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St. Petersburg--evening


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Does anyone have experience with spending an evening in St. Petersburg?

Red October has given several suggestions (Maly opera/ballet vs. Alexandrinsky Theater or Saint-Petersburg Ballet Theatre vs. Folkloric show at the Hotel Pulkovskaya)


I love cruises with late/overnight stops in port--so different from the tourist bustle of the daytime and want to take advantage, but it's hard to find info on these options. Are we better off sticking with the ship's excursion for the folkloric show?


Any info would be appreciated.


Thanks, Lee

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We will be on Jewel of the Seas, and their price for the Folkloric show is $56/pp. It lasts 3.5 hours, and you return to the ship immediately after the show. On Red October, the maximum charge is $64 per person for 2 people, and includes a bit of time to walk around town afterwards.


From Red October's FAQ:


Q. As we will be there during the "white nights," we want to wander around St. Petersburg, on our own, after the first day tour. Will we be able to do that with the VISA, which you will provide?


A. As for wandering in the city at night that is possible only with our guide and the van waiting for you at some place so that to bring you back to ship. The matter is that you take our tours with our shore excursions tickets, which are not visas at all. These tickets allow the guests to be on organized tours with a company guide and car. We cannot violate the immigration regulations. Certainly, we can arrange such a special tour St Petersburg by night, when after dinner on board the ship, your guide will take you downtown again and you will have a nice walking tour. That is obviously at extra charge. Another easy solution is if you buy a folklore show or some other evening option and then you may have kind of extension, which will allow you to wander a little bit in the city center. Again, the cost for this is even less than for another special tour organized at night. For example, Folklore show for four people including transportation and guide's services is USD 54 pp. For this money, you will be able to enjoy Folklore and wander a little bit in the city center.


I would love to do an evening canal cruise, but that requires at least 15 people with Red October. Royal Caribbean charges $79/pp for that.

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The folkloric show my husband and I attended at Nikolaevsky Palace was so much fun. The show was very charming and there was a nice caviar and champagne spread at intermission.




We went to the show and then to dinner at a nearby place, Cafe Idiot. Hoever, we had visas so we were free to go on our own. Our driver dropped us at the show then picked us up and took us to the restaurant and picked us up afterwards.


It was very nice to be in port overnight, allowing plenty of time to explore all of the first day.

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Take the Red October tour and do the Ballet. It was the highlight of my 2 days in St Petersburg. We saw Giselle at the Hermitage. It was an intimate theatre and every seat in the house perfect.


Red October will try to group you up with others or ask on the boards if anyone else is interested. The more you have the less the price is. I think we paid $90 and it included the transporation in one of their vans. No waiting for busses etc.


Be careful on the Visa thing. I tried to get an independant Visa to do my own thing last year and it could not be done unless you can get a hotel to sponsor you. Princess was not sponsoring indiviual visas last year so after filling out all the forms sending them in only to be turned away and cost $40 in postage for nothing. If you are on an organized tour that states the visa is included you do not have the opportunity to just roam on your own. You have to stay with the organized group.


One word dress warmer than you you might have to. The ports were cold and windy even with posted temps high 50's. I was freezing the entire trip, dress warm, don't even pack the sandles or capri's and bring a warm jacket and gloves if you are going early season.

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Be careful on the Visa thing. I tried to get an independant Visa to do my own thing last year and it could not be done unless you can get a hotel to sponsor you. Princess was not sponsoring indiviual visas last year so after filling out all the forms sending them in only to be turned away and cost $40 in postage for nothing. If you are on an organized tour that states the visa is included you do not have the opportunity to just roam on your own. You have to stay with the organized group.




A Tourist Visa can be gotten by including a voucher/vistor acceptance documents with your application to your nearest Russian Consulate. It is a simple process and any full service tourist company in Russia can send it to you but it does cost some nominal fee. Den Rus supplies them in 24 hours or less via email jpg of fax. Millions of visitors come to St Petersburg every year and they have no problem getting visas. I've written about how to get visa several times on the board so a search of the archive will reveal the answers. A touist visa is a great way to see the city on your own terms so taking part in late night activities would be a snap. Hiring a guide/interpreter from Den Rus( am using them as an example because I know them well) is less than $10...a bargain.

Get the visa independent of the cruise line because if left up to them they would not want you to have a visa because they want to sell you their sponsored tours which are expensive despite giving almost no direct contact with the city and its offerings. A major portion of the profits earned by the ship comes from selling their land based shore excusions. They do not conduct the tours themselves, they contract with bus tour companies, some of the contractors are the same companies which offer private small group tours. Riding around in an overpriced 45 passenger bus is not the way to see and experience such a city as St Petersburg.


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I agree about the visas - it took some time, and the questionnaire was interesting to say the least, but I received them with no trouble. Palladium tour agency in St P helped me with the various numbers I needed. No hotel or involvement from the cruise ship was needed. They were our guide and driver and didn't charge extra for the visa help. They were also an excellent way to see the city - privately - at approximately the same cost of a larger RO group. We couldn't have asked for a more educated and interesting guide than Lena.

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Stan- Are you saying that Denrus charges $10 an hour for a guide to take us around the city during the day or at night if we have a visa? Obviously a car would be more but do you think the best way to go is just have a guide and use public transportation? What do you think the charge would be to take a taxi back to the commercial port after an evening show? Thanks.

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A StanSki Website - I Love it! :cool:

Go for it. I would say that you already have a good start just with your posts here - just be yourself and talk in your usual prose. ;)

Your shining personality certainly comes through in your writings. Everyone here Loves you, Stan. I am sure you could get advice and support from your friends at DenRus, as well. :D

Thank you for all your kind help and suggestions. We all appreciate your time and hard work. :p

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Well again I want to thank you profusely for the information about the taxi. My idea is to get a guide but instead of a car use the public transport and walk. Per your suggestion we will aim to do that in off times. The taxi to the port would come in if we did some evening event and the ship's shuttle(for people with visas) was no longer running(after 8pm ). The guide would get the taxi for us. We will be in SPb more than the 3 days so we really have time to see a little more.

I REALLY like the idea of a web site and the opportunity to correspond more privately with other cruisers and with you. I think it is a great idea and the sooner the better. You could also include info on how to fill out the visa application forms. I think the interaction could possibly be more specific and candid on a personal web site. Also, interactions that are more specifc between 2 cruisers (or a cruiser and you) could take place via email and not occupy a very public thread. I also like the idea of the schedule of events since now we have only the tour company to tell us what is happening. The inside scoop sounds very interesting.

Your enthusiasm is very contagious! I have been copying all of your replies to my questions and most of the other things you write also. And there will be more questions.

I will await info about your site.:>) I know it will be great. Thanks again.

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You really work fast Stan. That sounds like a good team with the Russian student. It always helps to have someone to bounce your writings off of before publication. I'm sure everyone here on this Forum will be looking at your website. Just let us know when it is functional and we'll be right there, talkin' at ya'. :D

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I have read a lot of what you wrote on other threads. I would be very interested in reading an informational website you would set up.


My big question to you is why Den Rus and not Red October Tours? I have been in contact with Red October, but could not get the website for Den Rus. Do you have the email address for Den Rus?


Thank you for all you help. It is our first time to Europe. We are going on the Constellation Aug 13th and will only have 2 days to tour. What would be the best sites to take in for that length of time?



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I have read a lot of what you wrote on other threads. I would be very interested in reading an informational website you would set up.


My big question to you is why Den Rus and not Red October Tours? I have been in contact with Red October, but could not get the website for Den Rus. Do you have the email address for Den Rus?


Thank you for all you help. It is our first time to Europe. We are going on the Constellation Aug 13th and will only have 2 days to tour. What would be the best sites to take in for that length of time?




Hello Marion

You have enough time to do some research as to the sights and activities that appeal to you in St Petersburg but the task is not an easy one. It is difficult not from fear of missing out on important sights but from choosing from an almost unlimited number of important sights, each as interesting or not as the next depending on your own personal interests. Looking back over your past travels, what sorts of activities pop into your mind when recalling your visits and describing them to your friends back home? If performanace art is your thing, be sure to taken in one of the many ballet performances or concerts...there are many on any given night. If you do, you will need to modify the priority level for other activities however to make room for them in your busy and all too short schedule.

Others have expressed a great facination with getting to know Russian life and people, the lunch with a family in their apartment for some was the highlight of the visit. Still overs are in awe of the art galleries and museums and rightly so. There are over 120 museums in the city center, both major world class and small specialty mueums for on particular writer or Silver Age poet and everything inbetween.

The "Standard" tours, 3which is open for modification, involve a city orientation with a van of up to 8 guests plus guide and driver. This gives a great overview of the area, and suggests additional activities for later on. The normal tours include, or ought to include, the incomparable Hermitage/Winter Palace/Palace Embankment, the Russian Museum, St Isaac's Cathedral, trips to Puskin(Catherine Palace) and Peterhof(Grand Summer Palace) in the suburbs, Peter and Paul Fortress, shopping, lunches, additional palaces such as Yusupov Palace, optional evening programs of folkloric shows or ballet or a concert, canal cruises, circus or just walking around. I am sure I am forgetting a few on the normal tours that visitors seem to take. I will suggest that without knowing too much about the broad range offerings, you will not realize that your special interests can be catered to. What are your main interests in St Petersburg? What is your traveling style and your walking stamina? These effect your choices a great deal....most venues and sights are walking intensive. Or climbing intensive. One of the often cited "Must See's" is the view from the rotunda of St Isaac Cathedral which affords the best view of the city( second only to the helicopter rides which depart from the beach at Peter and Paul Fortress.) but requires a climb of over 300 steps to reach the upper ring.

St Petersburg is a walking city, there is a lot to see within walking distance from the city center but access by way of the tour companies is also available to those who would have trouble walking 100 meters let along the 2-5 miles a day most Russians do.

So what do YOU want?


To answer your other question: Why Den Rus?

I have recommended Den Rus for a few reasons, one is that I know the company and founder, Ali Sadik. He is a shining example of business ethics and professionalism for other Russian based companies to emulate. That comes from his being involved in travel and travel services in the west for years before "retiring" to St Petersburg from his stint as head of sales for Finair in the US and in Russia. Finding really honest ethical businesses in Russia is not a trivial task, it is getting a lot better due to the outside influences of people like Ali, but still has a long way to go.

Secondly, Den Rus is very flexible and can accomodate any special interests and requests

And third, after being personally responsible for Russia being a tourist destination as past owner of the first and largest travel agency in the US specializing in tours of Russia, he and his staff know what western visitors want, their sensibilities and travel styles and has imparted that knowledge to his staff. A lot of the special features his competitors have were originated by Ali and Den Rus so expect the most interesting new offerings from him.

I should add that I am biased because I personally like Ali and his crew, they are great people and friends.

But I also know St Petersburg as few westerner do and if my mother wished to visit I would have Den Rus handle the arrangements. By their special arrangements with major venues, getting in to the Hermitage for example, well before it opens to the public or by bypassing the throngs in long lines, my own personal guidance would not be as enjoyable as with Den Rus.

Here is the contact information for Den Rus (http://www.denrus.ru )

Address: DenRus St. Petersburg Ltd

Nevsky Pr. 1

St. Petersburg 191186

Russia Phones: +7(812)3146881


+7(812)3157227 Fax: +7(812)3127320 Email: denrus@denrus.ru

Have a great visit. Let us know your individual interests and the board and I will try to make appropriate suggestions.


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Great response, Stan! But now I'm second-guessing myself. I have an itinerary from Red October that I really like, and have started the ball rolling by having family members sign and mail RO's "Terms and Conditions" form back to me. Then I will mail that, plus passport info and a 10% deposit to Red October US. Other than your enthusiastic recommendation of DenRus, I don't see much difference in price or tours offered by the two companies. I have read many great reviews of others' Red October tours....so, should I stick with my decision?

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Thank you for you response. You are right that I have to think about what it is that I really want to see. I have already bought a book on St. Petersburg and have been on several websites. The ballet is out because my husband turned his nose up. I would go, but it takes two to tango. I have been in contact with DenRus and they are very nice and informative. They are not pushy, but I could not open the download of the itinerary. I am waiting for another reply with a readable download. I had already gotten an itinerary from RO and they are pushing me to make decisions by March. DenRus says I have time to make up my mind. RO wants a deposit. DenRus does not need one. YOu can pay them when you see them. DenRus also varies in the way you can pay them when you get there. RO was not clear on this. After I get the prices and itinerary I will make up my mind. I think I might go with DenRus.


Thank you again for all your help. You are a busy man. I have been reading your postings on several threads. The CC boards are great. I did this when I went to Alaska and it was soooo helpful.



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Thank you for you response. You are right that I have to think about what it is that I really want to see. I have already bought a book on St. Petersburg and have been on several websites. The ballet is out because my husband turned his nose up. I would go, but it takes two to tango. I have been in contact with DenRus and they are very nice and informative. They are not pushy, but I could not open the download of the itinerary. I am waiting for another reply with a readable download. I had already gotten an itinerary from RO and they are pushing me to make decisions by March. DenRus says I have time to make up my mind. RO wants a deposit. DenRus does not need one. YOu can pay them when you see them. DenRus also varies in the way you can pay them when you get there. RO was not clear on this. After I get the prices and itinerary I will make up my mind. I think I might go with DenRus.


Thank you again for all your help. You are a busy man. I have been reading your postings on several threads. The CC boards are great. I did this when I went to Alaska and it was soooo helpful.




From what I've read, you pay Red October on the day you visit the Red October souvenir shop. Also, Red October is more well-known than DenRus, and probably does fill up by March. I don't mind putting down a deposit...it's that much less cash to have to carry on the ship!

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Hello Group

As some of you already have guessed, the deposit is a commission paid to the owner of the web site that has the ad in the board header. By filling out the web site form your information is sent to R.O. in St Petersburg but the entire deposit goes to the US site owner. If you communicate directly with R.O. in St Petersburg, I am sure your questions will be answered more directly because a query does not need to be relayed. For those of you have been to St Petersburg previously, you probably can answer questions better than the US agent who has only visited once, that one visit was fairly recent.


Payment is payable by credit card or cash or whatever is handy for you with either tour operator.


None of the tours fill up. Why? Because the tour companies do not own their buses and vans, they rent them as needed. For example the company which handles the ships sponsored tours has to find 50-70 large tour buses for that day, along with 50-70 guides. If they did not get the whoever gets the bid for the next ship to dock rents many of the same buses for those two days. I know last summer Den Rus had one ship where they handled 2,800 visitors on one day, providing tours and lunch in 5 star hotels. You can imagine the complexity of coordinating all those passes and buses, admissions and other details. I wouldn't even want to think about that.

If more people sign up, more vans are used. Many of the large buses carry Finnish or German license plates and are used only during the summer season. The small vans are all local however.


Good luck and good sailing.


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Stan..do you really live in St.Petersburg ????


Your English is very good.:)


By the way... I love St. Petersburg and will definitely visit it again.. ( Have been there two times in 1985 and 1988)

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If you click on Stanj's name, you will see his many posts.

He is from SFO, transplanted to his beloved SPb.

How lucky we are to have him there.


Tat: Do you have any insights into SPb?


Well... I visited Leningrad (old name) twice. Once in 9th grade for 1 month and once in college for 1 week. I was a citizen of USSR (Ukraine) back then.


I absolutely love city and think it's the most interesting place in Russia. As much as I understand wish of many cruisers to visit Moscow during 2 days stop in St.P port I would not recommend this at all. St.P offers much more in terms of history and arts. (and I visited Moscow 8 or 9 times ;) )


My favourite Places and tours:


1) City tour ( including St.Issak Cathedr., Kazansky Cathedr.,Peter and Paul Fortress, Summer Garden, Nievsky Prospect etc)


I also had a tour "Rivers and Bridges of St.P" but I understand you won't have time for everything.


2) Museums: Hermitage , Russian Arts (again this one if you have time ,but I loved it!)


3) Palaces and parks: Petrodvorets (Peterhoff) , Catherine Palace (in Pushkino), Pavlovsk (optional) , Oranienbaum/Lomonosov (optional)


I highlighted a MUST see places.


If you have any questions please ask.:)

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