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Are felons allowed to cruise?


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:oMaybe it's just me but why would anyone post something like this in a public forum? Why not go directly to Carnival and ask them? They are the one that makes the decision on this and not the posters on this board. :o


Because you'll get as many different answers as the people you ask. What the OP's family member *should* be doing is speaking to the lawyer who represented them, having their terms of conviction, etc. etc. etc. reviewed and not relying on the opinions and views of an internet messageboard.

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While you may FEEL they are lame, they happen on a weekly basis, the MAIL isnt perfect, letters get lost, or get to you too late.. your check may have inexplainably bounced, it COULD have been put on another persons policy by accident.. people tanspose numbers all the time.. DMV could have made an error,, there are a million and one reasons people's insurance lapse and sometimes due to NO fault of their own... do you call your insurance agent EVERY morning at 12:01am to see if your insurance is in effect??? Im betting you dont.. like i said ive been an insurance agent for 13 years.. ive seen everything from ex spouses hiding mail, to mail never coming, to checks being processed incorrectly. and at 19 years old do you think the young man had any idea to contact DMV to change his lisence? Dont judgem and im not trying to flame you, but since i see it happen all the time, i can attest that "things happen" and it doesnt make someone a bad person..


Last summer , I was sitting outisde with one of my neighbors , A van from the power company pulls in her driveway. the guy gets out takes out his tools and walks up the driveway, right past us and around the house without a " Hello, how are ya?"


She follows him and asks what the problem is. He says he is there to shut off the power for non payment. the poor girl goes frantic. She knows darn well she paid her bill there is a mistake. the guy doesn't want to know anything he just knows what is on his paper.


She gets on her cell phone and calls the power company. Sure enough she is paid in full and current and her next bill isn't due until next month.


She hands the phone to the guy and he talks to her and everything was cleared.


Now who knows why her name and address was on the list , obviously a mistake. but it was a good thing she was home at the time and was able to nip it in the bud at the time

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:oMaybe it's just me but why would anyone post something like this in a public forum? Why not go directly to Carnival and ask them? They are the one that makes the decision on this and not the posters on this board. :o


Stay tuned for plenty more. :D

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Not only that but they send out a reminder before it is due......then there is this thing called online banking.......if you know you are sending a check late......guess what? you can go online to see if it cleared......if you are not internet savvy you can do it over the phone....imagine that:confused:


Hopefully youll never be the one sitting across the desk of your agent, when the internet site was down, or your online banking system was down... yes it happens. it happened in the grocery store yesterday, the satellite was down and they couldnt take debit /or credit card payments... only cash... while there is a certain level of responsibility to maintain, accidents and mistakes are a part of life..


i had a woman JUST call me this morning that she had NO idea her husband ( soon to be ex) removed her and her car from his auto insurance policy, in their seperation agreement it states he is to pay for both vehicles until divorced.. he didnt, shes had no insurance for almost 2 weeks, DMV doesnt send out letters in NY state for almost 30 days after they are electronlically notified of an insurance lapse, the only reason she found out about it was a rock hit her winshield and she was calling in a glass claim... when i advised her that car was removed from the policy almost 2 weeks ago..


My point is there are OTHER reasons other than being irresponsible that people are UNKNOWINGLY driving with no insurance..

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Because you'll get as many different answers as the people you ask. What the OP's family member *should* be doing is speaking to the lawyer who represented them, having their terms of conviction, etc. etc. etc. reviewed and not relying on the opinions and views of an internet messageboard.



I'm just shaking my head that the OP would come here for the answer to this question, and even more astounded at people who have NO KNOWLEDGE of this particular person's circumstances who are giving her the green light to add the stepson to the reservation. :rolleyes:


OP, talk to a lawyer!

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Hopefully youll never be the one sitting across the desk of your agent, when the internet site was down, or your online banking system was down... yes it happens. it happened in the grocery store yesterday, the satellite was down and they couldnt take debit /or credit card payments... only cash... while there is a certain level of responsibility to maintain, accidents and mistakes are a part of life..


i had a woman JUST call me this morning that she had NO idea her husband ( soon to be ex) removed her and her car from his auto insurance policy, in their seperation agreement it states he is to pay for both vehicles until divorced.. he didnt, shes had no insurance for almost 2 weeks, DMV doesnt send out letters in NY state for almost 30 days after they are electronlically notified of an insurance lapse, the only reason she found out about it was a rock hit her winshield and she was calling in a glass claim... when i advised her that car was removed from the policy almost 2 weeks ago..


My point is there are OTHER reasons other than being irresponsible that people are UNKNOWINGLY driving with no insurance..


The original post was about a guy who was driving around with no insurance.....which he knew........that is what got his license pulled.......

All those examples again are about personal responsibility.......they are all just excuses........If I was going thru a divorce I certainly would not trust my x to pay my bills lol!

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I'm just shaking my head that the OP would come here for the answer to this question, and even more astounded at people who have NO KNOWLEDGE of this particular person's circumstances who are giving her the green light to add the stepson to the reservation. :rolleyes:


OP, talk to a lawyer!


Well, what do you expect in the age of "user based knowledge". :rolleyes: Who needs common sense when you have internet messageboards and Wikipedia? (Okay, sound like I'm 65 now. Someone send me an AARP card and sign me up for the Early Bird Special ....)

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The original post was about a guy who was driving around with no insurance.....which he knew........that is what got his license pulled.......

All those examples again are about personal responsibility.......they are all just excuses........If I was going thru a divorce I certainly would not trust my x to pay my bills lol!



LOL, while i wouldnt trust my ex either.. one tends to think that a court ordered seperation agreement would be legal enough that he wouldnt have done such a thing.. but he did... however i read in the OP that the child never got the letter and didnt know his DL was suspended.. while being 19 legally makes you an adult, i dont know if at 19 i would have thought to go to DMV to cahnge my addy.. id like to think i was that smart, but hey hes a kid ( well to me he is cause now im 31) but i guess my point was that driving without insurance unknowingly doesnt make you a bad person..


now that being said,,driving KNOWINGLY without insurance does certainly make me angry..and there is no excuse for that.. if you cant afford to pay your bills, then you dont deserve the luxury of driving in a vehicle where you could do damage to others property as well as their persons.. without having the coverage that makes you LEGAL to be on the road,.,

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I would like to point out a few things in the case of my brother.


1. My parents dropped his insurance. Yes they told him that if dropped out of school they would cancel his insurance, but they also told him that they were going to do lots of other things that he "knew" they would never do, i.e. hang him up by his toenails, send him to live with a new family, etc. etc. etc. You know all of the things that parents tell their children to make them do what the parents want. He had no idea that my parents would really cancel his insurance.


2. His insurance wasn't cancelled because the bill wasn't paid. The insurance company didn't send a past-due notice, and then a final notice. The insurance was cancelled because my parents cancelled it.


3. The State of Florida sent a notice that his license was suspended for failing to carry insurance.


4. The address on his driver's license and insurance was CORRECT. He still lived at home with my parents. My parents always took the mail out of the mailbox, and for whatever reason Junior never got this letter. Perhaps it was because it was addressed with just his name without the Jr. and assumed it was dads. Who knows?


My point is... not everyone who has a felony conviction is a rapist or a murderer.

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I would like to point out a few things in the case of my brother.


1. My parents dropped his insurance. Yes they told him that if dropped out of school they would cancel his insurance, but they also told him that they were going to do lots of other things that he "knew" they would never do, i.e. hang him up by his toenails, send him to live with a new family, etc. etc. etc. You know all of the things that parents tell their children to make them do what the parents want. He had no idea that my parents would really cancel his insurance.


2. His insurance wasn't cancelled because the bill wasn't paid. The insurance company didn't send a past-due notice, and then a final notice. The insurance was cancelled because my parents cancelled it.


3. The State of Florida sent a notice that his license was suspended for failing to carry insurance.


4. The address on his driver's license and insurance was CORRECT. He still lived at home with my parents. My parents always took the mail out of the mailbox, and for whatever reason Junior never got this letter. Perhaps it was because it was addressed with just his name without the Jr. and assumed it was dads. Who knows?


My point is... not everyone who has a felony conviction is a rapist or a murderer.


Well said! And the reason why i was saying, doesnt make anyone a bad person.. there are MANY reasons someone could unknowingly be driving without insurance.. Shi& happens...

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Just FYI for all parents who threaten to cancel insurance... i am lisensed in NY NJ and FL, if your children still reside at home you are legally responsible for them until they turn 21, in NJ and in FL , here in NY its 24.. so if you decide to drop them and they are driving around with no insurance, and get into an accident.. guess who is still responsible... the parents.. yes it sucks, no i dont make the laws but just wanted to give all those parents a heads up :) i would hate to see any of you get smacked with a lawsuit where you could ultimately lose your home... if they have their own insurance you dont have to worry about a thing, all legal liability will be covered under their own policies.. idk how it stands for the rest of the country as i am only lisensed to do business in NY NJ and FL

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Well said! And the reason why i was saying, doesnt make anyone a bad person.. there are MANY reasons someone could unknowingly be driving without insurance.. Shi& happens...


Years ago I lived in a small town. Town Hall was a a transformed old school house. The Tax Collector was a sweet little old lady who probably started on the job using an abbacas, a sundial, and a quill pen.


All of a sudden they plopped a computer on her desk and said "Here you go"


For over a year, the line of people standing outside that office with a letter from DMV stating they couldn't register their car because their car taxes weren't paid ,and the cancelled check proving they did in fact pay their taxes was overwhelming.


So mistakes really do happen, and it's not always the person in questions fault

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your first place to start is his probabtion officer. i believe felon's can NOT travel. it's the unfortunate terminology "felony" that can stop travel. first off, they can not get a passport. but even though the cruise can be closed loop, their may be issue's with customs. so again, first stop is the legal end.. his probabtion then the courts. then find out what carnival's policy is. if he is just someone whos done jail time, then he can travel. again, its the terminology of his crime.

Not true DH is a felon and has gotten his passport.

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Just to clarify something, a felon can travel into Canada with proper paper work. If the conviction is under 5 years they have to fill out a rehabilitation form, send it in, have it reviewed and unless something awful (murder, rape, etc) it is granted and they can enter (it is good for so many months). If the conviction is over 10 years they get a permanent rehabilitation and it is good for ever. Both apply if there have been no convictions since. While a DUI (1st time) is not a felony in the US, it is in Canada and the laws allowing you in are determined by Canadian law. So while you may have a DUI (not felony) in the US, it is a felony in Canada and without the paper work they do not have to let you in. One of our former Presidents had to have a rehabilitation letter to travel to Canada (while President) because of a DUI. So they statement that a convicted felon can not enter Canada isn't entirely true.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but all 3 are no-fault states, aren't they?


yes all 3 are no fault states, however NJ is a very different animal when it comes to PIP laws... ofcourse everyone is also mandated to carry uninsured underinsured motorist coverage, but many times especially in Florida and NY we dont require the limits to be made consitant and many people carry much lower limits than their own bodily injury limits. NJ will not allow you to carry inconsitent limits so if you are carrying 100/300 for bodily injury you must also carry 100/300 for uninsure motorist. in NY you can carry 100/300 liability and 25/50 for uninsured,., and to make matters worse in Florida you can unstack your limits if you have two cars, one car can carry 100/300 and the other car can be 10/20...


insurance is a pain in the ass! LOL

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yes all 3 are no fault states, however NJ is a very different animal when it comes to PIP laws...


Yeah, I know. One of the "joys" of living in the Garden State. I'm always so tempted to registered my car at my folks' place in PA but don't want to get into any trouble on account of it. ;)

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Yeah, I know. One of the "joys" of living in the Garden State. I'm always so tempted to registered my car at my folks' place in PA but don't want to get into any trouble on account of it. ;)


or delaware :) LOL just FYI..on the verbal threshold for you vs non-verbal threshold.. many agents will scare you into paying the extra money for NON verbal threshold.. meaning you can sue for any rhyme or reason, bad hair day broken finger nail... the verbal threshold is cheaper and you can absolutely sue for a permanent injury.. permanent injury doesnt mean you need to lose a limb or an eye.. it just means that you no longer have 100% use of something,, the only thing verbal threshold limits you on is suing for pain and suffering.. but you still can abolsutly sue if you are injured... :) hope that helps

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