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Carnival should take Customer Service LESSONS from Disney......


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Perhaps Disney needs to take some business - and service - lessons from Carnival.


Is Disney Customer Service better than Carnival's?

Most of us agree that it is.


Yet Carnival makes far more money, has much higher occupancy, and far higher Customer Satisfaction ratings than Disney. How is this possible? Wouldn't the general public automatically choose the superior product? That's just common sense, isn't it?


Other than service, what is the critical difference between the two products? Price, of course.


If you offer a product cheaply enough to middle America, they will buy it - and they will like it. But even if they don't like it they will continue to buy it - because it's cheap.

Mickey Arison knows that all too well, and he is taking full advantage of it.

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customer service should be important to all businesses.


Very true.......and Carnival could improve their customer service by communicating with their customers when there is a problem. This does not mean handing them a sheet when they arrive at the port saying there are problems or will be delays, or sending a last minute email. Between the mechanical issues on their ships and the accidents they have had in the ports lately Carnivals kharma certainly is out of wack.

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Other than service, what is the critical difference between the two products? Price, of course.


Well, that and Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, et al.;)


If you offer a product cheaply enough to middle America, they will buy it - and they will like it. But even if they don't like it they will continue to buy it - because it's cheap.

Mickey Arison knows that all too well, and he is taking full advantage of it.



:confused::confused::confused:It might be less expensive than other lines, but I don't agree that people will spend their hard earned money on something "they don't like." Also, "cheap" is relative-for some, this is still a pretty penny to save and it doesn't come easy.

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Ironically, when it comes to actual theme parks, Disney is among the worst in the country in customer service. Any industry insider knows this, but Disney does a masterfull PR job hiding it. They annually send their people to other Parks and have people brought in to try and fix it. Part of that is the size and scope of what they do, but the other part is their training is far behind other major parks like Paramounts and Cedar Point.

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While I've never been on a cruise with them, I am a huge fan of Disney as a vacation provider.


When the kiddios were younger, we would vacation at WDW every year, sometimes more than once. One of the things that amazed and impressed me most was the customer service. The castmembers were obviously very well trained in customer service. We made a lot of unforgetable memories on those vacations.


For several reasons, kids getting older, desire to vacation with my wife's parents (FIL just would NOT enjoy WDW) and other factors, for the past 5 years, we have done an annual CCL cruise as our family vacation.


Now, we've never had any real issues that would bring us into contact with CCL corporate customer service. All our cruises have gone pretty smoothly in that regard. But I'll have to say that on our cruises, the customer service from the crew onboard has been as good as any we have ever had.


I'd love to try a Disney cruise. I really would. I just can't swallow the additional cost. If I'm going to pay that much.........I'm booking a transatlantic on QE2. ;)

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Should?? . . . . Oh, most definitely.

But can they?? . . . . No.


Disney Institute does not offer customized Customer Service & People Management programming for most others in the travel/hospitality industry (aka 'the competition'). Wouldn't be in Disney's best interest to do so.


But for those who can, the success stories are numerous.




Now the question . . . . do you think Carnival has ever asked??



** I do fully understand the thread title was just a rhetorical statment, but I just thought I'd fill in a gap about the possible process. :)



You would know just a bit about that subject, wouldn't ya? ;):D

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I too perhaps had way to much spiked Disney koolaid as well!!!!!:)

Even going in the height of spring break we never found it to be crazy with children running all around or crowded with them in general.....Its not like a theme park on a ship.... Yes , being a Disney Cruise ship there are hints of Disney all around, but to me its done in a very classy way..Similar to those cruiselines of the past....way past...........But then again I'd go even if we did'nt have kids !


Yes I'm a Disneyholic...Could be worse.:)

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The OP has been on 11 Carnival cruises in less than ten years, Either CCL can't be that bad or their a glutton for punishment.


As a travel agent wouldn't you recommend that insurance be purchased regardless of the cruise line that is booked?


The OP is a Travel Agent. What do you suppose she has to gain by her Original Post pushing Disney and dissing Carnival?



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As I was telling someone earlier, those of us that have cruised Disney and other cruise lines can ALL agree that when it comes to private islands, Disney has EVERYONE beat!


Family beach, teen beach, and adult only beach

Buffet on family and adult beach

Kid's club while on Castway Cay (so adults traveling with kids can enjoy the adult only beach while the kids have a blast)


plus to have an adult only area with a pool, not just hot tubs, is nice also!


For those who think a Disney cruise would be "over ran" with kids, not true. The kid's clubs beats any other cruise line's clubs (IMO)

They keep the kids happy and entertained!

Its true I only sail off peak time when there are less kids so maybe a summer cruise would be different.


We have the new Disney Dream booked for Feb 2011.

Rates are really good and we are excited.


Bottom line, everyone else has already stated, you get what you pay for.

We cant compare apples to oranges.

As a family of 6 we can take a couple of carnival cruises each year.

Disney, we do every other year cause thats all we can afford;)

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I was really thinking of doing a Disney cruise..but I just can't justify the prices. I would rather do a 9 day land trip to Disney world including the disney hotel and disney dining for the same price as a 3 day disney cruise. ( i am basing the price of this on our disneyworld trip last year with everything above included..)



Or even take 2 carnival cruises for the price. I think we will stick to doing a Disney Park vacation here and there and will probably never cruise with them, unless they have a HUGE sale.




Now with that said, we have never had a problem with Carnival (as of yet) So , I think their customer service has been fine...

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Well, that and Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, et al.;)





:confused::confused::confused:It might be less expensive than other lines, but I don't agree that people will spend their hard earned money on something "they don't like." Also, "cheap" is relative-for some, this is still a pretty penny to save and it doesn't come easy.


So if you don't agree that people will intentionally buy something they don't like just because it might be cheaper, why are they making Mickey Arison so wealthy??


Is the OP wrong in claiming that Disney is great and Carnival just doesn't care?

Or is the American public so dense that they don't realize that they are being treated badly by Carnival?

Is there another option that I have not considered?

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Passengers booked on today's cruise -- an Eastern Caribbean itinerary -- will now set sail tomorrow (Sunday). In a statement, Disney has said guests have the option of spending the day at the company's Epcot theme park and resort rooms will be provided overnight


Here's a big difference between Carnvial and Disney.. Disney has their theme park and resorts division.. and can offer free tickets to Epcot (where there isn't that much to do..) and rooms throughout the resort.. plus they have a fleet of buses at their disposal.


It doesn't cost them much to put passengers in rooms that they own that would have been empty right now anyway, and comp tickets into a theme park that they own.


Carnival doesn't have the resources to do this... they don't own their own theme park or resort hotels.


I am tired of people equating good customer service to "What's in it for me?"... i heard enough of this crap at work today... stupid post Valentine's Day complaints because of the storms back east... :)

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I hae never had a problem with Carnival until this year when they first denied the 110% Guarantee. After posting on these boards and emailing them the proper documention to support my claim I did indeed get the OBC.


Bottom line is you get what what you pay for. I am happy with their product and even tried another line in 2008 (RCI):eek:. Got a better rate that year. However, given the choice this year and even though I had to pay a little higher airfare I still chose to cruise with Carnival.

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It has become increasingly obvious to me that Carnival now cares MORE about their bottom line than about their passengers. In December, Carnival's Fantasy was not able to make it back into port due to fog, and after keeping their passengers hold up at the Mobile Civic Center all day with little or no food and drinks (and what was brought in was STALE and almost unedible), they announced that the ship would not sail until the next day and that they would be providing rooms at local hotels for those guests who wished to remain in Mobile and cruise the next day, or they would issue a FULL REFUND for those that wished to cancel, which was EXACTLY what they should have done, but about an hour later, a letter was produced and read denouncing both of those options and replacing them with "discounted" hotel rooms and "future cruise credits". Who knows at WHAT point Carnival executives decided NOT to take care of their guests, but to take care of THEMSELVES and their bottom line. They should take a VALUABLE lesson from Disney when on Saturday the Magic was unable to make it back to Port Carnaveral due to high winds. Disney may cost a little more, but it is WELL worth it when you consider the CARE and CONSIDERATION given to their guests, and the service they provide, regardless of the reason for any delays in embarkation or debarkation!!


Read this link and CONISIDER DISNEY next time you want to cruise....you will NOT be sorry!




Because of this.....I should go on a cruise full of kids.......nope.......;)

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Due to a sudden and serious illness, I was unable to take my 5 day cruise on the Carnival Inspiration last November and let Carnival Customer service know one day ahead of sailing expecting full well to lose everything I had paid.


On the contrary, Carnival gave me a credit of all but $50.00 against a future cruise and true to their word it has been taken off the cruise I booked on the Miracle for November this year.


We made the mistake of sailing on the Cruise from hell MSC Poesia in January and if you want bad customer service just book an MSC Cruise.


My wife sailed on the Carnival Celebration some years ago when it lost power due to an engine room fire and there again Carnival came through and looked after those affected.


I am sorry you had a bad experience but in my opinion, Carnival is the best value for money afloat and I will never sail with anyone else again.

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So if you don't agree that people will intentionally buy something they don't like just because it might be cheaper, why are they making Mickey Arison so wealthy??


Is the OP wrong in claiming that Disney is great and Carnival just doesn't care?

Or is the American public so dense that they don't realize that they are being treated badly by Carnival?

Is there another option that I have not considered?




People are paying for Carnival cruises because they enjoy them. :)

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Let's see now................

Disney is generally pricier than Carnival. We all agree that Carnival's service levels should be like those at disney.


Morton's Steak house is generally pricier than McDonalds. Should McDonalds service be as good as Morton's Steak House?


Carnival Cruise Line has been the most successful cruise operator in the world since the mid-1990's.

They have had the highest customer satisfaction ratings of any cruise line in the world every year since 1994.

They have the highest occupancy numbers of any cruise line. Their ships are always fully booked.

They have the highest profit margin of any cruise line in the world.


I personally would never even consider sailing on a Carnival ship.

But consider this:

They already have the world's highest customer satisfaction ratings.

They already have the world's highest occupancy. Their ships are all full.

They already have the world's highest profits of any cruise line.


Many millions of Americans have already voted for Carnival in a most convincing way - with their wallets.


In 2009, one of the worst financial years in American History, Carnival had the highest profits in their company history.


What could Carnival possibly hope to achieve by spending additional time, effort, and money to increase their service levels?


Don't knock McDonald's! I love McDonald's! I've eaten at McDonald's all over the world, and the one thing I can count on is that a Big Mac will taste like a Big Mac, whether it is made in Oregon, Hawaii, New York, Florida, Ireland, France, Italy, etc. Also, if I want a Coke with ice in it, and I'm in Europe, then McDonald's is the place to go. If I have a problem with my local McDonald's, they always make it right. Always! In general, McDonald's customer service is second to none. All businesses could learn about customer service by visiting McDonald's and seeing how it's done.


Happy cruising to all!



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In July 2004 we were to leave out of NYC aboard the Legend on a Monday. Sunday evening we cut short a wedding reception we were at to get home by 10 or so and get some sleep for cruise next day. We arrive home at 10:30 to see answering machine blinking. Hi this is Carnival cruise lines. Your ship has been delayed due to a medical emergency. Please contact us at 800####. I call. They tell us ship diverted to Bermuda for medical emergency. Told us to be at pier for 8 p.m. boarding Monday night. Thought, "wow they called what about 1,500 passengers? great customer service." Called our TA Monday morning at 9, she said they never contacted her. Knowing what I know now about your TA having to take care of things for you, I'm glad they contacted us, not her.


Here's the unfortunate mess that ensued: We arrive at pier around 7 p.m for our supposed 8 p.m. boarding. Told by one person not to check one piece of luggage we have to carry it on. Please go to next pier building and wait to be boarded. We say OK. Walk to other building to be told "you can't carry that piece on. Go back to the other building and have it checked." Say OK. Tell hubby to stay put as he is walking on broken foot. He wasn't about to cancel vacation a few weeks back because of the foot, said he could manage. The building they put 2,000 people in was not air conditioned. It was July, it was 85 degrees or more inside this place. No water, no juice, no nothing offered. Start check in procedures, told we're giving you a $20 on board credit for loss of lunch today on board. I just want to board and get hubby off foot. Said grab someone and explain you need to be off this foot. He's like I'm OK. Long story short, we did not board until 1 a.m. On the final stretch of walking through lines to board, one employee notices hubby limping and says "sir do you need help?" He said, needed help about 3 hours ago. Hubby kept thinking we'd board soon and as hours passed he was sorry he didn't ask for help (our fault not Carnival). We grabbed a hot dog, a drink and went to bed. 2 hours later knocking on door with luggage. Grabbed it, went back to bed.


I have to say, employees at pier did their best under tremendous circumstances. Have to say headquarters told us to come down there too soon. 2,100 coming off and 2,100 trying to get on at the same time? That pier area is a disaster on a good day. Problem was no real back-up plan for something like this. That other building was hotter than hell and of course heat and cranky aren't a good combination.


On board next morning was shear mutiny. People at pursers desk screaming for money back on their cruise, refusing to pay for gratuities for the week because of what happened. One person said something to my hubby and response was "wouldn't you want the ship to do everything they could for you if you were critically ill?" We said we felt there should be some type of refund for essentially missing one day and that we would take it up, in writing, when we got home. There were still people b**** and moaning on the last day.


When we got home, I wrote Carnival. So did my TA. They offered us 15% off next cruise. Catch was you had to use this offer in 12 months or it expired. I would have been OK with that if it didn't have the expiration. Not everyone can afford to do a cruise every year. We went on to sail NCL a few times and Princess. We tried them again in 2008 and had an issue that had me on the phone for 3 hours with various customer service departments that did not resolve the issue in our favor. I don't believe this would have gone our way with either NCL or Princess. Biggest issue was left hand didn't know what the right was doing. It was constant telephone tag especially since certain things had to be channeled through our TA. I'd get a yes, tell agent to call, she'd call and they'd tell her no. Thus my frustrated post after I got off the phone.


Customer service in this country has lacked "customer" for many a year. I've been in business 22 years and when I first started my vendors were here whenever I needed and for whatever dollar amount I needed. Now they'd rather deliver hundreds of dollars worth or orders or nothing at all. Several of them have gone out of business with that attitude. Many are $100 minimum. I tell them it's slow can only order $50 they say no. Then two weeks later they're begging for an order because it's so slow. Go figure.


So Carnival isn't really any different than most of the corporations in this country.

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I would be MISERABLE cruising Disney! No Thank You! No Casino, tons of little kids and Disney characters onboard!!! YIKES!!!!


I will stick with Carnival thanks and you enjoy your Disney cruise!



I'm actually quite surprised that there seems to be so many people that enjoy Disney. The decor alone would get on my nerves!

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I'm actually quite surprised that there seems to be so many people that enjoy Disney. The decor alone would get on my nerves!


The decor? It rivals the newer RCCL ships. Sleekest out there. Have you been on one?

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I'm actually quite surprised that there seems to be so many people that enjoy Disney. The decor alone would get on my nerves!


I agree with much of what you said except this. The decor is very classy and not at all "Disney." Not sure what you mean, but the ship was very pretty. If you're thinking it looks like It's a Small World, it doesn't. It's very subtle. In fact, the fun part for my kids was finding the hidden Mickeys around the ship. It's not like you walk in the lobby and there's a giant cartoon Mickey head hanging from the ceiling.

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Customer service should STILL be important to the company you choose to cruise with....REGARDLESS of the cost....when by NO fault of your own, the ship doesn't sail when it is supposed to....and fyi....Disney is affordable if you watch the time of year you choose to cruise...


Carnival's customer service has not ALWAYS been like it is now....I've been on Carnival when, because of weather, they were unable to leave when supposed to. They took us by buses to local hotels, and not only PAID for our rooms, but also gave vouchers for food costs as well....and on top of that....issued shipboard credits to EVERY ONE for a future cruise, so this is a recent change in their policies to protect their bottom line, and that is a CHOICE they made to look after themselves over taking care of the customers...so that means I can CHOOSE to cruise another cruise line, and recommend different ones as well, as I am a travel agent, too, and my clients depend on me to advise them on DO's and DON'Ts...I say...do NOT trust Carnival to care about you or your delays in the case of weather....BUY INSURANCE!! That is what I tell my clients who choose to cruise on Carnival.



Just as you as an individual never do things, "....REGARDLESS of the cost...." so also do businesses never operate,"....REGARDLESS of the cost....!" Not successful businesses.


And perhaps your prior experience where they picked up all costs is precisely why they no longer do that. Twice burned and all that.


We have had one experience in 15 Carnival cruises. Due to 3 hurricanes affecting one cruise, we missed some ports. No fault of Carnival as they do not operate the weather machine. [maybe Disney does?] Anyway we got $200 credit off the S&S acct., for the missed ports.



And if you watch closely and find a cheap Disney cruise, a Carnival cruise at that same time WILL be cheaper, a lot cheaper.


And your last line tells me you are a TA. Is scaring your customers good service??? Insurance should be highly recommended for any cruise, any line.

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