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How do I get a Lounge Chair by the pool?

Beaches n cream

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i always do 4 and 5.. 3-wel, the pool butlers will not touch anything. i finallkly found a chair and was able to keep it in the sun without being on the track or in the shade.


I think most pool butlers will hide out in the morning, as they are trying to avoid conflict of any kind. It's a no win situation for them; either they make the hogs mad, or they make the lookers mad. Either way, their boss will give them a hard time if the create conflict. I usually move the stuff myself making sure I place it where the hogs will find it. Maybe it's because I'm 6'2" and 230 lbs, but I've never had anyone push the issue with me.:rolleyes::)


In addition, we usually seek out a place in the upper decks away from the pool, so usually we have little problem finding a spot.




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I think most pool butlers will hide out in the morning, as they are trying to avoid conflict of any kind. It's a no win situation for them; either they make the hogs mad, or they make the lookers mad. Either way, their boss will give them a hard time if the create conflict. I usually move the stuff myself making sure I place it where the hogs will find it. Maybe it's because I'm 6'2" and 230 lbs, but I've never had anyone push the issue with me.:rolleyes::)


In addition, we usually seek out a place in the upper decks away from the pool, so usually we have little problem finding a spot.





i use the solstice deck or near the track but where i can move chairs around. at least Alaska will be easy. i should find a chair to stand on for pictures.

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I was awestruck at how many supposedly educated people, just leave the towels on the chairs.


At first I always thought they were taken, but after a few days, caught on that almost every time people packed up and left, they seldom took the towels with them.



Rule of thumb:

Stake out an area for 5-10 minutes

If the towels are not laid out on the lounge, take the chair. I usually found the pool personnel picking up all the crumpled towels and nobody came running to complain the chair was taken.

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after checking in and checking out our room we always head to the pool and grab a couple of lounge chairs to take back to our room


each day we simply bring our own chairs to the pool and take em back to our room when we are finished


no problem at all with hogs


Darn - Wish I had thought of that. Members of this site are always coaching and mentoring one another. Well done :)

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Do you think TSA will allow me to BRING MY OWN? I'm not bringing wine.


lol that is funny


You would think people would use common sense about the pool lounge chairs ?


We have never had a problem using a pool side lounge chair .It is how one approaches another & to avoid human confrontations.


Good Luck

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I think your chances of snagging a chair all depend on the # of people on your cruise. We just got off Solstice today and the ship was overbooked at about 3000 people and let me tell you it was a zoo! We were stupid the 1 st day and then we learned. Everyone hogs chairs and they were all gone by 7:30am. We found the most available chairs up on the Solstice deck. If you are booked on this weeks cruise your chances will be better as there are only about 900 booked for this week so no problem in getting a chair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have mostly cruised with Princess and they have the same problem. Some people become aggressive, stacking out "their" chairs before breakfast then not arriving until late morning. I have tried talking with deck attendants as suggested previously with no joy.


We are sailing in a few days on X-Century. Hopefully they do a better job than Princess in this area.


Well, I am back from my first Celebrity cruise. Despite high temperatures in the low 60s on some mornings, once could not find a single unreserved chair in the pool area - and I'm talking about 7:45 AM.


On day three (Cozumel) the temps were up to 81 F. Not a single chair on any deck. Most were unoccupied. I approached a pool butler regarding the reserved chairs, most not having been sat in for most of the morning. He did nothing. I approached a different attendant later in the day - same result. Disappointing - but predictable.



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I have never had a problem getting a chair by the pool. If you get to the pool later in the morning you will be out of luck. We get down to the pool at about 8:30 and sit ourselves down for the rest of the day. If we get down later we just very nicely ask people if they know if a chair is occupied. Because we are down there most of the time, it is people who usually ask us and then I tell them if anyone has been around, or if someone went to get something to eat. I find most people on cruises to be very nice and friendly and willing to help. Just be nice and without an attitude like everyone is trying to deprive you of your God given right to that perfect pool chair in the sun but not too in the sun with just enough mid morning shade.....etc....

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Well, I am back from my first Celebrity cruise. Despite high temperatures in the low 60s on some mornings, once could not find a single unreserved chair in the pool area - and I'm talking about 7:45 AM.


On day three (Cozumel) the temps were up to 81 F. Not a single chair on any deck. Most were unoccupied. I approached a pool butler regarding the reserved chairs, most not having been sat in for most of the morning. He did nothing. I approached a different attendant later in the day - same result. Disappointing - but predictable.



If the chair lacks a human and I need one...I will fill the chair's need for a human. No towel will stop my quest for a chair. Commitment...tough to find these days!

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I just got back from the Equinox. On the first sea day it appeared that all of the chairs at the pool were taken and unoccupied.However, I learned that the pool butlers put a rolled up towel on every chair in the morning. So, unless there are personal items left on a chair, the chairs are available.


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The pool butlers on Equinox do nothing.. i tried twice. they get paid for maybe picking up towels at 3 , 4 or 5 pm.. but before that i never saw them move a towel or stuff.. I got lucky on pool days sitting near the door to the buffet or on solstice deck. on cool days it was tough to get a chair at the indoor pool. one woman save 4 chairs- finally moved junk so i could sit down. other people came back 45 minutes after i got there. i spoke to them and they did not care at all.

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Is there a lost and found place on the pool deck for things left behind on chairs? Seems like a good idea for finding glasses, books, towels, flip flops, etc. that were forgotten. Has anyone asked Celebrity about establishing a collection area?



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During one of my transatlantic sailings on the Century a few years ago, on the first sea day, I noticed an extreme abundance of chairs "reserved" by flip flops, books, sunglasses, etc....One group reserved 11 lounge chairs, all in-a-row, directly adjacent to the pool....It was absolutely ridiculous and immensely inconsiderate, and I wasn't about to let this happen - given that this was the very first sea day, and we were about to have five more as we crossed the ocean.


I spoke with a pool butler, who then directed me to speak with the security person on that deck....I pointed out the reserved (and empty for 3 hours) lounge chairs and asked him to do something about it...He said he couldn't, or I think his exact words were "there's nothing I can do"... Just like that...Like he was just going to let these inconsiderate people have their way....I said, "Oh really? Would the Hotel Director agree that this is acceptable, and that you and the pool butlers should not be doing anything about this?"...He shrugged his shoulders...I noted his name, gave him a slight smile, and walked away...and already I was getting comments from other passengers who had overheard the confrontation.


I then made an appointment that very evening, before dinner, to have a "chat" with the Hotel Director....I told her everything that transpired...My basic premise was... does she, and does Celebrity, find this to be an acceptable practice from cruise line passengers to do this?..She turned out to be extremely concerned and responsive...asked me for details, asked for the security guard's name, and then proceded to thank me, saying that if it wasn't for passengers coming to her directly to tell her things like this were going on...she wouldn't know...and wouldn't know to take action.


The very next day, there were 4 ship officers patroling the pool deck... The pool butlers were very busy keeping the lounge chairs "rotated" - clearing off the "unoccupied" chairs and putting fresh rolled-up towels on them for other guests...Nobody, and I mean nobody, had any trouble finding a lounge chair anywhere on that deck, for the remainder of the at-sea days as we crossed the ocean...Oh, and that Security Guard I had spoken with that day?...never saw him again...at all...during the rest of that cruise.


Please, don't just accept these abhorrant, inconsiderate practices that some people do to "reserve" lounge chairs all day...Just take the time to speak, in no uncertain terms, with the Hotel Director.


- Rick

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Are the "dress code" cops the same as the "chair hog" cops?


I can't believe that people will stand around and tap their toes for 30 minutes (really, do you wear a watch on a cruise ship? Just to time other people's lunch break, bathroom breaks, dips in the pool?) hoping that someone will not show up so they can self righteously plop themselves down. And then simmer the whole time they are sitting there and wait for the 'offender' to return so that a lecture and a stern warning can be given.


It's like a parking lot - there will be 300 available spaces but people will drive around for half an hour waiting for one to open up right next to the front door of the store.

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Are the "dress code" cops the same as the "chair hog" cops?


I can't believe that people will stand around and tap their toes for 30 minutes (really, do you wear a watch on a cruise ship? Just to time other people's lunch break, bathroom breaks, dips in the pool?) hoping that someone will not show up so they can self righteously plop themselves down. And then simmer the whole time they are sitting there and wait for the 'offender' to return so that a lecture and a stern warning can be given.


It's like a parking lot - there will be 300 available spaces but people will drive around for half an hour waiting for one to open up right next to the front door of the store.

Spoken like a true Chair Hog! ;)


It's easy to criticize when you've had your 4 chairs reserved since 6 a.m. with a left sandal, a right sandal, a book and the sleeve to that book...

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Are the "dress code" cops the same as the "chair hog" cops?




I can't believe that people will stand around and tap their toes for 30 minutes (really, do you wear a watch on a cruise ship? Just to time other people's lunch break, bathroom breaks, dips in the pool?) hoping that someone will not show up so they can self righteously plop themselves down. And then simmer the whole time they are sitting there and wait for the 'offender' to return so that a lecture and a stern warning can be given.



i did not have to stand as i sat on the floor leaning again a section of empty chairs full of books, playing cards etc.. befroe my 30 minutes was up a woman removed the stuff and said when her friends camne i would have to move.. itold her not if after 11- the 30 minute mark.. guess what tey never showed up and she left. the other two chairs stayed empty for 45 minutes- God only knows how long before i showed up they were empty.

Most of us can tell that one is in the pool.. you leave everything in the chair but your pool shoes.. i am so tired of people dissapearing for hours..

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It seems to be an issue no matter which cruise line you are on. There are always inconsiderate people who wake early, put a book or belonging on a chair or chairs and then not show up for hours. The above posters are correct. Celebrity is trying very hard to be proactive and the pool butlers will remove belongings if the chair remains empty for over 30 minutes. It is interesting to watch as small fights break out over this issue. I have even seen large fights where security has to be called. If I cannot find a lounge near the pool but there is room for one or two, the butler will be happy to move them for you. If not, there are usually open lounges on the level above....


I don't remember seein many pool butlers...do they just walk around the area? How do you find them? On a previous cruise I never saw any:confused: Thanks:)

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Since I've never been on a cruise ship I can hardly speak to what people do with their towels and personal belongings all day.


We stopped going to all inclusives years ago, preferring to find peaceful locations where people are not. Sometimes they don't have a pool! You have to swim in the ocean or sit on the sand!


Chair hog? Hardly - I would far rather sit somewhere on that huge ship where I won't have to watch the playground antics.

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It was absolutely ridiculous and immensely inconsiderate, and I wasn't about to let this happen - given that this was the very first sea day, and we were about to have five more as we crossed the ocean.

I then made an appointment that very evening, before dinner, to have a "chat" with the Hotel Director....

- Rick


Good for you Rick, well done.

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Spoken like a true Chair Hog! ;)


It's easy to criticize when you've had your 4 chairs reserved since 6 a.m. with a left sandal, a right sandal, a book and the sleeve to that book...

Nice observation Durk, a very amusing image.:D

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On our cruise's only day at sea, at 930am, my husband and I went to go start our morning off at the pool. We planned on being there, swimming and lounging alternately, until about noon.


EVERY chair had a towel on it, and there were only 5 people IN the pool, and about 15-20 peopl actually SITTING in the chair.


I called over the pool butler, and he said there's nothing he can do. I asked why not - the rule is you can't save chairs. His response - "We just want to make everyone happy." Um, well *I'M* not happy. Clearly, the majority of these people aren't here, and I'm sure not everyone was "taking a break".


He directed me to the upper level. Um, no. The chair pads/cushions are only on the lower level. I asked him we'd go up, if he brought us some cushions.


He said no, they can't do that, because then everyone would want cushions up there.


So I asked for his boss.


Along came the pool manager (or whatever you call him), and he had the pool butler bring down two chairs onto the lower deck, and add the cushions.


I have no idea why this was such trouble for them - the easy solution would be to remove towels from the chairs not being sat in. *I* didn't want to do that, only because it could start an arguement - I wanted the pool butler to do it so I could say "the butler did it" (no joke intended, lol)....but I didn't want the crap to come down on me.


In any event, we got loungers on the deck we wanted.


Ironically, at noon we went to get lunch from the BBQ buffet and bring it back to our chairs to eat. But then we ran into people and started talking etc, and two hours later, we realized our stuff was still on the chairs. We went back and there was a lady sitting sideways on the chair, talking to her friend.


We didn't say anything as we approached. My husband laid down, and I reached down to grab my hat and lotion. I was just going to move onto my husband's chair.


SHE apologized to US! :eek: I told her she had no reason to apologize, and that she should have just made herself comfortable!! She got up and even after I insisted she could keep the chair - that my husband and I would share a chair, SHE insisted that it was "my" chair because "I saved it". WTH... not a response I was expecting. I can't say I would have acted the same way.


On a more sour note, there was a woman right across from us that had two chairs - one in the sun, and one in the shade, and she alternated during the day. Now that is the epidome of a chairhog!!!


eta: There's no "30 minute rule" according to Celebrity..I think that's someone's own personal rule, that they believe is reasonable to them.

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I was shocked when this thread started.My DH and I didn't realize that the towels were intended to "save" a seat. We thought people just left their towels on the seats when they left. We've always just moved them and sat down..

How can you tell if their saving a seat or discarded? I guess it doesn't really make a difference, since we don't recognize "saving"

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Actually it's been our experience that most chairhogs are non-combative - darn rude and inconsiderate but not necessarily combative. They usually do a few passes past their "territory" trying to look casual, eyes darting from lounge to lounge in search of their (usually worthless) belongings and then give up, too embarrassed to approach someone who has already occupied the previously hogged lounge for what they know all too well has been hours. For those who are nervy enough to engage, a simple "I have no clue where your empty suntan lotion bottle/empty packet of Kleenex/half-eaten muffin/copy of yesterday's daily or whatever is...the lounge was empty when I got here an hour ago."


Another suggestion is once the unattended personal items have been removed by the pool staff, I ask that they move the chair to a different location for me. This way the chair hog doesn't have a clue what happened to their chair or who has possession of it now.



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