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Pat, I couldn't agree with you more. I only cruise with Celebrity and Holland and was actually considering some segment of this cruise just to meet Egon but you couldn't pay me to sail with Poesia now. I have the utmost admiration for this man and can't believe how nasty they have been.


I know people who have done world cruises on Holland and they get all kinds of perks and upgrades for a 110 day trip such as free laundry, free internet, gifts etc. I agree that he should, at a minimum, get at least an oceanview and/or a balcony cabin for his entertaining. I mean we're talking a whole year for heavens sake, give me a break Poesia. The publicity alone is/should be worth a huge reduction in price to them. Did you send the above to Poesia and, if so, how?


Again, I really appreciate you keeping us in the loop. I just wish he could do this again next year on another cruise line.



Sue>>Sometimes I might voice too strong an opinion, but that's who I am. I like to believe that if I can help, or at least try to help, someone who truly deserves it, then that makes me keep wanting to move forward. I will not apologize one iota for what I believe in. Call me nuts or anything you want, makes no difference. I agree 100% with you and yes, I did send MSC the above. I found a "contact" button on their website. I sure don't want to cause any problem for him and I am hoping that the cruiseline doesn't take it out on him thinking that it was at his request because it surely wasn't. I believe he is quite capable of handling "situations" himself, but I still believe that they took and are taking advantage of him and it's not right....not one bit.

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Pat your Email was almost word for word of mine. Hopefully more on this CC site will Emal MSC. Its easy on their site. Maybe if we all complain MSC will do a little better. Personally I like Celebrity and Hal . Iv had good luck with both. I was on Msc about 8 yrs ago and wasnt impresed. Im sure Egon tried to get a good rate but I just cant figure by my looking at sites and sales how he paid $50,000 for what he got. I think MSC should look at curent prices and do something for him. CARL

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Let's not get too far removed from reality. The fact that Egon "performs" on board the Poesia is his choice, not the cruise line's. They already pay musicians to perform for the passengers so Egon is just a well-received extra treat. Egon was accepted on the Poesia as a paying passenger, not as a celebrity.

Now I certainly agree that MSC could make better publicity if they treated him as a real "VIP guest," and the first thing would be an upgrade to one of those suites with balcony up on the 11th and 12th decks (along with the free laundry). Contrary to what you've said, IMHO I found the Poesia to be a very nice ship with a fine crew and while it's apparently true that the Caribbean cruises are not all that great, now that the Poesia is en route to Europe things will change for the better - and hopefully for Egon.

Edited by Capricruiser
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Like many of you, I also discovered this thread and absolutely love it! I have spent two days reading, and eagerly await each entry. Thank you yellowbird 23 for posting the emails, and I agree with 50 cruiser that the MSC cruise line should do much more for egon, upgrading him, offering him true VIP treatment. He is a remarkable person and a true example of living life to the fullest. I am subscribing to this thread as was suggested by the host. I feel like I know all of you!


I also will not consider this ship after reading of the way they are treating him. Seems like they are not in the hospitality industry but rather just a business.

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Sue>>Sometimes I might voice too strong an opinion, but that's who I am. I like to believe that if I can help, or at least try to help, someone who truly deserves it, then that makes me keep wanting to move forward. I will not apologize one iota for what I believe in. Call me nuts or anything you want, makes no difference. I agree 100% with you and yes, I did send MSC the above. I found a "contact" button on their website. I sure don't want to cause any problem for him and I am hoping that the cruiseline doesn't take it out on him thinking that it was at his request because it surely wasn't. I believe he is quite capable of handling "situations" himself, but I still believe that they took and are taking advantage of him and it's not right....not one bit.


Pat, I don't think that is too strong, at my age I feel I've earned the right to speak my mind. :D I'm going to send MSC a message also, thanks for telling me how. I agree he is very capable of handling his situations but I think they need to be made aware that other people are aware of their actions and that it will cost them business - at least yours and mine! ;)



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I wasnt conserding the playing as needing any compensation. HE likes to do that as a way of self entertainment . I was going by what MSC has charged him and the curent discounted prices they offered. If Egon had booked monthly insted of for a year he might have been beter treated. MSC lowered prices but made no adjustment in his fares. I know some will say prices could go up , but after 38 yrs of cruising I havent seen prices go up except key season . Most cruise lines that lower prices will adjust prices. Egons not asking for only a few perks that cost the ship little to nothing in actual cash but a few services. Egon hasnt said if they are even making adjustments for the weeks off ship due to sickness. Im sure they have an empty outside room they could upgrade him to. Most cruise lines upgrade passengers as a normal busness pratice. Ive been upgraded proably 1 out of 3 cruises. They at least should upgrade because of the price reductions in there rates . Ive seen them reduce some cruises 50% in the carabean. CARL

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Thanks Pat for keeping us updated about Egon, also a HUGE thank you for caring enough about him to write to MSC; which I am also going to do.


Most cruise lines will give you onboard credit OR an upgraded room if the price of the cruise goes down. I find it hard to believe that NONE of the individual cruises that make up the year of cruises Egon booked, wuldn't qualify for SOMETHING!! Free laundry in my mind is an insult to this gentleman. IF MSC had played their cards right and treated Egon fairly, his journaling of his year at sea could have generated a lot of GOOD PUBLICITY for them. Perhaps they are not aware of Cruise Critic, or the power of people on a forum such as this!!


MSC is an Italian cruise line and the Poesia is heading for Europe (Italy.) If I was an Italian or lived in Italy, here's what I'd do; (HOPEFULLY IF WE HAVE ITALIANS ON CRUISE CRITIC THEY COULD MAKE THIS HAPPEN)


At the first place in Italy where the Poesia is docking I would arrange for the media (newspapers and TV) to interview Egan, so he can tell his story. This is a human interest story and NO company likes BAD PUBLICITY especialy when it shows they have no compassion!


I know Egan is playing the piano because he enjoys it, but he is 95 and is taking this cruise so he doesn't have to go in a retirement home. IF he was treated better by MSC and I was a passenger on the ship, I'd be singing the praises of the cruise line helping him atain his goal. Everyone (that is everyone but MSC) knows that word of mouth is the best form of advertising!!


I echo Pat's words to MSC....SHAME ON YOU!


Foot note: I wish Egon's cruiseline of choice had been HAL. Maybe he and Mama Lou would have been a match made at sea. ;);)

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I've said it before that I agree that Egon should be upgraded to a better cabin, but since individual cabins are reserved many months ahead of time (especially all the better ones), to upgrade him now would probably mean that he'd be changing cabins every cruise segment. It's difficult enough to book the same cabin for a back-to-back cruise, immagine six months worth of additional cruising! I wonder if he has asked to change cabins?

Next, and this is controversal I know, but I think if MSC receives bad publicity regarding Egon, it will be the last time they accept a 90 year-old on a one year cruise contract. He wanted to do it, they accepted him, he signed a contract for the agreed upon price, and aside from his medical problems and not being able to sell his organ, it doesn't appear that he's all that upset with his arrangements.

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I disagree with capricruiser on a couple of items. usually only the most desired rooms are booked way in advance.An outside room is not conserdered a high demand room.Most cruiselines asign rooms at 90 days before sailing up to dock at sailing . MSC can easly give a room upgrade to next catagory at no cost if a room was booked. A room in next cat is a outside room in a beter location . Ive looked at MSC sailings and non so far have been 100% sold out. As Egon said the room he gave up on the ship for a special cruise wasnt used . He could have stayed in his room. Also all crueslines keep back a few rooms in case a problem arise . One of those could be given to Egon or a passenger if there was a conflict , but Looking back on sailings MSC was only 95% sold out on the fuliest cruise. That still left about 45 rooms empty . Most were 90 to 92% . thats 75 to 100 empty rooms . It dont apear MSC is a high demand cruseline here in the states. It might be when they go to europe they might be more full , but while here in the US they could at least given him a outside room and then if sold out in Europe moved him to an inside , But with the curent economy most cruiselines are not filing till the cut prices. Egon paid almost full fare with litle discounts. Egon is taking care of himself , he dont have a live in nurse so i dont see how his age is taken in acount and I dont think a cruse line would put an age limit on anyone traveling on a ship being too old. I know 60 yr olds in worse health than Egon so I dont see age as a factor. The only restriction I know of is Pregnency . and traveling with an adult . CARL

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If you read my post i said they could easly give him an outside cabin. I wasnt saying a great upgrade only a room with a outside view . Normally these rooms are mimially priced more than an inside. From Eagons letters hes also in a room with lots of noise. It sounds like a room they couldnt sell in the best of times. The cruise he didnt go on no one else wanted it as Eagon said no one used it. NO I havent heard anything from MSC yet from my Email to them. CARL

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Thanks Pat for keeping us updated about Egon, also a HUGE thank you for caring enough about him to write to MSC; which I am also going to do.


Most cruise lines will give you onboard credit OR an upgraded room if the price of the cruise goes down. I find it hard to believe that NONE of the individual cruises that make up the year of cruises Egon booked, wuldn't qualify for SOMETHING!! Free laundry in my mind is an insult to this gentleman. IF MSC had played their cards right and treated Egon fairly, his journaling of his year at sea could have generated a lot of GOOD PUBLICITY for them. Perhaps they are not aware of Cruise Critic, or the power of people on a forum such as this!!


MSC is an Italian cruise line and the Poesia is heading for Europe (Italy.) If I was an Italian or lived in Italy, here's what I'd do; (HOPEFULLY IF WE HAVE ITALIANS ON CRUISE CRITIC THEY COULD MAKE THIS HAPPEN)


At the first place in Italy where the Poesia is docking I would arrange for the media (newspapers and TV) to interview Egan, so he can tell his story. This is a human interest story and NO company likes BAD PUBLICITY especialy when it shows they have no compassion!


I know Egan is playing the piano because he enjoys it, but he is 95 and is taking this cruise so he doesn't have to go in a retirement home. IF he was treated better by MSC and I was a passenger on the ship, I'd be singing the praises of the cruise line helping him atain his goal. Everyone (that is everyone but MSC) knows that word of mouth is the best form of advertising!!


I echo Pat's words to MSC....SHAME ON YOU!


Foot note: I wish Egon's cruiseline of choice had been HAL. Maybe he and Mama Lou would have been a match made at sea. ;);)


OMG, Lindalans, what a fanastic idea!! :D I'll bet he and Mama Lou would be a match made at sea, in fact, she just might persuade him to stay on for a few extra weeks with her!! Love, love, love this idea! ;)



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My response to the situation is to never cruise MSC. They have treated him very poorly. The least they could have done was free wifi.Many years ago was on Cunard. Also treated like second class citizens, never went back. All of us many thousands of cruisers reading this forum should vote with our dollars. Never cruise MSC.

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My idea of this is if they treat someone who looked foward to being on a ship in his final years as poorly as Iv read his postings we should all notafy MSC of ourthoughts and let them know how we feel about a fellow cruiser being treated as he has been . After the problems Egon has had I personally will never again sail on MSC. They seem to have no custamer apreaction . I was on MSC I think 7 years ago. It was ok but not great . I personally like Celebrity, HAL and RCL . Too bad Egon didnt try one of these. We might have more pull to help him. CARL

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I conversed with Egon several times before he booked. His first and foremost criteria was PRICE. I suggested linking several discounted 30 plus

dayers. I spent a morning constructing my dream world cruise.It was possible at his price point using several lines. I believe he and his wife used HAL many times. Many talented (yes, talented), and caring agents could have put together a package for him enjoying the challenge and commissions.

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Zoncom,its a real sham Egon didnt do a little more resurch and Im sure as many travel agents on this site someone would have helped him set up a better itenary. I cant belive he didnt go with a bunch of 30 to 90 day cruises. Even if he went for not quite a full year . Ive been on HAL many times and I cant belive one of their personal consultants couldnt set him up. I like HAL , usually going at least once a year on them. I think he really would have enjoyed the cruise more going to diferent ports each day instead of the same for weeks at a time. I know I would never do what Egon did. If I do a world tour I want to see the world. And yes Iv been serisly conserding when I retire taking a 3 to 4 month world trip. CARL

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I'm sure you're all much better versed in this than I am, but at some point can't Egon cancel the rest of his cruise without penalty and switch to another line that will treat him better? Maybe another line (tracking this thread) would be willing to help him out and would love to have him as a passenger?

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I'm sure you're all much better versed in this than I am, but at some point can't Egon cancel the rest of his cruise without penalty and switch to another line that will treat him better? Maybe another line (tracking this thread) would be willing to help him out and would love to have him as a passenger?


That it was I was thinking. I personally don't see how they have treated him so poorly though. He wants to play the piano, he cannot expect to be paid for it. The organ idea is something that he wants, not the cruiseline.

I think it is a shame that he is paying high prices each week instead of the advertised sale prices. For that reason, I would cancel and rebook.

I agree that a world cruise probably would have been a better choice. It would be nice to be able to make and keep friends on the ship.

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I just went to one of my on line sites I use and looked up the MSC Poesta. It looks like almost every cruise is 50% to 77% off with free upgrades some to balconies for most of this year. There was very few dates sold out. I know most cruiselines give credits and upgrades before sailing but I dont know if it aplies in this case . Hopefully Egon took out trip insurance. CARL

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I'm home from my cruise and back into the routine, ugh.


The Norwegian Spirit was docked right next to the Poesia but unfortunately I had no sightings of Egon. I approached an MSC crew member on the dock and asked if he knew Egon. He shook his head with a confused look on his face. I said, 'he's been living on your ship since October.' He smiled and said, 'ahhh, the old man?' in his broken English. Lol. I told him to tell him one of his fans said hello.

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In the meantime we were two days at Sea -I played both times and get compliments from listeners right there or on the balconies who stop me when they see me either on board or ashore - this is very rewarding.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico, I found a Starbucks where I sat for several hours "doing my thing" and of course saw only little of the place and this is unfortunately true of all the places we visit because frankly, after having first found a WiFi location and then sent reports, dealt with many emails etc., I am too tired and with aching back go back to the ship. So, if you are looking for a travelogue, you are at the wrong place, I'm sorry for that. This is really more of a diary which may well become too repetitive and boring to read and anytime some of you would rather opt out of receiving these logs, don't hesitate to let me know and be assured I won't be offended.

March 10: St. Johns, Antigua and here I had occasion to visit quite a bit of the picturesque town. In a passage, with stores either side, I found WiFi access and sat on the Scooter for over 2 hours. Returned to the ship around 1pm, went upstairs to the cafeteria for soup and salad and watermelon, then laid down and slept for half an hour or so.

After 4 went back to the ship's doctor to have a new opinion about my leg, which is not getting any better and worries me. He told me to finish the course of antibotics I still have (4 days) and see him again for a review. Problem is of course that he may not be too famiiar with the progression of an ulcer, which seems to have entered a different phase, but I'll spare you further details. And he nixed the Arnica salve, which I bought at a pharmacy in San Juan since the first was nearly finished. And several friends had told me of it's benefits!

March 11, Port Castries, capital of St. Lucia. I stayed in the large Terminal Building full of stores on two floors and was able to buy internet access for $ 3. Later I went into the very unpretentious restaurant near where I was sitting to have some soup which was a long time coming and turned out to be a very small bowl of a green vegetable soup instead of the chicken soup they said it would be, with two small pieces of a roll on the side. When it came to pay, they wanted $5 for it which was a really outrageous amount for what I got and I told them so in protest. They immediately got huffy, said, "OK, it's free" and walked away. That was it. I hate to get ripped off.

March 12&13 : The first two of six days at sea and every night we lose an hour's sleep as we advance our watches.

I play every day in the Atrium, have a much larger audience because my playing is mentioned in all 4 language fliers and get many positive comments. I try to include in the repertoire French, Italian, Spanish and German songs because of the international passenger list and this seems to be particularly appreciated. On the 13th at 11 AM is a VIP cocktail party where there are no less than 53 people, all having attained this status by having had multiple cruises with MSC. But when the Captain, Giacomo Romano, comes around (he, like everybody else, calls me by my first name), he says "you are our number one VIP". Big deal. The title did not come with any perks whatsoever.

The captain, along with most of the officers will leave the ship in Genoa on the 23. and be replaced by a new crew.

Like every day, I was in the Medical Center to have the Legwound cleasned and newly bandaged and I cross my fingers that the situation may soon show sufficient signs of getting better that I don't have to leave the ship in Alicante on the 21. and enter a hospital for possibly an operatiion.

March 14: It's not to be. I must go to a hospital in Alicante on the 21st. Since the ship returns there every 8 days for some time to come, I am hoping that I can get back on after a week. Another snag in the ointment.

March 15/16: these days at sea I played the songs from 22 musicals, operettas and well-known films in two days and a total of 51 songs; the second session ended with "Falling in love again" from "The Blue Angel". I spoke about this 1933 film, (one of the first with sound) with a rather chubby Marlene Dietrich and the equally famous Emil Jannings. In the film, Marlene sings this song, the lyrics of which, literally translated, are these:

"I am geared for love from head to toe, /for this is my world, nothing else./ What can I do, this is my nature,/ I only can love, nothing else./ Men flutter around me like moths around a klight,/ I can't help0 it if they get burned..."

The English version of the lyrics, "Falling in Love again" seems rather lame after the juicy German one! The film, a true melodrama, belongs today, after nearly 80 years, to such classics as "Casablanca" and will survive a long time.

Anyway, all this was very well received and laying on my bed after the performance with my aching leg up, I reflected on the many blessings bestowed upon me: My musical talent and ability to not only play at 94 without arthritic fingers, but also remember and play some 1500 songs by heart; a healthy and still well functioning mind (even though termed "dirty" at times by some ladies), as an extrovert easily make acquaintances and friends; despite various aches and pains being in pretty good physical shape, and finally, by demeanour and appearance not looking my age (as frequently told). All undeserved, I feel, because in my life there have been quite a few sins of comission and omission which I can no longer atone for.

March 17: Since the wound shows improvement, now my going to hospital in A. is to have Xray (or other imaging device) on the leg to see whether there is collateral damage which needs to be fixed before it can heal.

This means that if there is nothing, I can go back to the ship; otherwise I'll have to stay. In practice this means that at first I just go into town as I would normally, and if I have to stay in A., go back to the ship, pack a bag and then actually disembark, which is a major procedure involving immigration and accounting. So I am crossing my fingers .

Today is the sixth straight day of my playing in the atrium and I am very gratified how frequently I am stopped by people to tell me how much they enjoyed it - there are of course many listeners out of sight for me on the balconies on two decks above from where I am. I always have well known songs specific to various countries in my Repertoire

and this is obviously appreciated, however there is greater emphasis on the American musical scene.



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Thanks Pat for this update. I do hope he is still on the ship after seeing someone on the 21st. I feel bad that he spent so much money for a year of cruising, and he's having so many problems. Let's hope in Europe things turn around for him.

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