Paris) where you and DH can sample beverages on the way if you wish (yards and half yards of ale to go at the British Pub, not to mention all of the bars will make any drink to go).


Note that until the days get really long, Animal Kingdom closes fairly early. If you will be there without a car, you should also know that you will have to take the bus to Animal Kingdom and it is a little further away from the other parks (though not bad, just plan on the bus).


Because you will only be at the park a couple of days, do what Michelle said in terms of popping in and out of the parks AND be sure to make use of extra magic hours. The schedule for extra magic hours is here:




Excellent Disney Planning Sites include (these are the main two I use and others can be found at links from these sites):



This site has all the ways to save money and plan well for the parks including links to current prices for all types of passes and the advantages and disadvantages of each.



This site has schedules for all festivals and entertainment at the various parks. I think that Atlanta Rhythm Section may be one of the bands playing at Epcot while you are there.


If you have not already told your DD you are going to Disney, consider not doing it and letting it be a surprise. We did this last summer and it was an amazing experience for her. (She is 6, but has already been to Disney at least a half dozen times since we used to drive down to my parents house all the time--school makes it more difficult now--and spend Fall Break, Spring Break, a couple of visits in the summer at Disney.) This was, however, very magical. She fell asleep in the car and woke up pulling into the Grand Floridian. Then, in the lobby, we were asked if they could give her a magical moment and bring her gratis to the Wonderland Tea Party just starting. Really great.


DD really has also enjoyed the pirate cruise for kids--did the one that leaves from the Grand Floridian and the one from the Yacht Club:



Also, there are options for kids to do art at each of the countries and many of the other venues at Epcot, tons of characters doing greetings (e.g. Aladdin and Jasmine in Morocco) and you can get a passport book that they can put stickers in and get passport stamps at the different countries (though you do have to buy the passport book). Some kids may not enjoy Epcot, but our DD has always from a young age.


Finally, DO have a stroller (either your own or a rental...I recommend the double stroller for bigger kids as they can curl up in it for a comfy nap). We have a rule that she has to ride when moving from place to place around the parks (makes your life easier in terms of managing the kiddo AND in terms of fatigue and cranky factors). If you are using your own, it makes getting to and from monorails to various places easier too. Especially if you do night time Extra Magic Hours.


Have a GREAT TIME!!!


BTW, I grew up in Florida and have been going to Disney since just after it opened...can you tell? LOL!:)



You're awesome!! WOw, thank you for all the great information!!! This has been sooooooo helpful!!!

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I have to agree with the ones that recommended Disney BEFORE the cruise. We did MK after we left the ship, and everyone was dragging big time. We had spent 7 days at the world a couple years ago and had a blast. The family looks back at this past post-cruise trip and just remember being tired and mom dragging them around everywhere to get our money's worth.


We all agreed that the next time we would absolutely do a few days at the World and then board the ship for R and R.


Have a great time.

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We did the land /sea package and were so exhausted afterward we felt like we needed another vacation. We did a 3 day cruise and 4 days at the parks.I had wished that we had done 7 days on the ship because that was the most relaxing part. So easy for your daughter to see all of the characters while on board. We went to a different park every day and we were so tired. It was funny how we felt like we had to get our moneys worth. Do yourself a favor and spread the time out if you can. Mhy kids loved the magic Kindom at that age. If you are lucky enough and feel inpired try to schedule breakfast with the princesses in Cinderellas Castle. My 4 year old was in heaven.

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You will love the Yacht Club---sooo nice and the feature pool is excellent. The boardwalk is nearby too for nighttime entertainment. We did a couple of days at WDW before our last cruise and we just took it easy--of course we were there at the end of July so it was hot (which felt wonderful after the cool, rainy summer we had last year). We got to the parks early, took full advantage of the Extra Magic Hours, and used fast pass. We saw all we wanted to, had plenty of pool time, and for once were not exhausted after we left--even my DH who is not a Disney fan had a great time. It does take some planning though. Only 2 parks--tough choice. MK is a must and my next fave would have to be Animal Kingdom--love the shows and safari--I just love the atmosphere there. Have a great time :)

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