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Estimate of taxi fares


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Hi - Can anyone help me with an estimated taxi fare in Barcelona for the following:


1) Ship to La Sagrada Familia (if I've understood everything I've read it should be about 20 Euro)


2) La Sagrada Familia to Parc Guell


3) Parc Guell to Placa Catalunya


Also, does anyone know where the nearest taxi stand is at Parc Guell?



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Great! Thanks so much for the tip. I can't believe I haven't come across that site yet. So what it gives me is the following:


-Port to Sagrada Familia - 10Euro

-Sagrada Familia to Parc Guell - 8 Euro

-Parc Guell to Placa Catalunya - 10 Euro


Sound about right???




Ballpark is correct; however there are port (2.10 euro) and evening/weekend surcharges (extra 0.25 euro/km) on top of these rates. Barcelona drivers usually turn the meter right away so there are no surprises there. Radio dispatched taxis charge extra (mileage between place where they received the call to pickup place)

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Ballpark is correct; however there are port (2.10 euro) and evening/weekend surcharges (extra 0.25 euro/km) on top of these rates. Barcelona drivers usually turn the meter right away

so there are no surprises there. Radio dispatched taxis charge extra (mileage between place where they received the call to pickup place)


When we left the port and headed to our hotel the driver cleared the numbers on the meter on the LEFT side of the box. I was watching the amount so that I could have my money ready. When we were dropped off at the Hotel Continental he pushed the buttons on the RIGHT side of the meter and all of a sudden the numbers DOUBLED. I tried to ask him about the difference and he spoke NO English. I paid it and got out = 27 Euros.


Our traveling companions were just in front of us in a second taxi and they paid the same amount. Not sure why there were 2 sets of numbers with such differences in amounts.

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Great! Thanks so much for the tip. I can't believe I haven't come across that site yet. So what it gives me is the following:


-Port to Sagrada Familia - 10Euro

-Sagrada Familia to Parc Guell - 8 Euro

-Parc Guell to Placa Catalunya - 10 Euro


Sound about right???




I don't know for certain but it sounds a bit low. I know we've taken a cab from the port to places much closer than Sagrad Familia and it has run close to, or even as much as, 10 Euro and it is pretty far to Parc Guell.


We also paid considerably more on one trip when we hired a taxi to take us from port to the Sagrada Familia, wait and then take us to Parc Guell. But we had a large group and needed a van - let the cab driver talk us into the fixed rate as we were concerned about ability to find a van type taxi at La Sagrada - perhaps we got a bad deal.


You can also catch the #24 bus from Parc Guell to Placa Catalunya - I think it was under 2 Euro/pp. The taxis go to the street by the main entrance to Parc Guell - the buses stop along the street by the side (east or northeast) entrance to the park.

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Thanks for the info everyone. I guess I'll figure on a bit more than noted above and hope that I don't get scammed. That's why I was trying to figure out how much it SHOULD be so that I would know if I was getting ripped off.

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here is the link to official rates. may be it's good idea to have a printout and ask driver in case of discrepancy.




there is 2 euro + 0.25 euro/km surcharge for weekends, evenings and holidays. also surcharges for port/airport/train station and meter is moving while cab is waiting in traffic. complaints:



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I think we got taken in Barcelona last week. The numbers on the left are the meter running, the numbers on the right the driver punches in the "surchages", 1 euro per bag in the trunk, the extra 2-3 euro for airport or cruise port fees, and mystery fees that they add on and insist on, I was charged a 7 euro charge for "pick up at the hotel" which I cannot find on any of the official websites, I argued briefly, but he insisted on it, and what can you do at that point? They can push that right side button all they want. We also got overcharge on the way to the port. At least we didn't get pick pocketed!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

so how do you prevent this? Can you negotiate what you want to pay in advance? Can you refuse to pay? I just want to go from the port to placa catalunya! Also- does anyone know about infant car seats and whether they are required in cabs?

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so how do you prevent this? Can you negotiate what you want to pay in advance? Can you refuse to pay? I just want to go from the port to placa catalunya! Also- does anyone know about infant car seats and whether they are required in cabs?


Ask the cab driver what the fare will be before you get in, if they don't speak English find another cab. It might not be exact for a trip like this but they should give you some idea. At the port there will likely be several cabbies talking by the cab line who should be helpful. I don't think there was a dispatcher, but there might have been.

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so how do you prevent this? Can you negotiate what you want to pay in advance? Can you refuse to pay? I just want to go from the port to placa catalunya! Also- does anyone know about infant car seats and whether they are required in cabs?


Spain is very much like the US with strong laws regarding car seats and I thought that car seats are required in cabs. I have 5 year olds and used their car seats for the most part. You might ask at TripAdvisor on the Barcelona forum - maybe it's like NY that doesn't require car seats in cabs.


Re: the poster above who wondered about the charge to pick up at the hotel: there is a charge if you have the hotel call for a cab (the meter starts from the time the cab leaves the dispatch, with a certain maximum).


I've travelled with my twin toddlers to Barcelona twice this year, and last month we pretty much only used cabs and never had a problem. The surcharges do add up when you're leaving the port or airport with a bunch of luggage, but, even as a woman alone with kids, I watched carefully and never had a dishonest cabbie. They were all very friendly, and the cost is reasonable - the only thing is most do not speak English at all, so you always want to have your exact destination written down. Don't assume they'll understand if you just give the name of a hotel.


Have a great time - it's a wonderful city.







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Spain is very much like the US with strong laws regarding car seats and I thought that car seats are required in cabs. I have 5 year olds and used their car seats for the most part. You might ask at TripAdvisor on the Barcelona forum - maybe it's like NY that doesn't require car seats in cabs.

Thanks-- I think I read that they are required in Spain but in taxis downtown barcelona it's not required. Someone correct me if I am wrong, please. Not sure what to do. I won't have a car seat with me... not sure I trust the drivers though!

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Thanks-- I think I read that they are required in Spain but in taxis downtown barcelona it's not required. Someone correct me if I am wrong, please. Not sure what to do. I won't have a car seat with me... not sure I trust the drivers though!


You should post or do a search of the TripAdvisor Barcelona forum. The residents there who post have given the regulations before, but I didn't pay attention to the infant requirements. That way you'll know ahead of time if you need to take the bus or hire pre-arranged transport with car seat.


I wouldn't want to ride without a car seat in one of the cabs - not that there's any problem at all with the drivers, but it is a big, busy city.




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  • 4 weeks later...
30 euros from the port to Plaza Catalunya sounds like a lot to me, it is only about a mile. I understand the surcharges but that still seem high.




How about that, I am quoting myself!


We just returned and stayed at Hotel Inglaterra about one block off the top of Ramblas and our ride from there to the ship was 14 euros. That was for three people and three suitcases.



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How did you like the Hotel? I am staying there in November.


We thought it was fine. We needed a triple, the room was a decent size, quiet and it had a nice clean bathroom. When it comes to hotels, our needs are pretty simple. We did not go to the terrace roof or do the breakfast (it was 11 euros for the breakfast). We ate next door across the side street at a little restaurant that served breakfast items, we got little sandwiches, they were pretty good and cost 3-4 euros. Down the same side street is a little grocery where you can get drinks, snacks, wine etc.



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Dear friends:


Below are the official meter fares for taxis in Barcelona. Ten euros from the port to Sagrada Familia does sound low to me, especially if your ship is docked at the far port used for larger ships (muelle adosado). The other fares sound correct.


There is a supplement if you go to or leave the airport. There is also a supplement for large suitcases (1 euro per bag). The fares are higher nights, weekends and holidays. If you call a taxi, the meter starts running from where the taxi accepts the call, not from in front of your hotel.


99% of taxi drivers in Barcelona are perfectly honest. There is that one percent like in every city in the world.


The fares are also posted either on a sticker in the window of the passenger seat, or in the passenger seatpocket.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta




ConceptoT3T2T1Bajada de bandera5,25 €1,80 €1,90 €Bajada de b. Viernes, Sabado, Domingo de 0h a6 h 4€Km recorrido****0.56€0,82 €1,04 €Hora de espera15.35 €17,80 €17,90 €Fracciòn de espera 15minutos (espera minima)3.84 € Percepciòn minima del recorrido5,25 €1,80 €1,90 €Saltos del Taximetro0.05 €0,05 €0.05 €Metros recorridos por salto44,64 mts Segundos por salto11.73 seg Metros hasta el primer salto*3506 mt Segundos al primer salto920.92 seg Minutos al primer salto15,34 min Velocidad Frontera14,10 km/h29 Km/h29 Km/hBulto ò maleta superiòr a 55X35X351 €1 €1 €Aeropuerto (entrada, salida) 3,10 €3,10 €Salida Fira Montjuic 2 (l'Hospitalet) 2,10 €2,10 €Salida Estación Maritima (Moll Adossat) 2,10 €2,10 €Animales domesticos (discreccional) 1,00 €1,00 €Percepción minima carreras origen Aeropuerto 15 €15 €Estación de Sans (Salida) 2,10 €2,10 €Noches especiales 3,10 €Servicio de Radio Telefono ** 3,22 €3,99 €Carrera minina emisora Radio-taxi 6,09 €6,09 €Limite máximo de suplementos 13,30 €13,30 €Noches especiales.- 23-24 Junio, 23-24 Septiembre, 24-25 Diciembre, 31 Dic-1 Enero en horario nocturno de 20h. a 08h.


* Incluido efecto retorno **** No incluido efecto retorno


** En caso de servicio de radio telefono, la bajada de bandera se producira en el momento de aceptación de la carrera, no pudiendo exceder el importe marcado por el taximetro, en el momento que el autotaxi tenga acceso al lugar de encochamiento, de 3,22 € cuando la tarifa sea T-2 , y 3,99 € cuando la tarifa sea T-1.


*** La modificación de los horarios corresponden a los dias indicados, se amplian por su tramo inicial en las horas señaladas. Esta modificación solo afecta a los vehículos autorizados a trabajar los dias objeto de la amplición. El resto de horarios queda sin ampliación


Tarifa T-2. Aplicable de 8 h a 20 h los dias laborables en toda el Area Metropolitana

Tarifa T-1. Aplicable de 20 h a 8h los dias laborables y festivos todo el dia en todo el Area Metropolitana.

Tarifa T-3. Aplicable las 24h, los dias laborables y festivos en todo el territorio comprendido fuera del Area Metropolitana.Los servicios realizados en sabados y festivos ó entre las 21h y la 7h se les aplicara un suplemento de 3,15 €

Aplicable desde el inicio del recorrido según el Articulo 3.2

Los saltos de taximetro seran de 0.05 €

El importe de la carrera sera por pasos vencidos.


El servicio de taxi, funciona unicamente con taximetro




Los dias festivos comienzan a las 06 a.m. del dia pertinente y terminan 24 horas después, esto es a las 06 a.m. del dia siguiente.


Excepciones.- ***

Ampliaciones de horario para el año 2008

Fines de semena, verano y dias especiales

Enero a Junio / Octubre a Diciembre

0 a 6 h Domingos

(noches de Sabado a Domingo)

4 a 6 h lunes

(noches de Domingo a Lunes)

Julio y Septiembre

22 a 6 h Sabados y Domingos


22 a 6 h todos los dias del mes



20 a 8h noche 23/6 al 24/6

20 a 8h noche 23/9 al 24/9

22 a 6 h noche 24/12 al 25/12

22 a 6 h noche 31/12 al 1/1

Pendiente de especificación las ampliaciones concernientes a 3GSM, Bread & Butter y otras ferias.


Horarios y Festivos.- Para los obligados a prestar servicio nocturno (compra de Lic.) durante 6 meses el horario sera de 20 h a 06 h. Y solo tendra una noche de descanso semanal en la forma siguiente :

Licencias acabadas en 1,2,3 Noche Domingo. 4,5,6 Lunes. 7, 8 Martes. 9, 0 : Miercoles


Los vehiculos de prestacion nocturna estan obligados a llevar un distintivo en las dos puertas posteriores y otra en el porton trasero, siempre al lado de los numeros de la licencia.

Peajes.- El paso del Tunel de Vallvidriera (opcional del cliente), es a cargo del cliente, ida y vuelta. (T-1 y T-2).


Tarifa 3.

Art. 3.1. Los recorridos se habran de contratar en regimen de alquiler por coche completo, y los recorridos son en circuito cerrado hasta el punto de partida. (1)


Art. 3.2. El acceso a la tarifa interurbana en el taximetro se habra de realizar desde el inicio de la prestación del servicio interurbano, sin que se pueda pasar de Tarifa interurbana a urbana ó viceversa.


Nota.- (1) Por lo tanto los peajes de autopistas seran a cargo del cliente, la ida y la vuelta.

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Hi - Can anyone help me with an estimated taxi fare in Barcelona for the following:


1) Ship to La Sagrada Familia (if I've understood everything I've read it should be about 20 Euro)


2) La Sagrada Familia to Parc Guell


3) Parc Guell to Placa Catalunya


Also, does anyone know where the nearest taxi stand is at Parc Guell?




3) Parc Guell to Placa Catalunya


We went from the ship to Parc Guell for 17 euros.

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