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Video Editing


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Got back from Alaska Monday. Absolutely great time and cruise. Alaska is really unbelievable in it's beauty. And of course, I took over 2800 pictures and about 6-7 hours of video. Time to edit.


One thing I got to do which was interesting was on our flight seeing tour in Ketchikan. The tour operator, Island Wings, had a way for me to mount my Contour ROAM under the wing and I got to record the whole flight. Put some highlights on the link below.



Also got to attach it to my helmet while white water rafting. Should be interesting.



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One thing I got to do which was interesting was on our flight seeing tour in Ketchikan. The tour operator, Island Wings, had a way for me to mount my Contour ROAM under the wing and I got to record the whole flight. Put some highlights on the link below.



Also got to attach it to my helmet while white water rafting. Should be interesting. Tim


Very professional looking video. A masterful job.



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Very professional looking video. A masterful job.




Thanks. The one thing I do not like about the camera on this footage is that it covers 170 degrees to the front. Some of the other models have a 130 degree view. Wonder if that would have eliminated the curving sides. Needless to say, there is no image stabilization and I did not wash it through the editing program to try that. Have to try that. Some type of shock absorbing mount might have helped as well. The camera as basically screwed onto a wooden down which was strapped a pylon on the aircraft.


Now, I just need to get another hard drive to import the rest......



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Got back from Alaska Monday. Absolutely great time and cruise. Alaska is really unbelievable in it's beauty. And of course, I took over 2800 pictures and about 6-7 hours of video. Time to edit.


One thing I got to do which was interesting was on our flight seeing tour in Ketchikan. The tour operator, Island Wings, had a way for me to mount my Contour ROAM under the wing and I got to record the whole flight. Put some highlights on the link below.



Also got to attach it to my helmet while white water rafting. Should be interesting.




That was sweet. nice job. How long did you stay at the lake you landed on???

Man, I have to book a cruise soon or I am going to go crazy.

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That was sweet. nice job. How long did you stay at the lake you landed on???

Man, I have to book a cruise soon or I am going to go crazy.


We were on the lake/shore for about 30 minutes. Got to get off and walk around and take some pictures. Even managed to find the Griswold Family Christmas Tree.....





So, I have discovered that I took a lot of video and pictures on my trip. My computer along with the 2.6TB of hard disk space said, way too much. Had to go an install another internal 2TB hard drive yesterday (surprisingly 2TB will only hold 45 hours of HD video...) Now on to editing.....



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Nice Tim.

Interesting stuff. The glide into the lake landing is very nice. I"m sure you got stuff inside the cabin of the plane and out the window. Should all cut together.


It will be possible to screen grab some of Michelle's float plane too from YouTube to cut in if you are missing something .. Hopefully you got your own shots of Michelle flying the plane.




Keep it tight. Use the very best stuff and roll on ...

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........surprisingly 2TB will only hold 45 hours of HD video...)




Is that right Tim. 45 hours on 2TB is like 44 gigs per hour? Is that some kind of transcoding to MOV files for editing? Or right off the camera? My SONY HD uses AVCHD which is something like 8 gigs per hour?

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Nice Tim.

Interesting stuff. The glide into the lake landing is very nice. I"m sure you got stuff inside the cabin of the plane and out the window. Should all cut together.


It will be possible to screen grab some of Michelle's float plane too from YouTube to cut in if you are missing something .. Hopefully you got your own shots of Michelle flying the plane.




Keep it tight. Use the very best stuff and roll on ...


I do have some video of the float plane coming in as well as a number of pictures of it from the boat. We had seaplanes going in and out all day and relatively close to the ship. Half the time they looked like they were coming in to dive bomb or strafe the ship. I do have plenty taken from inside looking out still to use as well as most of the second half of the flight back. Unfortunately the camera did not get us landing back at the dock.

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Is that right Tim. 45 hours on 2TB is like 44 gigs per hour? Is that some kind of transcoding to MOV files for editing? Or right off the camera? My SONY HD uses AVCHD which is something like 8 gigs per hour?


My Canon does AVCHD as well. I also took it at the highest resolution rate I could. I based the time of how much it said I could input by what the import stat told me. Just glad I have plenty of internal storage space now.


I also did another short video from when DW and I renewed our vows. Lighting at the ceremony is low as is the audio. Granted, the camera was sitting on a tripod just recording.


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Cool stuff Tim with renewing your vows. We've done it twice so far, but never on a ship. Cool thing to do. I'm sure you'll think of something neat to do with it regards some cut-aways to spice up the static shot. That's the fun of editing.

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Just got some energy to post my 4 part Hawaiian Cruise .. I've had it done for a long time but just never posted it .. The idea was to make it short and create something around some decent footage .. I had lots of nice Pilot boat stuff and so I used it ..


Leaving Port of LA - 3 min.


Hilo - 3 1/2 min.


Honolulu and Kauai - 5 1/2 min.


Maui - 3 min.

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Cool stuff Tim with renewing your vows. We've done it twice so far, but never on a ship. Cool thing to do. I'm sure you'll think of something neat to do with it regards some cut-aways to spice up the static shot. That's the fun of editing.


I have already been banned from dubbing over the vows with different wording......Apparently DW frowns upon the word "obey"...........:D:D


Should have part 1 of the cruise up sometime today/tonight depending on upload speed.

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Okay, finished the first part of my video from Alaska. Let me know your thoughts.





Overall pretty good. It plays. I watched the whole thing so that's already a high mark.


I'm sure it would benefit from some tightening. But then, it's your vacation. The stuff I might take out could be your favorite shot !!


The last scene with your wife (who I think did well on camera) shows us all that you don't want to shoot into a window. I'm guilty of the same thing. I just don't think at the time where the light is coming from. Photography is LIGHTING. If we all could stay conscious of that. But I liked the scene ... you might have saved some of the hiking footage and let it run over your wife's VOICE OVER .. sort of like a "flashback" ...

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Overall pretty good. It plays. I watched the whole thing so that's already a high mark.


I'm sure it would benefit from some tightening. But then, it's your vacation. The stuff I might take out could be your favorite shot !!


The last scene with your wife (who I think did well on camera) shows us all that you don't want to shoot into a window. I'm guilty of the same thing. I just don't think at the time where the light is coming from. Photography is LIGHTING. If we all could stay conscious of that. But I liked the scene ... you might have saved some of the hiking footage and let it run over your wife's VOICE OVER .. sort of like a "flashback" ...


Thanks Paul. The first thought I had when I saw that last clip with my wife was "what I was I doing trying to film with a window behind me." I am toying with doing some narration/voice over on some of this. Got a mic to hook up to the computer so we shall see how that goes.

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Overall pretty good. It plays. I watched the whole thing so that's already a high mark.


I'm sure it would benefit from some tightening. But then, it's your vacation. The stuff I might take out could be your favorite shot !!


The last scene with your wife (who I think did well on camera) shows us all that you don't want to shoot into a window. I'm guilty of the same thing. I just don't think at the time where the light is coming from. Photography is LIGHTING. If we all could stay conscious of that. But I liked the scene ... you might have saved some of the hiking footage and let it run over your wife's VOICE OVER .. sort of like a "flashback" ...

Thanks for the great tip for not shooting into a window - I will definitely keep that one in mind next time there is a window in the background!


Thanks Paul. The first thought I had when I saw that last clip with my wife was "what I was I doing trying to film with a window behind me." I am toying with doing some narration/voice over on some of this. Got a mic to hook up to the computer so we shall see how that goes.

Tim I enjoyed your video! Looking forward to Part 2. :)

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I am toying with doing some narration/voice over on some of this. Got a mic to hook up to the computer so we shall see how that goes.


I think narration is, on occasion, a good idea. It really helps condense and enrich.. When I look back on this Episode from my World Cruise Saga from 4 years ago, I think the narration really contributes .. I'd never remember this stuff .. I generally record the narration I think important to the story and then edit the footage to the recorded narration (sometimes editing the narration as well) .. But as I did in this Penang piece, I sometimes try to make it seem as if the "narration" is actually my voice recorded while shooting .. and sometimes it is .. but sometimes I did the "voicing" at home .. can you tell which is which?


Penang 6 min.

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Hi guys, I have not been on for a while checking this thread, but there are some nice videos added.

Tim, loved your Ketchikan flight video on the wing of the plane, what a great idea, and how nice the pilot let you mount the camera.:)


Those are some great shots.


Paul, I really enjoyed your Hawaii pieces. Some great editing, although you do seem to have a fancy for the pilot boats.....lol

Liked the shots you did where you are set up to stand in front of the camera or walking by it... nice

Also thought it was a cute shot where you are having an argument with yourself, nicely done.

You have given me some ideas for my next cruise.


Tim, liked your Alaskan first part. I agree with Paul, and would do some tightning. Not sure if it is the Apple software you use, but I wonder why there is such a lag in time when you switch from text back to video.


I went to Alaska last year and truly enjoyed the trip and views.


lokking forward to the next installment:)



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Great job, really liked the scenes along with the music you picked.

Some beautiful shots.

I did a similar thing last year when we were at Talkeetna lodge and we flew up, and landed on the Elder Glacier, great times.


Can't wait to see more



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Some good stuff in there TIm. Just needs to be tightened up .. The narration was good, (although the sound quality can be improved), but even with the quality as it is it adds to the piece. Would be worthwhile to add narration about Mount McKinley and other things you learned about up there. The detail will be appreciated later when these videos start to mature in say 5 to 10 years. It's amazing how much you forget ..


But really a great job for someone who is not retired and has limited time to work on the videos.... they really do take up a bunch of time to edit.


I'll look out for the next one.

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Some good stuff in there TIm. Just needs to be tightened up .. The narration was good, (although the sound quality can be improved), but even with the quality as it is it adds to the piece. Would be worthwhile to add narration about Mount McKinley and other things you learned about up there. The detail will be appreciated later when these videos start to mature in say 5 to 10 years. It's amazing how much you forget ..


But really a great job for someone who is not retired and has limited time to work on the videos.... they really do take up a bunch of time to edit.


I'll look out for the next one.


Thanks Paul. I had a decent mic to use for the narration, but could not get it to work. Ended up using the mic on my computer video camera which is not exactly the best. Only took me about 10 times to get it right, or at least close to right. Have to figure out the better mic. I do like how you do your narration on the camera on your video. My intention was to do more of that with the lapel mic connected to the video camera, but that never seemed to work out well. Guess I was enjoying the champagne and the scenery on the balcony more......

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Do the narration on your camera mic. Find a very quiet place (dead quiet if possible) and just point the thing at your mouth, press record and let it rip. It will sound something like you did it on location.

Your editor should be able to de-couple the soundtrack so you can edit just the sound. Does it do that? If it doesn't, time to move into something that does. So if you stumble on the narration, just repeat it and cut it later. I usually script the narration but then when I do it, I may change what I've written so it sounds more natural.


If you want it to sound like you were narrating while shooting, then point the camera into the wall, and do the narration from behind the camera. A good spot to try this is are the shots from the co-pilots seat. You have the aircraft noise as a background. Now add your "voice over" as you fly. You can be saying something like this " We learned that Alaska is a huge state .. 2 times the size of Texas .. but there's no roads between the cities .. do you see a road down there? Any cars? Nop. Everyone here gets around in airplanes or boats !! " If you do this right, it will sound like you recorded it in the airplane. Even if it doesn't sound like you did it on location, it adds interest. That's showbiz ...

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Here is Part 3. Little longer than the others. Guess I got carried away, but wanted to make it go till we got to the ship. Do have to give DW some credit for some of the train video, particularly at Hurricane Gulch.


Paul - Agree on the tightening up part. Have already been going over the whole thing and making adjustments. Burned it to a DVD to watch on the big TV which was well worth it. Brings out some issues I needed to fix. Guess we will call that one the "director's cut"..


Enjoy. Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!



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Here is Part 3. Little longer than the others. Guess I got carried away, but wanted to make it go till we got to the ship. Do have to give DW some credit for some of the train video, particularly at Hurricane Gulch.


Paul - Agree on the tightening up part. Have already been going over the whole thing and making adjustments. Burned it to a DVD to watch on the big TV which was well worth it. Brings out some issues I needed to fix. Guess we will call that one the "director's cut"..


Enjoy. Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!




Very nice job again Tim. Your skills keep improving. The contour gave you some good rafting footage. Naturally, I think the whole thing needs tightening .. But it's your vacation and you guys are the best judge. Sometimes too long for the neighbors is just right for you, allowing some time for remembering and discussion while the footage rolls ... My argument is that years from now even you will think it's too long. Once you've made a point -- move on.


If your DW made that beautiful panning shot from Hurricane Gulch to the tracks, she did it beautifullly. The train shots were excellent. Are you stabilizing some of this stuff in the editor? Footage is looking much more solid (which makes the shaky parts stand out) .. Nice work. Keep going.

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