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Beware!! Westerdam Capt. Waits for noboby


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Thanks for the welcome. I guess I'll take the role of the black sheeple.;)


What a great solution! I was wondering what to do with SavannahGirl's kind offer, since the position she had applied for had already been filled. What say you, SavannahGirl? Do you wish to be our Dark Grey Sheeple or our Light Grey Sheeple?


Due to my age, I respectfully request to be a gray/grey sheeple...Carolyn


Bruce, (and if MN is for Minnesota you have my sympathies)


Unfortunately (for me) the position of Black Sheeple has been filled. And already it is proving to be an onerous title. :(


We are still waiting to see of SavannahGirl wants to be Light or Dark Grey Sheeple

And Essiesmom is wanting to be a Grey Sheeple Jr. Grade (no shade distinction) {and curable with Clorox}

Once Savannah decides on either Light or Dark Grey, the other position will be open for your consideration.


The pending By-Laws and Privileges publication by Sheeple LLC, now due in only two more pages, is fast becoming a Herculean Task. (the Sheeple Governing Board can not agree on anything, except their opinions of the OP)


And as to the purposefulness of this thread, we have already accomplished much:

1. Unprecedented (on CC) unanimity of opinion towards OP

2. Formation of a new Order of Sheeple "Happily United Sheeple of HAL!" or

3. Pending group cruise

4. Codification of all things regarding
"All Aboard Time"

5. Completion of Chapter 3 of "The Captain's Book of Sailing Times"

6. Necessitated a 2nd printing of "Aruba's Habour Naval Charts and Tide Schedules" (long since out of print)

7. Pastoral Advice and Consent from Rev. Neal

8. Inter-Social debate of the most intense relevance

9. Numerous workshops on Balcony Photography and YouTube posting

10. And, last but not least, the naming of HAL's next Signature Class vessel.


IF only Congress could accomplish as much in just Five Days


Purposeful ??, this Black Sheeple thinks DEFINITELY ! :p

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Perhaps we can get Cruisinetta to name her next ship model (for the onboard shipbuilding contest) the Sheepledam and knowing her, she will build appropriately and follow as many suggestions as possible. She'll be cruising again in early April; she'll have to start reading quickly to catch up with all this if she's willing to build the Sheepledam.


I can ask her if she'd consider it and then donate the ship to the club.

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Rev. Neal:


There is a fine line between questioning someone and scolding them. I am sorry if I unwittingly crossed it.


You have academic qualifications with respect to this subject and I do not. I learned the hard way (embarassment) to show respect for the opinions of people who know more about the subject than I do and that is always my intent.


If we felt more alike about the way this thread has gone, I think my intent would have been clearer.


There is no reason to apologize. I just wasn't sure what you were meaning in your post.


My heartfelt prayer and hope for the OP is that he will eventually realize that he is responsible not only for his own actions but also for their consequences. If he can do this, then he will learn and grow from this horrible experience. And, who knows, perhaps some of what has been said on this thread -- as starkly harsh as some of it was -- will help to drive home to him the reality of his situation. I'm writing not just from the context of academic study and ministry practice; I'm also writing from personal experience. When I have made horrible mistakes in my own past it has only been when I have realized that I, and I alone, am responsible for my misdeeds that I have finally been able to move on from my mistakes ... no amount of buck-passing has ever solved my problem.


As for how we interpret the course of this thread -- our views may not be quite as radically different as it may appear. I didn't particularly enjoy reading a few of the posts but, at the same time, I didn't see any value in defending the OP when I found myself agreeing with the POV of most of the criticism even though I differed with some of the approach.

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Tamaracboy, you have me ROTFL!! I am ready to join HUSH, and being a regular sheeple is just fine with me, I don't have to be The Black Sheep, or any shade of Gray, Light or Dark. You are right, we have accomplished a lot in just 5 days. What are those posters thinking when they comment to the contrary!


I am now prepared for Balcony Photography starting on Sunday. Our cruise does not take me to Aruba, but how about when you and the rest of the Governing Board decide on membership dues, maybe you send out that reprinted Aruba Harbour book as a gift to all new members?


We will be needing it, because I think we all should visit Aruba on our group cruise (on the Sheepledam of course) so we can experience Senor Frog's and then re-enact the drama as posted by the OP. Half of us will be running for the departing ship, the other half will be on the balcony photographing the event. Joanie and others can then post the videos on Youtube, for the enjoyment of any who could not make the real cruise.


I can hardly wait to post more to get those 2 additional pages!

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Personally, as a grey sheeple,looking good in purple, I would prefer to be late because I spent too much time in Tanzanite Int'l. (For those who have never been to Aruba, that is the last shop before you show your ID to head back to the ship...). Carolyn

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The just announced third ship in the Signature Class will be named the SHEEPLEDAM ! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

(somebody just had to say it :cool: )

Decorative motif will be "Pastoral" with actual live green grass on the "Poop Deck"

Atrium art work will be actual live sheep in a Svorfski Crystal cage. Do not stand underneath !

{{ AND She will probably never leave port on time }}




ROTFL! I want to be on the inaugural cruise!

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Personally, as a grey sheeple,looking good in purple, I would prefer to be late because I spent too much time in Tanzanite Int'l. (For those who have never been to Aruba, that is the last shop before you show your ID to head back to the ship...). Carolyn


Ooooohh, purple is my favorite color! I did not know about this Tanzanite Int'l, as I haven't ever been to Aruba. But now that I know, I'll take your advice and stop there too.


Is the signature color of purple an exclusive for Essiesmom, or can it be my signature color too?

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Tamaracboy, you have me ROTFL!! I am ready to join HUSH, and being a regular sheeple is just fine with me, I don't have to be The Black Sheep, or any shade of Gray, Light or Dark. You are right, we have accomplished a lot in just 5 days. What are those posters thinking when they comment to the contrary!


I am now prepared for Balcony Photography starting on Sunday. Our cruise does not take me to Aruba, but how about when you and the rest of the Governing Board decide on membership dues, maybe you send out that reprinted Aruba Harbour book as a gift to all new members?


We will be needing it, because I think we all should visit Aruba on our group cruise (on the Sheepledam of course) so we can experience Senor Frog's and then re-enact the drama as posted by the OP. Half of us will be running for the departing ship, the other half will be on the balcony photographing the event. Joanie and others can then post the videos on Youtube, for the enjoyment of any who could not make the real cruise.


I can hardly wait to post more to get those 2 additional pages!


Oh My! You are certainly a welcome member of HUSH! I keep waffling over which group I want to be in (although I'm leaning towards the group that will get to go to Senor Frog's, as I could use a Margarita.)

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And as to the purposefulness of this thread, we have already accomplished much:

1. Unprecedented (on CC) unanimity of opinion towards OP

2. Formation of a new Order of Sheeple "Happily United Sheeple of HAL!" or

3. Pending group cruise

4. Codification of all things regarding
"All Aboard Time"

5. Completion of Chapter 3 of "The Captain's Book of Sailing Times"

6. Necessitated a 2nd printing of "Aruba's Habour Naval Charts and Tide Schedules" (long since out of print)

7. Pastoral Advice and Consent from Rev. Neal

8. Inter-Social debate of the most intense relevance

9. Numerous workshops on Balcony Photography and YouTube posting

10. And, last but not least, the naming of HAL's next Signature Class vessel.

Purposeful ??, this Black Sheeple thinks DEFINITELY ! :p


My goodness our Black Sheeple has been busy! In addition to the title of Black Sheeple I also offer Tamaracboy the title of documentarian, with the special task of writing all of our documents on sheepleskin paper. An example can be found at http://cgi.ebay.com/Sheepskin-Parchment-Paper-2x2-Wicca-Pagan-Spellwriting-/350318059507

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Tamaracboy, you have me ROTFL!! I am ready to join HUSH, and being a regular sheeple is just fine with me, I don't have to be The Black Sheep, or any shade of Gray, Light or Dark. You are right, we have accomplished a lot in just 5 days. What are those posters thinking when they comment to the contrary!


I am now prepared for Balcony Photography starting on Sunday. Our cruise does not take me to Aruba, but how about when you and the rest of the Governing Board decide on membership dues, maybe you send out that reprinted Aruba Harbour book as a gift to all new members?


We will be needing it, because I think we all should visit Aruba on our group cruise (on the Sheepledam of course) so we can experience Senor Frog's and then re-enact the drama as posted by the OP. Half of us will be running for the departing ship, the other half will be on the balcony photographing the event. Joanie and others can then post the videos on Youtube, for the enjoyment of any who could not make the real cruise.


I can hardly wait to post more to get those 2 additional pages!


Personally, as a grey sheeple,looking good in purple, I would prefer to be late because I spent too much time in Tanzanite Int'l. (For those who have never been to Aruba, that is the last shop before you show your ID to head back to the ship...). Carolyn


I would just call him "The Sheeple Shepherd" :)


YES Definitely, our New Order must have an official Chaplain !

So it seems that by Plebiscite our own Rev Neal shall be the Shipboard Sheeple Shepherd ! (and that really is a good one)


And we are still within the 5 day limit . . . .


So recapping:

Senor Frogs will now be the official shore based reunion site.

Tanzanite will be the official Gem Stone of HUSH and will be included in all "Logo Jewelry".

Our devoted Non-Shades-Of-Gray rank and
members are the backbone of our organization, but shall have no voice or vote.

Dues should be one time $1,000 paid directly to the Captain. This shall be off set by an equal amount OBC.

(Extra credit for
off an anchor chain at HMC ;) , oooops, that's another thread)

Red Hat Society members, with their purple wardrobe, will be considered pre-qualified for membership.

The Official Greeting will be: "Welcome Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak" (it's all in the inflection)

Cruisenetta will definitely be commissioned to make a model of the MS Sheepledam. Exact replicas of the original will have a place of honor in the Atrium Bar on the entire fleet. (cheap knock-offs in 10k Gold, will be available in the ship's store)

Doctork, what a splendid idea for our reunions: Reenactments dockside with bonus Dam Dollars for authentic costumes.

Various competitions must be involved, The Senor Frog 200 yard dash, The Tanzanite Bargaining Delay Relay, Husband/Wife Tag Teams (walkie-talkies, or
communication will be grounds for disqualification), Captain's Megaphone Calling Concert, Dockside Gangplank Retraction Tug-O-War with Crew vs. Members, Balcony Cheerleading Competition, the mind boggles at all the options, Thank You !

Please, we need more suggestions, after all this may turn into an overnight event while the ship is being held

Unfortunately, even the 2nd printing of the book was sold out to the first 500 posters !

Have no doubt, these next two pages shall pass before the parchment shipment arrives.

We, the officers of HUSH have entered into negotiations with HAL to secure our most important membership benefit.

Still in debate is the exact amount of time that all Sheeple will be allowed to arrive after "All Aboard" while the ship is being delayed.

We have, of course, been pushing for "Forever" and the company is sticking to their ridiculous position of "Never".

Just who do they think they are ???

One would think that this entire debate had never taken place (at least not as far as Seattle is concerned)

We are ready to picket on Elliott Street with placards displaying our Motto:

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh Humbug !"



PS: There has been a special request for Tomc to join HUSH and this thread

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Isn't name calling and bold type inappropriate on CC?

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My goodness our Black Sheeple has been busy! In addition to the title of Black Sheeple I also offer Tamaracboy the title of documentarian, with the special task of writing all of our documents on sheepleskin paper. An example can be found at http://cgi.ebay.com/Sheepskin-Parchment-Paper-2x2-Wicca-Pagan-Spellwriting-/350318059507


Could we grant the OP an honorary PhD. in timeliness studies? It will be presented on genuine sheepleskin! :D

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No need to yell! ;) I am sure that if the OP came back to read the thread he would have gotten the general message by now. :D

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Personally, as a grey sheeple,looking good in purple, I would prefer to be late because I spent too much time in Tanzanite Int'l. (For those who have never been to Aruba, that is the last shop before you show your ID to head back to the ship...). Carolyn


That's it!!! The OP was detained at Tanzanite, choosing the perfect piece of jewelry for his wife, and lost track of time!

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The just announced third ship in the Signature Class will be named the SHEEPLEDAM ! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

(somebody just had to say it :cool: )

Decorative motif will be "Pastoral" with actual live green grass on the "Poop Deck"

Atrium art work will be actual live sheep in a Svorfski Crystal cage. Do not stand underneath !

{{ AND She will probably never leave port on time }}




Not the Bahdam?

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