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Do you miss your kids?

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YESSSSSSSSSS I miss my kids so much!! My DH constantly tells me that we need the time away and after a few days I'm fine. I never get bored with DH in fact I enjoy the long conversations we can have when the kids are not there. The kids also need a break from us!!!

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I never missed the "kids" because we have always taken them with us.


I am a Accountant who retired to be a stay at home Mom when the kids came along....and instead of leaving them at Grandma's house...we brought Grandma with us as well.



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No, don't really miss my kids on a vacation or cruise. They don't want to be seen with us anyway.


My DH and I are taking a cruise this Sept all my ourselves. The first time without going with friends or family. DH said "I hope we aren't going to be bored". I told him that if he was going with that attitude I wanted him to stay home and I would go by myself. Shhheesh!!! Can't take him anywhere without something said like that. Sure shows that we have been married tooooo long (24 years). LOL

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I'm afraid that I'll get bored with just my husband (shhhhh) for 5 nights.


Am I the only one?


What are you going to do when your girls are grown up & have lives of their own? You should be concentrating on your life without kids at some point and make your husband your best friend that you can't stand to be apart from. My DH & I go on cruises by ourselves and some with kids. Our youngest is almost 16 and the other is out on her own so I am always thinking about "our" life together without kids. I'm looking really forward to our alone time.


Out of my 6 cruises, only 2 were with kids. I have 2 booked, one with son and one just the 2 of us.

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Our last cruise was a 7-day (plus we go a day early) and it was just FAR too long to be without the kids. Before we left we were so excited for the break and being able to relax, but it was a different story after a few days. We decided we will never go on a vacation without them for that long until they are much older (they were 5 and 6.5 when we left). And being that we've had another one who is now 16 months, we don't foresee another childless weeklong cruise in our future for quite awhile.


We'll probably still do a short cruise or short trip without them, like 4 or 5 days max total, but never again a week or more. And I'm a SAHM too, so I can always use a break, but after a few days, I just miss them TOO much. I started crying on the phone talking to DS last time. But you never know how you'll react until you go, so you should definitely go without them and worse case is you just won't do it again.

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What are you going to do when your girls are grown up & have lives of their own? You should be concentrating on your life without kids at some point and make your husband your best friend that you can't stand to be apart from. My DH & I go on cruises by ourselves and some with kids. Our youngest is almost 16 and the other is out on her own so I am always thinking about "our" life together without kids. I'm looking really forward to our alone time.


Out of my 6 cruises, only 2 were with kids. I have 2 booked, one with son and one just the 2 of us.



Very good advice.


As my sisters and I got married and had kids , my mom always told my sisters and my wife to remember they had husbands too and to remember they had needs also.


It never killed a child to spend a little time with Grandma or a sitter while mom and dad enjoyed themselves now and again.


She also always said justy like you. You're husband is your best friend (or should be ) not your kids. As soon as your kids get older and start driving and getting friends and dates and going places , they are out of there (as it should be )


You beter have your best friend to turn too.

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Very good advice.


As my sisters and I got married and had kids , my mom always told my sisters and my wife to remember they had husbands too and to remember they had needs also.


It never killed a child to spend a little time with Grandma or a sitter while mom and dad enjoyed themselves now and again.


She also always said justy like you. You're husband is your best friend (or should be ) not your kids. As soon as your kids get older and start driving and getting friends and dates and going places , they are out of there (as it should be )


You beter have your best friend to turn too.


When my kids were babies, we had our date nights. This was before we found cruising. Our vacations were always about the kids when they were younger but DH & I went out without the kids at least once a month. Some times we even snuck away and got a hotel for a nite in our hometown just to have some quality alone time with no distractions. Of course I had my mom that could be with my kids and not everybody has that option but it worked for me. One time we went away for a weekend to San Diego without the kids and what a blast we had. We got tattoos LOL. Our kids were in total shock when we came home like rebels. Once we discovered cruising, we started taking vacations without kids regularly. I love spending time with my best friend.

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No. We were fortunate...the grandparents moved in while we were away. We did it at least once a year, often more because of business trips. Trips lasted anywhere from 5 days to three weeks. Looking back, it was a generous gift from my parents. It also was a bonding experience for both grandchildren and grandparents. Would we recommend it to others...absolutely. We also did family vacations.

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When my kids were babies, we had our date nights. This was before we found cruising. Our vacations were always about the kids when they were younger but DH & I went out without the kids at least once a month. Some times we even snuck away and got a hotel for a nite in our hometown just to have some quality alone time with no distractions. Of course I had my mom that could be with my kids and not everybody has that option but it worked for me. One time we went away for a weekend to San Diego without the kids and what a blast we had. We got tattoos LOL. Our kids were in total shock when we came home like rebels. Once we discovered cruising, we started taking vacations without kids regularly. I love spending time with my best friend.



Oh my wife and I do stuff like that all the time *LOL*



We had three years of obstacles before we could really be together when we first met. So we don't like having too many of them now .


Wishing you and your best friend many more happy healthy years and wonderful cruises. :)

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My Dh and I have been married for 40 yrs. When kids were younger we always did a family vacation once a year. Dh traveled a lot with his job and quite often I could go with him so Grandma came and stayed with the kids. I missed them but also enjoyed the time alone with DH. Now kids are married with kids and guess what? I miss the grandkids!!! We took family on a New Years cruise in 08/09 and really enjoyed being all together. DH and I babysat at night so kids could party. We loved having sandwich parties with them as they loved room service. We will do another family cruise as soon as newest grandkids are older. (one is 4 mos and other due in Sept.). We cruise as often as we can.

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Very good advice.


As my sisters and I got married and had kids , my mom always told my sisters and my wife to remember they had husbands too and to remember they had needs also.


It never killed a child to spend a little time with Grandma or a sitter while mom and dad enjoyed themselves now and again.


She also always said justy like you. You're husband is your best friend (or should be ) not your kids. As soon as your kids get older and start driving and getting friends and dates and going places , they are out of there (as it should be )


You beter have your best friend to turn too.


Everyone is different, but this philosophy worked well for my marriage...the best thing that came of this was that now that my kids are grown, they tell us OFTEN how happy they are that we get along so well after all these years. That sense of security they have in my Dh's and my relationship is something they cherish. AND i feel good that we allowed them to see how a relationship should be so they will settle for nothing less.

It was a win-win. :)

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Everyone is different, but this philosophy worked well for my marriage...the best thing that came of this was that now that my kids are grown, they tell us OFTEN how happy they are that we get along so well after all these years. That sense of security they have in my Dh's and my relationship is something they cherish. AND i feel good that we allowed them to see how a relationship should be so they will settle for nothing less.

It was a win-win. :)


Nicely said.....gives me goosebumps thinking how awesome it is for a parents to be in love. My kids no doubt understand that their dad & I will always be together. Sometimes they don't understand how lucky they are cuz so many kids come from broken homes or parents that are only together for the kids & split once the kids are grown.

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. Sometimes they don't understand how lucky they are cuz so many kids come from broken homes or parents that are only together for the kids & split once the kids are grown.


That is temporary. Once your kids get a bit older, they will see and they will have that 'lightbulb moment' and they will come to you and thank you....

I don't know how old your kids are but by the time mine were 1/2 way through high school, they suddenly saw things....how kids that got free run with no boundaries wound up becoming pretty much the losers...how many kids had divorced parents and they didn't....their eyes do open up to a lot of things and suddenly, you aren't stupid or mean or too strict anymore...you suddenly become cool again.

It's nice :).

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I'm slowly starting to see that in my kids. Oldest is 18 & youngest is 16 next month. I'm waiting for the day that they come & thank me and say "gee you aren't as clueless as I always thought" LOL:p


What????!!! Were we supposed to say that to our parents at some point?


I never got my manual. :mad:

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That is temporary. Once your kids get a bit older, they will see and they will have that 'lightbulb moment' and they will come to you and thank you....

I don't know how old your kids are but by the time mine were 1/2 way through high school, they suddenly saw things....how kids that got free run with no boundaries wound up becoming pretty much the losers...how many kids had divorced parents and they didn't....their eyes do open up to a lot of things and suddenly, you aren't stupid or mean or too strict anymore...you suddenly become cool again.

It's nice :).


Our kids range from 23-13. Three his, two mine. The 23 year old daughter and the 20 year old son have reached that point. The 18 and 17 year old still think that we are spawns from the Demon and the 13 year old is still young enough that we aren't yet the spawn of the Demon in his mind.

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It's soooo hard for me to enjoy my time away from my girls! I'll see something that they'd love to do and think of them. I do have many moments of fun. But, even on my honeymoon, I missed them.


That being said, I like to take a couple of vacations a year. So, we take all four girls. It get's pretty expensive. The plan is to take one as a group and one as a couple. But, I always chicken out!


I'm afraid that I'll get bored with just my husband (shhhhh) for 5 nights.


Am I the only one?


My husband and I take a week-long vacation every year sans kids. It's our time to be a couple instead of Mom and Dad. We're a blended family of five years. Taking a week for just us is one of the wisest things we do for our marriage. Yes, we think of our kids often while we're on the cruise and we always find something special to bring each one of them. I don't know if it makes a difference that our kids are older (mine 19 & 21, his 11 & 13) but spending one week of our vacation time without them is good for all of us.

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Sure, you miss those you leave behind... But you deserve a break and this is one of the BEST ways to be PAMPERED and let your inner self, your inner child be free... and JUST SCREAM and BE SILLY... And love yourself!!!

I cruise with family, mostly. I love to be with them.. But, I have taken some with girlfriends... and, yep, I worry and wonder... but I tuck all that away when I board and then make a quick call home when the home port is in sight!!!!

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We went on our first vacation from the girls (3 of them...ages 5 to 1 year) this past December. I missed them a lot, but when we walked in the door from getting back from the cruise (4 day cruise) my girls wanted to still stay w/ NaNa. They asked her if she was still spending the night at our house!! LOL I knew at that point that they also need that time with their grandparents and time away from us. We have a 7 day cruise coming up in November and the girls found out...they asked me if we were going on our cruise tomorrow!!! I know they are truly spoiled w/ NaNa and they are soooo looking forward to us leaving!:)


I adore my girls, BUT I also adore my husband!! I learned from my first failed marriage that even though you are parents you have to take time for the two of you. If you don't and spend every waking moment with the children and don't take some time for the two of you, your relationship with your husband/wife could be in jeopardy within time.


Go and have a great time!! I guarantee you that the kids will have fun also!!;)

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I think you said that you are a stay at home mom...I am too. My husband and I are leaving our two boys for a four night cruise in a week. We try to do a long weekend getaway at least once a year in addition to our family vacation. I do miss them when we are gone but I bet it will be easier than you think. I am with them 24/7 and I love the break once I get over the actual leaving part. My husband however does miss them more than I do because he doesn't get to spend near the time that I do with them. As far as getting board with your husband...I love mine VERY much but I will say that we did 10 days on our HM cruise to Alaska and Canada. It was so wonderful at first but by the end I really needed to talk to someone else:) Doesn't mean I don't love him:) However, I will say now that we have kids and our time together is much more limited I don't have the same issue! I think you should give it a shot.


I am also a SAHM,so I am with the kids 24-7. So when I do get the chance to leave,I don't miss them. Oh,how I hate saying that:cool: I only realize how much I actually missed them a little when I get back and see their cute little faces :)


Also,I love spending alone time with Dh. We barely get to spend time like that at home. I look forward to our special vacations!

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