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Camera choice


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Hey all,


I'm taking my first cruise this December and I'm trying to decide which camera to bring. I've got a DSLR with a couple lenses that takes absolutely perfect pictures but I'm concerned about it's bulk and the fact it's expensive. I'd love to have pictures taken with this but I'm wondering if I'd be better off to just bring my little point & shoot that takes decent pictures.

I'm thinking it might be worth it to bring both and just keep the DSLR on the ship and the P&S for going ashore?

Also what's the protocol for being on the beaches, is there a cabana or something nearby to lock up valuables like camera's, wallets, extra clothes etc. while we swim at most places?

Any input is appreciated :)




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Welcome to CC,


Only you can decide between the tradeoff of a P&S and the DSLR. Honestly at the beach where lighting is good the larger sensor, faster turn on / off, fast autofocus etc. likely not going to be a big difference you are probably more than good with a P&S, maybe even pick up a new waterproof P&S for a couple hundred bucks. Plan to take pictures of fast action or need a big zoom might be different story of what you bring.


On the ship where lighting can be poor and or you want to zoom or shoot super wide panoramics a DSLR with a 10-20 super wide or a telephoto can be real fun!


As to beach, I'd not take anything terrrible valuable that you will ever let out of your sight. In port all you need is cruisecard ( plastic ), CC, and a few dollars. Many places and the ship will sell you a waterpoof plastic waist pack for things that you don't want to get wet like a camera. Private beaches can be very secure with lockers and stuff, public beach conditions and the area round them vary widely.


I always bring a DSLR and P&S and depending on what I'm doing take one of the two or both.


In general passports and other IDs are not required to get off/on the ship. Its a seperate question as to your confort level in traveling off the boat without them; cash, CC and cruise card is all you need.


Good luck and enjoy that first cruise!


Hey all,


I'm taking my first cruise this December and I'm trying to decide which camera to bring. I've got a DSLR with a couple lenses that takes absolutely perfect pictures but I'm concerned about it's bulk and the fact it's expensive. I'd love to have pictures taken with this but I'm wondering if I'd be better off to just bring my little point & shoot that takes decent pictures.

I'm thinking it might be worth it to bring both and just keep the DSLR on the ship and the P&S for going ashore?

Also what's the protocol for being on the beaches, is there a cabana or something nearby to lock up valuables like camera's, wallets, extra clothes etc. while we swim at most places?

Any input is appreciated :)




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Hey all,


I'm taking my first cruise this December and I'm trying to decide which camera to bring. I've got a DSLR with a couple lenses that takes absolutely perfect pictures but I'm concerned about it's bulk and the fact it's expensive. I'd love to have pictures taken with this but I'm wondering if I'd be better off to just bring my little point & shoot that takes decent pictures.

I'm thinking it might be worth it to bring both and just keep the DSLR on the ship and the P&S for going ashore?

Also what's the protocol for being on the beaches, is there a cabana or something nearby to lock up valuables like camera's, wallets, extra clothes etc. while we swim at most places?

Any input is appreciated :)





Well, it wasn't my first cruise, but I too have been pondering this very same question since February 2009, when I bought a DSLR. Basically, if I have to fly, I leave the DSLR at home. As you mention, its bulk is an issue. So, on my cruise out of Galveston, and my up coming cruise out of NY, the DSLR stayed home.


In June of last year, and November of this year, I'm driving to the port, and the DSLR comes with me. So does the smaller camera. In Cabo, which was a photo shoot excursion, I took the DSLR. In Mazatlan, which was a beach excursion, I took my underwater camera (a Pentex W30). And in PV, which was a walking excursion, I took the Canon A590.


For next cruise, I am flying to NY and the DSLR will stay home.


In November I'm driving to the port. I have not pick out my excursions yet, so I don't yet know how many cameras I'll take. For walking excursions I will take the Canon A590 because of its light weight. For water based excursions I'll take the waterproof camera. For excursions designed for photographers, I'll take the DSLR.


As to the beaches, which one(s) are you going to?

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Thanks all for the quick responses!


As to the beaches, which one(s) are you going to?


We're sailing on Allure OTS on the eastern carib trip so Bahamas, St. Thomas and St. Maarten will be the stops. Haven't been able to see the excursions yet but I think you're right, it will entirely depend on what we're planning on doing.

I hadn't thought about a waterproof camera but that sounds like a wise choice as well! Thanks for the suggestion. :)



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i would never take anything you don't mind losing off the ship. We're taking 3 cameras with us. A digital vidcam, a regular P&S and a waterproof P&S. When we go to shore, *only* the waterproof one goes with us. There is so much dirt and sand and water that i wouldn't think to bring anything else but a waterproof one.


I have a DSLR too but i have found that whenever i bring it with, i rarely use it because it's so big and bulky. The P&S is faster and easier to use. So now it stays home in the closet.

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Thanks all for the quick responses!


As to the beaches, which one(s) are you going to?


We're sailing on Allure OTS on the eastern carib trip so Bahamas, St. Thomas and St. Maarten will be the stops. Haven't been able to see the excursions yet but I think you're right, it will entirely depend on what we're planning on doing.

I hadn't thought about a waterproof camera but that sounds like a wise choice as well! Thanks for the suggestion. :)




I'm not as familiar with the Eastern Caribbean beaches. There might be some with cabanas, but I cannot think of any at the moment.

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I have a DSLR and a decent P&S and nowadays take both of them, and use the P&S when the wx is rainy because my DSLR does NOT like water! Found out the hard way once. :eek:

I didn't take my DSLR on a couple of cruises and regretted it each time. So, I take both. The P&S is great to take to dinner for pics and around the ship. I leave the DSLR in the safe when not taking it with me.

The P&S cameras are so darn good these days, it is hard to make a choice sometimes, but taking both makes it easier. :rolleyes:

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I have had both dslr and p&s. have now got a olympus pen anf that is all i need anywhere. You can get a waterproof case for it that you can shoot through for taking pictures in the sea or in the rain.


It is slightly more bulky than p&S especially if you pack all your lenses and attachments but is nowhere near as bulky as dslr and does take some amazing shots.



hope this helps






P.S The newest model has a built in flash so 1 less attchment to carry!

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I'd bring both. The dSLR will be real nice to take some really nice pictures even ashore. Depending on what you are doing ashore would drive what I would bring. Depending what lenses you have, I would try and find one that will work best for what or where you are going, rather than lug around several lenses. I usually being 3 cameras with me, each has it's different uses. One is small compact with I can carry around on the ship, great for taking random pictures and easy to carry. Have and underwater P&S for water trips and then the high end one for taking really nice shots that you need a lot more control over. DW things I'm excessive, but since I enjoy taking pictures it works for me. I am also the one lugging it all around too...


Happy cruising and picture taking!!!!



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Thanks again everyone for the great ideas and suggestions! Very much appreciated.

I've decided we'll be taking both as there will be ample opportunities to use both types as everyone here as agreed.

However, I'm going to upgrade my P&S to a waterproof one like a few of you have, it seems more practical in this situation and it will do everything and more of what my current one does.




This is the one I'm going to get... looks great, not too big but has alot of features and it's everything proof!! Comes in pink to boot :p


Everyone's helped ease my mind on bringing the DSLR, thought I might regret it but now I'm sure I won't.


Thanks again


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I will definitely be bring my dslr. I couldn't imagine missing out on all the photographic moments that will come my way on the cruise and islands.


I did go out and buy a point and shoot that is also an underwater camera after a lot of research on the internet and on here. It came highly recommended. It's the Canon D10. Excellent pictures, settings, and I just love it.


I will probably take my slr on all the islands except the one we decide to snorkel at. I have a lot of lens and equipment, so the hard part for me is going to be having to choose a lens to take. I'm not sure if I should just take a prime or a prime and a zoom.

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This is the one I'm going to get... looks great, not too big but has alot of features and it's everything proof!! Comes in pink to boot :p


Thanks again




We just picked that exact model up last night at FutureShop for $168. THe battery is charged and we're waiting a couple weeks for the water to warm up enough to try it out in the ocean! Enjoy! (we got the lime green one)

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We like the convenience of disposable cameras, especially the kind that are water proof. Quality seems to be quite adequate for our taste!



Not to be negative or anything, but if you want good quality underwater pictures, the disposable camera suck. You can never get a good quality picture in water with those. I've tried several brands and they always look like crap. So unless someone has a better one to try that has been proven, I would steer away from the underwater disposables.


Here's a few disposables that I used for a snorkel adventure. I will never do it again.





Are there fish in these pictures? Yes...can you tell? Not really.


Here's a link that shows some good underwater pictures with some decent point and shoots you might be interested in OP.



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As far as what camera to take. We also have a DSLR wich we took to on our last cruise to Cozumel and Progresso. I will not take it off the ship again, the locals saw the very expensive camera and we were followed in Cozumel by a group of thugs, I think the only thing that saved us from being mugged and robbed was the fact that Im 6'4 and quite intimidating. I would take it on the ship but leave it there in ports. At most of the vendor's they see an expensive camera and the prices go up quite quickly. We tested this theory My wife walked up to a vendor and asked the price of a wooden turtle on Cozumel then I walked up to the same person with my cannon around my neck and asked the price of the same turtle, the Price doubled. So if you decide to take your DSLR keep it in a bag or out of sight. hope this helps

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As far as what camera to take. We also have a DSLR wich we took to on our last cruise to Cozumel and Progresso. I will not take it off the ship again, the locals saw the very expensive camera and we were followed in Cozumel by a group of thugs, I think the only thing that saved us from being mugged and robbed was the fact that Im 6'4 and quite intimidating. I would take it on the ship but leave it there in ports. At most of the vendor's they see an expensive camera and the prices go up quite quickly. We tested this theory My wife walked up to a vendor and asked the price of a wooden turtle on Cozumel then I walked up to the same person with my cannon around my neck and asked the price of the same turtle, the Price doubled. So if you decide to take your DSLR keep it in a bag or out of sight. hope this helps


I was afraid of that, so yes the plan is to bring both and use the DSLR onboard only, unless we have a sight-seeing excursion planned. Very good advice, thank you.



We just picked that exact model up last night at FutureShop for $168. THe battery is charged and we're waiting a couple weeks for the water to warm up enough to try it out in the ocean! Enjoy! (we got the lime green one)


I'll be getting the green as well, for some reason it's on sale here at Futureshop but the pink isn't :( Oh well I like the green.

Have fun with your new camera and your cruise! :)

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Very good point John!

I tend to carry my DSLR to new places but maybe not in those area.

By the way, the cabin is pretty safe to keep those valuable things ( Passport, expensive camera gear ) ?


To Op:

I would take all cameras *DSLR + P&S* that can help me keep some good memory of the trip and see which to carry with you at that time.

Nothing worse than bad pictures/framing/zooming during your wonderful trip!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a lot of lens and equipment, so the hard part for me is going to be having to choose a lens to take. I'm not sure if I should just take a prime or a prime and a zoom.


Hey there Mits, I think we're going to get along just fine on our cruise - I have the same problem! I think I'm going to have to leave mine in the safe on port days though, since I'll be on my own. I could never relax in the water knowing I'd left my baby on the beach. :eek:


Right now I'm thinking I'll limit myself to my 17-55mm, 50mm and 55-250mm. That means giving up the 10-20mm lens which comes in really handy for the tight interior shots...

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I have a 18-70mm (I think), it's the kit lens. A 28mm, 50mm, 100-300mm and a 8mm fish eye, that I truly adore and takes awesome pictures and very colorful.


The only one out of them I truly don't care for is the 50mm and I'm thinking about selling it. I got accustomed to my 28mm for so long before I bought the 50mm and I just can't use the 50mm because I seem to have to back up so much more to get everything in the picture I want. Even though the f stop is a lot lower on the 50mm, I still love my 28mm and will take it for sure.


I'll probably have to take the fish eye just to get the island pictures.


I hate to take the crappy kit lens, but I don't have another non prime lens other than that.


I'm really unsure about the zoom lens. It comes in handy in a lot of situations and the bokeh on it is to die for! However, it's extremely heavy and you can't use it in all situations...which sucks.


Eh, decisions. :(


I'll probably only take my polarizer as an additional instead of a uv lens.


Do you have a raincoat for your camera? I have a few and I'm not sure if I should take it or not. My bag (Tameron) is just so big and heavy with everything in it. I might try to find something a little more compact just for the trip.

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The only one out of them I truly don't care for is the 50mm and I'm thinking about selling it. I got accustomed to my 28mm for so long before I bought the 50mm and I just can't use the 50mm because I seem to have to back up so much more to get everything in the picture I want. Even though the f stop is a lot lower on the 50mm, I still love my 28mm and will take it for sure.


I'll probably have to take the fish eye just to get the island pictures.


I'm really unsure about the zoom lens. It comes in handy in a lot of situations and the bokeh on it is to die for! However, it's extremely heavy and you can't use it in all situations...which sucks.


Eh, decisions. :(


I'll probably only take my polarizer as an additional instead of a uv lens.


Do you have a raincoat for your camera? I have a few and I'm not sure if I should take it or not. My bag (Tameron) is just so big and heavy with everything in it. I might try to find something a little more compact just for the trip.


I know what you mean about backing up with the 50mm, yes it's annoying, but it's the only fixed lens I have and the 1.4f and sharpness of the pictures just can't be beat. I'll use it on the ship for detail shots, like food and small decorations. Otherwise I'll probably have the 17-55 on. It has a 2.8f but I still prefer the 50mm in some situations. My zoom lens is not very heavy at all, and I do love it. But if I don't think I'll be taking it off the ship, then there's not much point in bringing it.


Sigh, the search for the elusive perfect camera bag - I don't think it exists, at least not for us girls. I think I'll fly with my gear in a backpack bag, but I have a smaller bag for walkabout (which has a built in rain cover). I don't have a raincoat for my camera, if necessary I bring a large ziplock with a hole cut out for the lens.:o


At least you have your husband with you to carry the towels and sunscreen! ;):D:D


Anyway, I think we've highjacked this thread :o so maybe you should drop me an email at jsavoy@gmail.com. i'd love to see some of your pictures if you have them posted anywhere.

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I bring both my full sized DSLR with usually one lens that fits most of my needs (I don't like to travel with multiple lenses) and my small P&S because I have an underwater housing for it. I like the option of having both and they get plenty of use.

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I will definitely be bring my dslr. I couldn't imagine missing out on all the photographic moments that will come my way on the cruise and islands.


I did go out and buy a point and shoot that is also an underwater camera after a lot of research on the internet and on here. It came highly recommended. It's the Canon D10. Excellent pictures, settings, and I just love it.


I will probably take my slr on all the islands except the one we decide to snorkel at. I have a lot of lens and equipment, so the hard part for me is going to be having to choose a lens to take. I'm not sure if I should just take a prime or a prime and a zoom.


I would not suggest bringing a prime lens unless you have a macro. I have brought 4-5 lens, 2 camera bodies and a flash for all of my cruises. But usually only use my 24-70mm, 70-200 IS or now a 100-400mm len. We also have a P&S my DW carries for herself.


Hey there Mits, I think we're going to get along just fine on our cruise - I have the same problem! I think I'm going to have to leave mine in the safe on port days though, since I'll be on my own. I could never relax in the water knowing I'd left my baby on the beach. :eek:


Right now I'm thinking I'll limit myself to my 17-55mm, 50mm and 55-250mm. That means giving up the 10-20mm lens which comes in really handy for the tight interior shots...



Depending on the camera body you have leave the 50mm at home unless you are going to use if for low light shots on the ship.

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