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Cruising 2011 - Simple Plan - 5 lbs each month til we go!


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I always seem to do the same thing.... thinking about being thinner for a cruise. Plenty of time. Right now I am a year away. Before you know it - it will be 6 months, then 3 and then - well maybe I'll just drop 10 pounds of water and walk a bit is my last minute program and then we start all over again.


Not this year. This year, I am going to keep the plan simple. Making a chart. Hanging it on the wall. DH and I want to lose just 5 pounds each month. Keep it off. Do the same next month, and the next. No craziness, no last minute.


How? Well... we all KNOW how to lose weight. Take in less than you burn. Pretty simple really. So, particulars.....


Let's keep it easy to start with and something we can all commit to:


3 times a week - do some sort of physical activity for at least 20 minutes.

Write down what you eat. Just this will cause us all to rethink a doughnut.

Eat at least 3 times each day at regularly spaced intervals

Drink WATER!


Any other takers?

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Hello! I think your doing a great thing! I have started my weight release journey and plan to keep it off forever this time. I could not tell you how many times I have lost and regained the same 60 pounds. Note I say I'm going to release weight not lose weight because I done ever want to find it again. LOL!! I have giveb up meat I only eat seafood. I also take yoga and bought myself a nice elliptial machine. So good luck to you and your dh!!!:)

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Thanks Cina409!


We decided on the flight home after rebooking for the Mardi Gras cruise next year. Everyone knows how to lose 5 pounds. We just have to do it 12 times this year.


I am hoping to get a group of folks together to do the same and support one another!


Good luck with your permanent weight "release"

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You really can't lose weight for any reason other than you want/need to....if you're doing it for an "occassion" (like a cruise, the summer, the beach, a wedding, reunion, etc..) it will NOT work! You'll gain it back.

You have to CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS AND LIFESTYLE...that's the only thing that works.

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  • 1 month later...
You really can't lose weight for any reason other than you want/need to....if you're doing it for an "occassion" (like a cruise, the summer, the beach, a wedding, reunion, etc..) it will NOT work! You'll gain it back.

You have to CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS AND LIFESTYLE...that's the only thing that works.


I have been working with Jorge Cruise an established person in the weightloss industry. At a meeting lat night we talked about visualization as a means to motivate you for weightloss. A "future diary". Where you see yourselves in the future, what you want to be doing, going ect and visualizing what you will look like when you lose the weight and are in those places. He even suggested making a poster or something showing those things. It can help to SEE what you are striving for, health, travel, wedings, granchildren..


So in essence you are wrong. Visualizing a goal and a reason to lose is important, it's the motivator in the equation for alot of people who just cant "just do it".


5 pounds a month is a totally realistic goal. But along the way you have to find a way of eatting that you can live a lifetime with. Not something you are going to do for the shoort term to hit the goal and then change from..


So I support you! I have lost 13 pounds this month changing to a way of eating I can live with the rest of my life. And I walk for exercise.

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Visualizing a goal and a reason to lose is important, it's the motivator in the equation for alot of people who just cant "just do it".


5 pounds a month is a totally realistic goal.


I'm getting back on track with my nutrition & exercise after slacking off BIG TIME in 2009. I'm cruising in October, so while I'm using that trip as my "motivator", I know that it will take lifestyle changes to maintain my health & fitness, even AFTER the cruise is over. So thanks, Donna, for sharing. ;)


I think if I lose 5 pounds a month between now & October, I'll be smokin' hot! Count me in!!:D

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I have-been a life time yo-yo dieter, lose gain, lose gain.. I know I can lose, I just have never figured our how to keep it off. I think I have found a way to enjoy eating right and I'm losing weight. It is something I can do the rest of my life and be healthy and happy.. it doesnt even seem like I'm on a diet most the time.


My motivation~ my parents 50th wedding aniv. party June 12th, my brothers wedding June 19th and our cruise Aug 21st. I want to be at goal or a little below at cruise time. Then when I get back I'll go right back to my way of eatting and I'll be fine. I have to realize I can live without that roll at dinner or Warm melting chocolat cake everynight of a cruise after dinner!;)

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I have-been a life time yo-yo dieter, lose gain, lose gain.. I know I can lose, I just have never figured our how to keep it off. I think I have found a way to enjoy eating right and I'm losing weight. It is something I can do the rest of my life and be healthy and happy.. it doesnt even seem like I'm on a diet most the time.


My motivation~ my parents 50th wedding aniv. party June 12th, my brothers wedding June 19th and our cruise Aug 21st. I want to be at goal or a little below at cruise time. Then when I get back I'll go right back to my way of eatting and I'll be fine. I have to realize I can live without that roll at dinner or Warm melting chocolat cake everynight of a cruise after dinner!;)



I'm slimming down for that Aug 21st date too my friend!!


I'm hoping for 20-25lbs by then. I have been doing the eating right and exercising since last year and am down almost a solid 40lbs. I have about 8 pairs of shorts in a box in my closet that I had when I was in the Army and much skinnier. I think I will fit into them in 20lbs so every day I tell myself I have to wear those shorts for the cruise!!

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I set the same goal of 5 pounds per month about 3 weeks ago. Its a very realistic goal & my doc says is very achievable! I've always eaten healthy, I just need to get moving more. I've been in a water aerobics class for about 4 years twice a week, that has helped me lose about 40 pounds in 4 years.


Now I have started going to Curves on a 30 day trial this month. Hopefully that will jumpstart me! My main problem is on the days I don't go to the gym/Curves I just sit on the couch. So I have moved my treadmill to the middle of the living room & get on it for at least 20 minutes, even if I don't want to do it, on the days I'm not working out elsewhere. So far I haven't had any weight loss, but my belt is one notch smaller than it was!


Good luck everyone on your goals! :o

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I started dieting and exercise on April 3rd. I'm down 14 lbs total and about 3.5 inches from my stomach. For this month I'm only down one lb. I gotta get in gear and exercise more so I can lose those 4 lbs.. That would put me at 158 with a goal of 137! SO not to far away..


Keep it up everyone~ 5 lb goals are easily attainable:D.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think weight goals and plans are extremely important and if an occasion motivates you to hit your weight loss target, more power to you!


Even though I'd like to be thinner, I am not overweight. To keep myself on target I set a weight range goal at the beginning of the year. Basically, the way I do it is I take my weight when I was 18 and super skinny and I allow myself to gain 1/2 lb each year. That # is my high side goal weight. I also set a low side goal weight 5 lbs lower. When I fall outside my weight range goals, I modify my eating or exercise program until I am back on target. Right now, I am dead on to my high side weight target. I am going on a cruise next month so am cutting back on calories to drop 5-10 lbs before I go. That way I can enjoy myself without worry.

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I'm in!! I am on my 4th week of Weight Watchers and I am down 7.2lbs....I joined the day after I got back from a cruise and now have a Aug 2011 cruise booked celebrating 10 yrs of marriage and turning the BIG 40~

I had back to back pregnancies and now I need to lose the weight for good~


Oy...not an easy road but willing to take it one month at a time : )


Good luck to everyone!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this idea!! I am sailing in March 2011 with my niece who will be 18. I am 39 and want to keep up with her! This will put me down 50lbs and I will be a happy camper!! Thanks for such a great idea.

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Hope everyone is doing great!! 5 Lbs is doable, just keep telling your self I can do it!!:p


My first motivator I used is this Sat. My parents 50th wedding Anniversary. I have a brother coming that I havent seen in 17 years!! Long story. My parents are going to be so shocked. It's been about 10 or 12 years for them.

I'm picking him up at the airport tomorrow..


So.. My


SW 4/5/10 176

1 month 5/3/10 168

2 month 6/7/10 155

3 month 7/5/10 149 Goal


So far I've averaged about 7 lbs a month~ Woo Hoo!!

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Hope everyone is doing great!! 5 Lbs is doable, just keep telling your self I can do it!!:p




So.. My


SW 4/5/10 176

1 month 5/3/10 168

2 month 6/7/10 155

3 month 7/5/10 149 Goal


So far I've averaged about 7 lbs a month~ Woo Hoo!!


WOW!! Fantastic! I just found this thread....I need to stay motivated. 5 lbs a week is a great goal. I can do the diet part, it's the exercise I have trouble with. I'm over 60 and still working full-time....at a desk job. Also recently having back problems. So I know losing weight would help that. So I need to figure out a time to exercise that I can stick with. Ideas anyone???:rolleyes:

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WOW!! Fantastic! I just found this thread....I need to stay motivated. 5 lbs a week is a great goal. I can do the diet part, it's the exercise I have trouble with. I'm over 60 and still working full-time....at a desk job. Also recently having back problems. So I know losing weight would help that. So I need to figure out a time to exercise that I can stick with. Ideas anyone???:rolleyes:

I'll be 60 in September and I find that going directly to exercise after work helps. It's harder to get motivated to go out and exercise after you get home. Too tempting to stay there. Good luck.

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Hope everyone is doing great!! 5 Lbs is doable, just keep telling your self I can do it!!:p



50th anniversary was awesome, brothers wedding was also amazing! Best of all I hit my goal of 149.0 this morning 6/25!!!:D:D It was my original goal for 7/5 so I hit it earlier than I thought. Now I have 12 more to go!! Want to hit that by cruise time 8/20!


So.. My


SW 4/5/10 176

1 month 5/3/10 168

2 month 6/7/10 155

3 month 6/25/10 149 Goal (hit early)

So for 7/5.. 147 maybe.. That would be 8 lbs for the month.

Goal Weight 137


Total loss for almost 3 months..27 lbs.:)


So far I've averaged about 7 lbs a month~ Woo Hoo!!

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Cruising in Jan 2011. I have joined WW and I have lost eighteen pounds so far. I want to lose 25 more by then. I am 58 and it seems like its harder to get off when you get older.I need to exercise more and can always use more motivation and good ideas about how to do it. 5 pounds a month sounds very doable. Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope everyone is doing great!! 5 Lbs is doable, just keep telling your self I can do it!!



So.. My


SW 4/5/10 176

1 month 5/3/10 168

2 month 6/7/10 155

3 Month~ 7/8/10 147

Total loss for almost 3 months..29 lbs.


So far I've averaged about 9.6 lbs a month~ Woo Hoo!!


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What a great thread!! I've been trying to loose for a while now and cruises are my biggest motivation...nothing like the thought of puttin on a bathsuite to scare the beegeebees out of you.


This morning I was at 162 :rolleyes: and I want to be at one 135 :) by our Christmas cruise which gives me about just enough time at 5 pounds per month. So I'm in.


I've been cutting down on carbs and sugar. Is there a way for you to loose the weight where you want (really want to loose in my stomache but don't want to loose in my chest)?


Exercise!!!!!!!! Don't know how to fit it in. I'm brain dead after working 8 to 10 hours a day. :eek: A typical weekday is:

  1. Start at 6am to be at work by 7:30am (yogurt for breakfast)
  2. Work at a desk until 4:30pm (yeah riiiight like that will happen) sometimes until 6 or 7pm (soup, sandwich or left overs for lunch)
  3. Fix dinner (meat and veggies)
  4. Clean up 8pm-8:30pm
  5. Check email and CC 9-10pm
  6. Bed

I hate tredmills and eliptical machines so I know I will not stick with them even in front of the TV. I have a bowflex that I really like but need to figure out how to make the work out more aerobic. HELP!!! :confused:


Thanks for any suggestions, advice and encouragement.

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Holly - I want to start too. Since we are starting at the same time, and both of us have about the same amount to lose and I also want to lose in the stomach and "thighs/butt" without losing the boobs..We can do this together if you want. I have about 30 lbs to lose. My cruise is in January.. That would work out to 5 lbs a month for 6 months. I think we can do this if we focus on doing this one small step at a time- instead of focusing on how much we have to lose and how long this is going to take.

My plan:

Cut out the bad carbs and sugar

Limit the calories to 1200- max 1400 a day.

Start Walking

Start a diet journal

Anyone else?


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I have a major cruise on Nov 2011 - this sounds like a good plan ...however, I have a cruise this Oct and one in Apr 2010 and a land trip to Hawaii next month - just have to be very careful - Carol

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