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Will keep my fingers crossed that you get an offer soon. I know it can be frustrating not knowing what is going on.


On the other side of the coin - hope everything for Egon will work out and his banks/credit card companies are on the ball. Identity theft can be devestating and when you are so far from home it can be worse. Keeping him in my prayers.

You are correct about Egon. I got an e-mail stating that it will be stressful getting there, but he is anxious to get to see people he knows there in Bern. He is one amazing man, isn't he?

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Beautiful weather in Lisbon, where I sat in "my" outside restaurant, had my capuccino and WiFi. On the way back to the ship I just couldn't resist to buy a silly animated dancing cow for Beatrice which I knew would appeal to her sense of humour and in the Terminal building found a pretty kitchen towel with a bullfight scene woven in, to be added to quite a few acquired souvenirs to bring to friends in Switzerland. But fate plays tricks: when checking through security, I put the cow, the towel and my computer case in the big plastic container they supply and took these out at the other end, sitting on my scooter; because the towel was flat, I didn't see it because I was below line of sight and so I forgot it. Another annoyance (with me!) and loss of about $5. Our restaurant table has become very animated and nice. The two married boys (50) get along with the girls and Daniel famously and there is much amusing talk and lots of laughter. I only can partake partially, because of some hearing loss which, alsthough I hear the ambient noise loud and clearand bothersome, to understand words directed at me through it is often nearly impossible.

29. April, Gibraltar. Before getting there, I was invited by Anna for coffee and while I waited for her in her office, had a long talk with her sidekick, Claudia, who also is German. Anyway in these little meetings I learn a lot of happenings behind the scenes, jugglings for position and undesireable company policies. It's raining and Allan said he would send me one of those clear plastic rain coats that come in a neat little package belieying its size. After waiting half an hour for it and unable to reach Allan, I decide to go out, got wet and returned to the ship and at reception found out that someone had forgotten to send the raincoat up to my cabin. So now I was equipped for a long ride to a McDonalds, where I sat for a few hours inside, where there were dozens of noisy kids playing hide and seek while their equally noisy parents sat, yakked and ate. However, that's the price for free WiFi!


30. April, Alicante, scene of my "police" encounter 8 days ago. It rained again, but I found a McDonalds, had to sit on the Scooter though with the laptop on my knees. Unfortunately forgot my wallet and so could not buy items I intended for Berne. Maybe tomorrow in Barcelona. Getting old.

May 1., Barcelona. Yep, I found something to bring along and spent a couple of hours at my favorite McDonalds, but then had some difficulty getting back to the ship, because once aboard the shuttle bus onto which I drove over a retractable ramp, the ramp would not go back any more and eventually I, as well as a lady in a wheelchair, had

to get off. This was already close to the time we had to be back at the ship and huge crowds were pushing and shoving at the next bus that came and it took some pushing of my own until I could tell the driver to put out the ramp for me, only to be told that this bus didn't have one! Meantime, there had already two extra buses commandeered and more crowds surged. He did put the ramp out and the lady in the wheelchair got on, but when I also wanted to, he wouldn't let me on, saying "One only wheelchair", even though on the way out, the lady and I were on the bus side by side going into the city.. Utterly frustrated, I, in the nick of time, got onto the next bus. These huge crowds everywhere, also in the cafeteria on the ship, are the worst aspect of this Odyssey and if I would do it again, I would chose a smaller ship with less passengers, like Holland America's "Amsterdam" with only 1800 as against Poesia's 3000+. Incidentally, I am writing this entry from May 1 while on the train May 2, now just entering the Simplon tunnel at Iselle. At least now you know that I made it but will get details only in my next report.

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You weren't, on RCL's Empress of the Seas last 12-day from NY to New Orleans in 2007 by any chance were you?


Sorry, no. Only have three cruises under my belt - all with HAL.


Have traveled world wide with military father and then military husband - cruising was an entirely new (but addictive) experience for us. We try to do one a year. :D

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He had a credit of $34 on April 1st. Could that have been it?


I spoke with MSC and they confirmed that the credit I sent him was placed on his account. Doesn't look like they sent him an announcement or card of any sort :mad:. So, he would not of noticed it if he didn't check his account regularly. I'm tired of calling them and hope he got it anyway.

Edited by Lusitano
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I have been following Egon's saga from the beginning and there's one thing I can't understand: why doesn't he use the wifi on board and send his emails from his cabin instead of going out in the rain to find a free hotspot? On all MSC ships including the Poesia you can buy 500 minutes of internet time for your laptop for only €60. Plus since he's a Black Card MSC Club member he gets a 30% discount on all internet usage. It's a lot easier that doing what he tries at every port call.

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I have been following Egon's saga from the beginning and there's one thing I can't understand: why doesn't he use the wifi on board and send his emails from his cabin instead of going out in the rain to find a free hotspot? On all MSC ships including the Poesia you can buy 500 minutes of internet time for your laptop for only €60. Plus since he's a Black Card MSC Club member he gets a 30% discount on all internet usage. It's a lot easier that doing what he tries at every port call.

As far as the internet use on board is concerned, I check it out. What he/she writes is news to me.

Love from Bern ! Egon

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I spoke with MSC and they confirmed that the credit I sent him was placed on his account. Doesn't look like they sent him an announcement or card of any sort :mad:. So, he would not of noticed it if he didn't check his account regularly. I'm tired of calling them and hope he got it anyway.

From Egon: The only credit to my account was on April 1 for something like $34.01 (Dont have the sheet with me here in Bern.) But the lady said she sent it April 16 or thereabouts? Could she please tell me the amount?? (44egon44@gmail.com)

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As far as the internet use on board is concerned, I check it out. What he/she writes is news to me.

Love from Bern ! Egon


Egon, when you return on board just go to the Reception Office and tell them you want to use the internet. They will give you a paper with a user name and password, then you only have to log in and follow the instructions. You "buy" credit - 500 minutes is €60, 100 minutes is €20. The charge will automatically go on your on-board account. It's simple. Ask one of the girls in Reception to show you how. I'm using it right now sending this post from the MSC Melody.

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Today, it is Egon's last day in Bern. He is in the suburbs of Bern and going to Eggiwil, a village in the beautiful Emmental, about 35 KM from Bern, where his friend and wife, Ruth, plus Sky, a beautiful Golden Retriever have a B&B. His son, Steve, and he got to know and befriend them when we stayed there in 2009. In the evening, another couple is coming from somewhere else and they are going to dinner. Tomorrow at 6.45AM another friend is picking him up and driving him to the station in Bern and he is taking the train to Milan, where he changes for Genova, getting there about 2.45. He is taking a taxi to the ship ending his escapade. Quite a 94-year-old man!!

Will check out the internet suggestion but it still amounts to over US$ 8.00/hr which is pretty steep.

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Today, it is Egon's last day in Bern. He is in the suburbs of Bern and going to Eggiwil, a village in the beautiful Emmental, about 35 KM from Bern, where his friend and wife, Ruth, plus Sky, a beautiful Golden Retriever have a B&B. His son, Steve, and he got to know and befriend them when we stayed there in 2009. In the evening, another couple is coming from somewhere else and they are going to dinner. Tomorrow at 6.45AM another friend is picking him up and driving him to the station in Bern and he is taking the train to Milan, where he changes for Genova, getting there about 2.45. He is taking a taxi to the ship ending his escapade. Quite a 94-year-old man!!

He also said he will check out the internet suggestion but it still amounts to over US$ 8.00/hr which is still pretty steep.


As for the onboard credit, I think once again MSC is screwing him, but he is checking into it once again, which shouldn't even have to happen in the first place!

Edited by yellowbird23
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From Egon: The only credit to my account was on April 1 for something like $34.01 (Dont have the sheet with me here in Bern.) But the lady said she sent it April 16 or thereabouts? Could she please tell me the amount?? (44egon44@gmail.com)


If you all must know, I sent him $50.00 to use towards internet which would get him over 6 hours with his discount. Not sure when it posted to his account. I've called a zillion times, but I did get confirmation from the US office it was posted, but they have to communicate with the European office and then the ship, so things can get confused and lost , and I don't have a date as to when it actually was posted. I asked them to send a note with my personal message and that never happened. So anyway, a lot of work, and the last time I'll send a gift to someone onboard, but I will be pleased if Egon can use this gift.

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GREAT! Thanks...:D


You're welcome..:D


Lusitano.....does the MSC ship deal in US dollars, or in Euros? Did you send 50US dollars? If so, perhaps it was converted to 34Euros......:confused:....just a suggestion....any way it works out, I hope Egon gets to use it!!


Joyce :D

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Lusitano.....does the MSC ship deal in US dollars, or in Euros? Did you send 50US dollars? If so, perhaps it was converted to 34Euros......:confused:....just a suggestion....any way it works out, I hope Egon gets to use it!!


Joyce :D


I sent US dollars. Never thought of it, and it would be an accounting nightmare, but I can't imagine that his account would switch to euros once the ship got to europe.:confused: But who knows.

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When I was on RCL last year in Europe all ships transactions were in Euros while docked there for the summer including the slots were changed to euros so yes that $34 is proably corect.. CARL


That makes me feel better. $50 comes out to right around 34 euros, so I'm sure that must be it. I just wanted to ensure he got it and it looks like he did!!!:)

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May 2 :Everyone in the "upper echillon" on Poesia was most helpful to enable this trip to Switzerland and I was quite touched. Practically as soon as the ship docked in Genova I got clearance and that was before 8.30 AM. They provided Luigi (guest services) to come with me to the Station and had ordered a taxi, which however was waiting at a different place from the one where we looked for it, which caused some delay and extra running around, but there was a lot of time to spare until the tain's departure at 9.19. Luigi knew less about the station than I (having cased it the week before) but at last we were at the right platform and I "dismissed" Luigi there, because there was no point of him hanging around for another 3/4 hour - I would be able to manage and would find the right car and someone to help hoisting my luggage up the 3 pretty steep steps. This worked out OK. In Milano, the walk first from the long train to the end of the platform No.19 to platform No. 3 and again down the long train to my car number was quite strenuous for me and took over 20 minutes; a very long distance and made worse by the huge crowds towing luggage and flitting into my path from all angles. But I made it (with 5 minutes to spare) and, while I had been assigned an aisle seat, was able to switch to an unreserved window seat which was very nice, except for a pretty rough type of a guy opposite me who was sleeping off whatever he did the night before and later on was caught by the control without a ticket.

Entering Switzerland has been a very emotional experience - I love this country and have probably more memorable times to remember than my many years in Canada; from the first time I returned there in 1948 to the 40 or more subsequent transatlantic trips to Bern; from the fact that both my mother, aunt and sister were living there to my getting to know one branch of the Koenig family already in 1948 even though I met my future wife, Heidy Koenig, only in Canada 15 years later, but then got to know the entire extended Koenig Dynasty in Switzerland. And of course I am fully aware that this will be my last time here.

Ursula and Emile met me at the station and it took much driving around Berne's suburbs until the right road to Bremgarten was found, where Ruth received me with open arms. She is such a dear person and unable to do enough for me. She is also very lonely since her husband died eight years ago; she still has not been able to let go and escapes into a great many different activities so as not to face the real issue. Since her husband's death I am the first man in her house and she has not allowed herself any close male friends, although I am sure she, being as attractive as she is, would have had many opportunities all along. So it seems to me that she lavishes on me all sort of pent-up expression of love.

And then came my darling Beatrice, Ruth's sister, whom I love dearly and she me. Suffice it to say that, were I younger, I would propose marriage or living together.


Next morning, May 3, very early, drove to the bus station with Ruth, took the bus to the Station, found a Passport photomachine, and had the necessary done for her to buy me a 7-day general bus/tram permit on all Bern routes as a welcome present - so sweet! But when we came to the office to get the ticket, I discovered that I didn't have my handbag which this time did not include my Netbook, but my passport, bank books, about $ 150, and camera and since I knew that I had taken it along, thought that I must have left it in the automatic passportphoto cell in the station. It had been raining cats and dogs all morning and Ruth had given me another bag over my shoulder wth a folding umbrella inside, which of course I took off to have the photo taken and I figured that I also had put down the notebook and forgot it. So poor Ruth, already strapped for time because she was supposed to be at work at the university by then, rushed back, went to the Lost and found, police, and asked around - nothing. What a calamity! Mentally I made all plans necessary, from filing a police report (only possible an hour later), calling the Canadian embassy, etc. and asked for divine intervention. Then Ruth did absolutely have to go and I, with umbrella over me, but partially under the arcades of the Altstadt, went to the main police station to make a report, however that, too, was only available for this purpose in half an hour but I was told that the police post in the station could also accept it. So back to there and it was a long and tough walk for me. They said that I first should file the report with the main Lost and found of Bern and if after a few days nothing was brought in there, a police report could be filed as a stolen item.

With my new permit, I took the bus back to Bremgarten Post, where Fernando and his wife Irene, neighbours and good friends of Ruth, were waiting with their car to bring me back to the house (which would be a 20 minute walk for me in the rain). But on the bus, I had an epiphany: maybe I had left the bag in Ruth's Auto, which she had parked at the bus station. So, when I got there, I looked in ... and could see it!! What a relief! What luck! Fernando phoned her right away at the uni so that Ruth could breathe easier. She came home for lunch (normally she doesn't), brought a small Quiche and half a BB Chicken and made a salad - she really spoils me rotten and I am almost emberassed. Then she was off to work again and Beatrice is supposed to come after her work around 4pm (which she started at 7am as an operation-room nurse) and the plan was that we go see Hans and Ruth Kern in Eggiwil. Now, close to 4pm, the rain has stopped and it seems to clear up somewhat.


May 4: I had an appointment at 11.45 with Dr.Tschopp (Andreas) who is the husband of Sabine Hahnloser; they have an apartment in the next house to where my sister lived and I got to know and befriended them several years ago; my sister however was close friends with Sabine's Grandmother who, so I understand, started the huge and priceless art collection for which the family is famous in Berne . Andreas, a cosmetic surgeon, has a praxis together with his father in a beautiful old villa, an ambiance which is unlike the usual where also operations are performed. Anyway, Andreas checked out my leg wound, which is actually at a point of healing; he cleaned it up and told me that it cannot heal unless I wear a compression stocking because my blood circulation in the leg is so bad.

Then he an Sabine invited me for lunch in a Thai restaurant and after that Sabine went with me into town to a pharmacy where I was measured for the stocking, was ordered and will be delivered on Friday.

In the afternoon I met my dear friend Gertrud Hofer, who is my age and was a collegue of my sister. Despite her arthitis pain she came into town to meet with me at a tearoom where we had a coffee and stayed for a while - she had a doctor's appointment.

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Pics to follow...

May 5: Elise came to get me early and went with me to Migros and Denner where I was able to find and buy Napolitains (small chocolates with Swiss landscape pictures on the wrappings) and mini Toblerone bars, also small plastic bags into which Elise then helped me at her bbeautiful condominium to assort the chocolates which I shall bring to designated persons on the ship. Later I spent the afternoon with my sweetheart Beatrice and we went to have dinner in a well known restaurant where I fullfilled one of my wishes with "L

äberli u Röschti" (small pieces of liver in a cream sauce and the famous Swiss shredded potatoes), followed by a " Meringue mit Needle" - what a treat!

May 6 . I went with Ruth and the mother of her best friend Corolla to her mother's home, actually a castle about 30 KM from Berne - what a treasure! The mother's (Gisela) husband had been a musician and obviously an avid collector of antique instruments, from Flutes to Lutes to mandolins and others, all decorating the walls, but the piece de resitance was a special eiditon of a Petrov Grand Piano which an ornate outside including curved and shaped legs with gold leaf, in beautiful condition and superb sound -a real pleasure to play. Later we sat on a balcony high above the village below, and overlooking the wide panorama of the Seeland.

In the afternoon/evening was the last time with Beratrice, because she was leaving next morning for France - she long ago made plans to attend a birthday party of a good friend to which she was invited, had made all travel arrangements and hotel reservations. But we spent a few special hours together at a restaurant after she came home from work.

May 7, a full day which started around 10 when Ursula and Emile picked me up and brought me to a restaurant in Ostermundigen (another of Bern's sburbs); to make it short - we wound up to be 13 people, all related to each other and to my wife Heidy who died 5 years ago. My brother in law Markus came with his partner Jacky from Zurich, another one, Heinz with his wife Alice from Biel and there were several nieces and cousins of Heidy. It certainly was nice to see them all again and my coming to Bern was also for them an occasion to see each other which wouldn't have happened otherwise.

The evening was quite special, since I was invited to a party of about 25 people in my honour at one of the beautiful Hahnloser Villas which are a cross between an art gallery and a museum, besides of course being just gorgeous. All walls are hung with paintings and all rooms are exquisitely furnished. The party was of course organized by Sabine, the superb food may have been catered and while it was buffet-style, lacked nothing of opulence and champagne and wines flowed freely, served by a white tuxedo and a female counterpart. Not surprisingly, there were several physicians and academics present with their wives, also the commercial attache and his wife of the Canadian Embassy in Bern who has an apartment in the same house where Sabine lives. There also were quite a few children besides Sabine's own. I gave a little explanatory speech about my decision to live a year on Poesia and gave a few of the highlights, and, as expected, was asked to play the Bechstein Grand and this in itself was a treat for me. A true highlight of my visit to Switzerland for sure and not only did they bring me back to Bremgarten afterwards, which is a pretty long drive, but also presented me with the crompression stocking they had in the meantime received, as a gift. I certainly felt very touched, honored and humble in face of all the expression of love and friendship.


May 8: Mother's day and Ruth, her mother and I went to Erlach on the Neuenburger Lake, where she has what she calls a "camp"; it consists of a cute refurbished Gypsy wagon (stationary), a Pergola and several boats anchored at a small laguna and entrance to the lake tself, with grass in between. They have electricity and close by are all necessary facilities because there is quite an assortment of boats, from small to a few elegant yachts. Ruth made an excellent dinner in the early afternoon and several local friends came visiting. When it was time to leave, the battery was dead, because Ruth had forgotten to shut off the lights after a long tunnel. It was great luck to find one of the Sunday visitors who came with jumper cables and he was rewarded with a bottle of wine.


May 9: at 10am Hans Kern came to pick me up and bring me to Eggiwil in the famous Emmental, where he, his wife Ruth and golden Retriever Sky run a romantic Bed and Breakfast on one of the hills surrounding the village, where Steve and I had stayed in 2009 and befriended the owners; Hans is also an excellent professional photographer.

It was a gorgeous day and Hans took me there over some wonderful sideroads with views of the Bernese Alps which always are a joy to behold and cause for a tear or two. Ruth had made a nice Rhubarb pie and we had coffee with nilk, which had boiled over and the oven benefited from a throrough cleaning.

Back in Bern, more friends from out of town came for a short visit -she a teacher and former pupil of my sister, he a retired SwissAir pilot, 19-year old son who just opened his own art gallery in Bern and is already recognized as one of the future leading art connoisseurs and critics.


May 10: At 6.45, my good friend Elise came and brought me to the Station and eventually to the train. Saying goodbye to Ruth was not without emotion. I know Elise for some 20 years: she was sitting in the same row of seats on the plane from Alicante to Zurich when Heidy and I returned from several months in Mojacar, Spain, where we had rented a small apartment in the villa of English friends, and we have been in touch ever since. She's Norwegian but also Swiss by her marriage to her deceased but famous husband who wrote many books cataloguing flora and fauna of Kantons and country, richly embued with his own photographs.

The train to Milan had to be taken on a detour because of some track repairs and lost 20 minutes or so of it's schedule, which meant that the connection in Milan to the train for Genova was lost, also for the young women next to me who traveled to San Remo, where she will be presented to the parents of her Italian boyfriend - the first step towards engagement. She's, of course, nervous about that but I can, with good reason, reassure her. Later on, she helps me with my suitcase down the steep steps from the train and in the Milan station we take a train only one hour later to Geneva. There, I must negotiate two flights of stairs down and again up and this sweet girl hefts my luggage. Eventually, I get a taxi, but not only is the return into the ship with all the people doing the same thing very slow and tiring, when I finally get to the point inside the ship where they check your board card and compare it to your stored picture, it turns out that I am no longer in the computer and have to wait standing there for someone to come whom the controller had called. When I had waited there 15 minutes with nothing happening, I just walked in and told the man to have them contact me in my cabin. I could, however, not open it because the card no longer worked, but the room steward let me in. Anyway, it entailed a new registration and photograph at the reception desk because I had been disembarked, like when I went to Padova a few weeks earlier. Complicated and a bit of a nuisance, but now it won't happen again until I leave the ship for good October 15. Saw Mandy, who was about to leave to return to South Africa for several months. Gave her, and Anna (Cruise Director), Claudia (Assistance) and Laura (Concierge) their little chocolate packages and now will go to see Angelica with hers, as well as some Strawberries, which, together with champagne enhanced the Dinner table tonight where there are 7 Aussies with me, three couples and one lady - all older and not the types to excite me. But they are happy.

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