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Hi Pat or any E fans; Am I correct that E has to use pay internet on shore after paying these Italian robber barons so much? I am wondering if there is any way we could get some pressure put on MSC to be a little more humane in their treatment of a passenger providing so much positive free exposure? Not to mention free musical entertainment.How much can use of an existing internet connection cost them? Any ideas anyone??

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Hi Pat or any E fans; Am I correct that E has to use pay internet on shore after paying these Italian robber barons so much? I am wondering if there is any way we could get some pressure put on MSC to be a little more humane in their treatment of a passenger providing so much positive free exposure? Not to mention free musical entertainment.How much can use of an existing internet connection cost them? Any ideas anyone??

We'll just have to take him hostage and tell them if they don't give him free Internet that we are going to take him ashore and not bringing him back (of course, him screaming and kicking all the way). Truthfully though, I thought at least a cabin with a window would have been nice, but his son said he thinks he is fine where he is at because he isn't in the cabin all that much anyhow. But it would be nice too, dontcha think?? As for the musical entertainment, you are absolutely right on that note (no pun intended). I think an even trade for Internet is in order definitely. We can put our heads together first thing at the meet in the Zebra bar because afterwards we probably won't be thinking at all....lol...

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Hi All, this is Steve, Egon's son... just here to inform those who may be interested that my Dad has a website (for many years already) which I continue to maintain and update.


I have not installed most photos due to time constraints, but may do so over the holidays... or later. It is becoming obvious I will need to modify the 'reports' page to accommodate all the `reports` and move them into multiple pages, especially if/when photos are added.


Here is the link:




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Hi All, this is Steve, Egon's son... just here to inform those who may be interested that my Dad has a website (for many years already) which I continue to maintain and update.


I have not installed most photos due to time constraints, but may do so over the holidays... or later. It is becoming obvious I will need to modify the 'reports' page to accommodate all the `reports` and move them into multiple pages, especially if/when photos are added.


Here is the link:




Hi Steve....I will now leave it up to you to provide your Dad's journey and bow out. Good job BTW!

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Hi Pat, I had not made the connection with your handle until just now... also noted today that you had already posted dad's webpage address (guess I am catching up to him lol)... While I will endeavour to maintain his pages up-to-date, it is more time consuming than copying his reports here, so you wish to continue that. In any event, nice to see so many of you on this board 'care' . Happy Holidays to All ~ S


Here is Dad at his finest (on the ship a couple of days ago) ... Ya think he's havin fun yet? :D



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Hi All, this is Steve, Egon's son... just here to inform those who may be interested that my Dad has a website (for many years already) which I continue to maintain and update.


I have not installed most photos due to time constraints, but may do so over the holidays... or later. It is becoming obvious I will need to modify the 'reports' page to accommodate all the `reports` and move them into multiple pages, especially if/when photos are added.


Here is the link:





Hi Steve. Your dad is amazing! What was it like growing up with such a fireball? Your mom appeared to hang right in there with him.it was so cute to see them enjoying life to the fullest. :)


How is His leg? You may have to talk him into going to have it checked out again in Florida, when he gets off the ship for those days. Please keep us informed on how he is doing. I have been really concerned about it.


Thanks for sharing your dad.

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Pat, Please keep posting his emails here. It is much easier for everyone and much more enjoyable this way because it feels like we're all rooting for him and everyone loves reading all the comments. We can't do that on his website. Plus we can subscribe to this thread and get email updates anytime something is posted.


Please, please, please!!! Don't stop!!!

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What a circus again - it took all of 2 hours this morning before we were through the US Immigration (which only takes a perfunctionery look at the passport since you are slated to return to the ship without being in the US otherwise. I understand however that every single person has to be accounted for before the ship is allowed to readmit transit passengers and so maybe 500 of us were sitting and waiting , after having been sitting or standing and waiting long times before. To think that I will have to go through this ordeal every week from now on until we depart for Europe in March makes me shudder.

On my way this morning to the Lounge where we are checked off the masterlist of passengers staying for another cruise -all this for US Immigration- I had an accident when I was alone in the elevator and wanted to turn around so that I would face the doors when they opened. Well, I opened the throttle too much, and because the motor produces a high torque, the scooter jumped forward against the side of the elevator and flipped over backwards with me on it. While I was not otherwise hurt, my right foot above the ankle got the full impact and actually started to bleed from a large blue area, which i thankfully was able to stop after a while. When the doors opened, I was helped up by the people outside. Since then I have had much pain, but still managed my emails and sending the reports. I also talked to Barbara who so very kindly found suitable accommodation for my forced sojurn in January and will even come and get me. It sure is nice to have such good friends. - Because of my misery I have decided not to go to dinner tonight and if they should call with champagne I'll ask for it to be delivered tmorrow.-


I went to bed at 4 with much moaning and groaning - took two acetaminophen (repeated at midnight and 4 AM), put some of the special salve for "Sport-Injuries" which I still had from Switzerland, later during the night used a "Stop Pain" spray I had and which helped for a lttl while. But all in all I spent a very miserable night. Had small breakfast in the cabin -just a yoghourt, one piece of toast and juice and now, after 1pm, have gotten up so that the bed could be remade (had lots of stains on the sheet from the salve), and the bathroom cleaned up. We are in Key West and I have now decided to get an Xray somewhere as I suspect something will show up that needs fixing. There is no point going back to our ship's doc and I will consult with Stefano whenever he comes back from his day's outing. I now surely will automatically shut the scooter off in tight places and move it with my feet, which can be done easily. Prospects for a Merry Christmas are pretty dim.

Room service with Champagne will deliver it to the table but I don't know whether I can make it there. I phoned Cheryl about it and asked her to explain to whatever newcomers are at there (forgot to ask her if there are any).

I phoned reception to get something to eat in the room - there is a very limited menu for room service (actually at a charge, except for the continental breakfast), so I got a soup and an egg sandwich with some potato chips and a little coleslaw thrown in. Breakfast this morning after a better night just yogourt, toast and Tee, skipped lunch, but now, at 5pm have gotten up, shlepped myself to the bathroom, had a shower and will limp down for Dinner, but skip the big cocktail party which is before. My leg above the ankle is black and blue, painful but not quite as much and I guess I'll live. But all this brings home the fact that one is alone, even though Cheryl called this affternoon to find out how things are --"everybody misses you". And communication with the cabin stewarts sure is difficult - I asked the guy from Madagascar who cleans the bathroom to bring me a wet washcloth I had laying beside the basin since I was in bed - he brought practically everything else out first until finally catching on and I showed him that I put it on my leg. Next I asked him to see whether he can find a small basin, put some water in it and put it beside my bed to that I can refreshen the cloth ...he got "his boss", who is Indonesian with a somewhat better vocabulary who does the room, and he eventually turned up with a huge red bucket, marked "Wash" with some water in it and I got him to throw in ice cubes from my Ice bucket and used these cold compresses during the day. Last evening, the stewart had to change the entire bed including the mattress cover, because my leg seemed to have oozed blood lightly where it had before but now I have taken a couple of napkins to put the foot on, and there has not been any recurrence.

Going down to Dinner was tough but manageable. But to get out of bed and stand up is initially real torture - it's not only the leg, but also my back whch is very sore from my fall backwards; after I stand and then walk around for a while I can tolerate the pain but feel pretty miserable sitting here in Ocho Rios on the scooter writing this. At the table three new faces. two women from Canada (one of them German) and a man; two women, including the chatterbox, had changed tables to be with friends, so that there were only 4 persons and they enjoyed the champagne and strawberries.

The ship is fully booked with 3300 Passengers and no less than 775 children as I have been told officially. This must cost the company a lot, because kids travel free and prices for this cruise are low: a stateroom with balcony is under $ 900 per person for the 8-day, 7-night cruise over Christmas, Interior under $ 600.

I was slated to play German Christmas songs for the Germans on board but this would have been in the Atrium which these days swarms with people and kids- an impossible venue and I have declined, but may at a later date play for them older German songs from Operettas, from Vienna and "Schlager" (hits) they'll all know since nearly all these people are of vinttage age.



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Pat, I was posting his report and got interrupted, and now note that you have done so... thanks. Because I am not a regular on this site (and not a cruiser lol) perhaps you will post reports as the group here wishes. I will continue to update Dad's website with his reports.


Re his foot, his injury is significant, but appears nothing is broken. ~ Steve



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Pat, I was posting his report and got interrupted, and now note that you have done so... thanks. Because I am not a regular on this site (and not a cruiser lol) perhaps you will post reports as the group here wishes. I will continue to update Dad's website with his reports.


Re his foot, his injury is significant, but appears nothing is broken. ~ Steve




Thanks Steve. So good to hear that nothing is broken. We want him pain-free.

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Steve, thanks for keeping us up to date, so glad he's OK. I had this horrible picture in my mind of him flipping over backward off the scooter! :eek: Hopefully, he can see someone when he's in FLL for a few days.


Pat, if it's not too much trouble please keep posting his reports on here too. :) I read his website with much interest (what a life this man has had) but we miss all our comments to each other if you don't post too! ;) And we will, of course, want to be hearing all about your cruise with him in Jan. :D



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Pat, I was posting his report and got interrupted, and now note that you have done so... thanks. Because I am not a regular on this site (and not a cruiser lol) perhaps you will post reports as the group here wishes. I will continue to update Dad's website with his reports.


Re his foot, his injury is significant, but appears nothing is broken. ~ Steve




Steve>>I am glad to hear that it is not broken, but am sorry to hear that it is significant, which I was thinking it was with being black and blue and bleeding. I am taking an Ace bandage along so that he has something to at least cushion the area and to make sure it isn't too tight to stop circulation. I am wondering why he doesn't use his scooter to go to dinner and to keep off of his legs as much as he can. Now I feel like I should just stay on board for the whole year with him as I am a protector and mother at heart....Boy! Don't I wish! I will be a little satisfied with my 7 days onboard Poesia to meet him and hopefully, if I like Poesia, get back on board at a later date.


Do you think he needs anything else? If you "talk" to him, please let me know.

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Pat, if it's not too much trouble please keep posting his reports on here too. :) I read his website with much interest (what a life this man has had) but we miss all our comments to each other if you don't post too! ;) And we will, of course, want to be hearing all about your cruise with him in Jan. :D



I will continue to post updates as I get them, as well as do a review of my first (and possibly not my last) cruise on MSC Poesia. Hope everyone is staying warm and starting to at least think about packing. I'm taking the same old junky clothes that I have and just relaxing. Not worrying about a thing but being warm for one full week at sea!


18 days folks!!!

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I have a concern, because I am not understanding something. When Egon had the first accident on the scooter, he hurt his leg just above the ankle, on the inside. When he was in the elevator, he hurt the right leg,just above the ankle. What I wonder is, did the 2nd injury happen to the same leg, or did the 1st injury happen on the other leg? If both legs are hurt, he is really in pain. I will not feel comfortable until he gets that checked again. He sent me an email yesterday, saying he was in Ocho Rio. He said he was not doing well. He said that when he got to Cozumel, going to probably have an Xray done. I sent him an email asking how he was doing. I was very shocked that he replied back.

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Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas tomorrow! I woke up thinking about this nice gentleman. I was thinking that he must have had injury to one leg, and not both. I think he would have mentioned it, if it was the other leg. I am praying this is the case. I so hope he has a great Christmas, without much pain. I can't wait to hear about his Holiday on the ship. :)

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Well Folks, sorry to report that this will not be the merriest of Christmases for Dad and I :( ... he is in Cozumel (in a small Motel) and will be there for a month. He is in considerable pain, partly from the foot (which has not yet been x-rayed) but mostly from muscle spasms in his back (from his flip on the scooter). So, since the ship was chartered for a week, and with the turn of events, he felt it prudent to 'abandon' ship and get things looked after.

He does not have wi-fi at the motel, but there is free inet at the restaurant across the street, so this will work quite well for contact. Those of you who are inclined, please do send him get well wishes and other encouragement at 44egon44@gmail.com . Thanks.

All the Best to You and Yours ~ Steve


At the Atrium Piano 1210b.jpg

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26 Cozumel (Mexico), December 24,December 24, 2010[/u][/b] [/font][/i]


Situations change. While my leg improved slowly, it now was my back which was acting up to the extent that getting out of bed in the morning was traumatic, with me screaming in pain and breaking out in cold sweat - every single back muscle became a viselike cramp which only reduced when I was eventually able to stand up straight and limp around with my still painful leg. After three days like this, no longer being able to go down to eat, I made the decision to leave the ship from today, December 24, return to it when it comes back January 21,2011 and stay in Cozumel where I can get Xray and whatever treatment should one required. It was a real tour the force, because at took a long time until I got the ship's OK which also included arrangements with Mexican Immigration/customs, I only had few hours to pack, which meant EVERYTHING, because, as the ship is chartered Jan 4-9 I would have to get out of the cabin and off the ship anyway. So they are storing my things until my return. But I also had to make decisions as to what to take for the month here - all this in crowded quarters (including scooter) and in pain. I had previously taken all sorts of pain killers, but 3 Aleve taken at once had helped somewhat. Anyway, I worked until midnight, got up at 6 and continued, because I had to be down for the Mexican authorities which had come aboard for 8.30am (no breakfast). Very fortunately, my table neighbor had offered his help and came along, because I had a pull-along suitcase and a bag to carry apart of what I had on my scooter and once we left the ship, we had to walk and ask quite a lot until we finally found a simple motel somewhat off the beaten tourist path (6 ships in port!) it's quite a comedown from the Poesia; while it has TV and AC, there is only one bathtowel, no other towel or facecloth, no glasses but plastics. On the other hand, the price of about $35 per night is OK,considering that I would have to stay in Fort Lauderdale for 5 nights at almost $ 400. Surprisingly, they have soap in the bathroom and coffee in the morning. Well, we'll see how it works out. There is no WiFi, but very close by there is a restaurant which has and where I am now, had a couple of burritos y frijoles and a glass of lemonade.

They, and probably everything else, will be closed tomorrow. I will go back shortly, it's 5.30 p.m. (one hour earlier here though) and go to bed and dream of a White Christmas. I still have a lot of emails unanswered but I've had it,

so to speak. Meantime, I wish all my dear friends, cyberpals, cruisecritc envyers and admirers a Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Frohe Weihnachten! I would also like you all to forgo sending to me anything but personal messages - it's getting out of hand and I just can't cope with it all. I know you'll understand.

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Hopefully Egon will have the relaxation he needs for his body to heal and return to his ship. Yellowbird, will you try to change your date? Would you be able to do that?

No, I can't change the date because I would lose all the money and it is too close to change. He asked me that too. Going to maybe look into going again later on in the spring or winter, possibly the TA...that is, if I like the Poesia.

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Received this from my dad this aftn... We should know more tomorrow or the next day. ~ S


Glad that you had a nice Dinner with T's parents. I had a piece of chicken breast, some french fries and a cerveza at lunchtime, took the rest home and had it in my room in the evening (it has a fridge) together with a drink out of an actual glass which I had been able to get from the manager; after I had sat uncomfortably and painfully on the steps of the restaurant accross the road, answering many touching emails from previous passengers and other friends in Canada, the US and Europe who all are on my mailing lists. It was a labor of love returned, believe me.


Now I sit in this purely Mexican restaurant since I had some soft toast, butter and Jam, O'juice and coffee this morning and now, 2.30h, had the "sopa del dia" they call "Mondongo"-I had no idea what it was but as you know live dangerously; well it turns out that it's made with the skin of pigs, terribly fatty, the skin just like pieces of fat, but the liquid, made with tomato and spices was good and filled the need, Now I have a lemonade. Live and learn to the bitter end! But I'll stop shortly because my back aches. Tomorrow I'll visit the hospital and the bank. Keep sending good vibes

Much love - Dad

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Received this from my dad this aftn... We should know more tomorrow or the next day. ~ S


Glad that you had a nice Dinner with T's parents. I had a piece of chicken breast, some french fries and a cerveza at lunchtime, took the rest home and had it in my room in the evening (it has a fridge) together with a drink out of an actual glass which I had been able to get from the manager; after I had sat uncomfortably and painfully on the steps of the restaurant accross the road, answering many touching emails from previous passengers and other friends in Canada, the US and Europe who all are on my mailing lists. It was a labor of love returned, believe me.


Now I sit in this purely Mexican restaurant since I had some soft toast, butter and Jam, O'juice and coffee this morning and now, 2.30h, had the "sopa del dia" they call "Mondongo"-I had no idea what it was but as you know live dangerously; well it turns out that it's made with the skin of pigs, terribly fatty, the skin just like pieces of fat, but the liquid, made with tomato and spices was good and filled the need, Now I have a lemonade. Live and learn to the bitter end! But I'll stop shortly because my back aches. Tomorrow I'll visit the hospital and the bank. Keep sending good vibes

Much love - Dad

Thanks so much Steve! Think about him every day and hope he gets the care he truly needs.:)

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Received this from my dad this aftn... We should know more tomorrow or the next day. ~ S


Glad that you had a nice Dinner with T's parents. I had a piece of chicken breast, some french fries and a cerveza at lunchtime, took the rest home and had it in my room in the evening (it has a fridge) together with a drink out of an actual glass which I had been able to get from the manager; after I had sat uncomfortably and painfully on the steps of the restaurant accross the road, answering many touching emails from previous passengers and other friends in Canada, the US and Europe who all are on my mailing lists. It was a labor of love returned, believe me.


Now I sit in this purely Mexican restaurant since I had some soft toast, butter and Jam, O'juice and coffee this morning and now, 2.30h, had the "sopa del dia" they call "Mondongo"-I had no idea what it was but as you know live dangerously; well it turns out that it's made with the skin of pigs, terribly fatty, the skin just like pieces of fat, but the liquid, made with tomato and spices was good and filled the need, Now I have a lemonade. Live and learn to the bitter end! But I'll stop shortly because my back aches. Tomorrow I'll visit the hospital and the bank. Keep sending good vibes

Much love - Dad

Thanks Steve for the info. I sure hope he gets the care he so desparately needs this week and his troubles start to go behind him and he can get on with his journey of a lifetime. Worry and think about him every day. Just so sad I won't get to meet him!

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Now I sit in this purely Mexican restaurant since I had some soft toast, butter and Jam, O'juice and coffee this morning and now, 2.30h, had the "sopa del dia" they call "Mondongo"-I had no idea what it was but as you know live dangerously;

Steve>>>just the fact that meal had something with "dong" in it would make me NOT want to eat it! lol:eek:

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